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Falling for the Hometown Girl

Page 12

by Shelli Stevens

  A lump gathered in Claire’s throat. That sounded nothing like what she had experienced with Jim... and everything that was happening with Hunter.

  He was too far away to hear them, but it was as if he could sense her thoughts. He gave slow, gentle smile, before lifting a bottle of beer to his lips.

  “He leaves in a week,” she whispered.

  “Things change. Maybe he’ll stay.”

  Katie pulled her gaze away from him and stared at the fire. “With his gaming company in Seattle? Not a chance.”

  Silence fell between them, for nearly a minute.

  “Maybe you’ll move there?”

  “Again, not a chance.” Just the idea of living in Seattle again made her nauseous.

  “I don’t envy you, Katie.” Claire shook her head and sighed. “You have one hell of a decision to make.”

  Only she’d already made half of it. The other choice had yet to be decided.

  Her pulse was already racing, but it went into overdrive as Hunter stood up and made his way over.

  “Evening, ladies.”

  Hunter sat down on a log near Claire and Katie, sliding a glance over the two. Katie staunchly avoided making eye-contact, while Claire gave him a bright smile.

  “Hey there, Hunter. Were your ears burning?”

  “No.” He scratched the back of his head. “It’s actually a little cold out.”

  “I just meant because we were talking about you,” Claire said bluntly.

  “Claire.” Katie kicked the other woman’s foot.

  “Oh, right. I thought you meant because I was near the fire...” He cleared his throat. Sometimes he took things a little too literally. Especially when he was distracted, Katie was definitely a distraction. “What were you discussing?”

  He glanced again at Katie and tried not to smile at the look of pure mortification on her face.

  “Your games,” Katie said quickly. “And how I want to try playing one.”

  His brows rose. “That so?”


  Somewhat skeptical, he offered, “I can show you one sometime this week if you really want.”

  “Yeah, that’d be fun.” She nodded, looking sincerer now. “I really would, actually. If you can spare the time. This is your vacation after all.”

  “Don’t mind at all.” He loved the idea of showing her the game that had launched him. Give her a little insight into his world and the success he’d built.

  “Who’s hungry?” Wyatt stepped out of the darkness into the firelight, carrying a tray of what looked like cheese and crackers, and s’more makings.

  “Me.” Claire stood, reaching for the savory rather than sweet and that sat down on carved log bench beside him. “Been wondering where you went.”

  “Got hung up on a call with Cal.”

  “This late at night?” Katie shot her brother a look.


  He didn’t elaborate and Katie looked slightly miffed by it.

  Cal. Just hearing his name again had the muscles in Hunter’s body tensing.

  It was a sharp reminder of who Katie was and how, if he were smart, he’d leave her the hell alone.

  “Anyone want a s’more?” Wyatt offered, lifting the tray again.

  “Yup,” Lyle called out, and shuffled over.

  Tim was right behind him.

  “I’ll try one.” Hunter grabbed one and then found a roasting stick hanging from the edge of the benches. “Want me to make you one too, Katie?”

  Her chin came up. “I’m capable of roasting my own.”

  “Never said you weren’t,” he replied with a soft laugh. “I was just trying to put the extra prong on my roasting stick to use. Be gentlemanly and that kind of thing. Seems like Marietta used to pride themselves on that kind of thing.”

  “We still do.” Wyatt shot his sister a curious look. “Don’t think he was trying to make you feel incompetent, kid.”

  In the firelight, Hunter could see her cheeks flushing and the remorse in her eyes. Katie had never been the snippy type, and her reply must’ve surprised more than just Hunter.

  “I’m sorry. I’m just a little irritable tonight.”

  “Any reason why?” Claire’s question was all innocence as she bit down on a cheddar stacked saltine.

  Katie shook her head. “How about we just chalk it up to PMS.”

  At Claire’s belly laugh, Hunter knew there must be something he wasn’t privy to. He sensed it had more to do with the conversation the two of them had been holding before he came over.

