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Trusting Gibson (Last Score Book 2)

Page 5

by K. L. Shandwick



  Part of me expected Johnny to sneer or snicker, then come back at Gibson during their disagreement. I was relieved when Johnny said nothing further. I was thankful when Gibson’s cell phone rang because it was a welcome interruption to their altercation. Being around conflict made me nervous, so when he took the call I excused myself and asked for direction to the bathroom.

  Staring in the mirror, I was willing myself to stay strong, whatever way it played out with Gibson. He was showing those important to him that I was important as well and even though I felt humiliated for part of it, the way Gibson had jumped to my defense against his long standing and trusted friend touched my heart.

  Mine. The way Gibson said that word about me sounded so possessive and that would have been a heart stopping moment for me, if the rest hadn’t been happening. I hadn’t had the time to internalize his words because I was so focused on the conversation and how both men were reacting, but standing in the quiet of the restroom, the impact of his defense was being absorbed slowly.

  Trusting Gibson was going to be difficult but he had just demonstrated that he was willing to put his relationship with Johnny on the line for me, and that said a lot about how much he really wanted me around. “My lady.” In public—declaring ownership of me. That particular confession was beyond my comprehension.

  Soft tapping on the bathroom door brought me out of my reverie, and I turned the handle to unlock it at the same time as Gibson pushed his way inside.

  Instantly his arms were around me, almost knocking me off balance as he backed me up against the countertop and pressed his big strong body firmly against my small frame. “Hello, darlin’, I was missing you.”

  Gibson gave me his slow, sexy, roguish grin and licked his lips, then curled his head down to press them against mine in what started out as a soft sensual kiss, but ended with him relieving me of all of my clothing in a tantalizing steamy disrobing ceremony. Everywhere he exposed, he kissed and my skin detonated goose bumps where each kiss landed.

  Turning me around, he positioned me in front of the long ornate silver gilt mirror and his hand swept down my belly, his finger disappearing between my legs, worshiping my body. I think Gibson kissed every inch of me, sending ripples of pleasure through my veins and into my core.

  Taking his time, his slow assault on my body made me scream in anticipation. Deliciously slow traced touches made my skin react in a rash of goose bumps that made the tiny hairs on my arms and the back of my neck stand on end. Rapturous feelings enslaved me to him as he continually delighted my nerve endings. Shivers from the sensations he was instilling made my pussy clench with need and my juices flowed between my legs at the impact his sensory overload had on me.

  “Ah, Chloe. What the fuck are you doing to me?” Gibson’s voice was thick with lust, husky and slow. He had my leg in his hand, peppering tiny kisses up the back of it, his big hand wrapped around my whole ankle. Sensual sweeps from his other hand gently skated over my skin in a soft caress. If I hadn’t experienced it, I would have doubted someone with Gibson’s reputation would have been capable of such a gentle touch.

  Eyes heavy with lust perused my body with a reverence I’ve only ever seen delivered by Oscar winning actors in the movies. Gibson was studying my body in great detail and I was mesmerized by his response to his observations. When his sensual gaze dropped to my breasts he licked his lips then rubbed them together. Tilting his mouth nearer he drew in a deep breath then his tongue darted out. When he allowed himself the first taste of my breast his searching eyes glanced up to lock into mine as his mouth sucked deeply and we shared a quiet, intense moment. I gasped at the feel of his hot wet tongue lathing over my nipple. Breaking the seal of his mouth over my nipple, he smiled slowly.

  “So beautiful. You are so beautiful, Chloe.” Gibson’s voice was a raspy whisper, and his sensual, Southern twang was an octave lower and thick with desire, it had a dizzying effect on me.

  “Come on, I refuse to take you in the bathroom on our first time here. I’m saving that for another time.” Gibson smirked devilishly at me. I was about to speak but was interrupted when he stooped to pick me up in his arms and held me close to his chest. Strong arms wrapped around my back and cradled my legs under the knees.

  “You’re going to need the comfort of a soft mattress after what I have in mind for you, darlin’. Don’t worry, Johnny has made himself scarce.” Gibson smiled slowly—seductively, as he carried me naked down the hallway, each pace, getting quicker the nearer we got to the bedroom.

