Captain of the Guard (Winged Beasts Series Book 1)

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Captain of the Guard (Winged Beasts Series Book 1) Page 3

by Crystal Dawn

  It seemed human birth control in general didn’t work on their sturdier seed. Condoms did work but only because they were like locking the door. With no way in there was no pregnancy. Bree was counting on her pills to stop her from being a mother. Romo knew he should have used a condom, they were even supposed to use them, but he wanted her to have his offspring. In all fairness he hadn’t considered this complication.

  Once they stopped straining toward each other and jerking, he looked at her to see if she was alright, before asking to double check. “Are you okay, Bree?”

  “I’m absolutely wonderful, Romo. Can we do that again?” she asked.

  It seemed the humans had more endurance than he had expected or at least his human did. “Of course, Sweetling. We can do this until we drop,” he offered.

  Pleasure spiraled through him and he wondered if mating would be like this, all pleasure and no pain. If so, he was looking forward to it. His hand stroked Bree’s arm feeling the warmth radiating from her. She looked at him with approval, she wanted more from him. It amazed him that they could find so much pleasure in each other. This was so much more than just sex, at least it was more than he had ever felt before. His heart was full of need and warmth. It wasn’t quite love yet, but he suspected that was something that had to grow on its own. Right now it was like the ground was ready, the seeds for love planted, and everything it needed was there.

  “I’ve never felt this way before, Romo,” Bree admitted.

  “Me either,” he offered.

  “What happens now?” Bree asked.

  “You know I’m from far away just like Davy’s male and I will want, no need you to come with me when it’s time for me to leave,” he explained.

  “But, I don’t want to leave home. Why can’t you stay here with me?” she asked.

  “I can support you and I have a home ready for us. What do you have to offer me?” he asked.

  Her head hung, did that mean she had nothing here? From what he’d seen and learned this was a hard world to support a family on and find happiness. Draconis was a beautiful world with large open and unclaimed spaces. He also had the support of a family that was nobility even if he was the second son. It was true he’d have no inherited title but as an up and coming military man he might win a title in battle under the right circumstances. Bree would be the perfect mate if he ended up on an outpost serving to bring law and order to his own part of the planet.

  Earth could provide nothing like that for them. Romo had about a week to convince Bree that she should go with him, otherwise he would go old school and take her. Deep down to his bones he felt that she was meant for him and nothing would interfere with that.

  “I have little but my family and a small piece of land. I don’t even have my pet, anymore,” Bree said as her eyes flooded with tears.

  He rolled them over and cuddled his sweet mate. Sensing a deep loss, he held onto her tightly hoping to ease her pain. “Maybe you could help me with my pet? I have a mere babe and he’s stubborn but beautiful. He needs proper training so he can live in his own area and not make a terrible mess.”

  “What is your pet?”

  “He’s a rare creature that we only have in our country but he will be large once he’s grown and he can be ridden.”

  “Is he a type of horse?” she asked excited.

  “You could say that, but a rare kind.”

  “What is your country like?”

  “We only have one season year around. It is halfway between your spring and summer.”

  “A mild summer? That sounds wonderful.”

  “It is. We are surrounded by tall mountains, but there are prairies and lakes all over where we live. On the other side of the mountains there are places where it gets very cold and we can travel to be in the snow and ice. There are even some of our people that live there in caves mostly. On the other side, we have hot tropical temperatures and huge forests. There are people that live there too and they harvest herbs and other items for us. I think you would love my world and I want you to come see it with me.”

  “I would love to see it, it sounds so lovely when you describe it but being away from home would be so hard. It’s my family more than anything that I would hate to leave.”

  “That is something I can understand for I’m from a close and loving family myself. My oldest brother is a lord, in families where I come from the nobility gives the oldest son a title, the second son a commission, the third son a business, and the fourth son serves the gods or goddesses.”

  “You have multiple deities?”

  “Yes, our gods and goddesses are similar to old Roman deities. We have a goddess of love and a god of war and so on.”

  “I think I understand. So the fourth son chooses the deity he serves?”

  “In a way, since he is called to serve a particular god or goddess.”

  “I guess that’s good that they are called.”

  Hmm. He suspected she thought that meant they had a choice but really they didn’t. “It is much more complicated than that.”

  “Maybe we can discuss it when we have more time?”

  “That would be better. Meanwhile, you are so lovely I just want to look at you.”

  “I like to look at you too. Are all your soldiers in such good shape?”

  “Yes, many that aren’t soldiers are also in good shape. It’s because we don’t use machinery like your people do. We do most of our work by hand and it builds our muscles.” He reached out and squeezed her arm but Bree’s muscles were firm because she played sports. “Nice and well-muscled,” his voice rumbled.

  “Did your people send you here to find wives?” she asked.

  “What makes you think so?”

  “You avoid giving me straight answers which makes me suspicious. You only send men, none of your women ever come and your men jump right in with the women having fun, but they usually narrow things down to one woman like they are ready to settle down. It’s what you did.”

