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Lady Charlotte's Marquess (The heir and a spare Book 2)

Page 14

by Fiona Miers

  “No,” Charlotte cried, sitting up to reach for him.

  Archie paused, his eyebrows rising and his mouth tightening around the edges.

  “I want to look at you. I didn’t get to last time.” She rushed to reassure him, her eyes greedily taking in every inch of her perfect man. The whipcord strong muscles, his flat stomach, the very large and thick appendage already thrusting forth from its bed of dark brown curls.

  “Do I pass, ma’am?” Archie asked with a mock bow and a smile.

  Charlotte couldn’t help the answering tug deep between her legs as he smiled at her. Pass? He was not only utterly beautiful but the fact that no other woman had ever seen this sight except her gave her a satisfaction that went deep inside her heart.

  “I love knowing that no one else has ever seen you like this,” she whispered, tearing up again.

  Bloody pregnant nerves.

  Archie’s face sobered.

  “And you will be the only one ever to see me like this Charlotte, I promise,” he vowed moving over to lie down next to her on the bed.

  Charlotte blinked rapidly, trying not to cry again. Archie knew her so well now. His gift of faithfulness was the only one she wanted.

  “You’ll never leave me now.” Archie growled at her as he rolled over her, moaning at the contact as he lay down on top of her.

  The feel of naked flesh upon hers was startling and they simultaneously moaned. His naked body came into full contact with hers and his erection thrust impatiently between her legs. Charlotte instinctively opened her thighs and wrapped her legs around his thin hips.


  Archie gasped as his aching cock pressed into her wet entrance naturally due to her position. He hadn’t meant for that to happen so quickly. He had wanted to savor, to build her up slowly to that amazing crescendo of pleasure. He reared back on his arms and tried to pull back. Charlotte moaned.

  “No Archie, come to me.” She locked her legs in place and pulled him deeper into her willing body.

  Archie was lost in her welcoming heat. How was she so ready for him from one kiss? He hadn’t even licked her breasts or done any of the things he had been planning and yet she was open and wet for him. He sank deeper, her muscles tugging him in further until he was sunk to the balls in her tight heat.

  Charlotte moaned and pulled Archie’s head down for a kiss.

  He began moving, slow at first and then with harder and longer strokes. Charlotte began thrashing, her hard nipples brushing the hairs of his chest in a way that was driving them both mad.

  Archie made a split second decision, needing this to be more than a quick tumble for both of them. He held on to her tightly and rolled them so that she lay on top of him. Moving her legs out from under him he kissed her and filled both his palms with her breasts. When Rupert suggested this position Archie hadn’t been quite sure how it would work but now he knew why it would become one of his favorites. He had so much better access to her body from this position. He kneaded her left breast with his right hand and moved his other hand down to that spot between her legs that she loved to be touched.

  Charlotte sat up straight and looked down at him. Lifting herself up by her thighs she lifted off him slightly and then moved down again experimentally. Archie moaned at his wife’s natural wantonness and she smiled with triumph.

  She rose up again a little higher and came down hard. Archie moaned louder this time, pleasure splintering through his body. Both his hands gripped her fleshy hips, urging her to move faster. He began lifting her on him and bringing her down. Charlotte grabbed both of his hands to stop him from controlling their movements and put them both on her breasts.

  He took a deep breath and let her have the lead. She began moving on him, up and down in a beautiful rhythm that pushed Archie closer and closer to the edge. He was surprised when she slowed down and began frowning.

  “Archie, I need you to help please, I need…”

  Archie felt himself careening towards climax, but knew she was not. He carefully lifted her off him and pushed her back down onto her back. Ignoring the need in his loins he moved down her body so that he could suckle at her breasts. They were a darker red now, no longer pale pink. What had Rupert said? He should suck harder than he assumed she would want but not as hard as he would want to.

  Smiling to himself, Archie dipped his head and pulled one long nipple into his mouth and sucked. Softly at first, waiting for a response. Charlotte moaned and pulled his head harder into her. Archie complied, sucking harder until she gasped. Pulling back, he looked up and smiled.

