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The Texan Meets His Match (Lake Howling Book 2)

Page 23

by Vella, Wendy

  “It’s two drunken idiots,” one of the men said.

  “Ignore them and they’ll leave,” Jenson said.

  “They must still be drunk from last night.”

  Shaking her head, she tried to signal Ethan away as he raised a finger to his lips to silence her. Her heart thumped so hard it hurt. What if the men saw him and Jake and started shooting? She saw the cold, determined look in Ethan’s blue eyes as they moved from her to the men who had taken her and Cooper. His body was tense, his muscles coiled as he crept slowly forward. Behind him Jake looked the same, silent and focused. Beside her, Cooper watched as she did, eyes wide as he followed their movements.

  “They’re coming up the steps. You may need to tell them to leave, Jenson,” one of the men said, still watching whoever was outside. Annabelle’s money was on Buster and Newman, and she felt a well of tears at the thought that her friends had come for her, had put themselves in danger for her and Coop.

  Ethan and Jake were close now, and she watched as they lifted their weapons.

  “Don’t move if you want to take another breath,” Jake said.

  Annabelle looked to the three men quickly. One had reached for his gun, but she couldn’t speak because she still had the gag in her mouth.

  A bullet struck the floor between the man’s feet, and his hands shot into the air.

  “Nice shooting, Tex,” Jake said.

  “I said, don’t move.” Ethan’s words sounded cold and clipped. “Put your hands high, where we can see them.”

  She watched each of the men do as they were asked.

  “Annabelle, honey, we need to tie these guys up before I get to you, okay?” Ethan said, but his eyes were still on the men.

  She couldn’t speak so she nodded, not that he could see her. Her eyes devoured him, her beautiful Texan. The relief that she would see him again, have a life with him, made her slump against her brother.

  She watched as he and Jake tied up the men after taking their guns, then all three were laid face down on the floor. Only then did Ethan come for her.

  “It’s alright now, baby.” He dropped to his knees before her while Jake went to tell whoever was outside that it was all clear. He removed the gag and Annabelle sucked in a deep breath.

  “I knew you’d come,” she rasped as he removed the ties from her ankles and wrists before starting on Cooper.

  “You scared me,” he whispered when her brother was free, pulling her into his arms as he rose. He held her so tight she could hardly breathe, but Annabelle didn’t care. She never wanted to leave his arms again.

  “I’ve called Cubby and he’s spitting mad that we did this without calling him,” Buster said behind them as Ethan eased the punishing grip he had on her.

  “He’ll get over it,” Jake said.

  “I-I don’t know how to thank you again, Ethan,” Cooper said from behind them.

  Ethan released her and faced him. “Today finishes it, Cooper. We move forward from here on, okay?”

  “How?” Cooper whispered, staring at the hand Ethan held out to him. “I can never repay you for what you’ve done.”

  “You can by not getting back into drugs, by doing something with your life, and that’s just for starters,” Ethan said, wrapping and arm around Cooper’s neck briefly and giving him a squeeze. “We’ll work on the rest, all right?”

  Annabelle watched her brother nod, but he said nothing more.

  She stood in Ethan’s arms until Cubby arrived, enjoying his strength.

  “I told you boys to call me!” the sheriff roared, walking in the door with his deputies at his heels. “You’re fucking irresponsible, is what you are!”

  “Yeah, yeah,” Buster said, waving a hand. “But you knew we’d do it, Cubby, so let it go.”

  Annabelle watched Cubby snap his teeth together before he and his deputies began to haul away the three men.

  “I want food, Griffin, so you better be in your kitchen by the time these three are in my cells,” the sheriff of Howling snarled before he walked out the door with the last man.

  “Let’s go then.” Jake found some keys by the door. “These must be for the camper, so we’ll take that back to Howling. Branna’s meeting us in town.”

  They all got into the camper. After such terror, Annabelle was surprised to hear both herself and Cooper laughing at the banter between Jake, Newman, Buster and Ethan on the way in to Howling.

