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Redemption: Lily's Surrender

Page 9

by Liz Andrews

  “Yes, Mom, everything is fine. You remember Marc’s friend, Griffin Powers?”

  “Mrs. Weller.” Griffin nodded politely to her mom.

  Helen walked across the street to where they were standing. “What are the two of you doing?”

  “Just getting a few things straight,” Lily said pointedly to Griffin, who gave her a small grin. “I’m getting ready to head home.”

  Helen nodded her head in understanding. “I should be going home, too. I’m beat.”

  “I’d be more than happy to drive you,” Griffin offered, shocking both the women.

  “Oh, no, my car is parked in the diner parking lot. But thank you.”

  “I’ll just walk you to your car then.” The two women looked at each other in confusion, but Lily just shrugged and figured it was Griffin’s need to protect everyone in his general vicinity. After hugging her mom once again, Lily opened her car and slipped into the seat. As she grabbed her seatbelt to buckle it she noticed the infamous blue car pull in behind her. Oh, goody, the goon patrol was going to follow her home; she felt safer already.

  Redemption: Lily’s Surrender

  Chapter Ten

  Walking into Logan’s house was as comforting as walking into a pit of vipers. Marc figured he’d be more welcome in hell than he was here. “Evening, gentlemen.” Taking off his jacket, Marc laid it across his arm as he walked through the door. “Thank you for seeing me.”

  “Don’t thank us yet,” Steven stated, still standing. With his arms folded across his chest, he peered over at Marc angrily, but Marc didn’t let it faze him. He was used to looks like that.

  “I’m not thanking you for having me. I’m thanking you for listening.” Gesturing to the couch, Marc asked, “May I?”

  Logan snorted. “Stop with the pleasantries, Gossnor, and get to why you’re here.”

  This was going even better then he had imagined. “Lily.”

  Steven’s scowl deepened. “If you call yourself asking for her hand …”

  “I wouldn’t dream of asking you two for her hand.” Their relief was almost tangible. “When I’m ready to solidify our union, you two will be the last people I approach.”

  Steven made a move forward, but Logan intercepted him. “Then what are you here for?”

  “I think Lily might be in trouble.” Marc sat down on the couch. He might as well make himself comfortable.

  “What kind of trouble?” Steven asked suspiciously.

  “Someone delivered dead roses to her house today.” Marc figured he might as well get it right out in the open and not beat around the bush.

  “Why didn’t Lily mention this to anyone?” Steven paced across the living room while Logan stood propped against the fireplace, giving Marc the once over.

  “She has no idea and I’d like to keep it that way.”

  “And how is it you know and she doesn’t?” Logan straightened up from the fireplace as he spoke, continuing to stare at Marc as if he could burn a hole through him.

  “Because my men intercepted the delivery.”

  “What men?” both men exclaimed.

  “The men I have had following Lily ever since my office was vandalized.”

  “What the hell do you think you’re doing, having men follow her? Are you some kind of a deranged stalker?” Marc could tell Steven was irritated, but truth be told, he was more interested in Logan’s reaction. It was a bit too much like his own would be — all quiet and reserved and seething on the inside.

  “I’m protecting her.” Marc was wondering if this had been such a great idea after all.

  Logan stepped forward, blocking Steven’s pacing from Marc’s view. “Perhaps if she stayed away from you she wouldn’t need protection.”

  “That’s not going to happen. Look, the reason I came to talk to you was to let you know what is going on so that if you saw anything suspicious you would be aware.”

  “Well, I would thank you, but seeing as how she wouldn’t be in trouble if it weren’t for you … you see my dilemma.” Steven’s voice was filled with mockery, a bit more than Marc was in the mood for.

  “So you suggest that I just leave town and never talk to her again.”

  “It would be a good start,” Steven thundered back.

  “Here’s the part I have a big problem with, Stevie. I don’t recall you running with your tail between your legs when Sammy was being harassed. Actually, if my report is correct, you’re the reason she was beaten up and kidnapped.”

  “Fuck you, man.”

