Captain of the Guard (Winged Beasts Series Book 1)

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Captain of the Guard (Winged Beasts Series Book 1) Page 5

by Crystal Dawn

  “Damn, Sis, listen to the man,” David grouched. “He’s just trying to help. Give in gracefully.”

  Toni blushed bright red and it irritated Ranger that the boy didn’t show her more respect. His immature actions had put her in danger and he was lucky his sister loved him as much as she did. The boy was going to be nothing but trouble. Ranger just knew it and he would have guards placed on the elevator. Luckily this was the only one that went to this floor.

  Now that he had them settled, it was time to go but he was reluctant to leave. Toni was a treasure, beautiful, sweet, and obviously loving considering what she’d given up for her brother. He would have enjoyed spending some more time with her.

  “Have you had supper yet?” he asked.

  “No, we usually eat when David comes home,” Toni answered.

  “If you don’t mind, I will order supper for the three of us since I’ve not dined yet either and I hate to eat alone. Any preferences?” Ranger asked.

  “I like pizza,” David said before running to the couch and jumping on it. That boy needed to learn some manners. He turned on the TV and switched it to a cartoon station without asking anyone’s opinion.

  “I like most things,” Toni admitted.

  Ranger picked up the room phone and ordered a medium pizza with wings and breadsticks and a cola for the boy. He ordered steak dinners for Toni and himself with a nice sweet wine and cheesecake for dessert. Maybe the boy would go to his room to eat and give the two of them some privacy.

  “When the food comes, David, the TV in here goes off,” Ranger said in a tone that brooked no argument.

  “Is there a TV in my room?” the boy asked.

  “Yes, you can watch in there once your food arrives,” he agreed.

  “Cool,” David said.

  He sat with Toni talking about this and that until there was a knock on the door. Opening it, a waiter wheeled in a cart loaded with food. As soon as the cart came to a stop, David was all over it finding his pizza and grabbing a big bottle of soda.

  “I’m so sorry,” Toni said obviously embarrassed.

  “It’s okay. Young men let their hunger overtake them at times,” Ranger observed but he thought the young man in question needed a firm hand that his sister couldn‘t deliver. If they were around for a while, he might attempt it personally just because he felt bad for her. “Don’t forget your wings and breadsticks.”

  “You’re alright for an old guy,” David said as he grabbed all his food and hurried to his room. Ranger was just relieved to be alone with Toni so they could share a relaxing meal.

  “Well this is nice,” Toni said as Ranger set up the table with a rose and a candle.

  It was fine china and crystal wine glasses. He wanted to show her she was special. Ranger would bet Toni hadn’t had a good time in a long time. Moving to her, he pulled out her chair and slid it in once she was seated. The sweet blush on her cheeks made him feel like a million bucks. It amazed him how sweet and appreciative that she was for everything.

  “Thank you for all this,” she said with a sweep of her hand.

  “It’s nothing,” he said.

  “Maybe not for you, but it means a lot to me,” she explained.

  The meal went well and he found her to be smart and funny. She was likable and easy to talk to and they had a lot in common enjoying some of the same shows, movies, and music he had discovered in the U.S. and a few from abroad. Feeling like they were friends by the time he was ready to leave, he asked her to sup with him again the next day and maybe watch a movie on TV depending on how much his mission held him up. Delight flared through him when she agreed.

  “I’ll see you tomorrow evening, Toni. Please be careful so you and David are safe,” Ranger said and he pulled her into his arms and kissed her forehead but he really wanted to devour her lips. He held back because he knew a woman like Toni wouldn’t be ready to move to that point this fast. Toni was a lady, he could tell.

  The next day Ranger kept busy so time would pass quickly. They gathered in the afternoon and Naru had the location for Maggio Sr. which was where they were headed. Ranger wasn’t so arrogant as to think one visit or a few missions would correct this. This group of organized criminals were known to be more stubborn than smart and more violent than most. This would be a gentle nudge to let the crime boss know what he would be facing if he continued his harassment of the casino and the Davy’s family.

  They pulled into the underground garage at the office building where Davy had said Maggio Sr. held court over the community and his thugs. As they headed up in the elevator to the appropriate floor, they weren’t surprised when guards attempted to stop them. The struggle lasted seconds as the guards were overcome with superior strength. Taking out a few more guards, they finally made it to the room Maggio was in and threw the door open. Two more guards were inside with him and these two had their guns drawn.

  It was unfortunate that they had to use their speed because it was far faster than any human could move. What was done was done, Ranger motioned his men to take out the guards and leave him and Maggio alone. As soon as the door closed, he partially shifted knowing it would make him look like a demon from human myths.

  “What the fuck are you?” Maggio asked.

  “Your worst nightmare if you don’t back off. I can get to you in your dreams or should I say nightmares. Every time you look up, I’ll be there. Leave us alone and leave Davy’s family be. She’s in a better place, you can’t hurt her and you’ll never see her again.”

  “Sure, whatever you say,” Maggio said but then the fool pulled a gun and shot Ranger. Partially shifted as he was, his skin was hard as a rock and the bullet bounced off.

