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Naughty Girl

Page 10

by Wolf, Alex


  “Do I look alright? It’s too much for coffee, isn’t it?”

  “You look perfect. Come on.”

  Her cheeks flushed with a light pink. “Thanks.”

  I walked her to the car and opened the door for her.

  “You brothers and opening doors, it’s—nice.”

  I ground my teeth, thinking of Hunter and his bullshit. He wasn’t a gentleman, it was all a fucking act. Oh well, she was with me now. It didn’t matter. I tried to push him out of my mind as I closed the door behind her.

  I stalked around to the driver’s side and folded myself into the Ferrari. It was a nice touch, and I didn’t drive it often. “Hope you like Italian.”

  “Yeah, it’s perf—I thought we were getting coffee?” Her eyes roamed over to mine.

  “The best coffee is in Italy. Best food too. Lucky for us.”

  She brushed her hands down her skirt, trying to shimmy it down a little.

  It was cute. I enjoyed how nervous I made her.

  “Oh.” She smiled. “Okay.”

  My plan was coming together perfectly. All it took was a little time. I was quite sure Hunter had probably messed around with Rory. He may have even gotten lucky and fucked her. The thought sent heat into my face. But it was all about who ended up at the finish line.

  I was on a date with her. He wasn’t.

  Game over.

  Even if I didn’t date much, there was no way he could compete with me once I got her in the bedroom. I shook my head, frustrated that every thought was about getting even with Hunter.

  That wasn’t my intention. Not from the beginning. I’d been genuinely interested in Rory, and still was. He was just a roadblock—a temporary nuisance.

  “I know a place with the best coffee and pasta. They have good pizza too.”

  She snickered. “Pizza’s good. I do love pasta, though.”

  I watched the road. “Give any thought to the business name?”

  There was a long pause and a sigh. “I thought about it some. I don’t know if I want to talk about it, though. I want you to be impartial when you make a decision.”

  I liked that about Rory. She didn’t want to use me to get ahead at the company. “Understood.”


  So, no talking about work. That was fine by me.

  I pulled into the parking lot, and the place looked dead. It wasn’t a weekend so it made sense. When I parked, she reached for the door.

  “No.” I narrowed my eyes at her, shaking my head.

  Her hand dropped from the handle, and a smile turned up at the corners of her mouth.

  I got out and took my time, staring at her as I walked around the car. The anticipation kicked in my stomach, but there was no way I’d let her know that. Her heart had to be beating ten times harder than mine.

  I opened the door for her and her eyes met mine as I helped her out.

  “You’re kind of spoiling me.”

  I grinned. “You have no idea.”

  I took her arm and we headed to the door.

  A hostess greeted us at a little podium. “Good evening. Just two of you?”

  I nodded. “Yes.”

  She grabbed two menus and led us to a table.

  I waited for Rory to take a seat, then sat across from her.

  “Ever been here?”

  “Once.” She paused. “Long time ago.” Rory smiled and looked down at her menu.

  I fought back the urge to ask her if it was with a past boyfriend. Nothing could ruin a date faster than bringing up an ex.

  We both settled on pasta, and the waiter carried off our menus. I wasn’t sure how conversation would turn out with her on a date, but I was a master of small-talk and adapting to situations. It was how I built the company to what it was.

  Past relationships stayed off the table, and the conversation was very fluid and felt, just—natural. The more I talked to her, the more intriguing she became. What was she ever doing wasting her time with Hunter?

  It was nice to just sit back and enjoy a meal with someone who didn’t give a shit about what I could do for them. She seemed very open and real.

  “What about your family? Have any siblings? Are your parents close?”

  She smiled and twirled her fork through some pasta. “I’m an only child. My parents didn’t have much money. My dad died when I was ten. He got hit by a drunk driver.”

  “Wow. I’m sorry to hear that. Your mom?”

