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The Pack Rules Boxed Set: The Complete Series of Wolf, Bear, and Dragon Shifter Romances

Page 39

by Michele Bardsley

  “I’m fine, thank you.”

  Mary patted Hope’s hand. “I’m so glad. But I have a terrific recipe for chicken soup I could whip up just in case.”

  “Well folks, it looks like you’re out of luck,” Elias said as he walked into the kitchen. “Radio says the roads to Tahoe are blocked. Blizzard’s going full force. Good news, though. Weather guy says it should be clear as a bell in the morning.”

  Elias sat down at the table. “Be glad to give you a room. No need to pay for it seeing as how you’re already out a car. I can give you all a lift to Tahoe in the morning—soon as they get the roads clear.”

  Out of the corner of her eye, Hope saw Gabe shake his head. “I had insurance on the car, Elias, and I insist on paying you for a room. We’ve already put you out enough. Do you think the phone lines will be connected again in the morning?”

  Elias rubbed his chin. “Maybe. Storm should let up by then. C’mon, I’ll show you where the cabin is.”

  Hope felt her stomach drop to her knees. Could she stay in a one-room cabin with Gabe? No. He’d seduce her or she’d seduce him…any way it happened, they’d end up having hot sex. Huh. What was the bad part again?

  She swung around to face Gabe and lost her breath. Pure lust lit his gaze. She doubted she’d have enough time between the door closing and her clothes coming off to make a single protest. How was it possible they could do this…this unknowable thing…to each other? She knew he had just as difficult a time resisting the sexual impulses as she did. You’re in love, idiot. What else do you think is going on?

  They followed Elias outside. He pointed to a cabin still visible in the blowing snow and handed Gabe a key. The cabin was ten feet or so away. “You need me to walk y’all out there?”

  “No, sir. Thank you.”

  Elias nodded. “It’s a bleak and cold night, but at least y’all have each other.” And with those parting words, he returned to the warmth of his kitchen and his wife.

  Tall trees blocked out the night sky, but the thick branches didn’t stop the snow from pelting them on their short walk to the cabin. But before they entered, Hope turned to Gabe and found his head descending toward her. His lips claimed hers. His tongue invaded her mouth, exploring the inner edges. He didn’t end his tender violation of her mouth, but he did gentle the kiss and nibble her lower lip. She couldn’t stop a moan of pleasure from escaping. He released her shoulders and stroked her throat with his strong fingers. He tasted her earlobe.

  “God, I want you, Hope,” he said in a heavy voice. His hands continued their search under her coat with feather-soft touches on her shoulders, arms and ribcage. He didn’t hesitate to cup her breasts and to lightly pinch the stiff nipples through her bra.

  Hope gasped at the entirely too enjoyable sensations. She discovered her hands had slipped under his sweater, under his T-shirt to touch the curly hair on his warm chest. She felt his heart thumping erratically against her cold palms.

  “Gabe, what are we doing?”


  HE GRABBED HER hand and lowered it his jeans. She clasped his hardness, and he groaned, rubbing against her slender fingers. She wished she had the willpower to stop him. To walk away from the lust and…the love she harbored for him.

  Hope took a deep breath when Gabe raised his head to look at her. His eyes were a black river of desire and his lips swollen from feasting on her. He touched her cheek. “Let’s go.”

  Without another word, he led her the last few feet to the door.

  She wanted Gabe.

  It was as simple and as complicated as that.

  Gabe inserted the key and opened the door. As they entered, Hope watched as he turned on the lights. A dial on the wall allowed the lights to be adjusted from dim to blinding, and of course, Gabe chose dim. She shut door and barely had time to take in the space before Gabe back her against the wall, and placed his hands on either side of her. The gentle invasion of his tongue sent sparks of heat to the pit of her stomach. Gabe stopped kissing her so he could strip off her coat and gloves. The sweater went next, followed by her bra. His gaze slid to her breasts. He leaned down and suckled one hardened nipple. Pleasure cascaded through her, and she moaned. He knew her so well. What she liked. What she didn’t. He moved to her other breast and gave it the same sweet treatment. Hope grabbed his shoulders and hissed out a ravaged breath. Gabe lifted his head and gave her a dark, sensuous smile.

