Captain of the Guard (Winged Beasts Series Book 1)

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Captain of the Guard (Winged Beasts Series Book 1) Page 4

by Crystal Dawn

  “I can see where they might become a problem but you’ve told them she’s not here and they don’t believe you. What can you do?”

  “Now it’s time to tell them to stay away regardless of what they think. We have been recording them and we will turn the tape over to the cops.”

  “You’re so cute when you try to get mean. Good luck with all that,” Bree said as she started hunting for her clothing and getting dressed.

  “You’ll meet me for supper?” Romo asked.

  “Where at?” she asked as she finished dressing.

  “Here? I’ll get takeout,” he explained.

  “Okay, I’ll see you then,” she said as she slipped out the door with one last backward glance.

  It hurt to watch her leave even though she agreed to come back. He looked around the room seeing his clothes strung everywhere and he just went to a drawer to pull out something clean to wear. With twenty minutes before the meeting, he had enough time to dress and head to the elevator. It was a primitive machine compared to the ones they had on ships and in multilevel buildings. Using his key card, he pushed the button for the lowest subfloor. That’s where they would be waiting for him.

  The ride down was lonely and it was odd that he already missed her when she’d only been gone for moments. Was this the mating urge taking hold of him? It felt strange and he wasn’t sure what he should do about it. If Bree rejected him, he didn’t know if he would ever find another mate. If he was at home, he would ask his father or one of his uncles, but here he didn’t feel close enough to anyone to ask for personal advice. None of his fellow dragons that were on Earth were really friends although he knew they would try to help him if they could.

  Chapter 3


  Ranger watched Romo walk into the meeting with a spring in his step. It gave him hope that things were going well and that the next higher level group of males would be coming before too long.

  “Welcome, Romo. Is everything well?” Ranger asked. He wanted all his brothers to find their mates, but he couldn’t help but feel a little left out. When he had met Davy, he had wondered if there might not be something there, but she had chosen Jarel. He had to admit he didn’t mind. Bree also appealed to him, but again, not in a way that he’d been bothered when she’d chosen Romo. They made an attractive couple who seemed well suited to each other.

  “It goes fine. Bree seems to be considering going to Draconis with me, but she wants to bring her family. It seems she has a larger number of females than males among her relatives. I wondered if there might be a way to accommodate her. I know in the distant past we allowed immigration if it benefitted us,” Romo wondered.

  “I don’t know. We will have to investigate her family and then kick the decision up to a higher authority,” Ranger replied.

  “You don’t make those decisions, General?” Romo asked.

  Ranger was a general back home but here he was a manager. He supposed he was a general still, his position was on hold for when he was done here. Yes, he’d been sent because of his ability in dealing with potential enemies but it was his diplomacy that had caused the emperor to personally request he take on this assignment to ease any problems they might run into. Right now the main problem was these criminals that seemed intent on creating trouble for them and their casino. If diplomacy didn’t work, and so far all indications were that it wouldn’t, he would declare war on them. It was a war they would lose and they would have a large loss of personnel all the way up to their leaders if that was what it required.

  “No, Romo, I am just the manager here. Someone else has taken my place as head of the army back home temporarily, but they will not make this decision either. This decision will likely be made by the Circle,” Ranger explained. The Circle was a ruling body that assisted the emperor in civilian decisions of importance. Since ending immigration, none other than approved mates had been allowed in hundreds of years, it was easy to imagine that this would be presented to the Circle and if accepted, it would be sent to the emperor for final approval. The Circle was subject to the emperor and not the other way around.

  “Surely they will see the benefit in having some humans on hand especially if most of them are females?” Romo asked.

  “I can’t guarantee anything except that I’ll get the process started immediately,” Ranger assured. “We’d best get on with the meeting.” He pointed to a seat for Romo to take and he slid into his own seat.

  The idea of a small community of humans to help the brides adjust was not a bad one. His recommendation would be to do it but have an approval process since they couldn’t let just anyone come to their planet. A few potential mates arriving on the planet would help morale in general since mating had slowed down while they were testing compatibility here and on two other planets. Doctors had assured them that they were physically compatible for breeding purposes and Davy changing had shown that as well, but could most couples be happy together? A life of unhappiness was a high price to pay for offspring. So far, Davy and Jarel were the only couple that was happy beyond anyone’s wildest dreams. Could Bree and Romo be next? Ranger hoped so.

  “What is the meeting about?” Romo asked.

  “The criminals that chased Davy here are still searching for her. They seem to believe we are hiding her and they have made threats to our business,” Ranger explained.

  “Bree and I were out for a walk and they confronted her. They made threats against her and her family. Once they had their say, they left but I’m sure they intend to return,” Romo admitted.

  “I think we are going to have to take strong and immediate action against these people. I’ve had enough of their dishonorable behavior and I fear they may hurt an innocent person. The question is, how can we send a strong message that they can’t mistake?” Ranger asked and he looked into the eyes of each male that sat around the table. None looked as if they had the slightest idea of how to act because things were different on Earth than at home. On Draconis the army would have moved in and taken out any resistance but here they were outsiders and had to be careful about drawing unwanted attention.

