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Redemption: Lily's Surrender

Page 12

by Liz Andrews

  “I’m fine, Logan, just fine.” Lily hugged him back, sorry she’d ever let herself lose contact with Logan. This shooting had made her realize that in life there were no guarantees. Lily decided right then and there that she wasn’t going to take things for granted ever again, even her overprotective, knuckleheaded brother. “I’ve missed you, big brother.”

  Logan squeezed her so tightly Lily thought she might lose her breath. “I’ve missed you, too, baby sister.”

  Griffin and Steven returned from the nurses’ station with no further news other than the doctor would be out soon to talk with them. Lily wasn’t sure if that meant bad or good news as they all sat around not saying much. Griffin had resumed his pacing and Lily thought she would explode if he didn’t sit down soon. Thankfully, the surgeon strolled into the waiting room right before she could do any bodily harm.

  “Mr. Powers, Ms. Weller.” He nodded at them both. “Is this Mr. Gossnor’s family?”

  “No, doctor, this is my family,” Lily announced. “Marc’s mother will be flying up from Florida tonight.”

  “How’s he doing, doc?” Griffin’s eyes were wide with worry.

  “He came through the surgery just fine. There was some major blood loss and we do ask family members to donate blood if they can do so. Marc had some clotting issues we needed to deal with. It was one of the reasons the surgery took so long. But he’s young and healthy, and he will be fine.”

  “Oh, thank God.” Lily offered up additional prayers of thanksgiving for Marc’s safe recovery.

  “How soon can we see him?” Griffin looked anxious and worried still.

  “Well, he is in recovery, and as soon as he wakes up we can allow one person back there at a time. I’ll send a nurse out when he’s ready.”

  “Thank you, doctor.”

  Lily looked up at Griffin to share in the wonderful news, and saw tears pooling in the older man’s eyes. She wasn’t the only person in the room who loved Marc.

  “I …” Griffin cleared his throat and tried again. “I know you want to see him, but I … I really …”

  Pulling Griffin to her, Lily’s own eyes filled with tears. Never again would she doubt his devotion to Marc. “You go in first. I’ll be here waiting for my turn.”


  In her dreams, the bullet didn’t miss Marc’s vital organs. He died in slow motion continuously through the night, and nothing Lily could do would stop it. She played the scene out in her head like a black and white vintage film, viewing the shooting from every angle.

  Lily was able to rewind, fast forward, and even pause the bullet in mid air, but never was she able to stop it. And the blood. The blood was the worst part. It was thick and dark, and never ending. No matter how much pressure she put on the wound, Marc continued to bleed out right before eyes.

  And that was why, after thirty-six hours, Lily had only slept seven. Too exhausted to move, but too afraid to go to sleep.

  She couldn’t watch Marc die again. She wouldn’t.

  The door to his room opened, and Donna walked out. She smiled tiredly at Lily as she took the seat next to her. Donna had come straight from the airport twelve hours ago, and hadn’t left the hospital yet. Even though Marc was improving, and had regained consciousness, neither woman budged from his side.

  “Are you tagging me?” Lily joked, handing Donna a coffee cup.

  “The nurses are checking on him. They said we can go back in about twenty minutes, but actually, I think it’s time you went home, dear. You’ve been here longer than I have and neither one of us are doing him any good.”

  Lily smiled. She was tired — no, she was beyond tired, but only an act of God was going to move her from the hospital. “I may not be doing him any good, but I’m doing me a world of good. I can’t leave Marc. I won’t.”

  The older lady smiled and patted Lily’s leg. “I didn’t think you would, but I had to try.”

  “I know and I appreciate it, but my place is with him.”

  “Does my son know how lucky he is to have you in his life?”

  “I’m the lucky one.” Especially right now.

  “You love him, don’t you?”

  “Since I was eleven, and he stole a peanut butter cup for me. He was my own version of Robin Hood.”

  Laughing, Donna shook her head in mirth. “Robin Hood. Now there’s a story I’d love to hear.”