  “You’ve always wanted to say, ‘nice shooting, Tex,’ McBride, and you finally got your chance.”

  “Yeah, and it sounded real smooth, don’t you think?”

  It was almost unreal. Not long ago she’d wondered if she’d ever see these people again, and now she was laughing with them.

  “You doing all right, sweetheart?”

  She was on Ethan’s lap, his arms holding her steady, her cheek resting on his chest.

  “I am now.”

  “Me too,” he whispered, kissing the top of her head.

  They all met at The Hoot. Soon word of what had happened had spread around town, and the café began to fill up with concerned people. Jake’s parents, Macy and Billy, Cubby’s mother and Declan O’Donnell, they just kept coming. Macy handed Billy to Cooper upon her arrival so she could slip into the kitchen and help Buster, and there he had stayed. Annabelle watched as her brother began to relax in the company of his friends. No one was judging him for what he had become, and for that, she was grateful.

  Soon delicious smells were coming from the kitchen and plates of food started to appear, carried out by Macy. Annabelle still hadn’t left Ethan’s side, even though she was continually hugged and kissed. She was once again sitting on his lap and just didn’t seem to have the strength to move, which was crazy, because before she’d become involved him, she hadn’t relied on anyone and had always been strong.

  “Why can’t I walk away from you?” she said, looking up into the blue eyes of the man she loved.

  “You want to walk away from me?” He ran a finger down her cheek.

  “Not like that,” she said. “I mean now. I can’t seem to leave your side, even for a few minutes. It’s weird. I just need to be here, close to you.”

  His smile was soft and only for her.

  “It’s called love, baby, and we’ve got it.” He kissed her softly while around them their friends talked and laughed and comforted her brother.

  “Yes,” she said, touching his lips as he lifted his head. “It is.” Then she took one more look around at her friends before she let him kiss her again.


  “Why am I nervous?”

  Today was Branna and Jake’s wedding, and Ethan was standing beside his nervous friend. Dressed in a deep gray suit with a white shirt and steel blue silk tie, he looked handsome if a little pale.

  “Because you know Branna is way too good for you and you’re scared she’ll realize that before she says ‘I do’.”

  Jake snorted at Ethan’s words. They were facing the rows of white chairs that were filing with guests, and the long red carpet that soon Branna, Annabelle and Macy would walk down. The day was clear and blue and the sun sat high in the sky, with a slight breeze coming off the lake at their backs. It was an idyllic setting for a wedding.

  “Where’s Buster?” Jake asked, looking around him for his other best man.

  “There.” Jake pointed to a rapidly approaching Buster Griffin. Dressed like Ethan and Jake, Buster was running.

  “Where the hell have you been?” Jake demanded when he arrived.

  “Forgot the ring,” Buster wheezed, holding the golden band out before him.

  “Well, fuck,” was all Jake said as he looked to the end of the red carpet again.

  Ethan listened as Buster explained how he’d forgotten and that it was actually Jake’s fault as he’d been icing their wedding cake and had forgotten to put the ring in with his clothes when he came to Jake’s last night.

  Lifting a hand as Newman took his seat, Ethan waved to his friend. Thi
s was his place now, here with his girl and these people. He and Annabelle were getting a handle on this relationship stuff, and the battle of wills was evening out slowly as Ethan wrestled her for the right to have her own way in everything. She was spirited, determined, and had the most beautiful soul of anyone he knew. Annabelle had fought to be independent, and fought to raise her brothers, and slowly she was realizing that she could relinquish some of that control to him.

  They were healing each other. They talked for hours about everything and anything, and Ethan could feel himself changing as he opened up about his family and the feelings he’d kept locked away inside him.

  He didn’t need to be the eternal nice guy anymore, not with Annabelle. She’d told him that if he wanted to yell a time or two then she was happy, as she liked to yell a time or two herself. She loved him no matter what he did or said, and the power of that love awed him. Since she’d told him the way she felt, she’d never stopped, and hearing the words still made him warm all over. To have another person love you, body and soul, was an amazing thing, and something he’d never experienced before she came into his life.

