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The Rift War

Page 14

by Michelle L. Levigne

  Emrillian wrinkled her nose at her aunt and settled back in her chair, pouting for a few seconds until a mischievous smile destroyed her pretense of regal disappointment. Next to her, Eleanora watched the casual interplay, her face a mix of amusement and wonder. She leaned a little closer to Emrillian. Standing on the other side of the throne, Baedrix straightened and stared ahead, as if he could see through the shadows of the tunnel mouth.

  The whinny of a horse and the soft tapping of hooves on stone came from the darkness. A shaft of light broke the blackness. It turned to blue, glittering for a second. Grego flinched, remembering the discomfort and shock when Mrillis placed the translation spell on him. He wondered how the newcomers reacted to their taste of enchantment. They would like it less if they couldn't understand the words spoken to them.

  In the forefront of the group emerging from the shadows walked Liris, the man who had run the estate in Moerta. He was dressed for the time and culture. Grego wondered what the man's position would be here in Quenlaque. Steward, seneschal, advisor?

  After him walked the three other members of the Rakkell household, followed by an even dozen people wearing the one-piece field uniforms of the Science Directorate. The fact that they were on foot and not driving powered carts was encouraging. They all carried heavily loaded packs. Grego wondered how much equipment they had to abandon in the tunnel when all power died under Mrillis' protective enchantment.

  What mattered most to him was that Kayn was nowhere among the bruised, somewhat grimy, bandaged people who walked out, blinking in the change of bright sunlight after tunnel dimness. He didn't care about the visible weapons among all their equipment, even though it had meant they had come prepared to take the star-metal they found by force, and forcibly evict the residents of the Rakkell Estate.

  Behind the Directorate people walked others in Archaics costumes, with battered homemade chain mail, armed with swords, bows, and spears. They walked proudly, in formation as if for a tournament pageant. Shalara and Karstis walked together. Her bow guard and his browband sparkled with magic in use.

  "They did it," Grego murmured, turning to meet Emrillian's wide grin.

  "I count at least thirty." Emrillian gripped the arms of her chair. "Grego, you should take point on this."

  "My first duty as Queen's Ambassador?" he murmured. He glanced at Baedrix and Meghianna, who both nodded approval. Baedrix made a half-bow, gesturing for Grego to step out and proceed. "Estall, protect us," he said, and rubbed his star-metal ring as he bowed formally to Emrillian, then turned to walk out to meet the new arrivals.

  Chapter Eight

  Liris led the way from the tunnel mouth, heading straight for Emrillian. He gave head-and-shoulder bows to the Valors who stood at attention, weapons ready but not drawn, forming an aisle leading to the throne. Halfway across the clear space, he gestured at the Science Directorate people to wait, and then he and the household staff continued the rest of the way to meet Emrillian. He winked at Grego as they passed each other. The Archaics split, going around the Directorate people, and some of them broke ranks, hurrying forward a few steps and calling his name when they saw Grego. They slowed soon enough when Valors stepped forward, weapons flashing in the late morning sunshine.

  "Welcome, Archaics. Welcome loyal friends, to the kingdom of Quenlaque," Grego called.

  "Quenlaque?" Dr. Reynod looked around, turning so fast that Grego's neck ached in sympathy. "Cavvon?" he said, voice cracking.

  He had the look of someone who'd spent his life behind a desk, studying a computer screen. Only emergencies could drag him from his office, away from reports and charts. From his dusty brown hair to dull blue eyes to the slightly slouched shoulders and beginning of a potbelly, he was someone unable to enjoy the reality pulsing with life all around him. Grego knew he was a hopeless case.

  "It's me." He hadn't had much contact with Dr. Reynod, but knew his reputation. This wouldn't be as problematic as dealing with Kayn, but Reynod's one-track mind and sometimes childish attitude would set the tone for the others, who were on his team specifically because they would follow his lead.

  "Grego?" Brysta stepped out from the knot of scientists following in Reynod's shadow.

  He groaned, knowing a manageable situation had just gone sour. What he needed was to take her aside to talk for fifteen minutes, tops. Brysta's familiarity with the Archaics and with Emrillian could either be her biggest help in acclimating to the reality here, or her biggest hindrance.