  “No, fuck you.” Tired of this, Marc stood, readying himself for battle. This courtesy call he was extending just wasn’t going over in the spirit it was intended. Stupid bastards.

  “Fuck both of you numbskulls,” Logan said, stepping in the middle. Despite the desperate scene, his face held a hint of amusement. “This isn’t a pissing contest. So none of us are very good at backing away from the women we want. But I was really kind of hoping that Lily might avoid the whole kidnapping, attempted rape, bad luck charm that seems to follow the Crane/Weller women around. Just once, it would be nice not to go to the hospital before a proposal.”

  Marc couldn’t help himself, he had to laugh. “Okay, that’s pretty funny.”

  “It’s not funny, it’s sad.” Steven sat down wearily. “Our family puts the fun in dysfunctional.”

  Logan chuckled for a second before he turned back to the conversation at hand. “Look, Marc, I don’t like you.”

  Words to warm a man’s heart. “And I’m okay with that.”

  “But,” Logan continued as if Marc hadn’t said anything. “I think my sister cares for you, despite all rhyme or reason, and in your own twisted, perverse way, I’m sure you care for her. Or you’d better.”

  “Would I be here facing you two if I didn’t? We’ve never been friends, and I’m okay with that, basically, because I don’t like you. But I do like Lily, very much, and the last thing I want to see is this Weller/Crane curse carry on to her. I can protect her when she’s with me. I have men following her every step, but when she’s with you I need you to protect her.”

  “I can still hope you’ll just go away,” Steven muttered under his breath. Marc shook his head. He knew that because Steven and Lily had grown up together they were very close, unlike Logan and Lily. Logan was more pragmatic and able to think logically about the situation. But Marc also knew that neither brother would shed any tears if he disappeared.

  “It’s not going to happen,” Marc stated emphatically. Grabbing his coat, Marc prepared to leave.

  “You don’t have to worry about Lily when she’s with us. We know how to protect her,” Logan said, opening the door for him. “And we will.”

  “That’s all I wanted.”


  Sitting in front of Lily’s apartment Marc knew he had made a good decision in talking with Logan and Steven. Although they didn’t give a rat’s ass about him, Marc knew they would make sure Lily was protected, and Lily was all that mattered.

  Thinking about Lily and how they had left things this afternoon, Marc wasn’t too sure of his reception. But he knew he couldn’t keep playing the waiting game with her. He just had to throw caution to the wind and let the relationship develop.

  Just then Lily pulled up in her car. Marc sat watching her as she got out of her car. Her hair shone in the moonlight and her ass had the cutest little wiggle when she walked. Marc was growing hard just sitting there thinking about her and she almost had her door unlocked and opened before he woke up from his daydreaming. Snagging a bag from the front seat Marc slammed his car door and startled Lily, who turned suddenly.

  “Marc, what are you doing here?”

  “Why don’t we go inside and talk,” Marc suggested. He didn’t like her standing out here in the open where anyone could look their fill, kind of like he just had, he thought with a wry grin.

  “No, why don’t I go in and you call me when you learn some manners?”

  Damn, she was cute. “I’m sorr
y, Goldilocks, let me rephrase.” Dangling the bag in front of her to get her attention, Marc tried again. “In the mood to play?”

  Lily’s eyes widened a bit as she moistened her lips. “Play what?”

  “’Marc Says,’ of course.” Marc loved the way her eyes glazed over with passion. She was his, no doubt about it.

  “’Marc Says’ with the added bonus feature of the little brown bag?”

  “Yes.” He chuckled, his arousal growing the more he was near her.

  “Do you even have to ask?” Lily asked with a slight smile. Turning, she placed her hand on the doorknob, but then froze. Looking back over her shoulder, Lily wrinkled her nose at him. “Does this door count as one of the ‘doors’ you should be opening?”

  Laughing, Marc placed his hands over hers. “Damn, and here I was hoping you’d forget and I’d get to … punish you.”

  Looking up at him, Lily softly said, “You can spank me even when I’m not bad.”

  Lily’s words had Marc hustling her into the apartment in record time. “Woman, do not say things like that when we are standing out on your front porch.”