  “Does that bother you?”

  “Now you sound like a shrink.”

  “What’s a shrink? I’ve learned a lot of your terms but that’s a new one for me.”

  “It’s someone that helps you order your thoughts and deal with bad things that happen. Like if you’ve suffered losses or made mistakes that are hard to deal with.”

  “How do they do that?”

  “They talk you through it and help you understand what has happened.”

  “Okay. Is it like when you talk to a friend or relative and they help you deal with things?”

  “Yes, exactly. But back to what we were discussing, are you here for wives?”

  “Maybe,” he replied with a chuckle.

  “Don’t you have enough women where you are from?”

  “No, we have a shortage of women.”

  “That makes sense. We have lots of people so a few women who leave aren’t a big deal.”

  “They are a big deal to us, Bree. I want you to go back with me more than I can say.”

  “I don’t know if I can turn my back on my family and leave them behind,” she admitted.

  Romo didn’t tell her that the choice of whether to leave or not was out of her hands. As far as he was concerned he was taking her home. She could negotiate to bring a friend or relative, but he was dragging her if necessary every step of the way.

  “I need you, Bree. Don’t you need me too?”

  She looked at him and chewed on her lips. It was clear she wasn’t sure what to say or what she would decide. “I do want you, Romo, but this is home. Why do I have to leave with you? Why can’t you just stay with me?”

  “Will your family cease to exist if you don’t return home? Do they need you to protect and care for them?”

  “Well, no. I guess not. Are you so sure that’s the case with your people?”

  “Yes, we are few in number. You have unlimited people here, too many maybe for the land you dwell on.”

  “There are a lot of people in our c
ountry, that’s true. There are still places that aren’t overpopulated though.”

  “In my land, most places are under populated and need people. Your cousin Davy is there so you won’t be alone.”

  “Is that the truth or are you teasing me?”

  “I would never lie to you even if I was teasing.”

  “So you want me to leave my home and family, but will I ever see them again?”

  “I think we could visit once a year. It’s not like ships don’t go back and forth.”

  Romo could see she was conflicted and considered going with him. A connection had formed and he wanted to cement it so they would form an irrevocable bond. No, his female had zeroed in on him and not looked at another dragon male. He had known the second he saw her but he knew he was asking for a lot. Would he give up his life if the situation were reversed? It was something he’d never thought about before and he didn’t know but in honesty he was glad he didn’t have to decide. Did that make him a bad guy?

  Bree was everything he needed in a mate and he had every intention of securing the bond. Originally, he had a week, but he’d been given the additional instructions of finding out what the mob people wanted and getting them to back off. He wasn’t exactly sure how to do that so maybe he would pump his mate for information. These mob guys didn’t scare him but she was afraid they would hurt her relatives and he figured if Bree came looking for Davy, others might do the same.

  Ranger had offered support if Romo needed it. It seemed he was getting tired of these people and Ranger was taking offense to the way they kept threatening females. What kind of big muscled up man would do that? Before he returned with his mate to his home planet, he intended to neutralize these goons, this was what Bree had called them. No one else in Davy’s family should have to deal with that criminal element.

  Fighting his instinct was hard. There was nothing he wanted more than to bite his mate and see her turn into a dragon like Davy had. He realized it might not happen but he had hope that it would. When he had seen Davy and Jarel flying high and free above him in the skies of their world, he had known that was his fondest wish. Bree would make such a beautiful she-dragon and his gums itched and his teeth ached to sink into her shoulder or her neck.

  He’d wasted his time following her around for nearly a week but now he had made a move and his patience was gone. Sweat soaked his body as he fought his inner beast because it wanted her as much as the man did. It was the definition of a fated mate, the female both the man and the dragon agreed on without reservation. What he wanted wasn’t the issue, her wants were the problem. Romo wanted her more than anything but he was fighting a losing battle to allow her freedom of choice. How could she make a choice without the facts? If he told her who and what he was and where he was from, he would have no choice but to steal her away and she would never see her home world again.

  Bree grabbed his cock with her hand squeezing it hard. “There you are Sweetheart,” she crooned and he flushed at being caught lost in thought. Her head bent forward and her tongue licked the end of his cock catching a drop of his essence about to drop. “Yum,” she approved.

  Her mouth closed around his cockhead and her cheeks hollowed. Romo moaned enjoying the oral sex Bree was giving him. It was his intention to stop her and cum inside her but she rolled her tongue over the tip of his cock right before she swallowed him down her throat and he lost all control. A growl came out of his throat just before he shot his seed down his mate’s throat. Groaning, he pressed forward until he was drained dry.

  “Lay down for me, Bree,” he requested and she did. “Open up so I can taste you.”

  She lay on the bed flat on her back with her legs over the edge. Pulling her legs over his shoulders, he sank his nose into her hot, wet core and breathed deep. A rumbling sound came from deep in his chest as pleasure rolled through him at the scent of his fated mate. His tongue flicked into her moist core and sweetness filled his mouth. He used his hands to open her folds and he dug in sticking his tongue into her channel and thrusting in as far as he could.