  Thankful for the change of subject, Lily spoke of the first time she had truly met Marc, filling Donna in on their past and present. The women exchanged tales of Marc’s exploits, taking both of their minds off the serious situation at hand.

  It was time well spent for Lily, because she learned more about Marc and his mother, which helped shape her image of the man she was in love with today. “So how do you feel about him being back here, doing what he’s doing?” Lily couldn’t help but ask.

  Donna’s smiled dimmed, but she answered anyway. “I don’t agree with it. I know you’re probably surprised to hear me say that, but it’s true. I’ve learned to move on, to move forward with my life, but Marc hasn’t. I understand why he’s doing it. Part of me, a small part, is happy, but revenge isn’t worth this. Nothing is.”

  Lily couldn’t have agreed more. Looking down at her watch, she noted the time. “It’s my turn again.” She stood up and approached the two guards that were standing outside of Marc’s door. “Has the nurse left yet?”

  “About two minutes ago, Ms. Weller.” The two men looked like linebackers and frankly made Lily nervous, but she knew Griffin had hired them to make sure the person who had shot Marc didn’t get a second chance.

  Softly opening the door Lily crept into the room, not sure if Marc would be sleeping or not. The medication the hospital gave him made him pretty woozy and he often wasn’t even awake when she was sitting with him. Lily didn’t care, though. At least she could be with him and know he was alive.

  “Hey, baby, come here.” Marc spoke gruffly, his voice still raw from the breathing tube he’d had during surgery.

  “Hi, how are you feeling?” Lily leaned over and kissed his cheek lightly. Before she could step back, though, Marc snagged her hand and tugged. He was weak as a kitten and Lily could have easily pulled out of his grasp, but she let him have his way and sat on the edge of the hospital bed.

  “Better now that you’re here. The nurse is a sadist. She keeps sticking me with needles.” Marc’s grousing was good-natured, though, and Lily knew he appreciated all the work the hospital had done for him. She wouldn’t be surprised if they got a big anonymous donation.

  “Your mom was telling stories about you,” Lily revealed, her fingers tangled with the bed sheets. She really wanted to throw herself into Marc’s arms and beg him to put a stop to this stupid vengeance, but she knew it would do no good. So instead she sat next to him and made small talk.

  “Oh, yeah?” Marc looked tired and Lily figured he would be falling asleep soon. She wasn’t expecting his next words however. “I want to play ‘Marc Says.’”

  “Ha ha, very funny.”

  “No, I’m serious.”

  “You aren’t up to playing ‘Marc Says,’” Lily said with a leer and a waggling of her eyebrows.

  “Woman, you’ll get a punishment for teasing me. Don’t think these drugs will make me forget. Plus, you have another punishment coming, too.”

  “What other punishment?” Lily was indignant. Here she was worried about his well being and he was thinking of spankings.

  “I ordered you to go home and you fought me about getting in the car. I certainly hope you don’t think I’m going to let you get away with that.”

  “Marc, I am totally not going to argue with you about this.” Lily was getting mad. How dare he punish her for such a stupid thing? Of course she was no angel. As soon as he mentioned ‘Marc Says’ and punishment, her nipples began to tingle. What a pervert she was, getting hot thinking about a slap on the ass when her boyfriend was laid up in the hospital.

  “Good, I’m not going to
argue with you either. I’ll just be biding my time.”

  “I have no idea why I am even listening to this nonsense.”

  “’Cause you care.” Marc’s voice had turned from teasing to serious and Lily was back to wanting to throw herself in his arms. Damn, her emotions were a wreck, and with no sleep it seemed as if she were jumping from highs to lows within the span of seconds.

  “Yes, I do.” Being careful to not jar his wound Lily lay her head down beside him. “So, just what does Marc think I should do?”

  “I think you should go home and get some sleep. You are dead on your feet and I’m worried about you.”

  “You’re worried about me?” Lily was amazed. Here he was in the hospital and he was worried about her. It made her heart constrict and made her want to smack him over the head at the same time. “Well, you can forget it. I’m not going home.”

  “Yes, you are. I don’t want to worry about having to visit you in the hospital.”

  “I am not going home and that’s final.”

