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Green Mountain Collection 2

Page 32

by Marie Force

  Following him and holding his hand as he turned off lights and led the way to his bedroom, Ella wanted to wave her free hand in front of her face to cool herself off. She was on the verge of seriously overheating—and blowing this up into the most important event of her entire life. But wasn’t it? Wasn’t it quite possibly the single most important thing she’d ever done?

  She began to feel a bit nauseated, which was definitely not the mood she was going for. Stop overthinking it. You’re not going to have sex with him. You’re only going to sleep with him. But what if he thinks I agreed to sex? Did I agree to sex? Am I hyperventilating? How will I know? I’ve never hyperventilated before.

  The flannel shirt he’d worn earlier was lying across the foot of his bed. “This is fine,” she said as she released his hand and reached for the shirt.

  “Bathroom is right in there. There should be extra toothbrushes in the cabinet. Let me know if you can’t find one.”

  “Okay, thanks.” Ella ducked into the bathroom, thankful for the moment alone to collect herself. If he could act like this was no big deal, she could, too. Or she could at least try to act like it was no big deal when it was the biggest of big deals.

  Moving quickly, she removed her boots, jeans and sweater. After a brief debate, she took off her bra, too, because she’d never be able to sleep with it on. She pulled on the flannel shirt that fell to her thighs. The shirt smelled like him. Unashamed, Ella took a full minute to breathe in the rich, appealing scent of him coming from the shirt.

  Yeah, she had it bad, and it was going to get worse before this night was over. Of that she had no doubt. Her fingers trembled ever so slightly as she fumbled with the buttons, managing to button the shirt wrong the first time.

  In the cabinet, she looked for a toothbrush and encountered an economy-sized box of condoms. And yes, she checked to see if it was opened—it wasn’t. As she put it back on the shelf, she noticed the size: extra large. She took a moment to daydream about Gavin Guthrie’s extra-large—

  Oh, for God’s sake! Did she really need to know what size condoms he bought? It wasn’t bad information to have. But why the big box? Who was he planning to get busy with?

  “Toothbrush, Ella,” she muttered, aggravated with herself and now him, too, because she couldn’t very well go out there and ask him who he’d bought all those condoms for. She found an unopened toothbrush and used his Colgate-with-whitening toothpaste. No wonder his smile was so perfect, and yes, she was being ridiculous glomming on to these little details the way a stalker would.

  And then she spotted a bottle of cologne on the counter, and being only human, she had to take a good long sniff and then sigh with the pleasure. Gucci Black. Sigh . . . Here was the essence of Gavin in a bottle. Put it down, walk away, brush your teeth and stop acting like a freak!

  Ella hated when common sense interrupted her daydreaming. She brushed her teeth and used his brush on her hair, trying not to think about her hair intermingling with his on the brush because that would be weird.

  Then she took a long look in the mirror, summoning the calm control she needed to get through this night with him. Wouldn’t it be something if she’d waited all this time for a chance with him only to blow it by acting like a lovesick freak? What if he caught her sniffing his cologne? Or worse, his shirt?

  Stop! Just stop it and be normal. Except she had no idea how to “be normal” when Gavin Guthrie was in the room, let alone next to her in a bed. She was never going to survive sleeping with him.

  She emerged from the bathroom to discover a whole new challenge. Gavin had removed his T-shirt and sweats and was sitting on the bed wearing only a pair of boxer shorts. Holy hell. And she was supposed to act normal in the face of his insane hotness?

  “Make yourself comfortable,” he said, brushing by her. “I’ll be right out.”

  If he looked in the cabinet, he would know she’d seen the huge box of condoms that were in front of the toothbrushes. What did it matter if she’d seen them? It wasn’t like they were going to need them. Or were they? What did he think was going to happen here tonight? What if he came out of the bathroom with the box in hand, prepared to get down and dirty?

  Before she could do something ridiculous like pass out on the floor of his bedroom by failing to breathe, she got into bed and pulled the covers up to her chin. She couldn’t be lying there like a mummy when he came out, so she turned on her side and confronted that yummy scent all over again on his pillow. Wait! Was this his side of the bed? Should she be on the other side?

  “Oh my God, Ella, calm the hell down before you have a stroke.” Wouldn’t that be something? Imagine the story I could tell . . . On my first night with Gavin, after years of lusting after him, I stroked out from the thought of sharing a bed with him, so he had to take me to the emergency room where we spent a very romantic evening with me attached to IV poles.

  The soft flannel of his shirt abraded her nipples, which were apparently standing at full alert, aware that something monumental was about to happen. By the time Gavin emerged from the bathroom, shut off the light and slid into bed next to her, Ella was on the verge of a full-on thermonuclear meltdown.

  She’d told herself she could do this. She could get closer to him, knowing she might be setting herself up for disaster if he happened to change his mind at some point along the way. But after this, after sharing a bed with him, after sleeping next to him and God knows what else might happen during the night? Yeah, she’d never get over it if he decided to walk away after that.

  Ella was thinking she should get out of there while she still could, but then his arm came around her waist to draw her closer to him, and she was lost, absolutely, positively lost.

