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Dare to Love

Page 7

by Dixie Lynn Dwyer

  “Have you ever been in a committed relationship? Have the three of you ever shared a woman? Do you have parents, any family? Where do you go when you leave for months at a time. Oh, will you order me around and tell me what to do? Is that part of the control thing? Because I’ve been alone for years now and to tell you the truth, I’m used to only taking care of myself and I don’t really trust people. I’m very shy, too, and get intimidated easily. I don’t like that feeling.”

  Warner gently placed his fingers over her lips as he smiled. His brothers chuckled.

  She felt embarrassed for rambling on the way she did but as soon as she asked the first question, she had to ask more.

  “Okay, one, I believe the three of us have never been in a committed relationship. We’ve always been busy with our careers and traveling,” Warner told her.

  “And never met a woman that drew all of our interest at the same time,” Kurt added.

  “We have shared women before, but things were missing. It only clarified that we wanted to share a woman and that would be our ultimate ideal relationship,” Taylor said to her as he caressed her hair.

  She locked onto his hazel eyes and exhaled. He was so good-looking.

  Warner caressed her thigh as he leaned on his elbow and watched her.

  “We have parents. Two dads and a mom. They don’t live far from here,” Taylor said and she looked at him and smiled.

  “You’re lucky then, and to have two dads. That’s pretty amazing, and also so odd for me to think about,” she replied.

  “Why is that?” Kurt asked, taking her hand and bringing it to his lips. He kissed her knuckles and held her gaze.

  The move caused her breasts to lift higher and she felt them swell with desire. These three men were so good-looking. So sexy and masculine. She felt like such a peanut. Yet, she felt sexy. Or at least she hoped she looked sexy, lying here with three men, with Taylor, Warner, and Kurt on her bed. This was a first for her. She’d never let a man in her bedroom. Did she want them here? Was it too intimate?

  Warner clutched her chin and held her gaze, drawing her complete attention to him.

  “There you go again, thinking and not talking. Don’t be afraid. Tell us about your parents, about your childhood, about what brought you to Chance,” he said to her then released her chin. She rolled over so that she was on her back and really wouldn’t have to face one of them.

  “My parents were very sick. They had high blood pressure, diabetes and bone deterioration to just name a few of their ailments. Most of high school is a blur, because I basically went to school then headed home to take care of my parents. Within those four years their medical conditions got worse. They couldn’t function without my help and were wheel chair bound. It was the worst years of my life. To have to watch them suffer, be in pain, and lose limbs and eventually their sight from the diabetes. They deteriorated quickly and first my mom passed, and then a month later, my dad.”

  “That’s terrible. Didn’t you have any family around to help you?” Taylor asked.

  She shook her head.

  “I’m an only child. My parents hadn’t expected to have children. I think I was a mistake but of course my mom always said I was a blessing,” she admitted and then felt the tears in her eyes. She always felt self-conscious about that. Knowing her parents hadn’t intended to have her and then her mom got pregnant.

  Warner caressed her thigh and gave her hip bone a squeeze. “Definitely a blessing,” he said and she smiled. His comment made her feel good.

  “So what did you do when they passed away?” Taylor asked.

  “They had some money saved but not much. I had to sell the house and broke even. I did sell all the furniture and it was enough to pay for some classes at the local community college when I graduated. But times were tough. I really didn’t know what to do and there was nowhere to turn so I did what I thought was best,” she said and remembered the long scary nights on the streets and the few times she stayed in the shelter were even scarier.

  Kurt covered her hand and squeezed it.

  “What did you do to survive on your own?”

  She held his gaze. Those blue eyes of his touched her heart and she found herself explaining everything to them.

  “You lived on the streets and in shelters?” Warner asked sounding angry.