  “Mine,” he hummed and his female seemed to enjoy the vibrations that spread through her.

  Moving his tongue to her nubbin, he worried it and sank one finger into her channel quickly adding another. At the start of the mating, sex was the glue that would bind them together and it would always be an important part of their relationship. Slowly they would discover shared interests and love would grow and deepen. The fated mate was everything to the males of his kind. This female would eventually be the most important thing in the world to him. Right now he was immersed in her scent, her taste, and the way she felt and it was incredible.

  She was riding a razor’s edge as her orgasm moved closer and he sped up until she exploded. He drank in all the honey that her climax had spilled until there was no more to be had. Helping her move further up on the bed, he then slid on top and inside her. Hammering into her, he could feel her channel lock around him massaging him as he pounded into her. It was fast, hard, and deep until they both flew over the edge into complete bliss.

  Rolling over, he held her on him as they both calmed and stilled. Complete peace and satisfaction washed over them as he held her close and they drifted in and out of sleep feeling contented. The connection between a dragon and his mate was becoming clear to Romo. What wasn’t clear was how to secure his female’s agreement so he could administer the bite.

  “You’re amazing,” Bree whispered as she fell asleep on his chest.

  It was a start but he only had three to four days left to secure her agreement or to take her willing or not. They both drifted off to sleep wrapped around each other. Waking a few hours later, he got up and took a shower. Washing up, he felt hands on his body and he turned. His mate was in the shower with him.

  “You should have woke me,” she teased. “I like to get clean as much as the next girl.”

  “I didn’t want to wake you when you were sleeping so deeply,” he admitted.

  “Let me help you get clean.” Stepping under the stream, he wet his hair and body. “Damn you look so good,” she said as she poured soap into her hands. Her hands gently kneaded the soap into his hair lathering it up. He stepped under the water rinsing it off. Her hands moved down his body. “Do you have any idea how hard it is not to stroke you?”

  “It’s hard not to touch you, too. My hands itch to cup you breasts and squeeze them and my cock aches to slide into you and lose control. I can’t believe I’ve found you, I want to take you, throw you over my shoulder, and transport you home. Many of my people live their whole life and never find a treasure like you.”

  “You’re a romantic. I didn’t realize it at first.” She finished washing him up.

  “You’re not?”

  “I thought I was but I can’t give up everything for love.”

  “Not even for love with me?” he asked as he began to wash her while they talked.

  “Damn man. You make this so hard for me. There’s nothing I can imagine wanting more than you.”

  “Could you love me, Bree? I think I could love you.”

  “Let’s take it one day at a time.”

  “It’s funny you should say that. A few days are all I have left,” he mentioned as he finished washing her.

  “Then let’s not waste them,” she agreed as they both dried off before laying down on the bed.

  “Tell me about yourself,” Romo suggested and they lay next to each other and he stroked her back.

  “There’s nothing special about me. I’m above average height, a little chubby, I like animals, pottery is a hobby along with reading, and when I was little I wanted to be an astronaut. What about you?”

  “You’re special to me. Why didn’t you become an astronaut?”

  “My grades weren’t good enough and it’s hard to get to space. Once I was older, I knew it would never happen.”

  “What if it could? Would you go if you had the chance?”

  “Are you trying to see how adven
turous I am? Under the right circumstances I’d go. What about you?”

  “Yes, under the right conditions I would go. If I could, I’d take you. Would you leave your family behind to go into space?”

  “If I knew I could come back to see them.”

  “There are no guarantees in life, Bree. We have to make our choices based on the best information we have at the time.”

  “I think I understand what you mean. If I stay behind, I may be unhappy for the rest of my life. There’s also a chance if I go with you, my family might find a way to join us or I might end up having to leave them behind later anyway. There are no assurances and we have to make choices based on what is best for us.”

  “Something like that. I want you to come with me and I will make you happy. Your family should want you happy so you should come with me.”

  “You do make me happy. I feel really good when I’m with you. It’s weird though that I’ve never heard of your country before.”

  “We strive for anonymity so no one comes in and tries to take advantage of us.”

  “If you say so. I suppose weirder things have happened.”

  “Indeed. Weird things happen all the time. If I could get you a message from Davy, would you be more likely to consider coming with me?”

  “Of course, you know I want to see her.”

  “I’ll try, but no promises.” Bree leaned in, kissed him, and it both pleased and surprised him.

  “I have an appointment with Ranger tonight and I’ll do my best.”

  “What’s the appointment for?”

  “Those guys that were after Davy and threatened you have been spotted on the edge of the casino property several times. We suspect they’re up to no good and Ranger thinks they believe we’re hiding Davy but she’s not here. There doesn’t seem to be a way to convince them that she’s not here. They seem to share that opinion with you, but you aren’t a problem to have around. Customers see them lurking at the edge of the property and it makes them feel unsafe. Ranger says we need to send a message so they will leave us alone.”


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