  “When should I say them?” Lily licked her lips, bringing a groan to Marc’s throat.

  “When you’re naked in the bedroom and bent over with your ass in the air.” Marc helped her out of her coat and threw his own down beside hers. Lily gasped with surprise as he swept her up in his arms and strode purposely into the bedroom. After dropping her into the middle of the bed, Marc moved to the brocade chair in the corner and sat down.

  “Marc Says: Lily needs to strip.”

  Chuckling, Lily scooted to the edge of the bed. “Just jumping in tonight. Didn’t the office quickie tide you over a bit?”

  Marc unbuttoned his pants and slid his hands slowly inside, watching the way Lily’s humor evaporated quickly as her eyes zeroed in on him.

  “Do I need to repeat my command?”

  Standing up shakily, Lily shook her head. “No.”

  “Good. I hate repeating myself, Lily, but I promise you that you’d hate it even more. One way or the other, I will come tonight. It would be a pity if I was the only one.”

  Lily’s eyes widened for a moment before narrowing. Marc wanted to laugh as he pulled his hands out of his pants. If looks could kill she would be calling nine-one-one right now.

  “Maybe I should shower first.” Lily voice was muffled as she pulled her T-shirt over her head, but Marc understood her.


  “Because I didn’t have time to shower since this afternoon.”

  “And?” he asked, amused.

  “Well … I’m probably a bit … tart.”

  “Tart. You mean you smell like us.”


  “Then you’re definitely not showering,” Marc said, sitting up a bit in the chair.

  Lily threw him another glaring look before slipping out of the rest of her clothes. She stood at the edge of the bed, looking at him expectantly, awaiting his next command. She had never looked more beautiful.

  “Get up on the bed and kneel in the middle. Marc Says.” As he spoke, Marc reached down and grabbed the bag he’d brought in with him. He had ordered a few items online and they had been delivered today.

  Lily knelt in the middle of the bed, then sat back on her heels. Stepping around behind her Marc gently pulled her hair to the side and kissed her neck softly. Lily shivered at his touch and Marc could see her nipples beading.

  Pulling a blindfold out of the bag Marc slipped it over Lily’s head and tied it on. “Can you see anything?”

  Lily shook her head silently.

  “Good, I just want you to feel tonight.”

  “This feels a bit … scary,” she whispered, as her fingers nervously fluttered down by her sides.

  Leaning forward, Marc took her hands in hers. “There’s nothing to be afraid of. Especially from me. I would never hurt you.”

  “I know.”

  “I may push you tonight, baby, but just remember, you can always use your safe word.”

  “I won’t,” she admonished arrogantly.

  Chuckling, Marc brushed her hair off of her shoulder, and placed a gentle kiss there. “But you can, and that’s the point.”

  Marc stood up, and moved away from the bed. “Lily, I’m going to ask you a series of questions and I want you to be honest with me. Marc Says.”


  “Besides scared, how are you feeling?”

  “Nervous, excited … aroused.”

  God, he hoped so, because he sure was. Marc began to undress as he pressed on. “Have you ever had anal sex?”

  Lily’s expression, blindfolded and all, was amusing. Frowning, she acted as if he’d asked her if she’d ever intentionally run over a dog. “No.”

  “Not exactly on your list of things to do, huh?” he asked with a grin.

  “I’m not opposed to it, but I’ve never given it much thought.”

  “Why?” Wearing only his boxers, Marc walked back to the bed. “Is it a thing good girls don’t do?”

  “As opposed to allowing their pseudo boyfriend to tie them up in his office and have his wicked way with them?” she chided, with a smile of her own.

  “That almost sounds like a smart-ass remark. You wouldn’t be trying to get a punishment from me, now, would you?”

  Lily paused coyly before answering. “Not deliberately.”

  “I’ll take that under consideration. Next question, have you ever masturbated in front of someone before?”

  “Ah, no.” Although Lily had been gamely kneeling the entire time Marc was talking her body slowly seemed to begin to wilt. He decided to give her a break.