  As I stared hypnotically into his eyes Gibson’s were sparkling with wicked intent, filling me with excitement of what was to come. He smiled sexily and it looked so salacious it took my arousal to another level.

  Gibson dropped me naked on the bed and crawled over me, pinning me to the bed with his arms and knees. He stared motionlessly at me for long seconds in quiet reflection until he finally pulled air into his lungs and spoke in a frustrated tone.

  “Fuck, Chloe, I’m trying to take it slowly but just seeing you like this tests my patience and control to the maximum. I know you need soft and gentle, but every ounce of my craving is to create chaos in your mind by fucking you so hard it erases every bad memory you have right out of you.” My mouth went dry and I was quickly reminded of Gibson’s notorious reputation and bit my lip. Something inside of me should have been warning me off but it wasn’t. Gibson was trying to respect me by considering what I might need over his own wants.

  Still fully clothed, Gibson was shaking with restraint as I reached for his belt buckle. Snickering knowingly, he raised an eyebrow and looked delighted that I was forward enough to go after what I wanted. Leaning forward, he licked and nibbled my ear, making me shiver, then whispered, “Tell me what you want, Chloe.”

  Instantly my flesh became alive and my excited reaction was to curl up in ecstasy bunching my ear to my neck at the effect of what he did to me. Gibson reached over his shoulder and grabbed a fistful of his soft white cotton t-shirt, yanking it over his head.

  My eager eyes instantly fell to focus on his chest and I leaned forward, planting a soft kiss over his heart. Gibson tossed the garment on the floor. Scooping me in his arms, he rolled beneath me and I positioned myself assertively astride his hips.

  Sitting squarely on his dick, he felt huge through the coarse material of his jeans. Gibson’s fingers stroked my hair then flicked it behind my shoulders, tucking it behind my ears. Licking his lips, he took both breasts in the palms of his hands.

  Sexy eyes stared up at me as he dragged his tongue across his bottom lip slowly and his head rose off the bed toward my chest. Cupping my breast, he rolled his tongue around the nipple, licking it and then blew softly on it before closing his mouth and engulfing a wide mouthful. He sucked it hard and I could feel the drawing sensation reach all the way down to my core. Gasping loudly in response to what he was doing to me, my breath hitched and a whispered moan escaped from my throat as I exhaled, “Ohhh.”

  Looking up with my breast still in his mouth, Gibson snickered and then mumbled, “You liked that, huh?” Pecking my stiff nipple again with short kisses, he placed his hands on my hips and began undulating under me, rubbing my needy pussy against his erect dick still under his rough jeans.

  “Chloe, I’m mesmerized by you, darlin’, those stunning blue eyes of yours make me feel helpless…speechless. Well, not speechless because I’m talking, but you know what I mean.” Gibson snickered again and put his warm hand behind my head to draw me down toward his face. Stopping me an inch from his mouth, his tongue traced my lips painfully slowly.

  “You know…I really want to taste you all the time? When I look at your mouth, I can’t see it without wanting to lick your lips or to feel your hot tongue in my mouth. Or for you to suck mine and bite my lip. Damn, you make me so fucking hard, Chloe.”

  Clearing my throat, I swallowed hard. I was still an inch from his face, and taking a leap of faith, I trie
d to tell him how I was feeling. “Everything you just said Gibson, I understand. I feel all of that as well…and a few other things.”

  Beaming, Gibson’s smile conveyed that he needed to hear what I’d just said, which surprised me, but before I could say anything else he rolled me on my back, my legs wrapped around his waist and his wandering hands roaming sensually down the side of my ribs. My heart was banging in my chest with excitement and I felt like I was going to explode with need.

  Shifting his weight to the side, one hand pulled my arms above my head and he held them there while his other hand slid over my hip, across my thigh and down between my legs. Pushing my legs wide, his palm cupped me and his middle finger traced the seam of my pussy. “Fuck, Chloe. You are soaking wet. I love that I can do this to you.”

  Gibson’s eyes widened in delight at the slithery warm feel of my sex and he licked his lips as he pushed his thick finger slowly past my outer lips and traced down toward my entrance. Without warning he entered me-first with one finger, then two.

