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Trusting Gibson (Last Score Book 2)

Page 31

by K. L. Shandwick

  Tugging her tightly to my body, I looked down and gave her a reassuring smile, tucking her hair away from her face. I could feel the tremor run through hers, so I turned and took Chloe into the bathroom. Once inside she let tears of relief flow and sobbed into my chest uncontrollably, making my shirt wet. Taking a deep breath I dipped my mouth and I kissed her neck, rubbing her back. “It’s over, Chloe. You did it, darlin’.”

  Chloe pushed away from me and gave me a sad, watery smile. “Am I sick to feel sorry for him, Gibson?”

  Knowing I would never be able to fathom the workings of a woman’s mind, I didn’t want to comment. Personally the way I felt, I wanted to run the fucker over with a heavy assed truck, but I sighed and found something to say, “Chloe your dad once said to me that you could always find the positive in any situation. I guess this is one of these ones where if that’s how you feel I’d have to agree with him.”

  Emma and Lois came into the bathroom and started to help Chloe clean up, telling her how brave she had been. I took the opportunity to slip out of there and saw Kace was still in the room. Stalking over, Johnny grabbed with both his arms around him and I shook him off. One of the officers stepped forward and I put my hands up to show him my intentions weren’t violent, shaking Johnny off at the same time.

  “Get the fuck off of me, Johnny. I wouldn’t waste my energy on punching him that would be an unfair fight he only knows how to hit women. I just want to talk to him.”

  Kace was sitting on the bed, his mouth in sneer. “Good fucking luck with her, she was never a good fuck anyway. It was like fucking a plank of wood.”

  My searching eyes flicked in Johnny’s direction and he smirked and I swear to God, if it wasn’t an ugly scene I’d have burst out laughing. He’d obviously heard Chloe and I going at it. We weren’t quiet when we got going.

  “Hmm…really? The way I heard it you were the plank of wood. And I know it isn’t smart to talk about your conquests so I’m gonna save what I think of my girl’s tight little…anyway—put it this way, she’s all the woman I need. And, you know what, Kace? I’m gonna treasure Chloe and treat her like the princess she deserves to be, ‘cause she is mine now. Got that? Mine. You lost an amazing woman to your fists and I hope you remember that every time you see her on that red carpet, and when we have our babies, and even when she’s famous in her own right one day. Now, if you’ll excuse me you piece of shit, I need to take my girl home, she’s had a trying day.”

  As soon as they removed Kace the guys got us out of there. Lois and Jerry had secured the corridor and stairwell on the floor and headed for the car as soon as the ordeal was over. There was so much commotion going on at the front of the hotel, that we had an easy departure.

  Clutching Chloe tightly to my body we moved swiftly through the hotel kitchen but this time, Johnny had moved the staff to one side by some steel food cabinets so that Chloe’s distressed state wasn’t going to be out there in the media. The last thing she needed was any of this being public this time.

  Sliding into the back of the SUV Chloe’s face still had signs of her traumatic time in the room but, she had stopped crying and was clutching my hand really tightly. Clipping my seatbelt in, I put my arm around her neck and pulled her close to me. Sliding down the seat a little to slouch, Chloe leaned heavily into me turning slightly on her side and spoke to me in a shaky broken voice, “ can I ever thank you, Gibson?”

  Pushing back from me to meet my gaze with serious eyes she licked her lips and kissed mine gently. It was a touching moment, but something inside told me, that if I tried to tell her there was no need for thanks it would result in another flood of tears and my heart tore every time she did that, so instead I teased her to lighten her mood, “Hmm…let me think…me being a rock star, ‘n all, it may have to be pretty spectacular to impress me you know.”

  Chloe’s face broke into the most beautiful smile and even though her face was blotchy and her nose shining red from her bout of tears, she was still the most amazing looking woman I’d ever been with.

  “Well…with you being a rock star, ‘n all I’m sure you’ll think of something, and drop me some hints. Whatever you want. Just don’t make it too freaky because you have to break someone like me in gently.”