  “I didn’t have much of a choice. It was for about a month or so. I really don’t remember and I don’t like talking about it. When I landed the small job on the college campus, it was a lifesaver. I would stay in one of the lab rooms. There were professors that worked all night long and they left the doors unlocked. I was able to sneak into a closet or set up things in a corner in the back, and no one noticed. Or maybe they did and they just let me get away with it. I don’t know. But it was better, safer than the shelters or the streets. I would shower in the girl’s locker room and people always left things around like shampoo, conditioner, even clothes. It was tough but then the hours increased with the job on campus.”

  “My God, baby, you’re incredible. A survivor,” Kurt told her and then he leaned forward and kissed her softly on the lips.

  When he pulled back she felt even more aroused. She loved when they kissed her. She loved the feel of their masculine lips against hers. The way their big strong muscles wrapped around her and made her feel safe. She still never really felt safe at night.

  “How did you end up in Chance?” Kurt asked her.

  “Mrs. Peters worked at the community college with me. She told me about the job, and set up the interview with Max and then the board.”

  Warner was playing with the hem of her shirt. He lifted it higher. The feel of his large, heavy hand made her core tingle and her pussy tighten. His fingers stroked over her skin and she tightened up only for him to move closer and kiss her lips.

  “We’ll have to thank Mrs. Peters,” he said when he released her lips and then kissed her again.

  He took his time tasting her, pulling on her lower lip then drawing her full lips into another smoldering kiss. It was too much. He was breaking her down. Weakening her defenses. His hand moved upward and cupped her breast.

  She grabbed onto his hand and gasped as he released her lips. His eyes roamed over her chest and the cleavage that showed.

  “You’re quite voluptuous, Mercedes. I want to explore you a little more.”

  She was breathing heavier.

  “Perhaps we can assist,” Taylor said and then took her hand and brought it up above her head and he kissed the top. She watched him, taking her eyes off of Warner a moment until she felt Kurt take her other hand and bring it up above her head. He kissed along her skin, down her arm to her inner elbow, making her giggle and tighten up.

  “Someone is ticklish,” he said and then suckled against the underside of her wrist.

  Warner’s lips touched her belly and then moved upward.

  “Warner,” she practically moaned.

  “Easy, baby, just exploring and clarifying things,” he said as he pressed a palm up over her breast as he used his fingers from his other hand to undo her bra.

  “About the liking to have control part you asked about,” Kurt told her, and she thought she might pass out she was so aroused.

  Warner lifted her top, revealing her full, round breasts to him and his brothers.

  “Sweet Jesus, Mercedes. Where you been hiding those, baby?” Taylor teased then ran the palm of his free hand down over her shoulder and to a breast. Kurt cupped the other one as Taylor played with the nipple and remained holding her arm above her head.

  She wiggled her hips and shook and nearly screamed it was torturous.

  “Please. Oh God, you guys are too much. Too wild,” she said to them.

  “You bring it out in us, baby,” Warner whispered as he blew warm breath against her left nipple as Taylor held part of it forward for his brother like an offering.

  As Warner stuck out his tongue, Taylor released her breasts and Warner suckled the nipple. She watched his che

eks cave in and then go back to normal. He twirled his tongue around her breast as Kurt released her other breast and Warner cupped it and massaged it.

  Having all three men touch her like this at once was overwhelming, arousing, so damn wild she started not to care about anything but letting go and giving in.

  It was overwhelming and she felt her pussy clench then release a small bit of cream.

  “Warner, please. Oh God that feels so good,” she said and tilted her head back. When she lifted her hips, Kurt reached down and pressed his hand under the elastic of her shorts. Before she could react his fingers stroked up into her wet cunt.

  She lost it.

  “Oh. My. God,” she said and she came.

  * * * *

  Kurt couldn’t believe it. One touch, a few pulls on her nipples, and a finger to her cunt, and Mercedes was practically shooting up off the bed.

  He nodded toward Taylor to hold her hands above her head and he did as Kurt began to push her panties and shorts down.

  “No, wait. Oh God please,” she said, sounding scared.

  She wiggled and tried pulling her hands down.

