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Breakout: Pioneers of the Future, Prison Guards of the Past, and the Epic Battle That Will Decide America's Fate

Page 28

by Newt Gingrich

campaign of, 39

  debt and, 147

  green energy and, 96–97, 99–100

  higher education and, 48

  IRS scandal and, 150

  reelection of, 95

  unemployment rate and, 77

  Obamacare, 50–51, 55–58, 60, 151–52, 172, 185, 187

  Ohio, 74, 76–77

  Olasky, Marvin, 176, 178

  O’Neill, Gerard, 125–27, 133

  “Open 311,” 158–59

  Opportunity (Mars rover), 128

  O’Reilly, Tim, 162–64

  Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC), 79, 96

  Organ Procurement and Transplantation Network (OPTN), 58–60

  Ormat Technologies, 100

  Orteig Prize, 131

  Orteig, Raymond,

  Oshkosh Defense, 109, 114

  Outer Continental Shelf (U.S.), 82

  Oxford University, 39


  Page, Larry, 20, 111

  “paper NASA,” the, 129

  Parkinson’s disease, 189

  Pathfinder (spacecraft), 130

  Pavillion, WY, 92

  PBS, 43

  “peak oil,” 13–14, 72–74, 79, 81, 84, 95

  “peak oil theory,” 72, 84

  Peltzman, Sam, 67

  Pennsylvania, 36, 74, 76–78, 80, 91–92

  Pennsylvania Department of Labor, 78

  Pentagon, the, 143, 166

  Permian Basin, 85

  Permian Basin Petroleum Association, 87

  personalized medicine, 13, 51–52, 209

  Pierce, Caitlin, 25

  pioneers of the future, 20, 22, 140, 152, 191, 201–6, 208

  in education, 11, 27, 175

  in energy, 72, 74, 76, 84, 96

  in health, 60–61, 199

  in outer space, 131–32

  in transportation, 113, 121

  Population Bomb, The, 102

  Prince, The, 19

  Princeton University, 44, 125

  prison guards of the past, 17, 20–23, 26–27, 32, 35, 81, 127, 139, 141, 152, 163, 165, 201, 205–6, 208–9