  Sniffing and pretending I was thinking of what to say I kissed her forehead, “Chloe darlin’, you’re pretty slow on the uptake with that comment, I would have thought you would have dropped that particular phrase from your vocabulary by now.” Chloe stared at me puzzled again.

  “Whatever I want, eh?” Chloe smirked knowingly and smacked my chest.

  “Oh, Chloe.” I threw my head back in mock ecstasy. “Fuck can we do this when we get home?” Chloe grinned and I pulled her against me again. “Chloe, right now, all I want is my girl to be happy and for us to put this whole sorry mess to the side.

  “We can’t forget it, and it’s still got a way to go for complete resolution but from my perspective Kace O’Neill has had too much of our time already, so there’s no room for him in our relationship any more. I know you may need to talk about what happened, but you have your counsellors for that. I want us to move forward without that guy in my bed on my lap and in my head. Can you deal with that or do I sound the selfish bastard I’m hearing myself to be?”

  Pushing herself off of me, Chloe unclipped her seat belt and slid herself astride me. Taking my face in her hands she dipped her head and licked her lips, then mine with her tongue. Pressing her mouth on mine her tongue penetrated into my mouth and I groaned deeply into her throat. Chloe squirmed on my now thick solid dick. Breaking the kiss she shook her head. “Sorry, I’m not following. Who’s Kace O’Neill, honey?”

  “I’m not saying you can’t talk to me about him, of course you can. I just want to help you move on and live with it, okay?”

  Again, just when I thought my little doll was broken she’d come right back fighting with the strength and courage of a lioness. What happened today would never happen in normal circumstances but we weren’t dealing with someone normal, and because of my fame it had brought us the privilege of being able to face a horrible situation head on.

  Overstepping the mark is a regular occurrence in my daily life and although there are times when I hated the fame and being able to push my weight around. What we did today to keep Kace from Chloe made the last eight years of my life worthwhile.



  Back in Colorado, Emma had me hitting the ground running. Life took twists and turns as I started to take the reins of being the girlfriend of Gibson Barclay. We had finally told everyone we were still together and had been together since the competition and Gibson’s team had said it was time we were out in the open. We already knew we couldn’t keep my relationship with Kace a secret, because I would have to give evidence in court when the time came, so this information was handled sensitively by Gibson’s PR team.

  Gibson finally bought a place, a penthouse apartment in a compound where other celebrities lived in LA. Again that was in Jerry’s name. We agreed to travel back and forth together between LA and Breckenridge in the mountains.

  Gibson and I had a long talk about my fears about his drinking and women and he told me he’d never knowingly do anything to hurt me, but told me he was being honest about when he drank alcohol. He’d sworn off it since the incident with Tori. I felt I could trust him, but I didn’t want to leave Gibson to his own devices when he was in LA because Toby also lived in there, and I didn’t trust Toby not to get him drunk. That was my one worry and Gibson knew it. He accepted that Toby was a bad influence, but swore never to drink with him. Keeping me with him when he was in LA ensured I could support him with that.

  Gibson and the security team had a lot of discussions with me regarding me being introduced into the public domain and I was bombarded with advice about do’s and don’ts. I got a distinct feeling there was going to be some kind of test at the end of the sessions. There was so much to learn with all
of the information they expected me to remember about M3rCy, the ‘Gibson’ brand and our personal lives.

  When Charlotte told me I had an appointment with the image team I put my foot down. No way was I wearing make-up and stilettoes to go to the store just in case someone took my picture. Although I wasn’t a tomboy, I didn’t want to spend all the time and effort that glitzy look took. I’d never been high maintenance in my appearance, and I definitely didn’t want to look like I was dressed for a wedding every day. I had to fight at times to keep my own identity while the image stylists tried to groom me for the public eye.

  Gibson got it. He understood how frustrating it was for someone to tell him what to wear, and when to wear it, yet every few days, bundles of stuff would arrive for him to choose from for the next event or photo shoot.

  Many people would be in heaven at having tons of new clothes and shoes, accessories and even watches and perfume. But I was proud when Gibson agreed it wasn’t necessary, and voiced that he thought it was a frivolous waste of time and money, when there were people in the world without shoes or adequate clothing in the first place.

