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Green Mountain Collection 2

Page 57

by Marie Force

  “What’re they up to?” Ella asked when he’d returned the portable phone to the cradle.

  “Some sort of shark diving thing without the cage.”

  “That sounds fun.”

  “You think so?”

  “Not really,” she said with a laugh.

  “I’d much rather spend the day with you than with a bunch of sharks.”

  “I’m strangely complimented by that.”

  He leaned over to kiss her forehead. “As well you should be.”

  “Hey, Gav?”


  “I’m proud of you for telling him the truth. I know that wasn’t easy for you.”

  “It was easier than it would’ve been before I talked to you about it yesterday. And for what it’s worth, apparently your brothers and brother-in-law are pussies these days, too.”

  Ella laughed. “It’ll happen to the rest of them someday.”

  “I can only hope it happens soon. I’ll leave you to eat in peace.”

  “Don’t go. Help me out here. There’s enough to feed an army.”

  “Are you sure?”

  “Yes, I’m sure.” She lifted a forkful of omelet and held it out to him. Holding her gaze, he took the bite.

  After breakfast, they changed into swimsuits and headed for the beach, where he continued tending to her every need, beginning with applying her sunscreen and then by producing a Bloody Mary that left her feeling pleasantly buzzed and peaceful. Her siblings joined them in nearby cabanas, everyone enjoying the sun and sand and clear blue water. They were friendly to Gavin if not overly talkative. She could live with that. It was the most relaxing day Ella could remember having in a long time.

  As relaxed as she was, however, Gavin seemed wound up, agitated, unable to sit still. “What’s wrong?” she asked as they returned to their room late that afternoon to shower for dinner with his parents.

  “Nothing’s wrong.”

  “You’re tense. You have been all day.”

  “Did you have a nice day?”

  “I had a great day.”

  “That’s all that matters. I want you happy.”

  “That’s not all that matters.”

  “It is for now.”

  He used the keycard to open the door, gesturing for her to go in ahead of him. The moment the door clicked shut behind them, she turned to him, resting her hand on his chest. “Tell me what’s wrong.”

  “Nothing is wrong, Ella. Nothing a cold shower won’t take care of.”

  “Oh.” She let her gaze travel down the front of him, stopping just below his waist where the evidence of his arousal left no room for interpretation as to what had him so wound up.

  “It’s your fault,” he said in a teasing tone. “You and that itty-bitty bikini you pranced around in all day.”

  “My bikini is neither itty nor bitty,” she said. “And I don’t prance.”

  “It’s both itty and bitty, and I’m only human, babe. And P.S., you most certainly do prance.”

  She raised her hands to his shoulders and went up on tiptoes to kiss him.

  He reacted instantly, cupping her bottom and lifting her into his arms as he devoured her with his lips, teeth and tongue. With his erection pressed against her, Ella wanted to forget all about the many reasons she’d planned to keep him at arm’s length.

  Then she was falling, landing on the bed with him on top of her as the kiss took a turn toward the wild and frantic. The only thing standing between what they both wanted were her bikini bottoms and his bathing suit. He kept his hands on her bottom, squeezing as his tongue thrust into her mouth.

  Ella arched into him, needing the relief only he could provide.

  He broke the kiss, panting and staring down at her, seeming as dazed as she felt. “We have to stop or we won’t be able to.”

  “Don’t stop yet.”

  “Ella . . .”

  “Please don’t stop yet.”

  A muscle in his cheek pulsed from the tension that gripped them both. “Untie your top.”

  With trembling hands, Ella did as he asked, baring her breasts to him.

  He groaned as he dipped his head to run his tongue over the hard point of her nipple, drawing it into the heat of his mouth and running his tongue back and forth. The whole time he continued to press against her sex, letting her know what he really wanted with every thrust of his hard cock against her tingling clit.

  God, she was actually going to come from the combination of what he was doing to her nipples while he pressed against her.

  “Gavin . . . Don’t stop.”

  “I’ll never stop loving you, Ella. Never.” He sucked hard on her nipple and thrust against her until she came with a sharp cry of pleasure. “Yes, baby, yes. Let me hear you.”

  Mindful of their neighbors and who they were, she didn’t fully give in to the urge to scream, but she wanted to.

  “Mmm,” he said against her nipple as he continued to stroke his tongue over her sensitive skin. “You’re so hot when you come. I could watch that all day and never get tired of seeing you let go.”

  She ran a hand down the front of him, cupping his hardness. “What about you?”

  “That was more than enough for me.”

  “It wasn’t enough for me. Turn over.”

  “No, El, really . . . We don’t have to.”

  “Turn over.”

  Sighing, he flopped onto his back. “If you touch me, I’ll explode.”

  “That’s kind of the idea, isn’t it?” She kissed her way down the front of him, paying homage to his rippling abs before freeing him from the board shorts he’d worn to the beach.

  “Ella . . . Christ . . .” As she stroked him, he raised his hips, and true to his word, he came within seconds of her first touch. “Told ya.”

  “Feel better?”