  His sudden infringement made me tense as I gasped for breath and even though I was lying beneath him and knew what was going to happen between us, I tried to close my legs and move away.

  “Trust me.” Gibson’s mouth was beside mine, his voice almost like breathing, exhaling the words in such a quiet whisper which was pure but with total command. “Relax. Breathe Chloe, inhale deeply and control the urge to fight against us. I’m never going to hurt you in any way unless it’s pleasurable.” Believing his words, I did what he asked without hesitation and felt the lower half of my body sag in relief to allow him greater access to me.

  Kissing me slowly, Gibson’s fingers plunged back and forth rubbing my sweet spot until my body was humming at the hint of orgasm. His lips tugged in a half smile and he stopped, withdrawing his fingers. “Nuh-uh not yet darlin’, you got to work for this one.” I groaned in frustration and almost begged him not to stop.

  Gibson suddenly licked my neck then pressed his lips to it and began peppering it with kisses. His onslaught was completely unexpected and the sensation was somewhere between agony and ecstasy as my body tried to deal with the conflicting sensations going on inside. As suddenly as Gibson started, he stopped, flipping me over onto my stomach and then he dragged my hips up in the air. Suddenly his mouth landed on the seam of my butt.

  “Jesus, Chloe…so wet…” a guttural growl followed as he buried his mouth in between my legs, his tongue penetrating my entrance as he lapped and sucked at me. I moaned loudly, “Oh, God,” hardly recognizing the sound of my own voice. Gibson broke free of my body then replaced his mouth with his fingers again. “Your legs are trembling. I fucking love how you respond to me, darlin’.”

  Slipping his finger to the edge of my puckered butthole, he began to massage it and I stiffened and tried to clench my buttocks together. This was completely alien territory to me.

  “Trust me. Just say stop and I will. I won’t do anything you don’t like.” Again, Gibson was whispering softly to me, reassuring me, that every move he was making was for my pleasure.

  Gibson was doing insane things to my hormones but when he began to ease his finger inside, I froze again.

  “No?” His question was urgent.

  It felt weird and dirty. Kace had never done anything like this before and I wasn’t sure that I’d ever want to reciprocate it, if that was asked of me.

  He was pushing me into unchartered waters. I heard my small voice say, “This is new to me, I don’t feel safe.”

  Curling over the back of me, Gibson whispered softly again, “Trust me Chloe, I think you’ll like it and if you don’t I’ll stop and we’ll know for sure okay?”

  Swallowing hard, I nodded yes, not totally convinced but highly aware that Gibson was a rock star and was used to more than vanilla sex. Placing his mouth back on the crease of my neck from behind, Gibson licked up to my ear again. My pussy clenched and I could feel a fresh trickle of juice pool at my entrance. Gibson’s fingers swept back and forth and he growled again. “Sexy girl, I just want to do everything to you, Chloe.”

  Before I could think what ‘everything’ meant, his finger had teased its way inside and was gently being pushed and pulled; not deep, but just deep enough to know it was there. Gasping breathlessly and because his action was kinda taboo to me, Gibson was quick to respond in reassurance again. “Good girl. Relax I got you.”

  At first it felt like a weird sensation, like something was travelling in the wrong way, but his tongue was poking in and out of my pussy at the same time and then I could feel the added benefit of what he was doing.

  My legs began to tremble slightly and I was becoming desperate with the anticipation of having Gibson closer. Biting the pillow, my hand clutched at the comforter and balled into a fist from how he was teasing me. “Ahh. Fuck me, Gibson. I need you inside me…please.”

  Wriggling away from him, I turned over and sat up to grasp at his belt buckle. Tugging, I frantically tried to access his bare skin and his smooth hard dick. Gibson rolled onto his back and stared silently up at me but I was fumbling in my hurry to hold him in my hands. “Hey. Whoa.” Gibson chuckled sexily and when our eyes met I could see that he was pleasantly surprised by my impatience.

  Gibson’s lusty sparkling eyes were watching my hands working to free him and when I took his thick heavy dick in my hands he groaned, “Ahhh,”exhaling audibly and giving me the hottest panty- melting look I’ve ever witnessed.