  Ranger stepped up to him grabbing his neck in his large claws and lifting him in the air. He kicked his feet and he gasped and choked trying to breathe. “Do we understand each other?” Ranger asked. Maggio nodded vigorously. Ranger slowly lowered him to the floor where the man sucked in long breaths of air. “I hope we finally have an understanding. You don’t want to make me have to come back.”

  “No, I understand. We won’t be around anymore,” Maggio whined. Right now he just looked like a scared old man not a deadly killer. Ranger took his gun and pocketed it before he turned his back and walked out shifting back to fully human as he hit the door.

  Walking to the elevator, his males fell into step behind him as they left. The elevator took them back to the garage and they climbed into their SUV. It was only after the building was in the rearview mirror, that they began to talk.

  “So do you think that will take care of things?” Naru asked.

  “No, but we had to start somewhere. A few days and he’ll convince himself he imagined the whole thing. At that point we’ll take some more serious action. We may have to kill a few of them,” he admitted. Killing was never done lightly, but they were soldiers and they had all been forced to do it at one time or another due to circumstances. It was something they would also be forced to do again just because of who they were and what their jobs were.

  Silence fell over them until they made it back to the casino. It was odd to think of the place as home but he’d been there a few months now and he supposed it was home for now. Going to his room, he used his phone to order a meal for Toni, David, and him and he hoped the boy would retire to his room again tonight. He took a shower and got ready to see Toni and he thought it was almost like human men getting ready for a date. That was just a silly thought, he began to hum a tune as he headed to the elevator. There was no way to deny he liked the female and was looking forward to seeing her.

  He decided they were becoming friends and that wasn’t a bad thing. Back home he’d never had a female friend because there were so few females and they were protected by their families. His family had no females except those married to his male relatives and mates were possessive around unmated males, even family. Being friends with Toni would help him to understand female humans so when the time came for him to find a mate, he would have an

  It was his hope that he would find a female that was as sweet and loving as Toni. He’d been around enough human females to know many were not and he worried about getting a bad one. Stepping off the elevator he moved down the hall and saw the waiter knocking on Toni’s door to deliver their meal. She opened the door and looked up and their eyes met. She smiled and he felt happy to see her and he smiled back. Tonight was a good night.

  Chapter 4

  In Danger

  Bree came awake feeling pretty damn good. In seconds she was aware of the sexy man lying next to her and her face heated with the memory of what they had done all night long. No wonder she was still tired and sore all over. In truth, she couldn’t imagine living without Romo and the fact that he planned to leave, with or without her caused panic to flare in her. Never had she met a man like him and she suspected she never would again.

  She considered getting up but he was pressed against her and his leg was thrown over her. His warmth radiated out and she liked it. The safe and warm feeling he gave her made her want to wrap around him and stay there forever. A few days were all she had to make the most important decision of her life.

  “Hello Sexy,” he said with a smile on his face.

  Waking up next to this man every day for the rest of her life would be a beautiful dream. People said love took time to develop and maybe that was true. All she knew was the first time she’d seen him, something had grabbed hold of her and it wouldn’t let go. The feeling had just continued to grow and the more she got to know him, the more a genuine liking and admiration had developed. It was so strong that it made her question soul mates and fated love, something she had never given the slightest credence before. This man called to her on a primitive level and she wanted to answer.

  The only thing holding her back was she knew she would be walking away from everyone and everything she had ever known. No, that wasn’t completely true. Davy waited for her in this far off land that she knew little about. Today was the day Romo had promised to finally prove to her that her cousin was not only alive, but disgustingly happy. He seemed to think that knowing she would be joining Davy would make all the difference in her decision to stay or go. Would it? It would help tip the scales of choice in his direction, but how could he not understand what he was asking her to leave behind?

  “Morning, Babe,” she fought her smile. There were serious matters at hand.

  “Are you ready to seize the day?”

  Romo was a delightful mixture of old sayings, modern outlooks, and old world manners. It was like he’d been dropped from the sky and researched Earth and selected only the behavior and sayings that he liked. He also had sayings from his country he seemed to fight not to express. When in Rome, he would say. It made her wonder how people behaved where he was from. Would she have to remake herself completely to fit in? Could she even change that much?

  “Honestly? I’m ready to seize the bed and sleep all day.”

  “Just sleep?”

  “I could be persuaded…”

  Bree shrieked as Romo unexpectedly rolled on top of her so fast she didn’t even see him do it. One second he was next to her the next he was on top of her. His hot body pressed against hers both calmed and inflamed hers. Yeah, that made no sense but it was a feeling of excitement and a need to be near him coupled with a sense of belonging. It was like all was right in the universe when he was touching her. Her female family members would poke fun at her if she ever tried to describe how he made her feel and she could admit it sounded like romantic hogwash, but it was true.

  Romo dropped his lips to hers barely touching yet it made her want more. His tongue slid over the crease between her lips until she opened to him allowing him in where he immediately began to explore. Her tongue challenged his dueling with and sliding against his and her channel grew wet and the fluid moved down her wetting the inside of her thighs. She could no more deny him than she could stop breathing, this man was meant to be hers. It was like for a moment her heart stopped and her breath froze inside her. It was an incredible epiphany, it was life changing. There was no way she could share this until she had some time alone to examine and analyze this new feeling. Was Romo right all along?