  “You buy the old Pilcher place, Number Five?”

  “Yeah, just got the papers through yesterday,” Ethan said in answer to Buster’s question.

  “You’re not going all condo, with gleaming chrome and sparse, ultra-modern décor, are you, because I know how you Texans can be,” Buster said.

  “No, you don’t,” Ethan said. “You don’t know any Texans besides me, and I hardly think a man who wears an apron all day has anything to say worth hearing when it comes to my décor.”

  “Just let Annabelle do it. She’s got a thing for color,” Buster said.

  Ethan had bought a cabin and he and Annabelle had plans to extend it, but they wouldn’t move in until Cooper was ready. He would stay in the family home.

  “You know you’re next, don’t you, baker boy?”

  “Next for what?” Buster looked up at Ethan.

  “To find a woman. Isn’t that right, Jake?”

  “I’m thinking its past time,” Jake said with his eyes still on the entrance to the red carpet.

  “No, I’m staying single. You two are pathetic with your women. I’m retaining control of me,” Buster said.

  “There must be a woman somewhere in this world you want to share your muffin trays with, Buster,” Ethan said.

  “Nope, not going to happen.”

  “Well, hell.” Jake whistled softly. “Militant is wearing a dress and a hat.”

  Ethan and Buster found Millie Lawrence stomping down the aisle. She was dressed in black, and her clothes were better suited to a funeral than a wedding, but she’d made an effort just the same. Behind her came Cooper and Macy’s little boy Billy.

  Cooper Smith was still pale and his eyes were haunted, but he had improved vastly from the man Ethan and Annabelle had rescued from Vegas.

  “He’s put on some weight, and looks stronger,” Buster said as he followed Millie and Cooper with his eyes too.

  “I gave him my laptop to fix the other day and he spent ages working with it. Now it runs like a dream,” Jake said.

  Ethan and Cooper had slowly become friends, but Ethan didn’t push too hard. He usually left that to Annabelle.

  The first strains of music started and Ethan heard the breath hiss out of Jake’s mouth.

  “Showtime,” Buster said softly.

  Macy came first, looking sweet and happy, but Ethan had eyes only for Annabelle. In her favorite color of hot pink, the dress was fitted with little sleeves and simple lines that ran to a hem with a little flirty frill that sat several inches above her beautiful knees. She was wearing high pink sandals, her hair was loose around her face and she was so gorgeous his mouth went dry.

  “Your girl has good legs, Tex,” Buster said out the side of his mouth.

  “Lift those eyes, boy. Those legs are taken,” Ethan said as Annabelle saw him and smiled. It was soft and knowing and just for him.

  “You and Jake’ve got that sappy look going, and I sure as hell don’t want a woman making me look that pathetic,” Buster said.

  “We’ll see,” Ethan and Jake said together.

  Branna looked beautiful in her elegant cream dress with a halter top heavily worked in lace and a long skirt. Her dark hair was up on top of her head and she was carrying a small circle of flowers.

  “Your girl looks good, Jake,” Buster said with his usual flair for words.

  Declan O’Donnell was wearing the same suit as Ethan, Jake, and Buster, and the pride he had on his face as he handed his girl over to Jake was fierce.

  The service wasn’t long, and the guests all sighed as Jake kissed his new wife. Ethan took Annabelle’s hand and they were soon walking back down the carpet.

  “You look beautiful, Annabelle,” Ethan said as they followed Jake and Branna.

  “And you’re so hot in that suit I want to jump you.”

  “Sweet Jesus, honey, don’t say stuff like that to me with half the town of Howling watching,” Ethan whispered into her ear.

  Her laugh was soft and Ethan couldn’t help the smile that he was sure filled up most of his face.

  “You know I love you, Annabelle Smith, and I’m thinking we need to do this marriage thing next.”