  “Sure, I’ll have a s’more.” Katie glanced at Hunter through her lashes and softened her tone. “Thank you.”

  “No problem.” He added a second marshmallow to the prongs and moved to the fire.

  “We tried out your game tonight, Hunter,” Lyle said from the other side of the flames. “It’s pretty cool.”

  Pride slid through Hunter and he smiled. “Thanks for giving it a try, and I’m glad you liked it. How far did you get in it?”

  While they discussed the game and roasted marshmallows, Hunter kept sneaking glances over at Katie. A couple of times, he found her watching him back. She’d drop her gaze and look away quickly.

  “We’re going to call it a night.” Wyatt stood abruptly and caught Claire’s hand.

  “Already?” Katie glanced at them.

  “Yeah,” Wyatt shifted his gaze to the ground and nodded. “We’re pretty tired. Plus, early morning tomorrow.”

  “Early morning every day.” Katie pointed out, but nodded. “Get some rest. We’ll see you guys in the morning.”

  They disappeared to a murmur of goodbyes, leaving the evening in silence. Even Tim and Lyle seemed to be lost in their own thoughts. Or sweet dessert treats.

  Hunter finished roasting the marshmallows and went to grab the rest of the supplies for s’mores. He made two sandwiches and approached Katie.

  She reached for one, but he held it aloft.

  “How about we take a walk and eat these? Check out the stars?”

  Her lips pursed. “Are you holding my sugar hostage until I agree.”

  He gave a slow smile. “Maybe. Will it work?”

  “I suppose so.” She stood and grabbed the treat from him. “I want that s’more.”

  He followed her out of the campfire area and they wished the ranch hands a good night, before disappearing onto the darkened trail.

  “Want to go to the river?” she offered.

  “I want you to take me to the best spot on the ranch to see the stars.”

  “The river.” She nodded and took a bite of the treat. “Yum. If there’s some kind of secret to making the perfect s’more, you’ve discovered it. That marshmallow is just the right amount of melted goodness.”

  “Nah, it’s just the ratio of heat to time. You need to have patience—get close, but not too close. You don’t want to set the marshmallow on fire, but you also want to melt more than just the outer layer.”

  “I don’t have that kind of patience. If I need to burn the whole thing to get it melted, then that’s what I do.” She laughed. “And you know, just peel off the charred part.”

  An amused laugh sprang from his lips, because he could very well imagine her doing just that.

  The canopy of trees above them blocked out most of the night sky, blanketing them in a cocoon of semidarkness.

  “So, are you going to tell me why you’re so upset with me?”

  Even without being able to see her, he could sense her tensing.

  “I’m not upset with you. I’m upset with this thing between us.”

  “Why?” He was genuinely confused. “I’m fascinated by it. I’ve never wanted another woman the way I want you. This chemistry between us in incredible.” He stopped and caught her arm, turning her toward him. “Going to bed with you would be—”

  “You have nothing to lose by sleeping with me, Hunter,” she blurted. “What could you possibly lose? I, on the other hand, have everything.”

nbsp; He let that sink in for a minute. “Is this still about Jim?”

  “No. Yes.” She groaned. “I don’t know. All I know is that when he kisses me, he doesn’t make me melt like this stupid marshmallow.” Her voice shook as she waved her s’more at him. “You do.”

  A wave of pure masculine triumph slammed into him. Adrenaline rushed his blood.

  “I do?” The question was a low rasp.

  “Yes. You know I have no control when I’m with you. I can’t think about anything except what it feels like to be in your arms.” She bit her lip. “To have you kiss me.”

  He tugged her closer, wrapping his arms around her waist. “Like this you mean?”

  Chapter Ten

  Katie gave a cry of frustration, but it was caught up against Hunter’s lips as he crashed his mouth onto hers.