  He drew his forefinger across her cheekbone then tugged her lip. “I want you.”

  “Really? I couldn’t tell.”

  “Let me make a fire.” He gave her a wicked grin. “Although I like the one we have going right now.”

  She reached down for her sweater, but he stalled the movement. “Stay naked, babe.”

  “You’ve always been such a romantic.”

  She watched as he went to the rick of wood next to the hearth. He bent over to gather a few pieces, giving her a view of his rear. Every part of the man tempted her. She looked away from Gabe and concentrated on the details of the cozy cabin. The main feature of the only room was the large oak bed, complete with bushy feather pillows and an old-fashioned quilt pushed against the east wall. To the left of the bed was a stone fireplace. Facing the fireplace was a comfy-looking couch. A yellow afghan hung over the back.

  Two doors were opposite the bed. Curious, she went and opened them. One led to a roomy closet, and the other to a tiny bathroom. Hope closed the doors and went into the small kitchenette, which was located three steps away from the fireplace. Oak cabinets lined around a stove and refrigerator and were conveniently filled with assorted plates, glasses and utensils.

  She heard the small whoosh of flames that signaled Gabe had the fire going and left the kitchen, skirting the rather large bed. Obviously the small cabin had been intended for couples who wanted romance. She sat down on the bed and sank into the soft mattress. From her cozy perch, she watched Gabe pile more wood into the hearth. The firelight bathed his face in gold, emphasizing the high angles of his cheeks. He was so handsome he took her breath away. Damn, her hands were trembling.

  “Quarter for your thoughts,” Gabe said, interrupting her mental ramblings.

  “A whole quarter?”

  “Inflation.” He grinned. “You look sad.”

  “You think I’m sad?” She leaned back on her elbows and thrust her breasts upward. “What do you think now?”

  He crossed the room in three steps and tumbled onto the bed with her. “Hmmm. You feel good,” he said, nibbling on her neck. She squirmed beneath him, her hands trying to get under his shirt. “It turns me on when you move like that,” he whispered in her ear.

  Her heart missed a beat as he kissed the underside of her jaw then trailed a wet line to her collarbone.

  “Sweet Hope,” he murmured. “You taste so good. Must be all that chocolate you devour.” He plunged his hands through her hair. “Just like silk. I love your hair.” He lowered his mouth to hers and pushed against her pelvis, letting his body tell her how much he desired her.

  She wound her arms around his neck and splayed her fingers through his hair. It felt silky against her fingertips. He nibbled her lips then kissed the point of her chin. He kissed her neck, tasting a sensitive spot behind her ear. She gasped and the grip he had on her waist tightened.

  She rubbed against his chest, wanting to get closer, wanting to feel more of him. With a muffled curse, Gabe set her away long enough to rip off his clothes and the rest of hers. It took way too long by her estimation, but soon they fell naked upon each other like two starving people presented with a feast.

  She felt tiny shivers race up her spine and swallowed a groan when Gabe cupped her breasts and laid a gentle kiss on each one. He nuzzled her neck again and pinched her nipples with his fingers. She gasped at the incredible sensations. He bent his head and laved the hard nubs. Intense pleasure curled through her.

  He shimmied down her torso and grasped her waist. His tongue dipped into her navel then he trailed a line of heat
to her pussy. There was no prelude, no coy seduction. He suckled her clit…then his tongue stroked her. A swift heat plunged through her and caused her thighs to tremble.

  He moved his hands to grasp her behind. He tasted her more fully and a thousand electric sensations singed her body. Her fingers dug into his flesh, and she threw her head back. The more he licked, suckled, worshipped, the more her body strained to end the torturous feelings flooding through her.

  GABE KNEW THE moment Hope shattered. Her fingernails dug holes into his shoulders, and her cry sang to his soul. He pressed even closer, tasting his prize, delighting in her sweetness. Her convulsions teased his chin as he nipped her center. He kissed his way back to her mouth. He grinned at her stunned expression.

