Book Read Free


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by Alexis Noelle


  Alexis Noelle


  Copyright © 2016 Ashley Piscitelli

  Cover by Cover Me Darling

  Photo by K Keeton Designs

  All rights Reserved. No parts of this book may be used or reproduced in any matter without written permission from the author, except for inclusion of brief quotations in a review.

  This book is a work of fiction. Names, characters, establishments, organizations, and incidents are either products of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously to give a sense of authenticity. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, events, or locales is entirely coincidental.

  This eBook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This eBook may not be given away to another person except when loaned out per Amazon lending program. If you’re reading this and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your use only, then it was pirated illegally. Please purchase a copy of your own and respect the hard work of this author.

  Table Contents

  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Chapter Nine

  Chapter Ten

  Chapter Eleven

  Chapter Twelve

  Chapter Thirteen

  Chapter Fourteen

  Chapter Fifteen

  Chapter Sixteen

  Chapter Seventeen

  Chapter Eighteen

  Chapter Nineteen

  Chapter Twenty

  Chapter Twenty-One

  Chapter Twenty-Two

  Chapter Twenty-Three

  Chapter Twenty-Four

  Chapter Twenty-Five

  Chapter Twenty-Six

  Chapter Twenty-Seven

  Chapter Twenty-Eight

  Chapter Twenty-Nine

  Chapter Thirty


  To all the people that help me I am so very thankful. Just to name a few Rachael Duncan, Stephanie Phillips, Desirae Shie, Marisa-Shor, Rebecca Brooke, Brandy Ribeira, Rochelle Paige, Glenna Maynard, Renee Dyer, and Tbird London. Also to my friends, family, and my husband thank you for you everyday support.

  To the readers that love the story and the characters you are my rock stars!

  Chapter One


  I drum my fingers on the steering wheel in pure annoyance. I fucking hate that this is the shit they assign me to do.


  I laugh.

  More like fucking babysitter.

  Every time I hear “Prospect!” I just want to roll my eyes and tell them to leave me the fuck alone. I live for the club and everything it stands for. So being a bitch boy sucks. It’s not what I signed up for when I became a Hanger-On at the Deathstalkers MC. I just wanted to ride my bike. To be a part of the brotherhood and get away from my judgmental family.

  So far the only thing I’ve been assigned to do is watch the officers’ old ladies. They act like bitches about it too, giving me dirty looks as I drive them from bullshit errand to bullshit errand.

  Take us there.

  Go get us this.

  Sit here and wait.

  I’ve been sitting outside this damn clothing store for two fucking hours now. I slept like shit last night, so I’m in a foul mood and all I want is to drop them off and go the fuck home.

  I see the door open, both relieved and irritated that they’re on their way to the car. Two of them are with me tonight, Nikki, Pres’s girl and Lucy, who belongs to our Sergeant At Arms. At least they don’t have their damn kids with them. I can guarantee all condom companies’ stock would go through the fucking roof if you had people watch those little brats just for an hour.

  Instant birth control.

  The girls climb into my truck. “Okay, Prospect, we’re all ready to be escorted home now.” Nikki laughs from the backseat.

  I don’t answer her. Mouthing off to a brother or an old lady will land you in serious shit, so I keep my mouth shut the way I have for the past couple weeks. In fact, if the brothers could hear my thoughts I’d be in a ditch before morning. Being a prospect is basically an invitation to get treated like dirt, mainly ‘cause everyone knows you can’t say shit back. Yea, they preach it’s about paying dues and making sure you can be loyal to the club. Honestly, I feel like I could do that without them making me look like an asshole on a daily basis.

  It’s dark and I’ve spent the last half of the day driving these girls around because the brothers had church and other shit going on. I’m also not allowed to participate in any of that.

  Can’t sit in on church.

  Can’t sit at the table.

  Can’t go to the parties.

  The closest I get is being on guard duty while everyone else is inside. I glance in the mirror and see the girls whisper and laugh.

  When I look back at the road, I swerve quickly to the left. They scream in the backseat as they are thrown against the door. My foot slams down on the brake and I put the car in park. My heart beats fast and my adrenaline is pumping.

  “What the fuck!” Nikki shouts.

  “Sorry, someone was in the road.” I look around and catch a glimpse of a person walking our way on the side of the road.

  “It looks like a girl,” Lucy says and she reaches for the door handle.

  “No!” I shout, and she freezes. “What are you doin’? You can’t just go out there.”

  I reach for the gun tucked into my waistband. She’s right, it does look like a girl, but who knows if she is some sort of bait for us. I make sure the doors are locked and then look back up to see the girl standing at the passenger window.

  I jump, surprised. “Get the fuck away from the car!” I raise my gun, but she doesn’t move. Her head cocks to the side and her blue eyes focus on me. The girl is blond, her hair going just past her shoulders. She’s dirty, her clothes are ripped like she was thrown down a mountain, and she has small cuts dripping lines of blood down her skin. She looks like she’s in her early twenties. The girl blinks a few times before turning and walking the same way she was before.