  “You are going home, you are going to take a hot, steamy bath and wash your hair, and then you are going to go to bed and get at least twelve hours of sleep. Marc Says.”

  “Damn it, Marc, don’t do this.” Lily started to weep silently at Marc’s words. A bath and bed sounded wonderful, but she would feel disloyal if she left him. He must have realized that and was taking the decision out of her hands. God, she loved that he already seemed to know her so well.

  “I don’t think you want to have three punishments coming your way so you better be a good girl and do what I say.” Marc was softly stroking her hair with his good hand. “Now go get some sleep and come back here tomorrow looking as beautiful as ever. Marc Says.”

  Lily slowly got up from the bed and turned to look at Marc. “Okay, I’ll play ‘Marc Says.’ But one of these days we’re going to play ‘Lily Says,’ damn it.”

  “It doesn’t work that way,” Marc replied with a chuckle.

  Leaning down to kiss him goodbye, Lily whispered, “I love you.”

  Brushing the tears from her cheek, Marc kissed her back. “I know, Goldie, I know.”

  Redemption: Lily’s Surrender

  Chapter Fourteen

  Getting shot sucked. And not just for the obvious reasons like a bullet ripping through his shoulder, taking muscle and bone with it on the way out. But for less obvious reasons, like the immobilization required after a bullet wound. The worse part was that he had been shot on the right side. Marc couldn’t write, he could barely feed himself, and masturbation was completely out of the question. And Marc was a man who enjoyed a good jerk.

  To top things off, they hadn’t even caught the bastard. So Marc was shot, horny, and a victim of an unsolved crime. Everyone was right. Karma was a bitch.

  “Marc,” Griffin called, knocking on the bedroom door gently as he opened it. Seeing Marc up, he motioned behind him and entered the room. He was followed closely by an older looking gentleman who looked like he’d seen better days. “How you feeling?”

  Marc threw him what he hoped was an evil glare and turned off the TV. “I was shot four days ago. How do you think I feel?”

  “Grateful for company, I see.” Griffin’s smarmy comment almost made Marc feel bad. Almost. He was in a shitty mood. He knew it, but he wasn’t about to curb his attitude.

  “What’s up?”

  Gesturing to the gentleman in the trench coat, Griffin replied, “This is Ron Summers, the PI Steven recommended.”

  Great, a recommendation from one of the men who probably wanted to see him dead. This should work out like a charm. “Summers, right, you worked on the Sammy picture case.”

  “And I solved it just in the nick of time,” Ron replied with a slight smile. “Or would have been in the nick of time, if he hadn’t attacked her first. I probably should work on my definition of nick of time, huh?”

  Great, a fucking comedian. “Have you picked up any leads?”

  Ron nodded his head as he looked around the room. “We have a couple leads.”


  “Like you were shot with a gun. We’re checking into that.”

  The older man’s humor seemed to amuse Griffin, who was silently chuckling, but to Marc, the actual victim of the crime, it wasn’t the slightest bit funny. “What exactly are we paying you for?”

  “Sorry, but you have a lot of enemies. The list of who shot JR was smaller than this.” Holding up his hands, Ron silenced Marc, who was about to explode. “But I am giving it my all.”

  Somehow that wasn’t very reassuring. “You think you can solve it a bit faster than you did the Sammy case, like before I get attacked again?”

  Ron guffawed aloud and Griffin smirked before walking over to the window to hide his expression. Damn it, they were laughing at him. Marc was the wronged man here. Didn’t they have any sympathy for him at all?

  Ron was finally able to overcome his humor. “Seriously, Mr. Gossnor, we are working hard and I have some good leads. We will find out who’s after you.”

  Griffin returned from his stance at the window to add, “And I have my guys following up on everything he gets for us.”

  “Fine, so you both are the hardest working men in America and I am safe and sound.” The sarcasm rolled off of his tongue.

  “Marc, you are a horrible patient and I hope you get well soon so I can kick your ass.”

  He and Griffin had talked soon after he’d come out of surgery and ironed out their previous disagreements. They would never see completely eye to eye on everything, but they had been able to repair their relationship and were joking around with each other again. That is, except for when Marc was feeling moody, like today.