  “Marc Says: to lie down on the bed, face up.” Lily sighed with relief as she sank into the softness of the bedding before rolling over as he had instructed.

  “I want your fingertips touching the wall at all times. All times, Lily. Marc Says.” Watching her comply, Marc felt his organ begin to swell beneath his boxers. Lily was sexy and sweet, and she took orders like a soldier. “If you move your hands even for a second, I will take that to mean you don’t want to play anymore. Do you understand?”

  “Yes.” Her words were a mere whisper in the quiet room, but they came out clear as a bell.

  “Pull your legs up until your feet are flat on the bed and your legs are spread.” Lily hesitated for a moment before obeying, offering herself for his viewing pleasure.

  “How do you feel now?” Marc asked, opening the bag and pulling out the single white feather.


  “Do you feel any less aroused?”


  “Excellent.” Lily jerked as Marc trailed the white feather along one foot, dipping into her instep before stroking around her ankle and up her leg. Snaking the feather over her knee, Marc drew intricate designs along her thigh, moving ever closer to the junction between her legs before skipping across and painting her other thigh with the feather tip.

  “That tickles.”

  “Take it,” he ordered, continuing with his exploration of her body. Trailing the feather over the curve of her belly he dipped the tip in her navel before sweeping it up to her chest. Whirling it over each breast, Marc studiously avoided her berry-red nipples.

  “What are you feeling?”

  “Frustrated,” she grumbled as she pushed her body into the bed, as if trying to escape his teasing torture.

  “Ah, poor baby.” Marc slipped the feather down to her mound, lightly brushing back and forth, teasing her clit with every stroke.

  “Marc …”

  “Yes, Goldie?”

  “Please …”

  “Yes, you do. You please me very much.” Running the feather down to her slick opening, Marc brought the now damp feather back to her clit. “See how much I please you as well?”

  “You’re killing me!”

  “What, is it too soft?”


  “All right then.” He to
ssed the feather down on to the bed. “Let’s try something a bit rougher.”

  Redemption: Lily’s Surrender

  Chapter Eleven

  Lily lay on the bed, eagerness making her heart race madly. She never thought she would be laying here, arms stretched above her, body open and throbbing, just waiting to be dominated by Marc. The anticipation was driving her crazy and she just knew Marc was dragging it out, making her wait for it. The sudden buzzing at the end of the bed made her lift her head slightly before she realized what a dumb move that was. First, she was blindfolded, and second, she was sure Marc would take it as a violation of his directive not to move. She didn’t have long to wait for confirmation.

  “Ahh, ahh, ahh, you are just begging for punishment, aren’t you?” Marc chuckled deeply and the buzzing became louder. Lily jerked, almost losing contact with the wall as Marc ran the vibrator lightly across the tips of her breasts.

  “Oh, dear God.” Her sensitive nipples were on overload as she unconsciously strained to retain contact.

  “Do you know a vibrator can bring you to the edge of an orgasm time and time again?”

  “Marc, please.” Lily didn’t care if she was begging. It felt as if she’d been waiting forever for this. She knew the bed beneath her was soaked with the evidence of her arousal. One touch and she would probably go off like a bottle rocket.

  The buzzing noise disappeared, replaced instead by Marc’s voice. “Wet it for me,” he ordered, placing the still toy against her parched lips.

  Lily wanted to shout that she was wet enough for him, the toy, and any amount of gadgets he’d brought with him, but instead she opened her mouth, accepting his gift. The smooth tip slipped past her lips as she slid her tongue out to greet it. Running her tongue over the head, she saturated the crown, until the tip of the shaft was as moist as her throbbing pussy.

  “That’s a good girl.” Marc pulled the toy from her lips and slid it down her chin, down to her chest to circle her erect nipples.

  “You wanted something rougher, right?” Marc ran the vibrator down her stomach, but avoided her clit, which was begging for his touch. Instead, he rubbed the tip of the vibrator along the lips of her pussy, coating it with her honey. Lily pushed her feet against the bed, trying to encase the vibrator within her. She groaned with despair as he moved back slightly, taking the vibrator out of her reach.


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