  My chest is rising quickly as I try to process what the hell could be going on. Then I hear the locks click and before I can stop her Lucy is out of the car, running after the girl.


  “Stay here!” I yell at Nikki as I chase after Lucy.

  I catch up and grab her arm. We have no idea who this girl is. She could have a grudge against the club. There could be a gun tucked into her shorts.

  “Get off of me. She seems hurt, and I want to see if she’s okay.”

  “No, you have no idea who this girl is. This could all be one big set-up.” My hand stays firm around her arm.

  “Listen, Prospect. If you think it’s dangerous, follow me, but get off my arm before you lose one of your balls.” Her eyes narrow at me.

  “You might want to listen to her. She’s got her old lady face on. I should know. I taught it to her,” Nikki says from behind me.

  “Jesus Christ, do neither of you know how to follow directions?” They don’t say anything, but Lucy’s eyes focus on my hand. Wanting to preserve my boys, I reluctantly let go of her.

  She jogs toward the girl, and I stay on her heels. “Hey!”

  The girl turns around. She’s like a robot. Her arms hang by her sides and her steps are measured. Her face shows no emotion as she looks at us.

  “Do you need help?” Lucy is standing next to her now. I’m still holding my gun as I scan the area, keeping an eye out for anything out of the ordinary. “My name is Lucy. What’s your name?”


  “Are you hurt?”

  “She is o
bviously nuts. We need to get out of here. I’ll put in an anonymous nine-one-one call and have them pick her up,” I say, hoping they’ll follow me, but neither of them make a move.

  The girl raises her arm, and I tense, ready to take her down before I let anything happen to Nikki or Lucy. Lucy reaches out to take something from her.

  “What are you—”

  “Stop yelling, you’re scaring her.” Lucy shoots me a dirty look. “Holy fuck, Nikki.” She walks over and her eyes widen at whatever Lucy is showing her.

  I can’t see what they’re looking at and I’m starting to get even more pissed off. “What is it?”

  Nikki pulls out her phone, and Lucy takes the girl’s hand. “Come with me.”

  The fact that they’re both ignoring me like I’m not fucking standing here makes me livid. “You are not putting her in that car.”

  “Yes, I am. Nikki is clearing it with Twisted now. She’s coming with us.” Her eyes challenge me and I don’t even bother. She outranks me in this situation and that makes me want to throw my fist into something.

  “He’s expecting us, and he’s not really patient,” Nikki says as she walks up. Her hand is holding whatever the girl gave them and I still have no idea what it is.

  My phone rings and I pull it out to see it’s our president, Twisted. “Yea.”

  “I want the three of them back here yesterday,” his voice barks out before the line goes dead in my ear.

  I hate my fucking life right now.

  The girls have piled in the back with the stray in the middle. During the drive to the clubhouse I can’t help but to keep looking back at her in the mirror. She doesn’t move, hasn’t talked, no facial expressions. It’s like she’s a walking zombie. I really want to turn around and let Lucy know that this is an MC not a shelter.

  I’m also so sick of the way these girls talk to me. I’m a prospect and that means I serve the club. Putting up with their bullshit on a daily basis is a whole different thing. They think just because I’m not a brother they can talk to me like I’m the shit they stepped in.


  I can feel the girl looking at me. She is watching me and my skin is heating under her gaze. I need to figure out what the hell her deal is. We pull into the clubhouse lot, and I see Pres, our VP, Whip, and his Sergeant At Arms, Torch, all waiting for us.

  This can’t be good.

  Before I can even shift the truck into park Pres pulls the back door open, yanking Nikki out. Whip does the same to Lucy and they both start laying into the girls. Take that, I can’t help but smile.

  My door opens and Torch pulls me out. “What the fuck, Prospect? The assignment was to watch them, not let them run around the highway at night taking random girls home.” He’s in my face, and I really have to fight the urge to shove him back and out of my space.

  “I tried to keep ‘em in the truck. I locked the doors, but Lucy forced the locks open. I went after her, and she threatened to demolish my balls, then Nikki joined in. I had my piece trained on her to make sure nothing shady went down and I was scanning the area.” I hope my explanation is enough for him.

  He looks back over at the girls, who are unfazed as they get reamed for what they did. Torch nods at me before heading to the back where the girl is. Her eyes are wide, almost like a puppy dog. Like the stray dog in Lady and the Tramp. My sister used to be obsessed with that dumbass movie.

  “Everyone inside!” Twisted shouts, and the girls stomp like children toward the door.

  Torch tries to reach for Tramp, and she moves so far over that she almost falls out of the open door. Her eyes find mine and lock on me.

  “You get her then, she’s lookin’ at you.” Torch shakes his head and walks toward the clubhouse door.

  Great, more goddamn babysitting.

  I stand at the open door. She’s watching me like I’m a grenade about to explode. “Come on, it’s cold out here and you already got me bitched at once tonight. I’m not trying to get chewed out again.” I take a step back and wait a moment. “I’m Max. We aren’t gonna hurt you. Just come inside.” I wait another beat, hoping I can sway her into moving. I’m about to grab her and throw her over my shoulder when she slowly starts to scoot across the bench seat. She steps out, misjudging the height, and stumbles.

