Captain of the Guard (Winged Beasts Series Book 1)

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Captain of the Guard (Winged Beasts Series Book 1) Page 6

by Crystal Dawn

  “Ranger is a great guy. He’s practically a legend in his country so if anyone can handle them, it’s him,” Davy said.

  “I’m sorry, Bree, but we’ve got to hang up. We’re illegally using a communication satellite and we don’t want to give them time to trace us,” Romo explained.

  “I miss you, girl,” Bree said. “Don’t forget to write your mom.”

  “Miss you too and the rest of the family,” Davy said with a smile as a tear ran down her cheek.

  The picture cut out and the screen went dead. “It automatically times out before it can be traced,” Romo explained as Bree launched herself into his arms and hung on tightly to him.

  “Thank you so much,” she whispered. “You have no idea how much better that makes me feel.”

  He held her tight and kissed the top of her head like she was a child. Odd as it was she felt comforted and she relaxed against him. “I would do anything for you,” he admitted.

  It was funny but even though she didn’t know him that well she not only believed him, but she felt the same way. Never in her life had she felt such a soul deep connection to anyone. It was as if they were two halves of the same whole. Romo had explained a bit about soul mates and he had told her his parents could communicate without words. They instinctively knew what the other was thinking much of the time and she suspected if they stayed together, that would happen to them as well. She felt bad that Romo had taken such a risk for her and she hoped he wouldn’t be punished for it. He was showing her by his deeds that she meant more to him than anything and by risking an unknown punishment to help her. No one knew what the punishment would be because his people simply didn’t break the rules. It showed her he felt a lot for her since he was willing to break the rules to ease her mind.

  “Why don’t we go back to the lake? We can pack a lunch and go out on the boats,” he suggested.

  It sounded like a lovely date and she nodded. He called someone and ordered a basket with food. “We can pick it up at the desk on the way out,” he mentioned before starting to get dressed.

  Once he was ready, she put on her clothes from yesterday. She really needed to bring a change of clothes with her next time. They stopped at her room so she could change before heading to the desk. He grabbed the basket with one hand and her hand in the other pulling her along with him as he went outside. It was midafternoon and the sun was shining bright. The temperature was warm but not hot and a light breeze blew the scent of some flowers to them. Walking to the paddle boat rental shack, Romo rented a boat and he helped her get in. Sliding in after her, he grabbed the wheel as the employee pushed their boat out toward the open water and they began to paddle.

  They headed out toward the middle of the lake where some fish were jumping and the ducks were chasing them looking for an easy meal. The water was barely moving and they just floated along toward the opposite shore. It was beautiful and peaceful causing Bree to realize she felt happy being here with him. Staying out on the lake a couple hours, they only spoke a little mainly just enjoying being together with no expectations of any kind. Romo turned them back to shore, her stomach growled telling her it was because it was time to eat.

  Turning the boat back in, they walked to a place where there were several picnic tables. They were all empty telling them lunchtime had probably passed but she didn’t mind. Bree preferred the privacy and the quiet of being alone. Romo unpacked the basket and set fried chicken, potato salad, baked beans, and a bowl full of cutup watermelon on the table. It was about as traditional as you could get.

  He fixed her a plate and handed it to her before fixing his own. “I hope these are foods you like.”

  “This is a traditional picnic meal. I like all of these foods.” Bree picked up a drumstick taking a bite and winked at him. “Mm, good.”

  He smiled and began to eat. “I agree with you. These are all good. Your foods here are different than the foods in my country.”

  It made her wonder what kinds of foods they ate and if it would be hard for her to find things she liked. “Maybe you should have a traditional meal from your country fixed for me. I’m interested in knowing what your people eat.”

  “I would be honored to feed you some of our traditional foods. Maybe the kitchen can manage to do that tomorrow and we can eat in my room.”

  “That sounds lovely.” They finished eating and they cleaned up after themselves. Walking past where the ducks were fed, Romo bought a few cups of feed and they threw feed to the ducks who mobbed them. It had been a lovely day and Bree knew she should have expected something bad to happen.

  Romo turned toward her and he looked different, bigger and meaner somehow. He jumped at some men and a shot went off but it didn’t seem to slow him down any. “Man, what the hell are you?” asked the horrified looking guy in front of him.

  An arm wrapped around her as cold metal pressed to her head. “I suggest you stop right now. You might be fast, but she’ll be dead before you can get to us. Is that worth the risk? Now we’re taking her with us and as soon as she tells us where Davy is, we’ll let her go. No one needs to get hurt,” the guy with the death grip on Bree said. His voice was calm, but she could feel him shaking.

  Romo stopped but he didn’t look any more like his old self. It was like he had gone demon or something. His eyes glowed and he was big, even bigger than usual. His hands had some kind of claws and his skin looked tough and bumpy. Even his teeth looked more like fangs and the look on his face showed his desire to kill. The man pulled her back away from him and his men fell back with him. A van pulled up and they jumped in dragging her with them.

  “You’re lucky we got you away from that that thing!” he stuttered. “I don’t suppose you know what he is?”

