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Captain of the Guard (Winged Beasts Series Book 1)

Page 13

by Crystal Dawn

  “Be careful.”

  “You, too.”

  Dori felt an ache in her chest but she would be missing someone no matter what she did. Some would stay and some would go and it wasn’t like she wouldn’t be able to visit once in a while. It was a bit weird at her age for adventure to call but all her kids were grown and nothing was holding her back. The time had come to pursue her dreams. One more daughter to call and then she’d call Anne’s kids.

  “Hello,” a husky voice answered.

  “Tomi Gayle? This is your mom.”

  “Hey, Mama! How’s it hanging?”

  “A little to the left right now. The criminal that threatened Davy has now threatened all of us. Your sister, Bree, is married and her man is from the place Davy moved to and we’ve all been invited there to safeguard us from that evil man. We have two days to decide,” she said in a rush. Once she was done she drew in a big breath of air.

  “Wow, I think I got all that. Are you going?”

  “I think so.”

  “Why not? Let’s all go. Oh, I forgot about Kitty. Sorry about that Mom. I know that’ll hurt.”

  “Why do you think I’ll decide to go if she doesn’t?”

  “There’s nothing but us girls holding you here. You have the soul of an explorer or a bohemian like me.”

  Tomi was her oddest daughter. She did have the soul of a bohemian or a witch, Wiccan, actually. Her second youngest ran around barefoot most of the time and went from job to job seeking some great revelation that would tell her what she should do with her life. It hadn’t come yet but she was the happiest in her skin but the unhappiest with what modern life had given her. A less advanced country might be just the thing for this one. Her four daughters were as different from each other as they could be but they were all exceptional and beautiful women.

  “I take it you want to go?”

  “You got it right! Let me know what I need to do.”

  “I’ll call you tomorrow with instructions.”

  “This will be good for us, Mom. I can just feel it.”

  “Maybe you’re right, Baby. Have a goodnight.”

  “Always and the same to you.”

  Tomi had been named after her father when he’d given up on ever having a boy. He’d held out hope again when they’d expected Kitty, but it just wasn’t to be. She could sit and try to analyze her daughters and what life was sending their way. But she didn’t have time and there were two more calls to make.


  “Fern? This is Aunt Dori.”

  “It’s nice to hear from you. Wait a minute. This isn’t bad news, is it?”

  “Not really. You know the crime lord Davy angered?”

  “Yes, what’s he done now?”

  “He’s made threats against every member of our family.”

  “I dare him to bring it on.”

  Fern was a lieutenant with the local police force. It was likely she was the toughest woman in the whole family. She had a take no prisoner’s attitude when she was pissed off like she was now.

  “Bree’s just gotten married.”

  “That was fast. I didn’t think she was dating anyone.”

  “It was fast and he’s from the country Davy’s man is from. They’ve offered to take anyone from the family in and that wants to come and protect us from Maggio.”

  “That’s a generous offer but we are more than capable of protecting our own. None of you are leaving are you?”

  “I may go and Kitty’s staying. Could you call your brother and give him the news?” Dori was getting tired and she had a lot of work ahead of her and not much time to get it done.

  “Glen won’t be interested, but I can call him and tell him. He won’t leave his trust fund behind.”

  “I hadn’t realized any of you were using your trust funds. Tell him if he is interested to give me a call.”

  “Davy never touched hers and I’ve invested mine but not touched a dime. Glen is the only one that has. I worry about that boy.”

  “I worry about everyone. Just let me know if you change your mind.”

  “Okay, I will do that.”

  There was relief in having the notifying done. No, that wasn’t the whole family but it was the part involved with Davy and her troubles. The rest of the family was spread out like the wind had blown them every which way. They came together twice a year, once on the summer for a family reunion/vacation and sometime during the winter holidays.