  Eventually, the image consultants and I found mutual ground. I agreed that I needed help with supporting Gibson at glamorous red carpet events because I felt out of my depth with those, and they weren’t my idea of fun. This part of being with Gibson wasn’t making me feel any more confident that I could pull being his girlfriend off, but from his perspective, he thought I was beautiful and he wanted to show me off. So I had to put a brave face on it for Gibson’s sake.

  Gibson was always appreciative of the efforts when we went to special events. He looked stunning in a tuxedo. The first time I saw him I was star-struck. I’d never seen anyone with that much sex appeal, never mind being on his arm.

  I have to admit they dress they found me to wear was absolutely perfect. It was a delicate floor length fitted dress with a beautifully sculpted bodice, silver satin underdress with darker silver threads in a lace pattern. The silver pointed kitten heels and matching purse were a perfect match to the dress. A black satin wrap completed my outfit and they had piled my hair up in a sexy messy arrangement of curls.

  When Gibson saw me he put his hand out pulled it back behind his head and dragged it around to his mouth. “Hot Damn. Fuck! Chloe. I’m gonna be hard all fucking night, you look incredible. I am so proud you’re with me, but I have a feeling I’m gonna be growling like a fuckin’ bear all night when the guys in the room are checking you out.

  Relentless attention from the media, with references to me breaking millions of hearts the world over, wasn’t doing much for my ability to step out in public with the expectation of a welcoming committee. If anything, the women I’d come across tended to regard me as some kind of sex freak who was willing to do anything Gibson wanted in the bedroom. That or they were just downright bitchy and turned their noses up wondering what Gibson Barclay saw in me. I couldn’t blame them really it was a thought I had myself on a regular basis.

  Every question directed at me seemed to focus, mainly on the size of Gibson’s dick or references, inferences or nudges about me being a lucky girl because my man was well versed in the bedroom. The effect my permanent presence had on his male fans was pretty much the same. Men objectified me, directing questions at the both of us, asking what I had that other women didn’t. Gibson had a stock answer for that, “Dude, mind your fucking manners. Chloe is my lady she’s not an object that you can discuss with anyone, you got me?”

  After a few ‘red carpet’, events I tried to be a little more outgoing and instead of running for the safety of the venue doors, I learned to take it slower with Gibson gripping my hand tightly and giving a little squeeze of reassurance.

  Some celebrities were incredibly supportive but they were mostly men. However, generally, people became politer and then the weirdness of people I’d only ever seen on TV, calling me by my first name like we were already acquainted, set in. It was a steep learning curve, but although life outside was still weird, our relationship only got better with every day that passed and my acceptance of my role by Gibson’s side.

  My parents adored Gibson and it was only when they visited I got the full story of exactly what Gibson had done for them and what they had all gone through when I was sick. My dad told me how anxious he had been and that it gave me even more scope to trust him.

  Ruby came to visit and Gibson seemed warmer towards her since her visit to Colorado. Ruby, being a dance teacher wasn’t shy, and when Gibson was singing one afternoon, Ruby went and sat down beside him, joining in.

  Gibson was grinning because she started trying to harmonize and he found that hysterical and kept laughing, then trying to continue with the song. Considering the song he was singing was a heavy metal tune of one of his favorite bands and the way Ruby was approaching it, he had a job on his hands.

  When he finished he placed his guitar on the floor beside him and meeting my gaze motioned for me to come and sit on his lap. As I made my way to him his appreciative eyes stayed on me, but he began to speak to Ruby. “Jeez, Ruby, that was about as authentic as a choir boy signing “Hallowed Be Thy Name” by Iron Maiden.”

  Ruby’s jaw dropped as if she was shocked, then she chuckled back, slapping his arm, and pretended to sound hurt, “Hey that was fantastic. I have no clue what you’re talking about. I’m a great singer.” Ruby looked up at me expectantly for support, “Chloe I’m a great singer right?”