  I catch her, keeping her from hitting the ground. She looks up at me, and I can see unshed tears in her eyes. She is scared. I take a breath to try and release the asshole from my body. “Let’s go.” I stand her up and lead her inside, my hand on her lower back to guide her, and hopefully provide some sort of comfort.

  We walk in, and Pres is pacing the room. His glaring eyes land on her and they are so intense that even I might shrink away from him. She freezes, her feet beginning to move backward.

  “Gotta keep moving, girl.” I nudge her forward, and she hesitates before continuing to walk.

  He looks at me. “Leave.”


  Who is this girl?

  Chapter Two


  With each retreating footstep my anxiety spikes and the pain in my body gets worse. It hurts to move. My chest is sore, making it hurt to breathe. My eyes move up to meet the glare of the man standing in front of me. He is looking at me as if I’m the purest form of evil.

  Maybe he’s right.

  Maybe I am.

  I sure as hell have no idea who I am.

  Did you ever wonder what it would be like to wake up one day and have no idea who you are? It sucks.

  I can’t even remember my name. I have no idea if someone is looking for me, if someone out there loves me. I have never felt so alone. Being in this place strikes a fear inside of me that I can’t explain. My arms wrap around my body, trying to gain a sense of comfort.

  All I know is the man in front of me looks like he wants to kill me.

  I want Max to come back. He was acting like a jerk all night except when I would meet his eyes. The hard lines around his face would soften. He looked at me as if he didn’t pity me. When I look at him a sense of calm comes over me. I’m not sure why since he seemed like all he wanted to do was leave me by the side of the road without a second thought.

  I sit down in a chair in front of the man. My legs tremble underneath the table.

  “Who are you?” The man’s voice is deep and the words almost sound like a growl coming out. He is wearing a leather vest with a patch on it that says ‘President’. His dark brown hair is medium length and his piercing green eyes focus on me. He is trying to remain calm, it’s not working. “Tell me!” His hand slaps down on the tabletop in front of me and I jump. I have no idea why he is so mad and what I could have done to cause it.

  I need to run. This place isn’t safe. It feels wrong.

  I jump up and make a dash for the door.

  “Prospect!” he shouts from behind me.

  Max runs into the room only a few feet from the door. He catches me around my waist. “Calm down. No one’s gonna hurt you,” his voice whispers in my ear. He has no idea if that’s true or not.

  “You need to come back over here,” the man behind me says. His voice is still strained. My hands grip Max’s sweatshirt. “I’m not gonna ask again.” My hearts feels like a jackhammer about to break out of my chest.

  “Walk, I’ll stay with you.”

  I nod and walk backward, not wanting to turn around or to leave the safe place I’ve found in the most unlikely person.

  Max’s hands stop me from moving. “Sit down.”

  I do as he says, but I can’t bring myself to look up at the man hovering over me.

  He slaps down the picture I was holding in front of me. His face is full of anger.

  I swallow a lump in my throat.

  Judging by his expression this is bad.

  “I’m not gonna play fucking games. Where did you get this? Why do you have it?” He’s staring at me, and I can feel Max’s eyes on me.

  “I—” My throat is raw and I wince as I try to answer him. “I don’t kno
w,” I rasp out.

  His eyes narrow at me and he seems to be trying to assess whether I’m telling the truth. “How do you not know? What the fuck is that supposed to mean?”

  I try to speak again, but my voice dies in my throat. A bottle of water is placed in front of me and I look up to see him. I give him a nod to thank him before opening it and letting the cool water coat my sore throat. “I can’t remember anything.” I take a deep breath as I try to calm myself down. “I woke up in a field, like this.” My hand waves over myself to drive my point home. “That picture was in my hand. I got up and just started to walk. I don’t know how I got here or anything else about me.”

  My hands wring as the nerves in my body grow.

  He grabs my wrist and I jump, a small yelp escaping. He turns my arm over to reveal a tattoo I didn’t even notice. “This your name?” It says Izzy in fancy letters, the end of the Y forming a heart. Is it my name? Is it someone I loved? “Well?” His voice gets louder and I flinch, pulling my arm from him.

  “I don’t know. I have no idea who I am.” I hang my head, hating how weak I feel. A sharp pain is pulsing in my head and getting worse the more I try to dig into the emptiness. A tear slips down my cheek.

  “Cameron Pearce!” I hear one of the girls from earlier. “You said you’d be nice.” She walks over.

  “Nikki, what the fuck did I tell you about using that goddamn name here? I also told you to stay the fuck in the room with Lucy. Goddamn, woman, you’ll never learn to listen.” His hand runs through his hair as he releases a deep breath.

  “No, I won’t, but you love it.” She winks at him before walking closer to me. “What’s your name, babe? You okay?”

  “She says doesn’t know. That she has no damn memory and I have just as many questions as I did before,” he grumbles.

  “Okay, well, the girl needs to shower and get into something clean. Luce and I will handle that and then maybe after she feels better stuff might come back to her.” She looks over at me and smiles. I can tell she is really trying to help me.


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