  “A little.” He tucked a strand of her hair behind her ear. “I won’t feel completely better until I can do that inside you again, until you stop waiting for me to fuck up again, until I’m sure that you’re sure you can trust me to be what you need. Then I’ll feel better.”

  She rested her head on his shoulder. “Today was a good day.”

  “Tomorrow will be, too. So will the day after and the day after that. You’re stuck with me.”


  Over the next few days, Gavin went out of his way to make sure his actions matched his words, choosing Ella’s company over that of his friends, arranging a candlelight dinner for two on the beach one night and leaving her only once—to play golf with the guys on Thursday afternoon ahead of the dinner Dylan was hosting the night before everyone was due to head home.

  While the guys were golfing, Ella spent the afternoon at the spa with Hannah, Cameron and Megan. After a massage and facial, she returned to the room to dress for dinner. Gavin was in the shower when she got back. He emerged a few minutes later with a towel wrapped around his waist and came to find her on the deck.

  “Hey, baby,” he said, kissing her temple as he wrapped an arm around her waist. “How was the spa?”

  “Heavenly. How was the golf?”

  “An exercise in frustration.”

  She smiled up at him. “Seems to be the word of the week, huh?” Though they’d continued to make out every chance they got, among other things, they’d yet to actually make love.

  “It’s been a great week. I’m sorry it’s already time to go home. Maybe we can come back here sometime.”


  “Can we take a walk on the beach before dinner?”

  “Sure. I need to grab a quick shower, and then I’m all yours.”

  “I like the sound of that. All mine.” He leaned in to kiss her. “Don’t keep me waiting too long. I’ve already had to be without you for hours today.”

  He was wearing her down. There was no way to deny the heady feeling that overtook her whenever he said things like that or looked at her in that particular possessive way. Tonight, before they returned to their real lives an
d whatever awaited them there, she would make love with him. She couldn’t wait to be close to him like that again.

  Ella rushed through her shower and dried her hair until it hung in waves down her back. The tropical humidity would undo the work of the straightener, so she didn’t bother, leaving it to curl naturally. She dressed in a floral halter dress and slipped her feet into a pair of wedges. A coat of lip gloss finished off her outfit. She emerged from the bathroom to find Gavin dressed in a yellow polo and plaid shorts. He was so handsome, and despite the ups and downs they’d encountered, he still took her breath away.

  “Wow,” he said on a low whistle. “You look amazing.”

  “So do you.”

  He held out a hand to her. “Shall we?”

  Ella took his hand and followed him from the room. The sun was still an hour or more from setting, but the beach was largely deserted except for a few late-day sun worshipers. They walked a long way down the beach, almost to the end of the resort’s property.

  “Come check this out,” he said, nodding to a cabana that had been erected on the beach. Gauzy curtains fluttered in the breeze, ready to seal off the occupants from the outside world.

  “What is it?”

  “You’ll see.”

  Inside the cabana, a member of the resort staff awaited them. “Mr. Guthrie, Ms. Abbott, welcome.” Beside a double lounge chair, a bottle of champagne chilled in an ice bucket and a tray of fruit, cheese and crackers was on a table. “I trust everything is to your liking, sir?”

  “It is,” Gavin replied. “Thank you so much.”

  “My pleasure. Enjoy.”

  “You did this?” she asked when they were alone.



  “Today when I was supposedly golfing.”

  “You didn’t play golf?”

  “Nope. I did this, among other things.”

  “What other things?”

  He gestured to the lounge. “Have a seat, make yourself comfortable and I’ll tell you.”

  Burning with curiosity, Ella did as he asked, kicking off her shoes and sitting on the lounge.

  Gavin popped the cork on the champagne and poured glasses for both of them before joining her. “Snack?”


  He placed the tray on the canvas cushion between them.

  Ella ate a strawberry and a piece of pineapple. “This is nice. Thank you.”

  “You’re welcome.”

  “Are you going to tell me what else you did today when you were supposed to be golfing?”

  “I went shopping.”

  “You . . . you did what?”

  “I went shopping,” he said again, amusement dancing in his eyes.

  “For what?”

  He slid a hand under one of the pillows and produced a small velvet box that he handed to her. “For this.”

  Ella’s heart kicked into overdrive as she studied the box he’d put in her hand. “W-what is it?”

  “Open it and see.”

  “Gavin . . . I don’t know . . .”

  He placed his much larger hand over hers. “Open it, Ella.”

  Though her hands trembled madly, she managed to flip open the box to discover a stunning diamond ring nestled in black velvet. “Oh . . . Oh my God. Gavin . . .”

  He put the fruit tray back on the table and turned to her. “I realized this week that there was only one thing I could do to make you absolutely certain that I’m in this to stay. That I needed to go big or go home, as Caleb used to say.” He cupped her cheek, compelling her to look at him. “I love you more than I can ever tell you. I’ve loved you for as long as I can remember. Every time you came to my rescue, I fell deeper in love with you. And when I thought I’d lost you forever, I experienced the kind of grief I’ve only known one other time in my life. I don’t want to feel like that ever again. I don’t want to spend another day without you. I don’t want to sleep another night without you tucked in next to me. I don’t want to live without the special joy that only you bring to my life. I was a dead man walking until you set your sights on me, Ella, and you single-handedly brought me back to life. I know I’m a bad bet, but I’m determined to be what you need. Will you please marry me and be mine forever, even on the days I don’t deserve you?”