  “So do I get to find out who the top contenders are, at least?”

  Ron settled into the nearest chair before pulling out his well-worn notebook. “Your top three candidates are Huey, Duey and Louie, of course.”

  “The triumvirate,” Griffin added for clarification.

  “I know who he’s talking about.” Marc was starting to feel pissy again.

  “And then you have Mike Weller.” Ron flipped through his notebook as Griffin and Marc exchanged looks, knowing that if Mike were the culprit it could kill Marc’s relationship with Lily.

  “The only good news is I’ve eliminated Logan and Steven from the list of possibles.”

  “Surprise, surprise.” Marc didn’t seriously suspect either one of them anyway. They were the types to come at him face to face rather than try to shoot him in the back.

  “Solid alibis, both of them,” Ron added.

  The knocking on the door interrupted their conversation. Lily peeked around the door. “Sorry to interrupt the fun, boys, but it’s medication time.”

  “Damn it, I told you before I didn’t want to take that shit.” The words were out of Marc’s mouth before his brain could think to call them back. Ron and Griffin took one look at Lily and then at Marc and hightailed it out of there.

  “Talk to you later,” Griffin yelled as he slipped around Lily and out the door.

  “Sorry,” Marc sheepishly said. It wasn’t the pills. It was the fucking situation.

  With a raised brow, Lily walked across the room. “You’re lucky you’re hurt, buddy, or I’d kick your …”

  “I know.” Reaching for her hand, Marc tugged her into his lap, only wincing lightly at the jarring motion. “Forgive me, Goldie. I’m in a shitty mood.”

  “And that would be different from any other day how?” she asked with a teasing smile. “Who would have thought that shooting a man would have turned him into such a baby? Maybe I should call your mom and have her come back up here.”

  “God, no.” Marc blanched at the thought. He loved his mother dearly, but even she had begun to get on his nerves. “I just need some TLC.”

  Lily stroked his jaw. “Some tender loving care.”

  “Hell no, some tasty Lily’s cu—”

  Slapping her hand over his mouth, Lily flushed.
“Don’t you dare say that word. You know I hate it.”

  “What?” The devil inside him couldn’t resist. “Cunt!”

  “Yuck. I have a vagina, thank you very much.”

  It was so fucking funny. Lily would let him tie her up and spank her eight ways from Sunday, but a single dirty word embarrassed her. Go figure.

  “Yes, you do, Goldie. A very sweet, sexy, tasty vagina. Also known as pussy, and cu—”

  “Don’t say it.”

  “Okay, you say it.” Wiggling his brows leeringly, Marc teased, “Say it for me, baby.”


  “Marc Says.”

  “Damn you,” she fumed, not mad in the least. Marc knew her mad look. Lord knows he’d seen it enough over the past couple of weeks, when he refused to do as the doctor ordered.

  “Let me hear it, Goldie. Say cunt for Daddy.”

  “Take your medication first.” Lily was playing with fire, but she was just a baby when it came to the domination game.

  “This isn’t negotiable.” Marc deliberately made his tone firm and sat up higher in bed. It was hard to look in charge lying in bed, but he was going to do his damnedest.

  Lily stared at him a moment before dipping her head and mumbling something into the curve of her hair that she was hiding behind.

  “Uh, uh. You’re not getting off that easily. I want you to go sit at the other end of the bed.”

  Lily glanced at him curiously before going to sit at the foot of the bed, her back against the footboard.

  “Now, look me in the eye. I want you to say it. Say cunt, and let me hear it.” Marc knew he was intentionally making it difficult for her, but he had the need to dominate and that meant anytime he told Lily to do something, he wanted it done. And he wanted to hear her say cunt.

  Lily stared at him, the seconds passing into minutes before she suddenly looked him straight in the eye, a blush staining her cheeks and said, “Cunt.”

  It wasn’t really loud, but he heard her all the same. He knew the smile on his face was probably a mile wide. Lily started to move and Marc decided he wanted to have a little more fun.


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