  Standing up, Gibson shucked his jeans to the floor and pulled his feet free of them, kicking them out of his way. “Damn girl, any more sudden moves like that one and you risk me blowing my load before you get my dick out of my pants.”

  Kneeling before Gibson, I gripped his erect dick in my hand I started to stroke him, pulling his length upwards. My thumb grazed over his apa and he hitched his breathe and rolled his head backward to look at the ceiling. I followed up his shaft with my tongue until I reached his glistening shiny head and circled my tongue over the wide brim and flicking the apa again, before he slipped it into my mouth. His body trembled with the need for more.

  My other hand was teasing and scratching his scrotum, my fingertips sliding back over his perineum, before I began to stroke him in time as I sucked the head of his dick. Gibson began gathering my hair and sweeping it into a messy ponytail, but every now and again his half-closed eyes rolled and he let out another string of expletives, “Hot damn….fuck…mmmmm.”

  Even in the midst of what was going on, I couldn’t help but notice how different Gibson was from Kace. Gibson talked all the time during sex, asking me things, whispering in my ear, being dirty. I’d never seen any of that with the girls he’d been with, or experienced it before myself, but it was so hot, he made me want to do more.

  “Stroke it with two hands and look up at me when you suck my dick, Chloe.” I did what he instructed and was rewarded with his pleased tone. “Ah…yeah that’s it, damn.” Working to pleasure Gibson with my mouth wasn’t a chore at all. I loved seeing how lost Gibson got with what I was doing and he wasn’t slow at telling me what he liked or how he liked it.

  Without warning, he lifted me and hoisted me onto his hips, backing me up against the bedroom door. “Is your pussy aching, Chloe? Do you want my hard dick filling you?” Leaning back to look at me with his lust-filled eyes and his deep voice gruff, the scene was like one from the best R movies.

  My hands slid over his warm sculptured body and my stare towards him was just as intense as his was at me. “Gibson, you have to ask? I thought you were a natural at this stuff?” I teased. I didn’t get to draw breath before his thick head was skimming the length of my seam and he plunged his length inside. Gibson’s hands made a slapping sound on my butt cheeks as he rolled my pussy down onto him and lifted me practically off his strong hard dick.

  The suddenness of his pace took my breath away and I think it had the same effect on him as he stopped stock still and buried his face in my neck as soon as I had him inside me.<
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  “Fuck, Chloe. Jeez don’t squeeze…just give me a second.” I wasn’t aware I was doing anything. Gibson lifted his head and gave me a sexy naughty grin, then licked his lips and leaned his forehead on me. “You are such a sexy girl, you know that? I could stay inside you forever.”

  My heart flip flopped at the dangerous look that followed his words, his arousal making his body hum as he leaned against mine. Strange that for all his power and prowess he didn’t frighten me, instead I buzzed with anticipation while I waited to see what was coming next.

  Dragging his head down my cheek he growled into my neck again and I shivered, my skin erupting in goose flesh. “Damn, Chloe I want to ride you hard but I don’t want to scare you. I never want to scare you.”

  I heard his voice crack on the last few words and I was sure he meant it. What worried me was that he was used to women doing what he wanted and being faced with my past, I wasn’t sure how quickly he’d get bored of being sympathetic when there were women throwing themselves at him every day.



  “Gibson– I’m not made of glass, I’m not scared. If you do something I don’t like or I feel threatened, I’ll say stop. You would be able to stop, right?”

  “Chloe, I’ve never done anything that wasn’t consensual. You only have to say no, whatever is happening no means no to me, darling’.

  Lifting my head to look at her again, I could see she meant every word and I couldn’t describe the feeling it gave me for her to trust me like that, especially when I was dick-deep inside her.

  She was giving me a solid stare and I could see that Chloe was finally giving into her feelings and wanted me to take her how I wanted. The angle her head screamed defiance and fuck if it didn’t make me harder, so I started fucking her slowly and whispered, “Is this what you want?” Chloe moaned and her lips parted slightly. “Damn…sexy girl. I could lose all control with you. You know that, right?”


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