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Page 16

by Alexis Noelle

  “Miller, this is Theresa. If you win, she’s yours for the night.” He pushed his chest out and held his head high but he wasn’t confident. A confident man doesn’t tremble like Ray Wasden. Which made it all the more obvious that he needed to win this money.

  But why?

  It became very clear that the only reason he was willing to offer his girlfriend up was he thought he couldn’t lose. Desperation does strange things to people. For a moment, I sat back and pretended to contemplate his offer, when what I was really doing was checking out my winnings.

  Her legs were tan and seemed even longer this close up. Her dress was also shorter than I had first noticed. One wrong move and her ass cheeks would peek out below the hem. The deep V in her neck line exposed smooth, creamy skin in the valley between her breasts. My cock hardened. The last three women I had below me in bed were nothing but a disappointment. Hell, it was the main reason I never waited until the morning to kick them out and send them on their way.

  Her head snapped in his direction. “Ray! What the hell are you thinking?”

  Wasden leaned over to whisper in her ear. Since he had to speak over the music playing throughout the room I could hear exactly what he said. “Don’t worry, babe. I’ve got this in the bag. I just need to throw in something enticing to call the pot and make up the difference.”

  Her nostrils flared. “You’d better be right.”

  Theresa stood, arms crossed over her chest, staring at the game. By now all the attention in the room had turned to our table. This shit show needed to be over soon. I wasn’t making any money if everyone abandoned their tables to watch what was going on a mine.

  “Fine. Flip ’em.” I said, forcing the issue.

  I’d have time to inspect my winnings later. Much later, back at my place. I’d never force a woman into my bed, but damn if I wouldn’t do my best to convince the woman in front of me there was no better place to be.

  “Full house.” Turning the cards, the ten of clubs and diamonds came into view.

  Theresa clearly knew something about poker. Her shoulders relaxed and her arms dropped to her side. Wasden entwined his fingers with hers.

  In a deliberate move, I flipped each card over slowly. The first King came into view and Wasden swallowed hard. When I flipped over the next one, the card landing right under Wasden’s nose, taunting him with the gravity of his mistake, it was with the huge satisfaction of watching Wasden’s head turn slowly from the cards on the table, to the gorgeous woman beside him. Her eyes never left the table as she snatched her hand from his.

  “I . . . I thought . . . I never expected.” Wasden continued to mumble to himself.

  “Forget it.” Theresa squared her shoulders, which was probably meant to make me take her seriously when all it really did was emphasize the curve of her chest in that dress. “No one in this room is getting sexual favors for me because my ex-boyfriend thinks it’s okay to use me as bet in a poker game. Not happening.”

  For a moment she glared at me, then spun on her heel and grabbed her purse from the bar before storming back over to the table. The flush of her cheeks made it even harder to control my errant dick, and I couldn’t stop the smirk that rose to my lips as she continued her tirade. That fiery spark would be so much fun to enjoy later. Even with all of her talking, I still knew she would end up spending at least a few hours in my bed. She had yet to consider the one thing I could hold over her any moment I wanted to.

  “I’m out of here.”

  She turned and almost made it to the door before I spoke up, not once letting my voice rise. There was no need to yell. Everyone in the place knew when I addressed the room, it was the end of all other conversation.

  “That’s fine.” She whirled around to face me. She thought it was over. How very wrong. “Charlie, Dean, take Mr. Wasden out and remind him of why we don’t bet beyond our means.”

  The flush in her cheeks disappeared almost instantly, drawn from her face at the realization of what my words meant. Charlie and Dean walked over from where they were sitting at the bar. Both men were huge, more imposing than anyone else in the room, and her eyes never left them as Charlie reached out and wrapped his hand around Wasden’s bicep.

  “No!” Theresa tried to install herself between the men and Ray.

  “No?” I asked innocently. “You said you were leaving. Wasden still owes me two grand and needs to be reminded why we only bet within our means.”

  “You can’t hurt him.”

  “I can do whatever the fuck I want. Ray knows the rules. He has two choices: pay his debt, or deal with the consequences.”