  "Is this where you vanished to?" She gestured at Shalara and Karstis. "Is this the big secret they were keeping from me, all their cryptic little comments? I don't like your friends very much. It's a rotten trick."

  Definitely a hindrance.

  I'm sorry, Emrillian said. If I could have prevented her from coming, I would have.

  Grego didn't turn to look over his shoulder at her. He knew the sympathy creasing her face.

  I made my choice for Quenlaque long ago. He squared his shoulders, took a deep breath, and continued forward. "Welcome, members of the Science Directorate, to the land of Lygroes and the kingdom of Quenlaque."

  "Now is not the time to play games," Brysta began, her voice a wail, before two of her co-workers caught her and pulled her back into their sheltering knot. They all paid more attention to the Valors with their drawn weapons, stern faces focused on them, than on Grego and their leader. Brysta looked pale as she fell silent. She gave him one pleading look of pained betrayal, and let her friends hide her from view.

  "What do you mean, Quenlaque?" Narrow-faced Dr. Reynod looked around, blinking as if he saw the Valors and their weapons for the first time. The other Directorate people stayed in a clump behind him, muttering and peering around cautiously. Someone held out a scanner and let out a few muffled curses when the device didn't light up.

  "I mean the real, original Quenlaque, castle and fortress, headquarters of the High King, Athrar Warhawk. All this land is what is left of the continent of Lygroes. Most of it belongs to Quenlaque, but the southern portion is under the control of the Encindi and rebels." Grego gestured south and thought a quick prayer of thanks that he had spent some time learning yesterday and this morning, instead of being strictly a teacher. He hadn't thought about having to teach others from his own time and culture about this world and time they had emerged into. The Archaics wouldn't need to be taught--they would devour information with religious fervor.

  "Seriously?" Reynod sneered and gestured around at the armored Valors, at Emrillian and the household staff, who had been greeted now and moved toward the tents waiting for them. He made a rude gesture at the Archaics, who stood at attention while stealing wide-eyed glances in every direction, their grins wider and brighter with every moment that passed. "It looks like more play-acting. How did you get down the tunnel? And those mutated animals that attacked us..." He shook his head. "Whatever games you people are playing, you're in over your heads. Two members of my team are dead. Forget all the things Kayn has said about you. You are definitely not a harmless lunatic with something useful to offer."

  "You don't have all the data." Grego gestured around at the waiting and watching people. "We are in Lygroes, the kingdom of Quenlaque. Magic reigns here. We are now in the Death Zone. Time was compressed when you walked through the tunnel--which is the only way to get to this world. You walked under the sea, covering a moon of sailing in only two days of walking. Protected by magic, hidden in folded time. If you enter through magic, this continent is alive."

  Unintelligible murmurs rose from the Directorate people.

  "Stop playing games!" Reynod snapped.

  "It's not a game. Do your weapons work?" Grego asked, stepping closer to them. "Does any technology work? The power packs died when you entered the tunnel. Your sensors became useless, right?"

  "Have you been in league with these people all along, planning to betray the Directorate?"

  "If friendship and loyalty are betrayal, possibly." Liris stepped forward now. "There are some things
that are more important than politics and science, Dr. Reynod." His snowy hair gleamed in the light of the setting sun. The plain blue tunic and pants, the brown cape and boots and peaked cap looked more right on him, Grego realized, than the simple uniform he had worn on the Rakkell estate.

  "Name one," the man retorted.

  "Prophecy. Truth. The eternal battle of good against evil." Liris gestured at the Archaics and turned to bow to Emrillian. "Highness, I testify that these your friends are warriors worthy of the battle to come. They listened and learned, and they stood and fought through their fear when creatures of legend became flesh and blood before their eyes. I am proud to call them all friends. You have chosen well in your allies."

  "Thank you. Welcome, Archaics." Emrillian stood and came to join them. Meghianna walked at her right and Baedrix on her left. Her friends let out cheers, startling the Valors, and making her laugh for a moment.