  “Too hard?” he asked.

  Charlotte shook her head.

  “No, keep doing that please.”

  Archie grinned at her and attacked the other breast, enjoying the plump flesh and the sweet taste of her skin. He moved his hand down to between her thighs and rubbed the little nub she loved being touched so much.

  “Archie, please, I need you,” Charlotte begged, tugging on Archie’s head to try bringing him up to her.

  Archie ignored her and kept up his dual assault. Tugging at her nipples with both his lips and his teeth, he suckled until she was pushing him closer again and flicked that sweet bit of flesh until he heard it.

  Charlotte cried out, clenched her legs together and trapping his hand whilst her body spasmed and shook. He loved watching her find bliss in his arms. There was nothing better.

  When she stopped shuddering and opened her eyes, she held her arms out to him. Instead of going to her as his cock begged him to do, he reared back onto his haunches and smiled.

  “Could we try one more thing?” He asked, both nervous and excited to be asking for such a thing.

  “Of course.”

  “Can you roll over onto your hands and knees?” He asked, making flipping signs with his hands.

  Archie could tell he had shocked her, Charlotte’s eyes widened with surprise, but she did what he asked, slowly, her face still flushed.

  She rolled over onto her hands and knees, tucking her bottom under.

  Archie enjoyed the sight of her beautiful plump behind for one moment before laying a hand on her. She jumped as though stung, then relaxed as he stroked up her back and down.

  Archie was a little worried. How was this going to work? Better if he could see what to do he supposed.

  “Open your legs for me,” he murmured, surprised at how deep his voice had gone.

  Charlotte gasped and arched her back a little as though she’d get up, but settled and opened her legs an inch. Archie chuckled softly and moved his hands down to her thighs, gently pushing them further apart.

  He could tell she was trying to hide her flesh from him and spoke soothingly to her, trying to ease her fears.

  “Charlotte, you are the most beautiful thing I have ever seen. Show me how much you want me, show me where you need me.” He stroked between her legs and she gasped again, moving subconsciously towards his hands.

  Charlotte tilted her pelvis back for him and lowered her breasts to the bed. Archie groaned as her plump pink flesh came into view and his gut clenched with need. Now he understood. Charlotte was aroused and pink, wet and waiting for him. He knelt behind her, felt for her entrance with one hand and guided the thick head of his cock there. Pressing in once again he was surrounded by newly tightened tissues and gasped at the pleasure. His head swam and he had to grip her hips to stop himself from falling away from her. She moaned softly and he thrust in fully, sheathing himself to the hilt. Oh god, he had never been in her so deep. She was glorious. Archie was too far gone to wait for her again, he thrust one last time and let go of his control. The hot wave consumed him, flowing down his chest, spreading into his belly and settling into his balls as his cock pulsed, his seed spreading inside her.

  Exhausted and with his head spinning in the clouds, Archie waited a moment, stroking Charlotte’s back gently. When his thighs began to shake he pulled out of her body and they rolled together onto the bed. Charlotte settled naturally against him an
d Archie closed his eyes, smiling as they fell together into sleep.


  When Charlotte woke, the sun was streaming in through the open curtains and Archie was stroking her back in gentle repetitive motions. She came to herself slowly, feeling the warmth of Archie’s chest beneath her cheek and the salty smell of his skin. The scent of their lovemaking lingered in the air and on the sheets and Charlotte blushed lightly at the memory of all they’d done on their wedding night. How could she have known that such pleasure could be found within her body?

  “Good morning, wife,” Archie greeted her, chuckling as he spoke.

  “Good morning, husband,” she answered, kissing his chest and then lifting herself up to look at him.

  The dark circles under his eyes had faded and he looked so heartbreakingly beautiful that her own heart skipped a beat.

  “How are you feeling?” he asked, frowning as his eyes searched her face.

  Charlotte closed her eyes as nausea crept in.

  “Nauseous, and sore,” she murmured, feeling tender in spots she hadn’t felt since the first time they had made love. She lay back against the pillows, trying valiantly not to be sick.