  “Yes, consequences. What do you care? You said you were leaving.”

  I turned my attention back to Charlie and Dean. Wasden’s face was white as a sheet. His eyes pleaded with Theresa to stay. As twisted as it might have seemed, I found a sick sort of satisfaction in watching it all play out.

  “I was. I am.”

  I watched her hair flick behind her as she turned for the door then nodded at Charlie, who flicked his wrist, pulling Wasden’s arm back until a distinctive snap echoed around the room. Ray screamed, the sound pitiful to anyone’s ears. Theresa’s head snapped around.

  “Holy shit.” She glared at me. “What the fuck is wrong with you?”

  “Oh, little one, that list is entirely too long to get into right now.” I gestured toward where Wasden lay sprawled on the floor, clutching his arm to his body and rocking back and forth. “Now do you mind getting out of the way. Since you’re not coming home with me tonight, I need to finish up so I can find someone who will.”

  “Oh my god.”

  She scanned the room. Maybe she was looking for a friendly face, or perhaps some indication of what she was up against. Either way, she wasn’t going to find an answer she liked. Her choices were simple: leave alone and the boys would kick the shit out of Wasden, or leave with me and the sniveling rat would only be nursing the broken arm he’d suffered so far.

  Endless minutes seem to pass while she stood there, deciding what to do. Eventually she stood and raised her eyes to meet mine. In that moment I knew I’d won. I always won. But this victory? So much sweeter.

  “I’ll do it. I’ll go with you. For one night only.”

  I nodded, trying and failing to keep the smirk from my face. “One night.”

  Something told me this wouldn’t be the same monotonous ride I’d been on every time I brought a woman home. This woman had spark and I knew that if I could get her to let her guard down, she’d willingly climb into my bed before the night was through.

  “Thank you, babe. I will make this up to you. I swear.” Wasden, ever the pathetic fool, whimpered at her feet, his tear-streaked face bloated and blotchy. How he had ever hooked this one on his line was a mystery.

  “You,” she snarled, “will never come near me again.” Her foot shot out so fast, no one in the room expected it, connecting with its target—right between Wasden’s legs.

  Every man in the room twisted their bodies in a way that would protect their nuts, just in case she should she decide to continue her rampage. Wasden clutched at his groin with his good hand. I’d be surprised if the man was capable of ever getting his dick to stand up again after a shot like that.

  She picked up her purse from where it had dropped to the floor and turned to face me. “Let’s get this over with. Just don’t make me stay here.”

  I glanced at my watch. Still time for dinner. I wasn’t in the business of raping women and if I wanted to slide between her legs, I needed to wine and dine her a little bit. I held my arm out to her. “Let’s go.”

  By the end of the night, she’d be mine.

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  Also check out other books by Alexis Noelle

  Fall For Me

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  Wait For Me

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  Fight For Me

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  Breaking Free

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  All For Me

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  Shattered Innocence (Shattered #1)

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  Shattered Lives (Shattered #2)

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  Shattered Duet

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  Fractured Volume One

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  Fractured Volume Two

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  Fractured Volume Three

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  Fractured Box Set

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  Keeping Her

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  Protecting Her

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  Saving Her

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  Claiming Her

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  The Her Series Box Set

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  Ground & Pound

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  Kiss My Crown

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  Sexy Beginnings

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  About The Author:

  I love reading romance books! I feel like being able to lose yourself in a book in one of the more exciting aspects. The books I love to read and write will be ones that make you feel for the characters. You should have an opinion on every character in a book. Whether you love them, hate them, or think they are up to something.

  I live in Philadelphia Pennsylvania with my husband, and three kids. On top of starting a writing career I am a full time student, and a full time mom. I love spending time with my kids, although I have to hide the computer from them when I am writing! I love being active and being able to do any activity outdoors.

  I have always thought as an author the most important critic is your reader, so I would love to hear from you. If you read the book and loved it or hated it, tell me. As long as it is in a constructive way I will always answer and interact with you. I want fans to feel free to tell me what they want for the characters in the story and what they want to see happen.

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