  Bree just shook her head unable to form words. She was in love with a monster and she wasn’t sure what to think. Everything she’d seen and heard told her Romo was good and kind yet he’d hid what and who he truly was from her. Suspecting Davy knew all, she was confused about how happy her cousin was and that she willingly had a child with one of those creatures. What would the baby even be like?

  Driving over an hour before they pulled into an underground garage, they parked in a reserved spot. The building was familiar, she had seen it when she’d looked for Davy but had been unable to gain entrance. It was where Davy had worked for Maggio. At least Romo would be able to find her easily. That thought gave her pause, did she want him to find her? Yes, she loved the inner man and she wanted him to explain what he was although she understood why he hadn’t yet told her about his people.

  They couldn’t let anyone know because humans would hunt them. It looked like the cat was out of the bag but without pictures or other proof, no one would believe these guys. People would think they’d been on drugs or something.

  The guys jumped out of the van and the guy that had continued to hold a gun on her pulled her out by grabbing her arm. “The boss wants to see you and you need to do what he says if you know what’s good for you.”

  Moving along, they went to the elevator and got in pushing the button for top floor. When it stopped and they exited, guards checked them out before allowing them to proceed. “He’s waiting not so patiently, Don,” the guard said with a chuckle.

  Apparently Don was the guy who was pulling her along and holding a gun on her. He tugged on her arm and she had no choice but to let him lead her to the door that Maggio was waiting behind. Don knocked and there was a muffled response. Opening the door, he pushed her in ahead of him.

  Bree took a look around, the office was luxurious. Her gaze fell on Maggio who had short black hair, dark brown eyes, and skin that looked tan but probably was always this color. The man was noticeably shorter than she was and not very big but he did have a middle aged paunch. Once she got closer she saw a bit of gray in his hair and more gray in his five o clock shadow in his face.

  “Tell me what happened,” he demanded as he looked at Don.

  “You were right, Boss. The guy is some k
ind of creature. He looked like a demon or an escapee from hell,” Don observed.

  “Did you shoot him?” Maggio asked.

  “Several times but just like you said the bullets bounced off. It was scarier than shit,” Don concluded.

  Maggio’s eyes fell on her. “What the hell is he?” he asked.

  “She had no clue. You should have seen the look in her face when he changed,” Don said with a chuckle.

  “Where is Davy?” Maggio asked.

  “What is it about I’m looking for her myself you people don’t understand? She’s just gone and I don’t know where. There was a note that said she left with a man that she was getting married. Davy said she was far away in another country and she couldn’t call or even write,” Bree explained. It wasn’t like they didn’t already know all that.

  “Maybe he took her to hell with him?” Maggio asked of no one in particular. Bree couldn’t say why, but she didn’t think they were demons or devils. If they were, they were good ones.

  “What do you want me to do with her?” Don asked.

  “She might come in handy, besides they know we have her. I didn’t really want you to grab her in front of him unless you could kill him. Do you think he’ll go to the cops?” Maggio asked.

  “No, I think he’ll come for her. The monster went nuts when we took her. He’s possessive and considers her his. I don’t think he’ll stop until he has her back or he’s dead. Maybe we should let her go?” Don suggested and Bree felt hope surge only to be crushed.

  “No, we’ll lay a trap for him. They’ll come, not just him. We need some better weapons, armor piercing. Send someone after them and we’ll plan our defense. Make sure they know they have to hurry, he’ll be here soon. Tell them it doesn’t matter what they cost,” Maggio instructed and Don left to follow his orders. His eyes now fell on her. “So what should I do with you?”

  “Let me go,” she suggested hopefully. “It’s not like I’ve done anything to you. I just came here looking for my lost cousin who I may never see again.”

  “I agree, you may never see her again if these monsters have her. You have to know I can’t let you go but until I deal with the monsters, I’m not going to hurt you either. You’re my insurance policy because he won’t kill me if he wants you back. If things go badly, I’ll trade you for my safety,” he explained.

  “How very manly of you,” she growled.

  “It’s being smart. Those creatures are strong and tough, I know I can’t beat them without the right weapons. No one has ever called me a fool and if you think I’m being a pussy, at least I’ll be alive,” he observed.

  She had to admit he had a point. The beast Romo had become could tear a human in half without straining. “I suppose you would look at that as a win,” she sniped. This man was a disgusting coward and more of a monster than Romo and his kind could possibly be.

  He laughed at her. “Don’t worry, I understand that you feel victimized because frankly, you are. Blame your cousin and these new friends of hers, not me. I may be a criminal, but have I really done anything you weren’t expecting? This is the way of the world, some people work hard all their lives trying to get ahead and others reap the profits from other’s work. At least I don’t pretend I’m trying to help you like some of these banks and don’t get me started on the politicians most of which are on my payroll. I am what I am, I won’t apologize for it. If Davy hadn’t screwed over my son and gotten him thrown in jail, I wouldn’t be messing with your family anyway. Call it payback,” he explained.

  “Your son was trying to kill her. Was she supposed to just let him?” she asked.