  Dori looked around her house and was glad she wasn’t a hoarder or anything like that. Taking care of all this would be a big enough job. Kitty could help, she was the one who would get whatever money selling unneeded items would bring in but Dori just couldn’t sell the place. It was loaded with sentimental value. Who knew, Kitty might even live here someday. Hey, it could happen. For now, it would probably be best to tell Bree who was going, who might go, and who wasn’t going.

  “Hey, Baby.” Her girls would always be her babies.

  “Mom? What’s going on?”

  “Kitty and Davy’s family will probably not be going. Tomi is in, Betty and Silly are a maybe and I’m going to come with you too. I know we will all need help to get ready and what can we take with us?”

  “Just to give you somewhere to start, you’ll get to take four trunks with you. No items too large for a trunk can go. You’ve really got me excited, Mom. Betty and Selia would have a much better life where we’re going and Tomi will fit in perfectly.”

  “I just want the best for all my girls.”

  “This will be the best, Mom. We’ll see if we can get some help for Tomi in the morning so she’ll be fixed right up. What do you need?”

  “This is all so overwhelming, Sweetheart. I’m not really sure what I need. Kitty will have to deal with most of my things but I want to keep the property. Maybe we can find a use for it but I don’t think I could bear to ever sell it. If we all meet over here tomorrow, we can have a meal and clear out some of my refrigerator. We’ll all have a chance to talk, except maybe Kitty who usually needs more advanced notice with her classes and her tutoring.”

  “What time do you want us there?”

  “Why don’t we aim for lunch?”

  “Sounds good. You want me to call Betty and let her know?”

  “That would be a big help and I’ll call Tomi and Kitty. It will freak them out when they know it’s me.”

  “That’s just because they’re afraid it’s bad news when you call again so soon.”

  “I know. You give Betty a call and I’ll call your other sisters.”

  That was exactly what she did and she tried to make the calls as brief as possible. Kitty couldn’t come, no surprise there and Tomi was full of excitement and planned to come early to help.

  It was weird the way the excitement rolled over her now that she’d made the decision. Leaving Kitty behind would be hard, but maybe she’d join them once she graduated. A doctor would be needed in a backward country like the one Davy and Bree had described. Maybe she would join them in time. That was a mother’s fervent hope.

  Dori felt the need to clean before she went to bed even though her house was already spotless because a nervous energy strummed through her. Once she was done and completely worn out, she went to bed just to toss and turn with nightmares chasing dreams and dreams chasing nightmares all night long. She woke up with her nightgown damp from sweat knowing that a leap of faith was always a hard thing to take. It was possible what was left of her logical mind was trying to warn her against such an impulsive action but regardless of the consequences of her decision, she would be with a large part of her family and she suspected she would have some grandbabies to rock and play with before much time passed. That thought alone calmed her and she thought of Selia and how much she’d missed of her first two years because of the crazy manic that had sired her.

  When Bree and Romo gave her a grandchild, that wouldn’t be a problem. It was funny that an imaginary future child could feel so real to her. She shook of
f her philosophical questioning of the future and got to work using up as much perishable food as possible. From what Bree had said, she suspected they would bring a few men with them to help Tomi get packed up after lunch. They might even have a few to help her. Betty had yet to make up her mind but Dori was taking a positive approach to things. It wasn’t like she had refused so there was always hope. Kitty was the only one who wouldn’t go and even that might change in the future, right?

  Cooking up the food she had bought to last herself a week into one meal was hard work. The roast she baked but the chicken she cut up breaded and fried. Ten pounds of potatoes made potato salad, fried potatoes, and mashed ones. She grilled the corn on the cob, the long green beans, and she made three kinds of salad. Dessert was her specialty and she could bake a mean pie. Turning to her fruit, she used up her fresh peaches, blueberries, and a couple cans of gooseberries. It would never do to run short on dessert.

  In the middle of making some fresh sweet tea, there was a knock on the door. Surprised that it was Tomi because all her girls had a key, she raised a brow at her.