  “Anyone have anything?” Heads shook and Ranger knew this would be all on him. “Very well, Naru, get me every bit of information on these people you can. Once we know who we’re dealing with, we’ll go visiting.”

  “Yes, Sir,” Naru said as he pulled out a laptop and got to work.

  He was the best they had when it came to dealing with the human technology. It was just different enough from their own systems to require retraining. Naru was both their top expert and their best instructor so it came as no surprise that he would adapt to human technology quickest. Humans would call him a geek but he was also a soldier. Ranger’s people had no translation for a word like geek to describe a person talented in technology. It was a title that hadn’t yet been needed because all males were trained as soldiers first and foremost. Even the emperor had put in time as a common soldier in the military. He had worked his way up so that he would understand what his men went through.

  It always fascinated Ranger how quickly Naru pulled information from his machine. The copier in the corner began printing and that meant the list was complete. Ranger smiled, he was tired of these dumb fucks and ready to unload some serious damage on them. It would start tonight. They would choose some of the people at the bottom of the list to visit first. It was the best way to get information as they moved their way up through the organization. He would send a message that none of them were safe until they left his people and their business alone.

  “We have a list and we will start at the bottom and work our way up. Naru, Romo, Sam, and I will go tonight to visit this David and Toni Williams. They will give us the information we seek and we will discourage them from continuing in their unfriendly ways. Anyone have anything to add?” Ranger asked.

  No one said anything, they were all just eager to get started. He motioned for his assistant, Sam, to get out the gear they would need. They would all dress in
black suits. The men in black were said to be scary and he preferred to use fear over violence. Everyone looked at their suits and he and Naru began to strip so they could get dressed.

  “I know human males wear these, but do we have to?” asked Sam. Romo looked as if he was waiting for a reply too.

  “Yes,” Ranger said. “Humans have an urban legend about men in black and it inspires fear in them. We will use the fear to get information from them. Put on the suits. If you need help with the ties, Naru or I will help you.”

  Sam and Romo began to undress while Ranger and Naru finished dressing. They added their sunglasses and earphones last. By that time the other two had their pants on and were continuing to dress.

  “Why are males wearing these suits scary?” Romo asked.

  “They represent a secret organization that is said to be able to make people disappear if they don’t do as they are told,” Ranger explained. He was receiving doubtful looks but he didn’t care, this was the best way to handle things.

  Once everyone was properly dressed, he led them to the garage. A plain black SUV sat waiting for them. Ranger drove, Naru sat shotgun putting the appropriate information into the GPS and the other two sat behind them. They drove about an hour before they made it to the nearest city where the criminals were headquartered. Most of the people on the list were within twenty miles of where they were right now.

  They pulled into a suburb, one of the poorer ones near town. The house they parked in front of was well maintained, but small and older. Ranger and Naru walked up to the door leaving Romo and Sam in the SUV watching in case anyone unexpected showed up. There was no doorbell, so Ranger used the knocker. The sound of footsteps came toward the door and it swung open. A tall, thin female with long black hair and eyes the color of a brandy stood in front of him. Ranger felt as though he’d taken a hit to the gut and he wasn’t sure what was happening to him. Standing there with his mouth open staring at the gorgeous female, he seemed to lose the ability to talk.

  It seemed he wasn’t the only one affected because she stood there staring at him as well. “We are looking for Toni or David Williams,” Naru said jumping in.

  The female seemed to struggle to tear her gaze away from him and turned her eyes to Naru. “I’m Toni. What do you want?”

  “May we come in? This is personal,” Naru asked.

  She stepped back holding the door open and they both walked past her. Ranger had thought about how he would handle this and he had worked every possibility out, except that one of them was a female. Now he had no idea what to do.

  “So what did you want?” Toni asked.

  “We need to talk to you about the local mob,” Naru said. “Especially Joe Maggio Sr.”

  “You trying to get me and my family killed?” she asked and Ranger could see the fear in her eyes. They had sat down on her couch and she sat in a chair near them with her hand on the arm of the chair. He moved his hand on top of hers and squeezed it lightly.

  “I would never let anyone hurt you,” he promised and he meant it.

  Her face softened a moment when she looked at him. “Maybe not on purpose but that man has people everywhere and he just won’t stop. It doesn’t matter what it takes if he’s out to get ya, he gets ya,” she observed.

  “I’ll protect you,” Ranger offered and Naru shot him a surprised look. So what if it wasn’t part of the plan? This woman needed him, er them. It was clear to him she was innocent and in need of help and it was never wrong to help those that needed it and to protect those weaker than you were.

  “What about David?” she asked.

  Ranger didn’t want to think about her being involved with some man. “Who is he to you?” he asked.

  She smiled as if she had read his mind or maybe she’d just picked up the jealousy in his face or his voice. “He’s my dumb younger brother and the reason we’re involved with those people,” she admitted.

  “We’ll help you both, but you need to tell us everything,” Ranger promised.