  He cupped her bare breasts, knowing they fit his hands too perfectly. He suckled each coral tip, nipping gently when he heard her indrawn breath. Reluctantly he stopped and gathered her closer. He groaned when she rubbed against him. Her nipples felt good against his chest. He pressed his hardness between her thighs. Roughly, he caught her buttocks and squeezed. She looked up at him, desire still evident in her green eyes.

  “Sweetheart,” he said as he cupped one of her pale breasts. “It’s not over yet.”

  “Thank God.” She reached down and grasped his cock. Her fingers glided over him, causing his member to jerk in pleasure. He closed his eyes and allowed her to continue the sweet torture, but he clenched his fists to keep from throwing himself on her and plunging into her hot depths. Not yet.

  She squeezed his penis, her other hand reaching down to cup his balls. She bent and took his cock into her mouth. Her tongue slid up and down, then around. She sucked the tip before she glided to the base, and he fought to keep from thrusting into her warm, wet mouth. She played with his balls, cupping and squeezing and all the while her sweet lips pleasured him. She wrapped her fingers around the base and stroked as she licked and suckled the top of his cock. The pleasure was intense. A fired gathered in his groin. She was relentless, her strokes of hand and tongue faster and firmer until he came, spurting his seed into her mouth. She drank it all, licking his pulsing shaft like it was forbidden candy.

  She crawled on top of him and rubbed his cock with her wet heat. He cupped her breasts, traced her ribcage, and kneaded a creamy white hip. His tan hands were a stark contrast against her pale skin. She writhed under his minute ministrations, gasping when his fingers found the pulsing nub hidden among her red curls.

  Watching her face contort with pleasure nearly undid him, but her positioning herself above him and sliding his still half-hard cock inside her made him hot, horny, and rigid like a virgin with surfing his firsts porn site. She leaned forward. He caught her breasts and suckled those beautiful, hard nipples. She clenched him tightly and she rose, riding him in a slow, sensual, torturous pace. He kneaded her breasts, pinching the taut peaks, delighting in her breathy moans. She captured his gaze with luminous desire-filled eyes, sparkling emeralds demanding all he had to give.

  With a hoarse cry, he grabbed her hips and plunged into her, creating an urgent, smooth rhythm. “I’m so close. So close.” Her eyes drifted shift as she rode him, and made him insane with her fearless quest for pleasure. He kept the rhythm, but released one hand to thumb her clit with short, quick strokes.

  Her tight, wet heat gripped his cock as she met each of his thrusts. “Yes,” she cried. “Yes, Gabe. Oh God…oh please…” She screamed, her orgasm so strong his cock slipped out, her come slick on his flesh.

  He wouldn’t let her recover. He wouldn’t let her deny him anything. She was his.

  “I want you to come again.”

  “No. Can’t.” She collapsed against his chest, sweaty and limp. He scooted from under her, and she stayed face-first in the sheets, still shivering from the intensity of her orgasm.

  God, her ass was beautiful. Round, perfect, white…his cock jerked at the very idea of taking her from behind. He was close to coming, still in the throes of sexual ecstasy, when he parted her buttocks and slid inside her slick sex. On the edge of orgasm, hot pleasure exploded when she squeezed his cock, and he sank deeply inside his mate, expending his seed.

  He was breathless and weak, his body sweaty and shaking from one of best goddamned orgasms of his life. Hope was breathing heavy, her moans telling him she was close to coming again. He rolled her over and took her clit into his mouth, sucking it until she bucked against him, her cries of release echoing in the room.

  AFTER A LONG shower, Hope and Gabe snuggled together in bed and enjoyed the coziness of the thick coverlet. He gathered her against his chest, shifting to a more comfortable position. He brushed away the wet strands of hair sticking to her forehead.

  Her eyes searched his face, and he felt as though she might be on the brink to confiding in him. Why did you leave me? The emotion hovered as a palpable thing between them. Then she sighed, and snuggled against him. Words left unspoken, she fell asleep, her soft breath skittering across his flesh.

  He stared into the darkness, not quite sure why he couldn’t follow her into dreamland. He was exhausted—physically and emotionally. He heard the creak of wood as the wind battered the exterior. For a minute more, he listened then closed his eyes. They popped back open when he heard a moan and Hope’s restless shifting.