  From where I had been sitting she sounded awful, but I wasn’t going to burst her bubble, so when I glanced at Gibson and I saw his smug looking smirk as he waited for me to speak, I knew that he knew, I was a bad liar, “Gibson’s a professional Ruby. I think you were very brave to sing with him. Just like Gibson would struggle to perform a dance routine with you.”

  Gibson started belly laughing and the sound was so sexy. “Ruby she can’t do it. Chloe’s an honest woman. She hasn’t got it in her to lie to you.”

  Ruby shoved his knee while I was sitting on it and rose up off the floor with an indignant look on her face. “If Chloe’s that honest Gibson why haven’t you made her your wife? Or is she only honest for selective duet purposes?”

  A silence fell and I stared, open mouthed at Ruby, I couldn’t understand why she’d come up with something that mortifying to me in front of Gibson. It hadn’t even occurred to me that he and I would get married and there she was practically asking him why he hadn’t.

  Gibson glanced up at me and when our eyes connected my heart began to race because I was worried he was going to make an excuse which might have made her question even more embarrassing for me. Snickering with a slightly embarrassed smile he licked his lips and sucked in a deep breath.

  “Glad you brought that up, Ruby. Strangely enough, I was thinking that myself. Unfortunately, Chloe hasn’t asked me yet. And, you know— I’ve been wondering why? I mean I’m a great lay, we’re smoking hot in bed, I’m not that bad looking and I still have all my own teeth.” Gibson was giving me one of his signature wide roguish grins and he tickled my belly until I curled up on his knee then he slapped my butt lightly. I was thankful he was making light of Ruby’s bulldozer of a question.

  Ruby placed her hands on her hips and went along with his role play. “Is this true, Chloe Jenner? Fuck girl what’s wrong with you he’s smoking hot in bed, got all his own teeth and you’re gonna let that slip through your fingers, girl? You got to get in quick before someone snatches him right from under your nose.”

  Gibson squeezed my waist gently and stared at me with a twinkle in his gorgeous grey eyes, smiling seductively at me like what was happening was turning him on. “Yeah, Chloe…you’re friend talks a lot of sense. That’s sound advice Ruby.”

  “Chloe?” Ruby was smirking and I couldn’t help but grin at how animated she was with her eye brow raised in question and her lips twisted like she was really puzzled.

  Gibson nudged me and nodded at Ruby prompting me to say something. Suddenly I felt under the spotlig
ht to act and I was useless at this kind of thing.

  Turning my head to face Gibson I began shaking even though it was a role play. I loved Gibson with every bone in my body, so just saying the words to him at any time would have been a big deal.

  “Gibson Barclay.” The serious way his eyes were piercing mine made me giggle with nerves and I glanced at Ruby, who was still towering above me, her weight on her left leg, a hand on left hip and her other hand across her front leaning on it. Working a swallow, I licked my lips and held his face in my hands making more of a show of it this time. I hated role play with a passion. “Gibson Barclay, I love you with all of my heart. Would you do the honor of becoming my husband?”

  Gibson leaned forward and placed his lips on mine and swallow audibly, then drew back to look at me. When his loving eyes met mine again there was a soft smile in them, but he was shaking his head and I thought he was going to embarrass me further with a mock rejection in front of Ruby.

  “Chloe Jenner, I am but a man. No man could refuse an offer like that from you. Are you naming the time and the place or am I? Of course I’ll marry you.” The breath I’d been holding came out in a whoosh and Gibson’s eyes widened in recognition that I’d been holding it in.

  Grinning at his answer I said, “Whatever you want.”

  Gibson grinned wickedly and stuck his hand under my T-shirt, sliding his warm hand over my skin. My nipples stiffened and my core clenched as I shivered in reaction to the goose bumps from his touch, smirking knowingly he looked up at Ruby. “I know what I want. If you’ll excuse us, Ruby, I’m going to take my smoking hot woman to bed…just to show her how much I appreciate the gesture she just made.”

  Standing up Gibson winked at Ruby, then lifted me firefighter style over his shoulder and ran toward the stairs, I was mortified. “Stop it Gibson!”


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