  Archie leaned away from her and brought back a dry piece of toast.

  “The kitchen brought this up not so long ago. The housekeeper assured me it would settle your stomach.”

  Charlotte stared at Archie for a moment and then at the toast. He had asked his housekeeper about her pregnancy already? When? Hot tingles in her eyes told her that tears threatened her composure as the full impact of his thoughtful gesture hit her.

  “Don’t cry Charlotte, I’m sorry. Are you that sore? Do you want me to order a bath, or...”

  Charlotte laughed through her tears and launched herself at her husband, kissing him soundly on the lips before snatching the toast from him. Laying back against the pillows again she took a tentative bite and waited for her body’s reaction. Her stomach gurgled a little but the nausea stayed the same, no worse. She ate the whole piece slowly and the sick feeling subsided.

  “May I have my tea?”

  Her considerate husband choked out a laugh and handed her a sweetened cup which she sipped gratefully. Incredible. She’d been so afraid to tell anyone about her condition that no one had helped her through it.

  “Are you sure you’re fine?” he asked again.

  “I feel much better, thank you,” she answered, sighing happily as her whole body relaxed.

  “And your..uhh..” Archie made a vague motion to the lower half of her body and arched an eyebrow.

  Charlotte hid a smile in her tea cup.

  “My…” she repeated, looking at him with as much innocence as possible.

  Archie cleared his throat. “You said you were sore.”

  Charlotte laughed again.

  “So you can touch it and kiss it but you can’t say the word?”

  Archie’s mouth kicked up in amusement.

  “I apologize, madam wife. How is your honey pot this morning?”

  Charlotte choked on her tea and sprayed half of it across the bed.

  Archie chuckled again.

  Charlotte shot him a murderous glare and dabbed at the wet spots on the quilt.

  “It feels sore and bruised this morning thanks to my lusty husband.” Charlotte retorted.

  “I could kiss it better...” Archie offered, trailing his hand under the sheet.

  Charlotte flinched back and his happy face sobered.

  “I’m sorry.”

  “No, don’t be sorry. I just need to have a long soak in the bath tub.” Well, she hoped that’s all she needed.

  “And how’s our baby this morning?” Archie asked quietly, running his palm gently over her lower belly.

  Charlotte felt a shiver run through her whole body at his touch.

  “They’re fine I think,” she answered just as quietly. She really should see a doctor and find out what the recommendations were for her condition.

  “I hope it was okay to do everything we did last night.”

  Charlotte watched Archie’s face and could see many different emotions flickering across his eyes. It was going to take years to learn how to read him properly, and she didn’t feel like waiting that long.

  “What are you thinking?”

  Archie’s face instantly cleared into a polite mask.

  “No,” Charlotte wailed. She pushed him onto his back and swung up over him.

  “Charlotte, we can’t...”

  “Archie, I can’t tell what you’re thinking most of the time, so I need you to tell me. Tell me if you’re worried about something. Tell me if you need something. The only way our marriage is going to survive is if we talk to each other.” Charlotte had her hands on his chest and her eyes boring into his with a passion. She was determined that they would have a good marriage and if that meant physically restraining him on occasion, then she would.

  Archie lifted his hands to caress her soft nipples, smoothing the sides of the smooth flesh.

  Charlotte noticed where his eyes were lingering and felt his arousal jutting up against her buttocks. Making a noise of frustration, she pulled the covers up around her upper body and glared at him.

  “Tell me what was worrying you a moment ago.”

  “I can’t remember,” Archie murmured, pulling at the quilt she had firmly wrapped around her body.

  “You said, you hoped we didn’t hurt the baby.” Charlotte reminded him, keeping a tight hold on her covers.

  Archie opened his mouth, then closed it again.

  “Oh, that. Yes, well I was thinking that maybe I should have left you to sleep and gone to another room last night so I hadn’t been tempted to make love to you again.”