  “She got remarried a few years later. Her and her husband moved to Florida once I started college. They’re doing well. I don’t see them often, but we talk when we can.” She put her fork down and inched closer to the table. “What about you?”

  Fuck, I didn’t want to talk about Hunter. It seemed pretty impossible not to give him a little attention.

  “Well, you know my brother.”

  She looked away. “Yeah.” She turned back. “Any other family?”

  I shook my head. “It’s just him and me. Our mother died when I was five. He was three. Our father did the best he could, but we had mostly nannies and maids taking care of us. When we finished school, Dad expected us to take over the company. He was pretty hard on us, trying to get us prepared. He died a year after I took over.”

  “Wow, that’s, umm, a lot of pressure.” Her eyes locked on mine. “Did you always want to run the company?”

  I nodded. “It’s always been important to me, and I seemed to be a natural at it. It fit my skillset well. I would do anything for this place. Hunter—not so much.” I thought about that. Heat rushed into my face every time I did. He liked to sit back and act like we were equals, but we weren’t. He’d been riding my coattails for years. I still loved him, he was my brother. But, it didn’t mean I didn’t want to knock his ass out constantly.

  I shouldn’t talk about him, but the conversation needed to be had. I needed to just get it out of the way. “What do you think of Hunter?”

  She frowned. “Like, as a boss?”

  I could see hesitation in her eyes. “Boss or as a person?”

  She leaned back in her seat, as if to put distance between us. “Why do you ask?”

  I shrugged. “No real reason. He’s just been known to be reckless when it comes to his, umm—treatment of women.”

  “Oh.” She looked down at her plate of pasta.

  I didn’t want her to think I was judging her, but clearly something had happened between them. He’d definitely slept with her. I’d make sure it ended. She was way out of his league, anyway.

  “You don’t have to tell me if you’re uncomfortable. It’s none of my business. I just want to make sure he’s not bothering you at work.”

  She sighed. “It’s not that. I just don’t know what to say. I mean, Hunter’s nice. We did go out once.” Her face turned a slight shade of pink.

  I could tell by her body language it was far more than that. She wouldn’t make eye contact and kept fidgeting with her silverware.

  “I see. Well, if something’s going on between you two, I don’t want to get in the way. You know? He’s my brother. Wouldn’t be right for me to do that.”

  It took everything I had not to grin. Hunter thought he knew women. I knew people. Rory should’ve been mine from the beginning, anyway. He was just lucky enough to get a sample of what was mine, before I took it.

  She shook her head, almost adamantly. “No. It didn’t work out. Things are over with him, strictly professional.” She faked a smile, and her face had turned from pink to an angry shade of red.

  Hah, what did he do to fuck it up?

  Rory took a sip of water. “Can we change the subject? I don’t really want to talk about him.”

  I nodded. “Absolutely. Sorry to pry. I just want your experience at our company to be a good one. We’d like to keep you around, you know?”

  She smiled, but I could tell our conversation still weighed heavily on her mind. “You weren’t prying. And it’s fine. I definitely love my job, and I appre
ciate the opportunity.”

  She looked down at her plate.


  She nodded. “Yeah.”

  I grabbed the bill and we got up from the table. After paying, we walked out to the car.

  She was quiet during the brief walk, and I wondered what was going through her head. Getting her nice and pissed off at Hunter wasn’t my finest moment, but it was what was best for her.

  Hunter had a certain type, and Rory wasn’t it. He’d never settle down, and the last thing I needed was him running off one of our best employees.

  I opened the door for her. “I shouldn’t have asked what you thought about Hunter. I really was just concerned and didn’t want you to have a bad impression of the company, or feel harassed or uncomfortable at work.”

  She looked up at me. “Is that why you asked me out? You thought he might be harassing me?”

  I shook my head. “No.” I leaned down, so that we were almost eye-to-eye. “I asked you out, because you’re smart, funny, and gorgeous. And I’ve wanted to take you to dinner since the day of your interview.”

  She smiled and slipped into the car.