  She wasn’t going anywhere.


  Ella wasn’t sure where to put her hands. Or her legs. Or the rest of her, for that matter. He was going to think she’d never been in a bed with a man before, when she had. Not that he needed to know that. She’d never been in bed with a man who mattered as much as this one did.

  “Relax, El. It’s just me, your old buddy Gavin.”

  That made her laugh. “Right. That’s all you are. My old buddy Gavin.”

  “I’m sorry for what I’ve put you through.”

  “Gavin . . .”

  “Hear me out. You have to know it wasn’t easy for me to walk away from you. It wasn’t easy that day on the beach or when you came here to check on me after I got arrested. At Will’s wedding, all I wanted was to dance with you, to hold you, to touch you. God, you looked so beautiful that day in the gold dress. I couldn’t take my eyes off you.”

  “I’m sorry I said no to you.”

  “I wasn’t surprised. I haven’t given you much reason to say yes.” He ran his hand over her back and Ella began to relax ever so slightly. “You know you’re taking on a real fixer-upper here, right?”

  Ella laughed at his terminology. “With a little work, I think that fixer-upper could be a real gem.”

  “You think so, huh?”

  “I know so. But I have conditions.”

  “I’m listening.”

  “No more bars. No more fighting. A lot less drinking.”

  “What else?”

  “If you’re spinning, you come to me. You talk to me. You don’t try to drown it out by drinking or fighting or anything else that might be deemed self-destructive.”

  “You don’t want me around when I’m in one of the dark moods.”

  “Yes, I do. That’s what I’m telling you.”

  “Ella . . . You don’t know what you’re signing on for.”

  “After all this time you can honestly say that? I know exactly what I’m signing on for, and all your warnings haven’t pushed me away yet. Why do you think that’s going to work now?”

  “You deserve better.”


  His grunt of laughter made her smile in the dark.

  “But for some strange reason, you’re the one I want.”

bsp; “That makes me feel pretty damned lucky.”

  “Don’t screw it up.”

  “I’m apt to. It’s been a long time since I had an actual girlfriend.”

  “Oh, I remember, what’s-her-name. Dalia. Ugh, what kind of name is Dalia?”

  His hand slid down her arm to take hold of her hand. “Put away those claws, tiger.”

  “Whatever became of her anyway?”

  “She couldn’t cope with me after Caleb died. She tried, but eventually she stopped trying, and I didn’t care enough to notice she’d gone.”

  Ella couldn’t help feeling a tiny bit sorry for the other woman, not that she hadn’t been glad to see her go. She’d noticed—probably before Gavin did. “There hasn’t been anyone since then?”

  “Here and there, but nothing serious. I haven’t had the capacity for serious. I’ve been focused on the business and my parents and just getting through every day.”

  “That’s no way to live, Gav. You know that, don’t you?”

  “It’s all I’ve been capable of.”

  “I won’t ever pretend to understand what you’ve been through since you lost Caleb. I can’t imagine losing any of my siblings, let alone my only sibling. For what it’s worth, the day we lost him was the worst day of my life.”

  Gavin squeezed her hand.

  “All these years later, there’s still a dull ache in my heart with his name on it. He was one of the most amazing people I’ve ever known.”

  “Thanks for that, El,” he said gruffly. “Helps to know he’s remembered so fondly by everyone.”

  “We loved him very much. But . . .”

  “Ah, I knew there had to be a but coming . . .”

  “He would hate, absolutely hate, if his death ruined your life. I didn’t know him anywhere near as well as you did, but I know that much for certain.”

  His deep sigh served as his only reply.

  Ella forced herself to continue, to get this out so they could move on from here. “No one will ever take his place for you, and there’ll be a hole in your life where he should be for as long as you live. Living half a life doesn’t honor your brother’s memory, Gavin. It would make him mad as hell that you aren’t taking full advantage of the years you got that he didn’t to live for both of you.”

  “Sounds to me like you’ve been thinking about this for a lot longer than tonight.”

  “I have. You know when something happens and you think of the perfect retort after the fact?”


  “That always happens to me after I see you. I think of what I wanted to say the next day or the next week.”

  He released her hand and cupped her face.

  Ella waited breathlessly to see what he would do next. She didn’t have to wait long.

  His lips came down on hers, soft and sweet and persuasive. “Everything you said is absolutely true.” Another kiss. “He would be mad as hell at me and wouldn’t hesitate to say so. And he’d tell me to get my fucking hands off you and go sleep on the sofa.”

  “He would not.”

  “Yes, he would. I had a little thing for you way back when.”

  A blast of anger took her by surprise. “Don’t say that. Don’t start rewriting history.” She tried to pull away from him, but he wouldn’t let her.

  “I’m not rewriting anything. When we were in college and Caleb was hot and heavy with Hannah, I wanted to ask you out. But you were still in high school, and Caleb told me to leave you alone. He said you were far too young and sweet for the likes of me, and he was right about that.”

  “No, he wasn’t.” It was infuriating, all these years later, to realize that he’d had feelings for her, too.

  “If I had to bet, he was concerned that if I screwed things up with you it would screw things up for him with Hannah. He threatened me with bodily harm if I so much as looked at you.”