  “That’s it? Okay?” he said, still smiling.


  “Well, all right, then.” He leaned down and placed a soft kiss on her lips.

  And it was all right, more than all right. She loved him and he loved her, and together they would build a life together here in Howling. Brad had sent a couple more texts but had not made a move to meet him yet, but that was all right too, because Ethan had told him that he was here should Brad need him. The rest was up to his brother.

  Life was damn good, Ethan thought as he looked around him at the place that was now in his blood and the people who had filled his heart. To his mind, it could only get better.



  Thanks so much for reading The Texan Meet His Match.

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  • Here's a sneak unedited peak of book three in the Lake Howling Series. How Sweet It Is - Buster and Willow's story, coming soon.


  Willow Harper pulled into a park outside The Hoot Café. Opening the driver's door, she checked she was within the lines, as she didn't want to take up two spaces, or wish for another driver to get to close and put a scratch on her rental.

  Taking off her glasses, she rubbed her eyes. Four hours ago Willo had left Brook after being told the journey to Lake Howling would only take three. Snow had lined the roads and ice had forced her to drive slower than she normally would, and how her neck was sore and her eyes gritty.

  Opening her handbag she took out her small makeup bag, which was always located to the left of her wallet and the right of her hand sanitizer, in the small organizer she kept inside to keep things orderly. Flipping down the visor she applied the pale pink gloss and ran a comb through her hair. Replacing everything, she closed her bag, gathered up her briefcase and climbed out.

  A gust of wind sliced through her serviceable grey suit, and Willow was suddenly pleased she'd packed her thermal underwear. Opening the back door she took her trench coat off the hanger, and slipped it on.

  Locking her sedan, she looked briefly up the snow lined the streets of the town of Lake Howling. Lights shone from the storefront windows and the lake sat to the left, the surface appeared silver as the wind ruffled the water like a hand stroking a cat's fur. The Redwoods stood to the right. Tall and proud, they watched over the small town as they'd done so for hundreds of years.

  Making her way slowly ov
er the slippery sidewalk, Willow's destination was The Hoot Café, where she hoped to get the business that had sent her here, done, so she could leave, if not today, then definitely tomorrow.

  Pushing open the door, she stepped inside, and paused to inhale deeply. It was a delicious combination of coffee and baking that had her mouth watering in seconds. Making her way to the counter, Willow Harper's eyes scanned the cabinets. The selection wasn't huge, but the food looked delicious. Her eyes widened as she saw the muffins on the counter. The small sign said double chocolate and caramel. She'd once eaten a muffin like that every day for twelve months. Bending lower she sniffed, and the aroma took her straight back to Café Gryphon.

  Maybe she'd get lucky and find her first decent coffee and muffin since leaving New York three days ago. Willow knew she had high standards in most things, but even she could admit her need for excellent coffee was extreme. Of course Café Gryphon was to blame for that.

  "Hello," she called out when no one appeared to serve her.

  "Right with you," drifted a voice from out the back of the cafe.

  Willow found a table and pulled out a chair, placing her briefcase on the floor beside her. She looked around her briefly. The walls were a soft cream, and various prints in bright colors hung around them. One wall had a window that looked over the lake, and she guessed in summer it would be a lovely place to sit.

  After fidgeting for five minutes, she strode back to the counter. "Hello," she said again, this time louder.

  "Yeah, yeah, said I was coming didn't I?" The voice was gruff with impatience.

  Not the best customer service, but then what had she expected in the middle of winter in the middle of nowhere?

  "What can I get you?" A big, broad-shouldered man strode toward her, rubbing his hands together as if wiping something off them. He had a small smile, just one side of his lips tilting upwards, and Willow recognized him instantly, but he was slower.

  His dark brows rose when she didn't reply and then she saw recognition light up his eyes moments later and he clicked his fingers at her. "Double chocolate and caramel muffin and a skinny latte right?" he said. “I never forget a customer.”


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