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Sapphyre: Burden to Bare (The Sapphyre Saga Book 1)

Page 27

by Felicia Leibenguth

“It’s not up to you Zach,” I spoke softly. “We don’t know for sure if that will happen. We need to give him the benefit of a doubt.”

  Zach looks at me with hatred still lingering in his eyes. “I don’t like this Lexi. He’s not only a danger to her, but to you too. If he puts you in danger, I will kill him. No one will stop me.”

  “I know you will Zach. But it won’t come to that, we won’t let it,” I hugged him.

  His body still remains tense as he wraps an arm around me. The anger still radiates off him, but at least he isn’t running out the door to kill Donavon. If Donavon ever hurt Katrina again, I would happily set Zach lose on him and I’d gladly turn my back.

  As I lead Zach away from the door, I saw Katrina, Garcia, and Thatch coming down the stairs.

  “I’m gonna head home. Mom will be there soon,” Katrina sighed, still visibly upset.

  “Hey, why don’t you come stay at my house tonight?” I asked her as I tried to smile.

  She shook her head. “That’s okay. I’ll be fine.”

  “Okay then, I’ll stay at your place tonight.”

  Katrina smiled. “You’re really not gonna let me be alone, are you?”

  “Not a chance,” I laughed lightly.

  She laughed. “Okay, I’ll take you home to get some clothes.” Katrina seems a bit relieved.

  Before K and I left, Zach hugged me again and whispered in my ear, “I’ll be watching the house. So, don’t worry.”

  “Zach-” I started to complain, but he cut me off.

  “Lexi, there is nothing to argue about. I’m not leaving you two alone. So, you will just have to deal with it,” He remained adamant.

  I sighed. “Overprotective much?” I mumbled.

  “It’s not really any different from what you’re doing to Katrina. Now is it?” He raised an eyebrow.

  “He has a point child,” Thatch chimed in.

  I threw my hands up. “Fine, you win. Just behave yourself.”

  He kissed my cheek. “I’ll try, but no promises,” He laughed.

  I rolled my eyes and walked out to Katrina’s car.


  Once home, I was able to convince Katrina to stay at my place. Besides, Donavon was never invited inside and I think that logic convinced her to stay. I also convinced Zach to watch over her mom tonight, just in case. The same logic must have worked on Zach too, which was fine with me. I hate when he acts overprotective like that. It gets annoying.

  K and I are in my room getting things ready for bed. I let her borrow some of my pajamas and I got her an extra pillow and blanket. My bed’s a queen, so it’s plenty big enough for the two of us. I would have let her stay in the guest room, but she doesn’t seem like she wants to be alone.

  After much gossip and laughing, we said goodnight to everyone and headed to bed for the night. It was about midnight when we fell asleep.

  I woke up to the bed shaking then remembered Katrina’s behind me spending the night. My eyes adjusted to the darkness of my room and the red numbers of my clock read 3:45 a.m. The bed shook again, and I felt Katrina get up.

  I turned over to see her standing with her back to me.

  “Katrina? You okay?” I asked. She isn’t moving, and she seems a little off.

  She doesn’t respond as she heads for the bedroom door.

  I watch for a moment, but when she opened the door and disappeared, I quickly flew out of bed and followed her. I got in front of her before she got to the steps and saw her eyes open, but she doesn’t seem to be focused on anything.

  “Katrina?” I said her name again. But she said nothing, nor reacted in any way.

  I moved out of her way and she headed downstairs to the front door.

  I read something about never waking up someone who’s sleep-walking, but I don’t want her leaving the house. Especially, since we have no protection. Now I regretted sending Zach away.

  I grabbed her arm before she could open the door. “K, come on you need to wake up.”

  She stopped but still didn’t react. I shook her arm a little and tried to pull her away from the door, but nothing worked. She’s basically anchored to the floor and I can’t move her.

  “Katrina!” I yelled a little louder making sure not to wake my parents.

  This time she turned toward me with unseeing eyes and said one word, “Follow…” Then she turned back toward the door.

  I stepped back a little in surprise that she actually responded, but did as she asked.