  He began to nuzzle and cup her breasts and all thought fled leaving her at the mercy of feelings. These feelings made her body burn and ache for more. Romo was kind and he gave her more. The tip of his cock nestled at her entrance ready to make all her desires a reality. Entering so slowly she almost cried out in frustration, he finally sunk balls deep inside her.

  “You are so unbelievably tight, my Bree. I wish to lose myself inside you and fill you with my cum.”

  Her body instantly reacted to his words and her channel clenched around his large cock. Moaning, she arched against him filled to near bursting but still wanting more. Romo chuckled but then he pulled out and plunged back in all the way. Her legs wrapped around his hips and crossed behind him. Moving as fast as lightening, all she could do was hold on for the ride. She was lit up with all the hot spots he hit as he moved his hips from side to side and drilled in as deep as he could. It felt like he was making contact with her womb as he bottomed out but surprisingly it felt wonderful.

  “Oh, my God,” Bree screamed caught off guard by the blast of an unbelievably strong orgasm.

  It hit in waves seeming to grow stronger until she heard Romo yell out her name and join her. That only seemed to retrigger her orgasm and her body clenched and clutched at him wanting all of him. He had told her sex between soul mates only became more intense once both accepted what they were to each other. That made absolutely no sense at all but he claimed there was a mental and emotional part to it. If it got any better she wasn’t sure she could survive. She shivered as another after shock rolled through her.

  Peaceful relaxing feelings drifted over her and never had she felt so blissfully perfect. On the flip side of the coin, she also felt power buzzing through her like she could become a super hero if she was needed. Yeah, that sounded stupid but she had never felt this way and she’d never been good at descriptions either. Bree was a doer not a talker and right now Romo was all she wanted to do.

  Somehow they had managed to pass half the day away lost in each other’s arms. It hadn’t been a conscious decision, they had gotten caught up in cycles of pleasure and rest. Feeling the heat of Romo up against her, she stirred realizing their time was slowly running out.

  “Are you ready to get up?” he rumbled in her ear.

  “Mm, I need to take a shower to wake up fully,” she admitted.

  He picked her up and carried her to the bathroom and the huge shower in his room so fast her head spun. They had slept naked so he just stepped into the shower and let her slide down his body until her feet were on the tiled floor. His hands steadied her and once he let her go, he turned on the water to the main showerhead. Once the water was warm, he turned on the other sprays and pushed her under the water.

  Romo washed her, taking care of her and she returned the favor. Once they were both squeaky clean, he lifted her into his arms and pressed her against the wall. She wrapped her arms around his neck and her legs around his hips. Dropping his lips to hers they kissed passionately as she felt the tip of his hard cock press against her entrance. He slowly sank into her while her channel squeezed him. Her eyes opened staring into his deep blue ones and she saw her future in his love. Even though she could see how he felt about her, her mind was not made up. Romo began to pump in and out of her and pleasure zipped through her.

  “Ohh,” she cried as the pleasure built.

  She screamed as a climax rolled over her. Romo hollered as he joined her and drove into her hard and deep emptying his seed into his female. He leaned against her as they both gasped trying to catch their breath. Eventually they both calmed and he eased back looking at her.

  “Do you want to get ready now so we can contact your cousin?” he asked.

  Still too dazed to speak, Bree just nodded. He let her slide down
his hard muscled body and she felt a flare of desire that would have to wait for later. She needed to talk to Davy to convince herself she was alright. Whether it would influence her decision or not she just needed to know her cousin was alright. Knowing she was alive and happy would set her mind at ease. She would just tell the family she had spoken to her on the phone and hopefully it would set their minds at ease too.

  Dried and dressed, she was ready for whatever came next. “Where do we have to go?”

  “We’re fine here. Let me set it up and I’ll call them.” Romo dug out something that looked like a high tech TV. He had it set up in minutes and he started pushing buttons. “Jarel? Are you there?”

  “No, he’s at work. Who is this?” Bree gasped as Davy showed up on the screen. “Bree? Is that really you?”

  “Yes, are you okay?” Bree asked as a tear rolled down her face.

  Regardless of what anyone said, she’d never truly believed Davy was still alive. Happiness filled her as she looked at one of her closest cousins. It only lasted a minute before anger took over. “How could you just leave like that and let us think the worst? I could bitch slap you into tomorrow!”

  “I’m so sorry but they were going to kill me. The agent on the case said that my only hope of surviving was to disappear. I had no choice and Jarel had to go home so it was like all the planets and stars aligned. There is so much love between us and we’re going to have a baby, Bree. I’ve never been so happy in my life and he just completes me. I hope someday you can understand, or is it possible you already do?” Davy asked looking at Romo slyly.

  “Maybe, I’m not sure yet. I’ve been so distracted with worry about you and those people have contacted me. They think I know where you are and I’ll agree they are some scary mothers. Ranger is working on a plan to get them to leave us alone.”


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