  “It’s been tough since my folks were killed in a robbery at the convenience store they owned. It was hardest for David, he went from a spoiled youngest child to a poor boy with no money and only an older sister trying to keep him off the streets. The house luckily was paid for, but the store had been recently remodeled and it mortgaged. Our parents had never allowed us to work in the store so we had no clue what to do. I was in my first year of med school and David was getting ready for his first year of college. Eventually he planned to be a lawyer. I dropped out of college first, but it’s a bad economy so finding anything besides a job flipping burgers wasn’t in the cards,” she explained.

  “I’m sure you did your best,” Ranger said as he squeezed her hand again.

  “My best just wasn’t good enough. I could support us, but I couldn’t pay for David’s school too. He had to drop out and he became bitter and hard to talk to. The people he was hanging out with weren’t the kind he needed to be around and soon he was taking jobs with them. These jobs turned out to be for Maggio. Honest to God, he didn’t know but by the time he found out he was in too deep. They had pictures of him helping them steal stuff that he thought they were just picking up and delivering. There’s no place on Earth he’s ever going to be safe. I don’t know why I even told you all this because I know no one can help us,” she declared.

  “I think you’ll be surprised what we can do for you,” Ranger observed.

  “Look, I want to believe you but this is our lives hanging in the balance,” she muttered.

  “Just tell me what we need to know and we’ll take you and the boy with us,” Ranger promised. He didn’t know why, but the thought of having her nearby made him feel happy.

  “What do you want to know?” she asked.

  Once they had gone through everything Toni knew, they waited for David to show up. It didn’t take long but when he saw them, he looked like he wanted to bolt. Looking at his sister seemed to change his mind and his shoulders slumped forward.

  “Okay, you’ve got me, now let her go,” he said.

  “Who do you think we are?” Naru asked.

  “Either the government or some of Maggio’s men,” he said.

  “We’re neither. You’re sister has packed a bag, you go pack one too and we’re taking you out of here. Maggio won’t be in business much longer, but you’ll be in danger until he’s done. Hurry up,” Ranger growled.

  “Who the hell do you think you are?” David asked.

  “The guy that’s going to keep you and your sister alive, that’s who,” Ranger replied. The young man looked at him long and hard until he came to a decision. He went to pack a bag and rejoined them.

  They walked out to the SUV where Romo and Sam were glad to finally see them. The two of them didn’t say a word as they helped Toni and David into the back seat. Ranger took off and Naru watched the mirrors to see if anyone followed. He shook his head so Ranger assumed no one was following. The boy must be an insignificant player which gelled with what Toni had said. Tomorrow night, they would go to the head of the snake. Toni had known a lot which had been a surprise. She’d explained that she hoped to research the mob to find a way out for her brother but there was none.

  The way they operated was once they got their hooks into someone, they didn’t let go until they died. Ranger was glad they had found Toni and her brother before something serious happened to them. It was also good because they would help him deal with his biggest problem on this whole planet. Once everything was settled, he would have the choice of remaining here or taking back his position as General of Draconis, head of his planet’s military.

  They pulled into the garage a little over an hour later. It was possible he’d driven slower than usual because he’d looked in his mirror so he could watch Toni. The female fascinated him and to the point he couldn’t fight it. It was alright, he was sure if he was around her enough it would go away.

  “Where are we, man?” David asked.

  “You’ll see so
on enough. Do you want separate rooms or a suite to share?” Ranger asked.

  “A suite sounds too cool,” the youngster said.

  It angered Ranger that they would use this overgrown boy as a tool in their illegal activity and threaten his sister to keep their secrets. Taking out these organized criminals wouldn’t be easy, Ranger knew from the experience of fighting similar groups back home, but it could be done and he would do it.

  “We will see to your safety, but you must listen to what we say. You can’t go where you will be seen,” Ranger instructed.

  Toni readily agreed but David stayed silent. Ranger had a feeling the man child would be nothing but trouble. It might be wise to send the boy elsewhere. Ranger’s people were in the process of opening other locations in several countries. The only thing stopping him from suggesting it was Toni because he just knew she would insist on going with him and he wasn’t ready to let her go yet. He got out of the SUV and everyone followed him to the elevator. They went to the top floor where the best suites were reserved for their kind. It was a risk to bring them here, but he felt there was no choice.

  “Wow,” Toni whispered. “This place is spectacular.” Ranger wondered what she would think of the suite if she liked the lobby and the hall this much.

  He stopped in front of the door and used the keypad. There wasn’t a room in this building he couldn’t access with his code. Toni and her brother followed him in while the other males just disappeared. The luxury of the rooms was impressive and he could see that Toni was awed.

  “These rooms are gorgeous, Ranger. They are too much for us. We can’t stay here,” she objected.

  “There’s no place better to stay. This floor had limited access so you will be safe. There are cameras in the halls, the elevator, and the stair well doesn’t extend to this floor. If you stay here, no one can get to you. I said I would safeguard you, but you need to help me by following my instructions,” he insisted.


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