  “You know I can’t keep up with anything and yes I know that’s my hundredth key or some such thing. I’m just beyond help,” Tomi said giggling. Dori just led her back to the kitchen. The key didn’t matter now since they would be gone soon. “Wow, how early did you get up?”

  “Not that early, I’ve just worked fast and steadily.”

  “What do you need me to do?”

  “Why don’t you finish the tea I started to make?”

  Tomi did as she directed and jumped in wherever she was needed. Dori had made sure all her girls could cook and sew. In a pinch, they could do most anything needed to keep a household running. It was Dori’s belief that men should have those skills too. A knock on the door interrupted her thoughts and she would have went to answer it but Bree came into the kitchen.

  “I just knocked so I wouldn’t startle you. Hey, Tomi! Long time no see. I hear you’re coming with us and I couldn’t be more excited,” Bree explained.

  “Hey Sis. Who are all the hot hunks that came with you?” Tomi asked gesturing at the men standing behind Bree. “They aren’t all yours, are they?”

  “No they are not,” Romo growled

  “Tomi is a live wire, Romo. You’ll get used to her odd sense of humor.” Bree assured.

  “So this hunk is the one that’s yours?” Tomi asled.

  “He is, so don’t get any ideas,” Bree teased.

  Tomi held her hands up in surrender. “I wouldn’t dream of it. Maybe he can help me out with my quest to be an aunt again?” she chuckled.

  “About that,” Bree began.

  Tomi shrieked. “Yes, you’re preggers!” She fist pumped as if she had been actively involved. Dori watched the whole thing amused at Tomi and excited about the baby news.

  “Romo has a doctor friend and he tested me. I’m just far enough along that it showed on the test,” Bree explained.

  “You know there’s no such thing as a little bit pregnant,” Tomi said with amusement dripping off of every word. Bree blushed furiously.

  A knock at the door saved Dori’s oldest daughter from further embarrassment. Someone was banging away at the door so Bree ran to open it. It was Selia and she picked her up and kissed her all over. Silly giggled and made smacking noises. Betty came in carrying a bowl of food and shook her head at her daughter and sister playing around.

  “Glad you could make it,” Bree said. “I don’t get to see the rug rat nearly enough.”

  “That’s your fault. You know where I live,” Betty grouched.

  “I do now but you move around a lot,” she accused.

  “You know why and I don’t want to talk about it,” Betty insisted.

  Everyone headed into the kitchen where the meal was done and just waiting to be served. Everyone, even little Selia helped set the table and carry the food out. The smell of good food filled the air and everyone seemed to be ready to fill up on something tasty. They all sat around the large table and the smaller folding table that had been set up for the extra people. Selia sat on Betty’s lap talking a mile a minute as everyone else began to fill their plates.

  Dori ruled the table as she sat at the head with a daughter on each side. Bree and Romo sat at the foot and his men, who had stayed out of the way in the living room until the meal was ready, sat around them. Happy that she had cooked extra, Dori made sure the food was passed around and everyone ate all they wanted. She enjoyed being a hostess when she was dealing with people that had hearty appetites and appreciated her cooking. That they also had impeccable manners was just the cherry on top. Maybe once she was settled in, she would find one of these gentlemanly hunks for herself. Stranger things had happened and a lady could dream. The looks a few of these guys sent her made her think they didn’t have women were they were from or something.

  The more she saw of the men, the more she thought this might be a perfect country for women like her daughters and her to go to. Once everyone was finished eating, the leftovers put up, and the dishes cleaned, they all sat around talking about what needed to be done. Betty was still on the fence, but she would have to decide tomorrow one way or the other.

  “Now that we know what we have to do next, how about some dessert before everyone leaves?” Dori asked. It was no surprise that everyone was convinced to try a piece of something.

  One of the more outspoken men offered to carry her away and mate her. Dori assumed he meant marry. It was exciting to have several handsome men flirting with her, there was no point in trying to deny it. For a short while she was a sexual woman and not just a mother of four. Everyone sat around having dessert and coffee or a few of the men had milk.