  She told herself to pull away, but the logical side of her brain lost out. She could no more have stopped this, than she could’ve a runaway train. And that was what this was. A runaway train of desire for Hunter Richardson, and there was nothing to do now but jump on and enjoy the ride.

  Katie moaned with need and wound her arms around his neck.

  He drank from her lips as if he were starving. Tasting her deeply and demanding her response, and she gave it. She craved the fierceness of it. The way he didn’t treat her with kid gloves. She lashed her tongue against his, knowing her desire was tempered with frustration.

  Hunter’s mouth slid from hers, to pepper kisses down her jawline. “End things with deputy. You don’t want him like you want me. You just said so yourself.”

  She should’ve been furious at such a demand, but that small feminine part of her was thrilled by it.


  He claimed her lips again, making it hard to think.

  He lifted his lips just slightly. “Break up with him, Katie.”

  “I already did.” The husky admission was pulled from her. “Before I came out to the bonfire.”

  Hunter blinked and she watched the surprise in his gaze turn to something hot and possessive. A low, primitive growl rose in his throat.

  “Come to my cabin tonight. Now.”

  Oh, wow.

  Heat gathered low in her belly and she clenched her thighs to ease the ache there.

  “But we didn’t see the stars,” she protested weakly.

  “If that’s your only excuse, you must be searching the bottom of the barrel for them.” He kissed her neck. “Besides, we’ll create our own stars.”

  Oh my, when he did that, it made her weightless.

  She sighed and tilted her head back to give him better access. “I can’t decide if that’s the best line I’ve heard, or the worst.”

  “Assuage my pride and let’s call it the best. Because I’m terrible at lines, and I’m a little proud of that one.” He found the pulse in her neck and licked it.

  Her knees buckled and she would’ve hit the ground if he hadn’t caught her around the waist and pulled her closer.

  “You are so beautiful, Katie.”

  When he slipped a hand between them and moved it up her ribcage to cup her breast, a cry of pleasure ripped from her.

  “I want to touch all of you. Taste all of you.”


  “God, I love the way you say my name.” He squeezed her breast gently. “I know it’ll be even sweeter when I’m inside you.”

  Her knees buckled again, but her held her tightly.

  She closed her eyes against the pleasure and need coursing through her. But way back in her head, was the little bit of reality.

  “I just don’t want to fall in love with you,” she whispered.

  He froze. Did it bother him that much? The idea that she might fall in love with him?

  “Then don’t.” His words sounded a little too casual.

  She blinked. A little stung. “You make it sound easy.”

  “It is easy.”

  He smoothed his thumb over her breast and her nipple tightened beneath her bra. She struggled to think.

  “I want you, sweetheart”—he pressed on—“and I you know you want me. We’re both adults capable of acting on this kind of desire...”

  “But.” The word had been unspoken, hanging between them. She needed to hear him say it.

  He sighed. “But we both know I’m leaving a week from today.”

  Her heart twisted and her breath lodged in her throat. Yes, she knew. The question was—had always been—would she let it stop her from sleeping with him?

  Every inch of her body was feverish with hunger. Hunger for his touch. And as much as she feared where her heart would be at the end of next week, she feared even more where it would be if she shut the door on this.

  “Just for the week,” she whispered, sliding her hands from around his neck down to touch his chest. “All right. Let’s go to your cabin.”

  His nostrils flared before he caught her hand and turned them around on the trail. His brisk stride turned into almost a run, and she laughed with joy, keeping up with ease.

  Katie knew they were lucky not to trip over raised roots, or any other dangers on the trail in the darkness. But anticipation and adrenaline was on their side.

  By the time they reached Hunter’s cabin, she was trembling with a mix of need and apprehension. He ushered her into the cabin first, then stepped inside and closed the door, leaning back against it.

  His hooded gaze was hot with heat. Seeing it now, in the fully lit cabin, had her heart thundering and the ache between her thighs growing.