  “I can’t hear this. I . . . I just . . . I should go.” Before she could make a move to leave the bed, he had her secured to the mattress with the weight of his big body on top of hers, his erection pressed into her belly.

  “Don’t go. Please don’t go.”

  “All this time, Gavin.” Ella was on the verge of tears that she held back by closing her eyes tightly. “I can’t bear to think of what might’ve been.”

  “We’re together now. We have right now and tomorrow and the next day and a fresh new opportunity that I’ll do my best not to royally screw up.” He kissed her again, more intently this time.

  Ella wrapped her arms around his neck and opened her mouth to his tongue. Her emotions were all over the place, but when he kissed her so passionately, she couldn’t think of anything but right here and right now with the man she’d craved for so long. His kisses set her on fire. She curled her legs around his hips, seeking relief for the ache that grew with every sweep of his tongue.

  Seeming to sense what she needed, he rocked against her. Then his hand was between them, unbuttoning the shirt of his that she wore.

  She should stop this before it went any further. Neither of them was in any way prepared for this to happen, but she couldn’t bring herself to stop it. Not when she’d wanted him so badly.

  Without missing a beat in the kiss, Gavin pushed the two sides of the shirt aside and brought his chest down on hers, making Ella moan from the bliss of his chest hair brushing against her tight nipples. This was insanity. She wanted him more than she’d ever wanted anything in her life.

  He broke the kiss, gasping for air. “God, Ella . . .” Burying his face in her neck, he took a series of deep breaths.

  She caressed his back in small circles, working her way down, learning each hill and valley of his muscular frame and making him tremble under her hands. Reaching the waistband of his boxers, she faced a dilemma. Keep going like she wanted to or stop like she knew she should?

  After years and years of checking out the way that sexy ass looked in denim, she found she couldn’t resist the temptation to smooth her hands over the tight globes that grew tighter as she explored him.

  “Fuck,” he whispered on a long exhale. “Ella . . .”

  She squirmed under him, his erection pressing against her.

  “I want to touch you, too,” he said.

  “Please . . . Yes.” Maybe it was shameless to all but beg him, but when a girl’s dreams were coming true, she hardly had time to be concerned about shame.

  He used his arms to lift himself off her, going up to his knees. Pushing her legs apart, he bent over her to kiss her left breast. The scrape of his late-day whiskers against her skin made her feel feverish. Then he closed his lips around her nipple, tugging and sucking as he continued to press his erection between her legs. The combination was too much and just right all at the same time. “Gavin . . .”

  “It’s okay, baby. Let it happen. You’re so sweet and sexy.”

  His words triggered her orgasm, which ripped through her body like an out-of-control freight train.

  She came down from the incredible high to discover she had fistfuls of his hair and was about to give him two very big bald spots.

  “That was so hot,” he whispered against her lips. “I can’t wait to be inside you when that happens.”

  “Mmm.” The thought of that was more than she could process with her body still humming from the most powerful orgasm of her life. If he could do that while barely touching her, she was almost afraid of what else he was capable of. But she also couldn’t wait to find out.

  “You okay?”


  He moved to his side, taking her with him.

  She cuddled up to him, her legs intertwining with his like they’d been sleeping together forever. All the earlier awkwardness was gone and in its place was a growing sense of familiarity that she’d yearned for with him.

  The press of his hard cock against her belly was a reminder that only one of them had found this encounter to be particularly fulfilling. She flattened her hand against his stomach and dragged it do
wn to cover the hard column of flesh, discovering that he most definitely needed those extra-large condoms. Holy moly!

  He drew in a sharp deep breath and covered her hand with his own, stopping her from moving.

  “Let me,” she whispered.

  “I can’t. I’m right there.”

  “That’s okay.” She pushed his hand aside and began to stroke him through the thin cotton of his underwear.

  “Ella . . .” His voice sounded strangled.

  “It’s okay.”

  He got harder and longer. His grip on her arm tightened and his breathing became labored.

  Ella leaned in closer to kiss him, dragging her tongue over his lips before delving inside his mouth.

  Groaning, he thrust into her hand and came.

  She stayed with him all the way through it until he relaxed against her.

  His hand slid inside her shirt and curved around her back. “I feel incredibly lucky that you’ll even speak to me let alone do that.”

  “We’re both lucky to have this opportunity to be together this way. Promise you won’t hurt me, Gavin.”

  “That’s the last thing in the world I want to do.”

  It wasn’t exactly a promise, but she’d take what she could get where he was concerned.


  Waking with Ella tucked up against him, Gavin replayed the night before, picking over every detail and every minute they’d spent together. What she’d said to him about Caleb and how he was left to live for both of them had struck home. It was true and something he’d been aware of for quite some time, while he tried to find a way through the relentless grief to get back to living.

  He could barely remember what his life had been like before the day that shattered all their lives. In the ensuing years, he’d put himself back together as best he could, but none of the pieces fit quite the way they used to. He was like the old ceramic vase his mother had treasured until he and Caleb had knocked it over while wrestling one day and then attempted to cover up their crime by gluing the fragments back together.


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