  As one person, they seemed to leap forward to cross the open ground between them and her. The Valors standing guard stepped aside to let them through. Shalara stopped first, going to one knee, with Karstis beside her, and the others followed suit a moment later in somewhat neat, orderly lines. Grego suspected the move had been planned.

  "We came as soon as we could, Queen Emrillian Warhawk," Shalara said, obviously the chosen speaker for the group.

  "You are most welcome, my friends. Do you understand that even though you have magic, you could be killed? Are you here willingly?" Emrillian's eyes gleamed with what Grego suspected were tears when their friends shouted out their affirmations almost in one voice. "My friends, so many legends are true." Inhaling deeply, bracing herself, she drew Braenlicach from its scabbard at her hip and held it pointing straight up over her head.

  The gathered company let out a collective gasp and sigh of admiration and wonder as light burst from the blade, mostly blue and silver. Maybe a third of the group leaped to their feet, cheering and waving their own swords. Emrillian and Grego laughed, and laughed harder when some of their friends just shook their heads in confusion.

  "What is that?" Dr. Reynod demanded. He reached toward the sword, waving a non-functioning scanner. "That isn't--that can't be--but it has the same refractive--" He closed his mouth with an audible click when Carious and Pellen hurried to put themselves between him and Emrillian, and both put daggers to his throat and chest.

  "Behold Braenlicach, star-metal sword," Baedrix said. "Borne in the hand of the rightful heir, proof to you men of the future that magic is real, and legend is real, and prophecy is real. Now will you use common sense and your vaunted superior intelligence, and join our war to end all wars?" He ended on a near-growl.

  "You're lunatics --" Dr. Reese stopped short again with a gulp when Carious grasped him by his collar and raised the dagger from his throat to the end of his nose. The man looked cross-eyed at it and a river of sweat erupted from all over him.

  "Emmi, what's happening to us?" Shalara stood, holding out her hands. Nearly a dozen of the women among the Archaics let out little cries, spreading their arms, visibly stunned as streamers of white and green light cascaded around them.

  "Your imbrose is reacting, indicating how strong it is in you. Braenlicach is made of star-metal, and imbrose responds to star-metal." Emrillian traded glances with Meghianna, who nodded and spread her hands in a welcoming gesture. "You are special ones. Chosen for the Stronghold."

  "It's real, too?" Aneen blurted, stepping up next to Shalara. If Grego read the dusky-skinned girl right, she was delighted.

  "Very real. And in need of new Queen's Ladies, if we are to win the war. Go with my aunt, all of you, and she will teach you how to use your imbrose."

  "Pleased to meet you," Aneen said, and held out her hand to Meghianna.

  "And I am delighted to meet someone from your time who thinks so clearly. Emmi has been teaching me about your world and time, but there is so much else to do." Meghianna shook Aneen's hand, then reached for Shalara's and nodded for the others to follow her. "I should very much like to know who your ancestors were. You could be descended from one of the ladies of the Stronghold, with such strong imbrose in you."

  "I could?"

  "Oh, indeed. You can trust me on that, since I am, after all, Queen of Snows."

  "Aunt Meggi!" Emrillian called, when both her friends stopped short and yanked their hands free of Meghianna's grip. "Shar, Ani, it's all right. Aunt Meggi likes to tease, but she only teases people she likes."

  "Really?" Shalara fought the visible trembling that took her body. "When you say Aunt Meggi..." She swallowed hard and stood up straighter, and bowed in a courtly, deep gesture worthy of a Valor. "Meghianna, Queen of Snows, command me."

  "Oh, my, I do like your Archaics very much," Meghianna said, and held out her hand again when Shalara stood up straight. "Come, children. We have much to do, and very little time to prepare for our great battle." She waited until Shalara gave her hand into her grasp again, then gestured with a turn of her head for all the affected Archaics women to follow her. Grego noted they were uncharacteristically quiet. He wondered if he envied them. Legends said the Queen's Ladies were often at the front of battles, and the targets of vicious enemy enchanters, such as the Nameless One.

  The group as a whole sighed in relief when Emrillian finally sheathed Braenlicach again. The magic power spilling out of the sword made Grego's scalp tingle and itch. It was pleasant at first, but after a while it grew irritating.