  “Oh God we can’t. You can’t. I’m not ready. I don’t really know you that well. I mean it feels great and oh God, we have to stop.” She carried on, making Taylor chuckle.

  “It’s okay, Mercedes. We just want to make you feel good and explore this sexy body,” Taylor told her as he lifted her wrists, bent over, and kissed them.

  “But I—what are you going to do?” she asked, sounding so innocent.

  “Well I know what I want to do. I want to taste your sweet cream and make you come. You are going to look sexy and beautiful when you come. I just know it,” Kurt said as he eased her panties and shorts down and off of her.

  Warner reached over and caressed her inner thigh. She shook and looked so scared.

  She locked gazes with Kurt.

  “You’re safe, and you belong to me and my brothers. We want to explore what’s ours,” he told her then leaned up and kissed her deeply. When he felt her relax a little he pulled back and slowly slid toward the bottom of the bed as Warner kissed her next. When he was done, Kurt pressed her legs apart, stared at her perfectly manicured pussy, and licked his lips.

  “I can’t wait to taste you,” he said then eased down over her pussy. He used his tongue and lips to arouse her, to get her to relax and just let go. Here and there he added a digit or two and drew out soft purrs and then moans of pleasure from her.

  She tasted so good, smelled delicious, and then he felt her rock her hips.

  “That’s right, baby. Just let go and let us have all of you,” Warner said, cupping her breast and pinching the nipple.

  She looked like a goddess spread out before them. Taylor held her arms above her head and suckled her inner wrists against the sensitive spot. Warner was feasting on her breasts while Kurt thrust fingers in and out of her pussy until she moaned a release. Her cream poured from her cunt and he fell between her thighs and licked and suckled what he could.

  “Sweet mother you’re so damn responsive. Fuck, you got my dick so hard,” Kurt told her, pulling away from her pussy, lips moist from her cream, and she gasped. Her hazel eyes grew wide as saucers as she stared at Kurt. She closed her thighs, locking Kurt, Taylor, and Warner out.

  “Let go, Taylor. Please,” she said.

  Taylor did immediately. They all heard the fear, the worry in her tone.

  “What is it, baby?” Kurt asked as he sat up.

  She tried sitting up to grab her shorts.

  “Here. Let me help you,” he offered and she slid back into her panties and shorts.

  She then pulled her shirt down.

  “What is it? What’s wrong?” Warner asked her.

  “That was too much too soon. Overwhelming,” she said and then ran a nervous hand through her hair.

  Warner smiled then touched her chin and tilted her head up toward him.

  “Not too much. Never too much. You’re perfect, and if you need more time to get to know us that’s fine. We’re not going anywhere,” he told her and Taylor then Kurt nodded.

  Kurt felt such a need, a possessive desire in him, he lowered half over her body and kissed her deeply. When he felt her fingers run through his hair and hold him tight, he was relieved. He would be as patient as he could be. But he knew it wouldn’t last long.

  Chapter 6

  When Mercedes entered the sheriff’s department, she was greeted by everyone. It felt so good to be cared for and to live in a town like Chance. Over the past year she had seen lots of people helping one another out and knew the town was special. But feeling the love, the concern from the citizens of Chance as well as her fellow coworkers, truly touched her heart.

  But as she headed toward her desk after receiving some hugs, her eyes landed on the yellow bouquet of flowers. She panicked and stopped short. She instantly turned around and grabbed onto Taylor’s arms.

  “Taylor, the flowers. Oh my God, someone sent them to me the other day and I have no idea who. What if it were those men? What if they were watching me at the supermarket and here in town?”

  He smiled softly and caressed her arms.

  “It’s okay, sweetheart. It wasn’t them. I already checked it out. You’re safe here, too,” he said and she looked at him strangely. She felt strangely, but before she could question him the sheriff called his name.

  “Taylor, I need you in my office a minute.”

  Taylor nodded his head and then looked back at Mercedes. He held her gaze as he reached over and cupped her cheek. “You’re the one that said you wanted to head back to work. I’ll catch you later. I won’t be far away. Okay?”