  “You nervous?” He stepped away from the door. Stalked her like a lion approaching its prey.

  “Absolutely.” There was no point in lying.

  “Me too.”

  The admission melted her heart and her knees weakened again.

  Hunter arrived at her side and reached for the hem of the sweater. “I want to see you. All of you,” he murmured, tugging it up and over her head.

  Self-conscious in her bra—because it was just blue cotton—she resisted the urge to cover herself.

  But the way Hunter’s eyes lit up with hunger, she could be wrapped in duct tape and he’d still be thrilled.

  He removed her bra with ease, freed her breasts. Her chest was on the smaller side, but his gaze softened with wonder as he cupped them.

  “Beautiful. You’re so beautiful, Katie.”

  She flushed, ducking her head so her hair fell in curtain to cover her face. The warm wetness of his mouth on her nipple had her crying out in surprise.

  He sucked on one, before switching to the other. Each flick of his tongue sent darts of need to the juncture of her thighs. His touch was electric, teasing her back as her buried his face against her breasts.

  Her body buzzed with excitement and it was almost too much to take. Thinking was already becoming impossible.

  “Please, I want to see you too,” she pleaded hoarsely.

  He lifted his head with a groan and reached to unbutton his shirt. She was all too ready to assist him, tugging and pulling on Hunter’s clothes.

  By the time he’d shucked his jeans and he stood before her in boxers, her mouth had gone dry.

  It had been a long time since she’d been intimate with anyone. Years. And staring at the proof of Hunter’s arousal sent a wave of hot and cold through her.

  “Come here, sweetheart.” He caught the back of her neck, pulling her closer. His mouth covered hers and his tongue pressed past the seam of her lips.

  There was the soft hiss of her zipper, before he slipped his hand beneath the denim and into her panties.

  When he eased a finger inside her, all the anxiousness and embarrassment disappeared, as she was completely lost in a tidal wave of hot need.

  Hunter watched her face as he stroked Katie toward that pinnacle of pleasure. He’d found her slick and ready for him when he’d touched her. Just the feel of her surrounding his finger had him groaning. His erection strained against his boxers.

  He teased the sp
ot he knew would bring her closer to release. Tormented it endlessly, until she was panting and rising on her tiptoes.


  More. He wanted so much more right now. Needed it.

  With a low growl, he lifted her and she wrapped her legs around his waist. He carried her backward to the bed, nearly dropping her on it in his haste.

  Her sensual laugh was sweet music as he tugged her jeans, panties and boots and socks from her body.

  When she started to sit up, he gently pushed her back down.

  “Let me.” He rasped, kneeling on the floor between her thighs.

  “Let you wh—oh... That...”

  While he claimed her with his mouth, teasing the very core of her, she threaded her fingers into his hair and moaned softly.

  All too quickly he grew drunk on the taste of her. Couldn’t get enough of the sound of her fevered cries as he brought her right back to that edge. Only this time, he took her over it.

  With her body still trembling, he stood and removed his boxers. He made quick time grabbing protection from his suitcase and putting it on.

  “You just happened to have condoms?” she asked, her laugh weak.

  No. He’d packed them, hoping like hell this moment would come to fruition, but never really expecting it would.

  He glanced over at her. Passion glazed her blue eyes. She was so damn sexy propped up on her elbows, breasts thrust out and legs parted in an age-old declaration that she was ready for him.

  How long had he fantasized about this? Wanted this? Katie Marshall in his bed. Sprawled out beneath him, begging him to take her.

  Instead of answering, he climbed onto the bed again and lowered his mouth to hers. And tasted her in a slow, thorough kiss, while nudging his erection into the warmth between her thighs.

  She lifted her hips as he paused at the entrance, making a soft moan that stayed sealed with their mouths.

  Then, without any further hesitation, he thrust into her.

  Her cry of pleasure only vaguely registered, as he was so completely caught up in the feel of her tight warmth wrapped around the heart of him.


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