  “Well that was because she had evidence to turn him into the police. She had some against me too but I was able to buy my way out. The most damning stuff was against him because he’d done deals in front of her because he trusted her and cared about her. I always warned him, I never even let his mother in on the business. He didn’t listen and now I’ll be visiting him in jail for the next ten to twenty years. That makes me unhappy, he’s my oldest son and would have taken over the business. None of the others ever showed the interest and talent he had,” Maggio complained.

  Maggio was ranting about his criminal son going to jail. His face was red and his eyes squinted, his voice was rough and low. “You believe it’s wrong to send criminals to jail or are you just pissed because he got caught?” she asked.

  “He let Davy lead him around by the balls and he paid for it. I told him your bitch cousin was too honest and ethical for him to get involved with, but did he listen? Well, hell no he went full steam ahead and I was right just like always. You’re probably one of those people that’s honest to the point of being stupid too. That kind of shit runs in families. Your family is the type my organization makes its living off. Hardworking, honest, and gullible, that’s what keeps us in business. My great grandfather came here from Italy and began our organization with blood, sweat, and tears. There are bodies he buried that still haven’t been found, may never be discovered even though everyone suspects what happened to them. It’s that fear of disappearing forever without even having a grave that helps keep people in line. Davy may not be dead, but everyone believes we killed her and it adds to our reputation,” Maggio explained.

  “You may be criminally insane. I understand you inherited your criminal enterprise and that you feel an inflated sense of importance, but anyone with half a brain should at least acknowledge what you do is wrong. You freaking kill and otherwise injure people and your job is to steal what others work for giving them nothing in return. Society would be better off without you and your organization and eventually that will happen,” she observed.

  “You, my dear, are a dreamer. Organizations like mine will always be around hiding just out of sight. If our government knew about your boyfriend and whatever his people are, they would be thanking us for dealing with them. We have our place in the world and we do our part, we help our people buy homes and take care of their families. Loyal employees have better benefits than any corporation gives. I protect those who work for me and they are part of my extended family. Loyalty is important to us and I don’t think you understand us. There’s a lot of love here and we’re committed to each other,” he described.

  Bree rolled her eyes. “What a crock of shit. It’s beyond me why you care what I think of you. Why are you trying to convince me you are so benevolent and caring when I already know all about you. The internet is full of fun facts and you are a dangerous man. Talk all you want, you’ll never convince me any different and I don’t plan on helping you.”

  “You won’t help us take out that animal you’ve been dating?” he asked.

  “They’re not like us and I’m not sure what he is, but they really do try to help people and that makes them less animal than you are,” she accused.

  “I thought you were smart enough to realize I hold your life in my hands,” Maggio snarled.

  “Your men took me from a public path that is monitored by video. I’m sure the police already know your men took me. How you going to explain my death when you abducted me?” she asked.

  “Did it ever occur to you that without a body they can’t prove a thing? We’ve been doing business that way for decades and we’ll keep doing it since it works; no body, no crime, and no time,” he told her. “I think your boyfriend will be here soon. It was my hope you would help stall him but I can see you won’t cooperate. He’ll have to keep his distance as long as you’re by me and I’ve got a gun on you.”

  “I don’t see a gun,” she observed.

  “When I’m in this office, I always have a gun.” He moved his hand up above the desk showing a small handgun. A loud roar echoed through the building and dread rolled over her. “I think your boyfriend is here.”

  Chapter 5


  As the van pulled away from where he stood watching helplessly as it carried his mate away to an unknown fate, he roared with all the power of his dragon and it echoed throughout the
park startling the ducks into flight. Every dragon within fifty miles immediately knew something tragic had occurred to one of their own when they heard his roar and those who could came running. They were all brothers regardless of whether they knew him well or even at all.

  “What’s happened?” Ranger asked totally out of breath from his run to Romo’s side. How had he made it so quickly?

  “They took her, Maggio’s men took my mate. I had to partially change because they shot at me and they held a gun to her head. She was loaded into a black van and I think they took her to Maggio,” he said in a rush.

  “I’m sorry, Romo. We never expected him to come after us this fast. A squad is gathering, we will be going after him as soon as possible,” Ranger assured.

  Romo was relieved as the black SUV pulled up with more males from his world in it to go with them. Another SUV pulled up behind it and one more pulled up after until that one completed their caravan. He wouldn’t deny he felt better having some of his brothers there with him.

  “We’ll get there as fast as we can so he won’t have time to hurt her. I believe she’ll be used as a hostage anyway so he’ll not want to damage her,” Ranger assured.

  “For his sake I hope he doesn’t hurt her because it will make the difference between dying clean and quick and being tortured to death,” Romo threatened.

  No one added a thing because mates were sacred to them and any one of the males present would do the same thing under similar circumstances. Ranger was carrying a com device and it rang. “Any intel?” Ranger spoke into the device.

  “She was taken into the building and we’ve heard nothing since. Some men left but we didn’t follow them,” the voice said.

  “How do things look for us?” Ranger asked.

  “My guess is he had maybe twenty men now, four more if the others make it back first. Not bad odds since the humans are weak and rely on guns that can’t hurt us,” the voice speculated.

  “Let’s hope they haven’t found a weapon that can hurt us,” Ranger declared.


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