  Here he was, the Gavin she’d always known lived inside the shell of a man who’d been so lost after his brother’s death. And this Gavin, the Gavin she had loved so much for so long, was saying everything she’d ever wanted to hear—and a few things she hadn’t dared to hope for.

  “Ella, baby, you’re making me sweat here.”

  “I love you so much. You’ll never know how deeply my love for you runs through me. When I thought we were over, I couldn’t imagine how I’d find the wherewithal to go on without you. And then when you came here and you put your arm around me during the wedding and surrounded me with your familiar scent, I was able to breathe again for the first time since you left.”

  “I’ll never leave you again. I promise, even if you turn me down cold today, you’re stuck with me.”

  “I’m not turning you down cold.”

  “You’re not?”

  She shook her head. “I’m saying yes, Gavin. Yes, to everything—the good, the bad and the ugly. I want it all with you. I’m all yours. I always have been.”

  “Thank God,” he whispered before he kissed her. Resting his forehead against hers, he stared into her eyes. “You’re really going to marry me?”

  “I’m really going to marry you, but only if you let me have a lot of babies.”

  “Whatever you want. There’s nothing you could ask me for that I wouldn’t give you if I could.” He picked up the box from her lap, withdrew the ring and slid it onto her left hand. “There. Now it’s official.”

  “Not quite yet.”

  “What did I forget?”

  “Take me back to the room and I’ll show you.” She started to get up from the lounge, but he stopped her.

  “Hang on a second.” He got up and pulled the curtains closed, sealing them off from the outside world. “I can’t wait that long.”

  “Are you sure no one will see us?”

  “I’m pretty sure I can’t wait even five more minutes to make love to my gorgeous fiancée.”

  “Who am I to argue with a man in love?”

  He smiled then, and the tense uncertainty she’d seen in him all week disappeared. “This dress is crazy sexy, but it’s got to go.”

  Ella drew the dress up and over her head, enjoying his sharp gasp of surprise when he saw that she’d worn nothing under it.

  “Seems like I’m not the only one who made plans for this evening.”

  “You’re overdressed for this party, Mr. Guthrie. Let me help you.”

  Working together, they got rid of his clothes.

  “This is very risky and decadent,” she said as he came down on top of her, naked, muscular and gloriously aroused. She was still trying to believe that he’d really proposed, that she had forever to spend with him, that her nights of eating Cherry Garcia alone were over. The sparkling diamond on her finger was a dazzling reminder that it had really happened.

  “Are you happy, Ella?”

  “I’ve never been happier.”

  “Neither have I, and that never could’ve happened for me without you.”

  “Same goes. No one else would’ve done it for me like you do. It was always you.”

  “Tell me you love me. I need to hear it again.”

  “I love you, Gavin. I’ll love you forever.”

  He slid into her in one deep thrust that had both of them gasping from the sheer magic they created together. “I love you, too, Ella. I’ll give you everything I’ve got for the rest of my life. You can count on that.”

  “That’s all I’ve ever wanted.”


  With George and Ringo in tow, Lincoln headed out to the trees to check on the work Gavin’s men had completed while he and Molly had been in Burl
ington welcoming their first grandchild. And what a fine, strapping little fellow Caden Lincoln Abbott was. His son had surprised and delighted him with the baby’s middle name. You never knew for sure if you were having an impact on your kids, but at times like that, you felt like maybe you’d done something right.

  The older kids were back home now, after a fun trip to the Caribbean to marry off their friend Dylan. He and Molly would’ve liked to have been there, too, but had declined Dylan’s invitation because of the baby’s pending arrival. They’d been where they needed to be to help Max through the first few uncertain days that came with new parenthood.

  He was doing a fine job so far. If only the same could be said for Chloe, who had no interest—or so it seemed to them—in their son or their grandson. Max had some difficult days ahead of him. His youngest child had grown up awfully fast this last year, and Linc worried about what was ahead for Max and baby Caden.

  “Hey, you’re back!”

  Lincoln spun around to see his father-in-law crossing the lawn to him. “About a half hour ago.”

  “How’re things in Burlington?” Elmer asked.


  “Ah, damn. How’s our Max holding up?”

  “Admirably, all things considered.”

  “What’s up with that girl? She’s got the best guy in the world and an adorable son.”

  “Max thinks she’s depressed. He’s taking her to the doctor on Monday. In the meantime, he’s taking care of the baby pretty much on his own and doing a fine job of it.”

  “You must’ve had to drag Molly out of there.”

  “She didn’t want to leave him yet, but I needed to get back to work, and they’ve got to figure out what’s next. They can’t do that with us underfoot.”


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