  I stood there for a moment, taking in a huge breath. I’d told her the truth. I did like Rory. I’d been drawn to her instantly the day of her interview. Hunter was just a roadblock along the way, but we were past that now.

  I stalked around the car, back to the driver’s side, eyes on Rory the entire way. She squirmed in her seat ever so subtly when my eyes locked onto her.

  I’d made up my mind. I was definitely going after what I wanted. And what I wanted right then, was to fuck her so hard she screamed my name.


  We pulled into my driveway and I turned to him.

  There was no doubt in my mind I wanted Hayes. I’d wanted him since the first time I saw him at my interview. But, I still wasn’t sure because of everything I’d already done with Hunter. God, I should’ve never gone out to celebrate landing the job interview. If I hooked up with Hayes, it’d be two brothers in less than a week. That wasn’t the type of person I was. I’d never been with two men in the span of months, let alone brothers.

  I was surprised that Hayes even brought up the topic of Hunter. At first, I thought maybe Hunter had said something about me, but Hayes didn’t seem to have a clue what Hunter and I had been up to.

  I sat there for a long second, just hoping he’d say something.

  “So, this is your place?”

  “Yeah, you want to see it?”

  What are you doing?

  “Sure.” Hayes shot a glare to my hand on the door handle.

  My hand fell to my side on instinct. “Sorry.”

  Hayes opened his door and walked around the front of the car. My stomach turned somersaults the entire time his eyes were locked on mine. I jolted a little when he opened the door. It seemed silly, but even the way he did that seemed powerful, like it commanded respect.

  I rose from my seat, and let him help me out of the car.

  When I was with Hayes it felt so different than being with Hunter—like I was a princess. He didn’t rush anything, like the world marched to his own drumbeat. Hunter was always so rushed, like everything was in the heat of the moment. I tried to push Hunter as far from my mind as possible.

  Hayes walked me up to my door, and I turned to him at the last second. “Tonight was nice. Thank you.”

  “It was—” His eyes narrowed on me. “Nice.”

  I stood there for a few seconds that seemed like minutes, waiting for him to make some kind of move.

  Maybe I read this situation wrong.

  “So?” I looked up at him.

  He grinned and gestured toward the door with his head. “So?”

  What the hell was going on? I canted my head slightly to the side and stared.

  He mirrored my confused stare. “The tour?”

  I let out a long sigh. “Right.” I turned to unlock the door and my heart drummed in my chest. Why was I such an idiot? I’d asked him if he wanted to see my place, and then stood there like a dummy.

  I opened the door, and walked inside.

  He followed behind. “I like your place.”

  I snickered. “It’s not much. But I get by okay.” I turned to show him through the living room, when I was suddenly spun around.


  On my waist.

  Holy shit.

  “I didn’t come inside to see your house.” He spun me around slowly and looked right into my eyes. “I wanted you the first time I saw you.” He looked down at his hands still on my waist, then back up at me. “Wanted this.”

  He leaned down and his lips met mine. It was slow, sensual. Not like his brother who hit the gas and redlined it any chance he got.

  The kiss was amazing, and slowly built. Before long, our tongues danced, and his hands slid down my dress and gripped my ass. A groan caught in his throat when his fingers kneaded into me. I could feel his hard cock against my stomach, and my brain blanked. Nothing else existed—no problems, no complications. Just Hayes.

  He sucked down my throat to my shoulder.

  “Holy shit. I can’t believe I’m doing this.”

  My eyes darted down to Hayes’s.

  He bit down on my collarbone. I yelped while his eyes stayed locked on mine.

  “Don’t fucking say his name.”

  I nodded, quickly. “Please, don’t stop.”

  He grabbed my face in his palms and pulled me to his mouth. I fell into him and wrapped my arms around his neck, pulling us closer together. His tongue licked and explored my mouth, like he was on a conquest.