  Emrillian settled in her makeshift throne and looked around. "I'm sorry. I shouldn't let myself get distracted. Ectrix?"

  "Here, Highness." The boy hurried forward.

  "Take Master Liris and his company to their quarters. Return here as soon as you can. I think I will have many errands for you today." She smiled when the boy grinned in anticipation.

  Liris and the rest of the household staff took the reins of their mounts and led away the horses pulling the carts holding all the belongings they had brought from Moerta.

  "Liris, is it good to be home?" she asked, as they turned to follow Ectrix to the tents that had been set up for them.

  "Very good, Highness." He winked at her as he turned away. "Though your uninvited guests have given us a small portion of trouble."

  "Trouble?" Reynod laughed, a harsh, barking sound. "I want to know how you got past those creatures in the tunnel."

  "Like this." Emrillian stretched out her hands, fingers spread wide.

  Blue light spurted from her fingertips, growing into a globe that enveloped the man. He rose in the air to nearly shoulder height, then the globe descended again. All the while, the other Directorate people stared, muttering among themselves. Grego made note of the ones who clutched at each other in terror and the ones who looked angry. Brysta stared, eyes glistening with tears. Emrillian would want to know the reactions of the invaders, to judge who would be a problem or a danger. He prayed his sweetheart would be persuaded and willing to join them.

  When the globe touched the ground, it burst like a soap bubble. Reynod staggered forward a step. He panted for a few seconds, visibly struggling to regain his balance.

  "Technology like that--should be in the--hands of the Directorate," he growled between gasps for air.

  "You're becoming irritating. Shut your mouth if you can't learn any manners or common sense," Emrillian said, snapping her fingers.

  Red light spurted from her fingertips, to streak straight at Dr. Reese and hit him in the mouth. His eyes went wide and he grappled at his throat with both hands, his mouth flapping like a fish stranded on dry ground.

  "How did you put up with him on the way here?" she said to Karstis.

  He laughed, tipping his head back. "Do you know how many times I've wanted to do something like that to him? Of course, that won't solve the problem with Kayn," Karstis added, glancing at Grego. "We'll deal with that later."

  "Sooner than you think," Emrillian said. "Grego will have to give you a crash course on the time differential between Lygroes and Moerta. You'v
e already been out of communication with Moerta for half a moon, to their perception."

  "That could be a problem." He nodded, eyes unfocused as he visibly considered this new information. "Whatever happens, though... I'm in. We're all in. Put us to work."

  "Lord Carious?" She waited until the Valor stepped up before her, bowed, and slid his dagger back into the sheath at his belt. "Will you take the rest of my friends and settle them, then explain what has happened since I arrived? We will meet for the noon meal and make our plans. We have many lessons and not much time." She waited until Carious clapped Karstis on the shoulder and led the rest of the Archaics away. Then she sighed and turned back to Dr. Reynod and the rest of the Directorate people. Grego pitied her.

  "What must we do to convince you?" she said, voice muted, so Grego realized she spoke rhetorically, rather than asking these intruders a question.

  "We would like some questions answered," Brysta said, stumbling forward a few steps. Grego couldn't decide if she had to fight her way free of the knot of her team members, or she had been pushed forward, forced to act as spokesperson. Her face still looked damp from the tears she had scrubbed away. She avoided looking at him altogether. "We lost two members of our team in that tunnel. A tunnel that shouldn't even exist, according to all the planetary surveys. Our compasses are completely haywire. We should be in the middle of the ocean, at best. How can you tell us we're in a land that never even existed?"

  "Lygroes and Quenlaque did indeed exist, and do exist now, but very different from when they were the roots of the legends you know. As for the tunnel... It takes magic and archaic weapons to survive the perils there. Liris told you so, didn't he?" Emrillian waited until a few people nodded. "But despite all the evidence, you insisted on depending on energy weapons in a place where magic rules and technology is void. As simple as that."

  "Simple as that." Brysta's pallor warmed to an angry flush. "If you knew we were there, in danger, you can be held accountable for those deaths." She muffled a sigh. "Emrillian, I thought you were Grego's friend. How can you do this?"


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