  Following her out the door, she headed for a small path in the woods. I know this is one of the trails Zach takes at night to make sure I’m safe. As I walked behind Katrina, I remember the night the Arachne almost killed me. Chills ran up my spine and I became more fearful the deeper Katrina and I went into the woods. The moon’s shrouded in clouds, so it’s rather dark out.

  After about twenty minutes of walking, Katrina came to a stop. Trees surrounded us and I became more and more uncomfortable the longer we stood here.

  “K, what are we doing out here?” I asked nervously.

  She quickly turned in my direction. “Lexi? What… what are we doing out here!?” She panicked and I realize she’s awake now.

  “I don’t know, you were sleep-walking, and I tried to wake you up, but you said to follow you!” I started to panic myself. “Don’t you remember anything?”

  She shook her head looking around quickly. “No, but I’m not feeling very comfortable out here!” She started taking a step toward me and I saw something move behind her.

  Katrina must have seen my eyes get large with horror because she moved quickly to my side. She turned and looked in the same direction I am.

  We started to back up as a tall male started coming toward us. But quickly realized there’s more than one. I looked behind us and saw two more men blocking our way.

  “K, were in trouble…” I whispered to her.

  She didn’t say anything, but I can feel her shaking with fear as she clung to my arm.

  The tall male in front of us stepped forward and motioned with his hand. Several more men came out of the woods and I realized we’re completely surrounded. Six men in total formed a circle around us, not allowing any escape routes.

  The tall male spoke to us in a gentle voice. “What are you two pretty little ladies doing out here? This is no place for children to be alone,” he cocked his head to the side.

  I can’t find my voice and neither can Katrina. We looked around with clear fear on our faces.

  The man laughed. “It seems gentlemen, that these ladies are lost. Should we help them out?” He asked with a smirk on his face.

  A rumble of pleasure rolled through the remaining five men.

  My heart pounded and my stomach sank.

  “Maybe they will invite us for dinner,” a man behind us purred.

  The tall man laughed darkly. “Or maybe we should have them for dinner. I am quite hungry,” he took a step toward us.

  Before the man can take another step, something dropped from the trees above. Katrina instantly disappeared from my side as she screamed in terror.

  I spun quickly to see Donavon with his teeth at her neck. Katrina’s screams died out as she dropped to the ground covered in blood.

  I screamed for Katrina as my legs gave out dropping me to the dirt. I tried to get to her as I started to crawl across the ground, but Donavon stepped in my way and grabbed me by the arm pulling me to my feet. I tried to fight against him and screamed as he pulled my neck toward his mouth.

  “Xavier!?” The tall man called in disbelief before Donavon can kill me.

  Donavon stopped in his movements and looked up at the man who’s behind me. “Jeremiah?” Donavon said surprised. “What are you all doing out this far?”

  “We’ve been looking for you! You disappeared and never returned. Is this where you’ve been?” Jeremiah questioned.

  Donavon laughed. “Yeah, I find the food out here tends to be stupid and non-suspecting of us Vampires,” he laughed a

  Jeremiah grinned. “Apparently so. Not into sharing much these days, are you?”

  I looked out of the corner of my eye as Donavon still gripped my arm, not allowing me to move and saw the man named Jeremiah, look at Katrina on the ground.

  “Not really,” Donavon smirked. “How long are you boys here?”

  “We came to bring you home. You’re still my right-hand man Xavier,” Jeremiah said.

  Donavon laughed. “Well, over the past few years, I have quite enjoyed having my own turf. No one bothers me out here and I can do whatever I want,” Donavon grinned.

  “What do you plan on doing with the girl?” Another man asked. “We came such a long way and we’re hungry.”

  Donavon turned toward the man then down at me. His voice darkened when he spoke, “I plan on tormenting her for a while before I kill her… I will rather enjoy myself,” A wicked grin crossed his face.

  Horror pulsed through me and I screamed again trying to get away, punching, kicking and even trying to bite him.

  “She certainly is a feisty one!” Jeremiah laughed.

  Donavon laughed as he spun me around so my back is to him and his arm wrapped around my neck. It became hard to breathe.

  “Please… please don’t…” I managed to gasp out. “I thought…” My voice is cut short as Donavon squeezed my throat tighter.