  Charlotte smiled as she remembered the way Archie had woken her through the night and made love to her again, slowly and very thoroughly. She moved down so that she could lay down on his chest but could still look at him. It took some maneuvering around his erection but she managed it.

  “Never apologize for making love to me. I loved every second of it.”

  “But, you’re sore...”

  “Of course I am, it was only my second and third time. I’m sure it will get easier every time from now on.”

  Archie smiled, “So the baby’s fine?”

  “The baby’s fine,” Charlotte confirmed, laying her head down onto Archie’s chest again and let herself drift slowly back to sleep.


  Archie left Charlotte sleeping peacefully and went to his study. He tried to attend to his ledgers and books, but they would not capture his attention, His beautiful wife had done far too good a job of that this morning. Why would she want to know his thoughts and desires? Would she strive to give them to him or would she use them against him?

  He physically shook his head to dispel the thought. Charlotte would not use his desires against him. Last night, she had not only allowed him every intimacy as her new husband, but she had been willing to try anything that he asked of her, enjoying everything as much as he had. And, God had he enjoyed it. He wasn’t sure how long he could wait to bed her again.

  No, she needed rest. He didn’t want her shying away from him because he wanted her too much. He remembered his mother doing that. Shying away from his father if he ever tried to touch her. Around the waist, on the hand, any sort of physical affection was forbidden, for her sons as well.

  Was Charlotte right though, that the only way they would have a successful marriage would be if they shared their feelings? Oh, what a foreign concept?

  A knock sounded on his study door and he called “Enter,” expecting the butler.

  Instead his beautiful wife breezed in to the room wearing a lovely walking dress of pale green.

  “Charlotte,” he stood and greeted her with a bow.

  Charlotte smiled that gorgeous cheeky smile, moved around the desk, pushed him down into his chair and climbed onto his lap. Before Archie had time to even react she planted a quick kiss on his lips and t
wined her arms around his neck.

  “Good morning again, Archie.”

  Archie swallowed painfully at the lump in his throat threatened his composure. This couldn’t last could it? She looked so happy to see him and she couldn’t seem to keep her hands off him. Could he really have found what Oliver had? Instead of thinking about it, he pulled Charlotte closer and kissed her thoroughly, teasing her tongue with his until she giggled.

  “I was hoping to go for a picnic luncheon. Would you show me your home?” Charlotte asked with an impish smile.

  Archie looked out his window for the first time that morning and noticed the sunshine.

  “Of course, what time?” he asked, not sure how close they were to lunch time and not wanting to let her go so that he could look at his pocket watch.

  “Now, if you’re not too busy?” Charlotte arched an eyebrow in challenge.

  Archie smiled and nodded in acceptance. Of course he had things to do, but this was his honeymoon wasn’t it?

  They made their way on foot along one of the many footpaths around the lake until they found a tree with sufficient shade from the sun. Ever afraid of sunspots, Charlotte had brought her parasol, but didn’t wish to hold it over herself whilst she ate.

  Archie happily laid the picnic rug out and arranged the food on it. The cook had put together pieces of cold chicken, sandwiches, fruit and even some cold apple cakes.

  Archie waited for her to sit and then lay down opposite her. He told her about the history of his home and the amount of tenants and responsibilities the estate had. He didn’t think he had ever talked so much or been so at ease with another person before. And to have that with his wife, and even more with her, was beyond his wildest dreams.

  “So tell me why you changed your mind about us marrying?” Charlotte asked once he’d stopped talking.

  Archie’s good mood shattered. He didn’t want to have that conversation right now, nor think about that time of his life ever again. Yet, he knew she deserved to hear the truth.

  “I just couldn’t lie to myself anymore.”

  “What do you mean?” Charlotte asked, stretching out her hand and drawing his into her own.

  Archie felt the reassuring touch of her fingers and drew in a steadying breath. He had been waiting for this question for the last few days. Because of her pregnancy, he had never got to explain to her just why he had been so stubborn about not marrying her. Now that he had to tell her, he didn’t want to. He wanted to forget the last twenty-seven years of his life and focus on the next forty.


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