  conventional wisdom as a, 72

  in education, 27, 32, 35, 38, 48

  in energy, 80–81, 84, 140

  in environmental policy, 88–89, 92–93, 95–100, 105

  in healthcare, 51, 55, 56, 69–70, 189

  NASA as a, 127–33

  in poverty, 174, 178–79, 184

  in transportation, 117–24

  prize model, the, 131

  Prologis, 94, 100

  Promised Land, 92

  Prudhoe Bay, AK, 76

  PT Cruiser, 123–24

  Purdon, Timothy, 88


  Quantum Reservoir Impact, 77


  radios, 7, 37, 94

  “real NASA,” the, 129

  Reason, 141

  Rector, Robert, 180

  regenerative medicine, 61, 64–66, 69, 188–90, 209

  Republicans, 159

  Reuters, 57, 99

  Rialto, CA, 161

  Ricardo UK, 113

  Richmond, VA, 107, 158

  Right, the, 6, 17, 19,

  Rio Tinto, 114

  Robotics Institute (Carnegie Mellon), 114

  Rocky Mountains, 116

  Rolling Stone, 100–1

  Roosevelt, Franklin Delano, 154

  Rotterdam, 103

  Rowe, Tim, 57

  Roy, Avik, 67

  rule of law, 145, 150–52

  Russia, Russians, 127–28, 130

  Rust Belt, 77


  Sacramento, CA, 143

  Sagan, Carl, 126

  Saint Louis Zoo, 138

  Salazar, Ken, 94

  Saleri, Nansen, 77

  San Diego, CA, 143

  San Francisco, CA, 108, 120, 156, 158

  San Jose State University, 46–47

  SARTRE project, 113

  Saudi Arabia, 78–79

  Saxberg, Bror, 39–43, 45, 175

  Say’s phoebe, 88

  Scheiber, Noam, 96

  Scripps Translational Science Institute, 52

  SeeClickFix, 158

  self-driving cars, 14, 45, 109, 112–18, 121, 124, 140, 171, 199, 209

  Shepherds Flat, 100

  Shepperd, Ben, 87

  Shetty, Devi Prasad, 50

  Shlaes, Amity, 155

  SideCar, 120

  Siri, 38

  Slate, 33

  Small Business Administration, 140

  smartphones, 10, 54, 57, 115, 118, 121, 158, 162, 175–76, 203

  Social Security Administration, 195–96, 198

  Social Security Disability Insurance, 18

  solar power, 126

  South Carolina, 138, 167

  Southern Methodist University, 91

  Soyuz capsules, 127

  Space Adventures, 133

  SpaceShipOne, 132

  SpaceShipTwo, 132

  SpaceX, 133

  Spirit (Mars rover), 128

  Stanford University, 45, 48, 109–11

  “Stanley” (self-driving car), 109–110

  Staples, 12

  steam engine, the, 6, 9

  Stevens, Bill, 74

  Stop Paying the Crooks, 147

  Street View (Google), 45, 111

  Stryker, Pat, 94, 99

  suburbs, 116, 120, 157, 185

  Summers, Lawrence, 99–100

  Sundance Film Festival, 90

  Suskind, Ron, 173

  Susquehanna County, PA, 78

  Sutent, 68

  sweat-equity model, 184


  Tabarrok, Alex, 141

  Taliban, 79

  teachers’ unions, 20, 27, 35, 38, 42, 93

  Tea Party, 150–51

  TED conference (2011), 27

  TED conferences, 112

  TED talks, 29, 62

  Temporary Assistance to Needy Families, 181

  Tenth Amendment, 165, 168

  TerraMax, 114

  Tesla, 120–21

  Texas A&M Department of Wildlife and Fisheries Sciences, 86

  Texas A&M University, 85–86

  THOMAS, 161

  three-dimensional (3-D) printers, 12, 62–63

  Timberlake, Perry, 197, 199

  Times Square (NY), 17

  Tito, Dennis, 132

  Tocqueville, Alexis de, 153–54, 159, 164

  Topol, Eric, 51–57, 68–69, 190

  Toyota, 111–12

  Tragedy of American Compassion, The, 176, 178

  transcontinental railroad, the, 6

  Trippi, Joe, 160

  tuberculosis, 13

  Tufts University Center for the Study of Drug Development, 67

  Turco, Andy, 71, 74, 77

  Turkey, 15, 156

  Twitter, 11, 33, 158, 163, 205


  Uber, 118–21, 140

  Udacity, 46–48, 109, 140, 176, 182, 199

  Udall, Morris, 126

  underground transit systems, 8

  Unfit for Work, 195, 198

  United Arab Emirates, 92

  United Kingdom Energy Research Centre, 80

  University of Chicago, 67

  University of Pennsylvania, 154

  University of Phoenix, 44

  University of Texas at Austin (UT Austin), 57, 85

  University of Virginia, 1, 3

  UPS, 114

  U.S. Air Force, 163

  U.S. Army, 166–67, 193, 203

  USA Today, 146

  U.S. Congress, 55, 139, 149, 155, 159, 161, 190, 193, 204

  FDA and, 67

  Kathleen Sebelius and, 151

  members of, 21, 167, 184, 192

  NASA and, 130, 132–33

  natural gas terminals and, 80

  Organ Procurement and Transplantation Network (OPTN) and, 58

  Washington, D.C., and, 107

  U.S. Department of Agriculture, 147

  U.S. Department of Defense, 98, 165�

  U.S. Department of Energy, 94

  U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), 56, 58–59

  U.S. Department of Justice, 88–89, 165

  U.S. Department of State, 165

  U.S. House Energy and Commerce Committee, 57

  U.S. House Oversight Committee, 162, 193

  U.S. Interior Department, 83, 86, 94

  U.S. Justice Department, 88–89, 93, 151, 165

  U.S. Military Academy prep school, 193

  U.S. Supreme Court, 3, 155

  U.S. Treasury Department, 97


  VanOverbeke, Lisa, 185

  Verne, Jules, 7–8

  Village Voice, 90

  Virgin Galactic, 132

  virtual charter schools, 36–38.

  See also Agora Cyber Charter School; Florida’s Virtual Academies (FLVA)

  Visa, 161

  Volvo, 112–13, 122

  von Eschenbach, Andy, 188

  von Neumann, John, 101


  Wahhabism, 79

  Wall Street Journal, the, 45, 67, 76, 81, 96, 120, 144, 151, 173, 177

  Washington, D.C., 20, 50, 75, 80, 107–8, 118–19, 137–38, 143, 149, 160, 164–66, 173, 185

  Washington Examiner, 196, 198

  Washington Post, 3, 33, 35, 119, 146–47

  “Web 2.0,” 162

  WebMD, 57, 161

  welfare, 20, 89, 152, 173, 178–81, 185, 196–97

  Western Europe, 170

  West Virginia, 76–77

  White House, the, 94, 99, 155

  Whitney, Meredith, 142

  Wikipedia, 9, 26, 54, 92

  Williams, Billy Dee, 138–39

  Williston, ND, 71–72, 77

  Window of Opportunity, 131

  wind power, 98

  Wired, 33

  “wireless medicine,” 54–55

  World Trade Center, 103

  World War II, 18, 116, 151

  World of Warcraft, 139

  Wright brothers, the, 8


  X Prize Foundation, 132–33

  X-rays, 8, 64


  Yahoo!, 8

  Yale University, 44

  YouCut, 159

  YouTube, 11, 26–28, 32, 35, 162


  Zipcars, 115

  Zubrin, Robert, 133–34

  Zuckerberg, Mark, 8

  Zynga, 156




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