  I looked at my room down the hall, and that was all the indication he needed. My feet came out from under me, and I was cradled in his arms. He carried me down the hall like I was nothing. We were there so fast, I wasn’t sure what had happened. He didn’t run, but everything was a blur with my arms wrapped around his shoulders.

  The second we walked through the door, he was tearing my clothes off. I couldn’t help but notice how much more— right it felt with him.

  Once he’d slid my panties down around my ankles, he shoved me to my back on the bed, and pinned me to it with his chest. His lips trailed down my neck and slowly descended south. He stopped at my breasts. My nipples were hard and ached for his mouth. He flicked his tongue over one, watching every one of my reactions. There was a flicker in his eye, a little hint of mischief. He bit down, and I cried out.

  When I looked down, he was smiling with my nipple clamped between his teeth.

  He moved across and did the same thing to my other breast, causing my back to arch into him.

  I trailed my fingers through his hair, dragging my nails against his scalp. “Please, don’t stop.”

  “I knew you’d be naughty.” He took my breast in his mouth, and sucked down hard enough leave a bruise.

  What was it with these brothers and wanting to mark their territory?

  My body seemed to find it hot, because I couldn’t get enough of the Hawthorne brothers.

  My pussy was so wet for him.

  He slid down between my legs, and I thought I might come just at the scruff of his face brushing against my thighs.

  I moaned as his tongue traced the edges of my entrance. “Fuck.”

  “Look how wet this little cunt is for me.” He slipped a finger in knuckle-deep.

  Holy shit. He has a filthy mouth on him too.

  I bucked my hips, trying to take his finger deeper.

  Hayes held me in place by my hip with his free hand. “Oh no. I’m going to tease this pussy before I eat it and fuck it.”

  My head and hands flew back to the bed. “Jesus.”

  His tongue slid over every square inch between my thighs, like he was learning the lay of the land, the same way he seemed to approach business. He was the type of guy to learn every detail and use it to his advantage.

  He finally licked across my clit, and then sucked it between
his lips. I gasped, bucking my hips harder against his face.

  Both his hands caught the back of my thighs, and he drove them back into the mattress, opening me up completely and spreading me as wide as possible.

  I stared down at his mouth, hovering less than an inch from my pussy, with his eyes locked on mine. His mouth dove onto me, his fingers digging into my legs, spreading me wider.

  “Fuck. I’m so close.”

  His hands wrapped around my legs, and he yanked my pussy onto his mouth. His tongue swirled my clit, and I squeezed my thighs around his head. My back arched from the bed, and I was milliseconds from coming all over his face.

  His eyes never left mine, and right when I was about to release, he pulled away.

  What the fuck?

  I sat there, chest rising and falling with each huge breath.

  He leaned back from the bed and unbuttoned his shirt. When he peeled it off his body, I couldn’t help but notice he was even bigger, more defined than I’d thought.

  Holy shit, he was completely ripped, like he worked out all the time. It made sense. He was the responsible brother, of course he’d be responsible with his body too. His shoulders were chiseled, like they were made out of stone, and his abs rippled all the way down below his belt.

  “I was going to let you come on my face, but I think I want your first orgasm on my cock.”

  What was my new job doing to me?

  He unbuckled his pants, and I leaned up on my elbows, biting my lip as I watched in anticipation. Judging from how it felt against my stomach earlier, I wasn’t going to be disappointed.

  “Fuck, you’re hot. All spread open for me. Play with your pussy.”

  My hand slid down my stomach. My body just reacted to his words, almost like I was in a trance.

  “Hayes.” His name was a whimper on my tongue as two fingers slid inside of me.

  My eyes closed, and I tried to imagine it was him inside me.

  When I looked up, his eyes seared into me. My stare roamed down his abs and pelvis, then down to his cock. It was thick and hard, and fuck—I gasped. He was stroking it back and forth, staring at me with that cold, calculated look. Like he was working out the secret equation in his head to fuck the most intense orgasm possible out of me.


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