  I can’t breathe as I struggled against his grasp. I know I can’t out power him.

  “Maybe I’ll kill her now, she talks to damn much!” Donavon growled at me as he allowed a little more breathing room under his arm.

  A different man stepped forward. “You’ve already had one,” He pointed angrily at Katrina laying on the ground then in my direction. “That one should be ours. We came across them first!”

  I felt Donavon tense when he spoke. “So, you’re still alive Kenny. What a shame…”

  “Give her to us!” Kenny yelled.

  “Stop!” Jeremiah said in a commanding tone.

  Everyone fell silent.

  “I need to know if you will rejoin us, Xavier? Will you come back and be at my side again? The gang isn’t as ruthless without you,” Jeremiah finished.

  Donavon spoke, “I have no intention of returning Jeremiah.”

  “Understood… but you know the consequences of a betrayal. I’m sorry my dear friend.”

  “It doesn’t have to be that way, Jeremiah.” Donavon said.

  Jeremiah shook his head sadly. “You’ve changed Xavier. But this is your choice, not mine,” he paused for a moment before he spoke again. “Kill him, but I want the girl alive,” he spoke to the surrounding men.

  Donavon quickly bit into my neck before anyone could approach. I screamed out as blood ran down my neck and flames of fire flared where he bit. The faintest of whispers reached my ears, “Drop dead, and when they’re gone, get out of here!” He threw me to the ground uncaringly.

  I did as he said and laid as still as possible. I don’t have much choice. It’s then I realize Donavon is trying to save us, not kill us.

  “You bastard!” Kenny bellowed.

  “I’ll make sure you’re dead this time!” Donavon growled.

  I kept my eyes shut as Donavon and Kenny started to fight. Trees snapped, and the ground shook with a force. Others snarled and screamed getting into the fight.

  With my eyes closed, I saw a bright flash of light.

  I sensed someone getting close to me and I prayed it’s who I think it is. Then they knelt down and touched my face.

  “Lexi…” Zach leaned in and kissed my cheek and I feel a drop of water hit my skin. “That son of a bitch will pay with his life!” I heard the rage take over in his voice. I know I have to do something before Zach kills Donavon.

  As he went to get up, I grabbed his hand trying not to be obvious and bring attention to us.

  “Lexi!” He said in disbelief getting back on the ground with me.

  “Shhh.” I hushed him. “Donavon’s trying to save us. He needs help… Please…” I begged him with my eyes. Then I looked over at Katrina. I can see deliberately small breathing motions in her chest. I know she’s okay, and that I’m right about Donavon.

  Zach reluctantly nodded in understanding.

  “Be careful…” I whispered to him.

  “I will,” he smiled before disappearing.

  I hope you enjoyed sinking your fangs in for a taste of book two in the Sapphyre Saga!

  About the Author

  I was born and raised in Upstate New York where my passions for Animals, Painting, and Writing developed and grew.

  During College, I wanted to be an Animal Cruelty Investigator, but fate had different plans for me. In 2013, my parents and I moved to Palm Coast, Florida where my ability for painting animals exploded, and I started my small hobby business painting pets and wildlife. My art can be found hanging in the 'Georgia Sea Turtle Center' in Jekyll Island, Georgia and the home of Whitney Way Thore, the reality star of 'My Big Fat Fabulous Life.'

  You're welcome to visit my artist page at:

  Writing began in 2009 when I started to write Fan-Fiction based on some of my favorite books. I loved the way the characters created and molded the story on their own. While writing fan-fiction, I began to crave my own story and develop my own characters. Over the past six years, I have written four complete novels. Three of which create a Trilogy I have named 'Sapphyre.'

  During my time in Florida, I found my strong passion for working with Developmentally Disabled children. I became their confidant, friend, and teacher of Psychosocial Rehabilitation. Seeing their faces always made me smile, no matter my mood! Sadly, I had to leave my position working with the kids I love, when we moved again in 2016 to Winston-Salem, North Carolina.

  These days, I can be found in front of a canvas painting, on my computer following a new journey and mostly, spending time with my five-rescued fur-babies; my kitty Valiant, and my four pups, Shelbie, Kasey, Maddie, and Toby. The inspiration and loves of my life!




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