  She nodded her head. He leaned down and kissed her lips softly and she felt so much better. As he walked toward Max’s office, Thelma hurried over.

  “Woman, you have got to tell me the details about how Taylor and Kurt showed up at that bar and rescued you. If that isn’t fate, then I don’t know what is,” Thelma said.

  “Fate?” Mercedes asked as she walked around her desk. She still was feeling uneasy about not knowing who sent the flowers, and who was obviously watching her in the grocery store last week.

  “Yes, fate. Those damn men have been wanting you for quite some time. They’ve turned down so many offers of dates. You’re one lucky lady and they sure are three lucky men.”

  “Turning down dates?” she asked.

  “Oh yes, I’ve had to help some of these men around here, Taylor included, dodge a few calls from pestering females. Seems your Taylor is quite the catch. But that’s all over now. They’re all yours and no woman can even think of trying to push in.”

  “Thelma, I need you.”

  One of the deputies called out Thelma’s name and she smiled wide, excused herself, and hurried toward her desk.

  Mercedes thought about what Thelma said about the women and she felt a bit jealous. The Dawn men were hers as she was theirs. As soon as she talked to her friends and gained a bit more confidence, she would let her guard down and let them make love to her. Just thinking about it made her feel all aroused and a nervous wreck. They were older, more experienced men. Maybe they wouldn’t want a virgin, but instead a woman who knew her way around a man’s body and how to please him?

  She felt sick and then Taylor walked out of the sheriff’s office, gave her a wink and headed toward the front door.

  Instantly her emotions changed again. She felt giddy, safe, and pretty important that she snagged the Dawn men as hers. Thinking that made her feel excited yet scared out of her mind. She needed to focus on work. The other things would come later.

  * * * *

  “Okay, so let’s talk this through,” Adele said to Mercedes as Alicia and Marlena took their seats around them and sipped their sweet tea.

  “Please lower your voices. I don’t want the guys to know or anyone for that matter. It’s personal and I really need to figure out if I’m ready,” Mercedes said to them.

are ready. You’ve been ready for months. We’ve been around you when one of the Dawn brothers show up,” Alicia stated.

  “You get all quiet, and you stare at them, probably absorbing all those muscles and fantasizing about how they’ll feel when you get an opportunity to explore them,” Adele added.

  They chuckled.

  “I don’t stare at them,” Mercedes said as she ran her finger along the rim of the sweet tea.

  Adele, Alicia, and Marlena chuckled. Marlena covered Mercedes’s hand. “It’s okay, sweetie. We’ve all done it with our men and still do. You like them, and there’s nothing wrong with that,” she added.

  “I do like them, but I’ve never even had a boyfriend. Think about that. I’ve never let a man get close to me like that,” she whispered and Adele knew what she meant.

  “That’s nothing to be ashamed of, or uncertain about. It’s special. Being able to offer three men you love and who love you, a part of you, hell, all of you, like you’ve never given to anyone else is so special. They care so much about you, Mercedes,” Marlena said.

  “They only started really caring after Taylor and Kurt saw me nearly get abducted.”

  “That’s not true. They were there watching over you, being jealous that you were on another date and ensuring that you were safe. I’d say that is pretty obvious they have had their eyes on you and wanted you for a while,” Adele said to her.

  “I know you’re right, but this is what I keep doing. I keep minimizing what I know is real and focusing on only trusting me to take care of me. You know what I mean?” Mercedes asked them. They all nodded.

  “It’s time to let that wall down and allow Kurt, Taylor, and Warner to love you and care for you. They’re letting walls down, too, you know,” Alicia added.

  “She’s right. Kurt and especially Warner would disappear for months at a time on missions or government jobs. Dangerous jobs from what we’ve all heard through gossip.”

  “I know, Adele. Warner blames himself for me getting into the situation. He said if he hadn’t been running away from his feelings for me, then I wouldn’t have been there. I would have been with them in their bed, making love,” she said.


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