  Hope muttered incoherently. He sat up and looked down at her. Moonlight from the window above the bedstead caressed Hope in its silvery light. Her red hair flowed around her. Her skin looked pale and sweat beaded her face.

  He leaned forward and put his palm against her forehead. She felt cool but she was drenched in sweat. Her lips moved as if she were speaking, but made no sound. He tucked the blanket under her chin, smoothing away the hair from her face. He’d seen this before. Every so often, one of Hope’s visions would be so intense, it was almost as though she were actually living the horrors.

  Hope sprung upward, her green eyes pinning his. Yet, her gaze had a faraway look, and he knew she wasn’t really seeing him. Instead, she’d been ensnared by the vision. “Why are you here? Leave Gabe. Leave before it’s too late.”

  Gabe’s heart flip-flopped. Her face held a desperation no human being should experience. The vision was about him? “Hope, I’m fine. I’m right here with you. Babe?”

  He couldn’t help the way his voice trembled. She was scaring the hell out of him.

  She continued staring wide-eyed at things he couldn’t see. “Please, Gabe. I don’t want you to die. If you don’t stay away from me, you’ll die.”

  Gabe shook her lightly. He wanted to wake her, to make her stop speaking in that awful, dead voice. She slumped in his arms, sobbing. His heart pounded against his chest and sweat beaded his upper lip. Dear God, what was that all about?


  To his surprise, she was out cold, limp as a rag doll in his arms. He patted her on the back. She didn’t move. Gabe pushed her gently into the pillows. “Hope?”

  Her eyelids fluttered, but she still didn’t move. Gabe felt frustration roar through him. What was the matter with her? He grabbed by the shoulders and shook her.

  “Don’t leave me,” she murmured in a hoarse voice, without opening her eyes. “Don’t leave me, Gabriel.”

  His fear and confusion melted underneath her request. She needed him tonight, and by God, he wouldn’t fail her. He’d figure the rest out in the morning. Gabe gathered her in his arms, marveling at the way she fit so snugly next to his body. He stroked her hair away from her face and kissed the tip of her nose.

  “I won’t let you go this time,” he promised. “Not without a fight.”


  GABE STIRRED BESIDE Hope and opened his eyes. The digital clock on the nightstand read: 4:13 a.m. He looked down. One of Hope’s slender legs was thrown across him and her head rested on his shoulder. Her long hair tickled his arm where she slept, but damn if he’d move it. He touched her wayward leg and felt himself stir when his calloused palm stroked the soft inner flesh of her thigh.

shifted against him, moaning softly. Gabe slowly rolled onto his side. The movement caused Hope to lie completely on her back, but she didn’t wake.

  God, the woman was beautiful. He trailed a finger along the top of her leg, tracing her hip and the delicate bones of her ribcage. Freckles lightly sprinkled the tops of her breasts, and he couldn’t resist tasting a few of the tiny brown spots.

  He noticed the pace of her breathing quickened, but still her eyes didn’t open. He cupped one breast and suckled the tip, swirling around the stiffened nipple. He gave the same attention to her other breast.

  Gabe felt Hope’s arms creep around his neck, her fingers delving into his hair, and he looked up.

  Her eyes were dark green with desire. Her bottom lip seemed swollen as if she had bitten into the tender flesh.

  “Hello,” she said in sleep-tinged voice.

  “Hi.” He caressed her cheek. “Babe, what’s going on? You had a nightmare, a bad one.”

  Her expression blanked. “I did?”

  “You said I was going to die.”

  She turned pale and swallowed hard. “I don’t remember, Gabe.” She lightly scraped her fingers across his unshaven jaw. “It was just a dream.”

  He opened his mouth to question her further, but she reached up and kissed him. He felt her hand wrap around his cock. “What’s this?” she asked throatily, stroking his hard-on.

  “That’s my happy meter,” he said.

  “You mean horny meter?”

  “To-may-to. To-mah-to.”

  She cupped his balls, playing with them briefly before returning to the long strokes.

  He groaned as she worked a sweet magic. His hand traveled down her side, across the flat expanse of her stomach until he found the very center of her. She shifted underneath him, opening eagerly as he slipped a finger inside her wet heat.


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