  Once they were done it was time to get on with things. Two of the men went with Tomi to get her packed up and ready to go. She would spend the night at the hotel where Bree and Romo were staying so she could accompany the men when they left. Two stayed with Dori to help her get packed, but she would stay home until it was time to make the journey. There were two more that had come along hoping Betty would give in and see the benefits of escaping her ex-husband and living in peace. Dori still hoped she would but up to this point, she wasn’t willing to concede.

  It would break her heart to leave Betty behind with only Kitty to help her the next time her asshole ex decided to cause trouble, but Betty was a woman grown and she couldn’t force her along no matter how much she wished she could. Looking over where Betty and Selia sat, their eyes caught and held. She saw uncertainty, worry, and even fear in Betty’s eye but she could do no more to ease her way. The decision was now in Betty’s hands alone and the choice would be made soon.

  It was hard to watch everyone leave except for four of the men. Bree, and Romo. They stayed and Romo followed Bree into the kitchen with the dessert dishes to clean up while the men helped her pack. Bree had given her some quick advice on saving the last trunk for coffee, tea, or other goodies she wouldn’t want to do without and Dori could admit to a licorice addiction. It was something none of her girls shared with her. Betty could eat strawberry licorice but she hated the strong taste of the anise which was what Dori loved.

  Unfortunately with half a lifetime of souvenirs and the gifts over the years from four girls as they’d grown, she had a lot of decisions to make and saving a full trunk for food might not be possible. Bree had told her what she’d decided to take and Dori agreed that her china, passed down from her mother’s mother was something she could never part with. Her clothing on the other hand was nothing special but she handpicked enough items to wrap her china with. She had to wear something since she couldn’t go naked and she would have a carryon bag also.

  That was the easiest part and having her treasured dishes and silverware carefully packed in one trunk gave her a feeling of accomplishment. It was time to make the hard decisions now. She started by going through the baby items, first shoes, foot and hand prints, pictures. None of those were things she could give up and they
didn’t take up much room anyway. She now had to start picking what would come and what would go and it was hard to decide. Five items per daughter was what she finally settled on. The rest would be packed away in case she returned or could send for them later.

  A few mementos from her deceased husband went in and she added most of her jewelry. Some items were heirloom, many were gifts, and some she just loved. That filled the second trunk. It was amazing when all large items were restricted how little she had left. More personal things filled another trunk and she decided Bree was right. There were too many things she’d miss and until she found substitutes or a way to get them to the less than progressive country, she wanted to take some supplies with her. A stop at the store was now on her schedule and there was no time like now.

  It was a little daunting to take the trip with four huge handsome men. As she wheeled her cart around the store, people looked at her as if she must be a celebrity with those hunky guys dogging her every step. If only she was she would know how to handle all the attention without being embarrassed. Her answer was to hurry and she flew down the aisles getting done in record time.

  Her trunks were then hauled off and she was left alone to make her way home. Back at home all alone with nothing but time to think about what she was about to do, she found herself second guessing once again. It was time for a clean break and a fresh start. She knew that deep inside but she was insecure from years of living for everyone but herself. The only thing left to do was for Betty to make up her mind. It was almost like thinking about her cause her to call.


  “What’s wrong, Betty?” she asked, she could hear the distress in her voice.

  “It was Jon. He came over and he tried to take Selia. I got in the way and he hit me. I’m at the hospital and I need you to come get Selia for tonight. Jon’s in jail but he’ll be out soon. My decision is made, I’m coming with you,” Betty said.

  “I’ll be right there. Will you call Bree or do you want me to?” Dori asked.

  “Could you call her?” Betty asked as she broke into tears. Dori wanted to be there to hug her but she also wanted to be wherever Jon was to hurt him. She tried instead to focus on the fact that he’d never hurt either of them again.


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