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Midnight Moonrising

Page 30

by K. S. Haigwood

  Alex shrugged. “That’s what they looked like, but it was dark, and I didn’t see either of them until they were on top of me. It could have been a different breed of dog I suppose, but they were massive. I shot one of them and the other ran off, but by the time I got back in the apartment to call the Chief and got back outside, the son of a bitch was gone. I could have sworn I shot it in the chest. I guess I was in shock and my aim was off. There’s a leash law in Montgomery; dogs like that shouldn’t be allowed to—”

  Phoenix interrupted. “Mena? Can I talk to you? In private.”

  She nodded. “Of course. I’ll be right back, Alex. Let the EMT finish dressing those wounds.”

  Alex glared at Phoenix, and then pulled her in for another kiss. Cutting the kiss short, his eyes narrowed as he visibly sniffed of her face. “You smell different.” Dipping his head, he sniffed of her neck then leaned back, making eye contact with her. “New perfume? What is it? It smells sweet.”

  It’s called Eau de Parfum of Vampire, asshole. Now stop sniffing my girlfriend, Phoenix thought. He had to hand it to himself; he was getting a lot better at controlling these emotions. Two weeks ago, he would have already killed someone for trying to stake claim on something that was his. He hoped Mena noticed how good he was being, keeping his thoughts to himself and all.

  Mena’s eyes flicked up nervously to look at Phoenix, then she stood and took a step back. “Uh…” She gave him a nervous smile. “I’m not sure. I think I only used your body wash,” she said, and before Alex could respond, she held up a finger. “We’ll be right back.”

  Phoenix grinned when confused hazel eyes met his. “It’s probably best if you get rid of these guys soon. It’s going to be a long night for you, Detective.” He chuckled when Mena grabbed his hand and jerked him down the hall.

  Before Mena even flipped the light switch, he knew what room she had brought him to; he could smell her scent as strong now as he’d smelled her the day before in his bed, as well as in his car only a few hours before.

  As the room brightened with sixty watts, his eyes were immediately drawn to crumpled sheets, strewn pillows and a shiny pair of handcuffs that were looped through the wrought iron headboard.

  “I’m sorry,” she whispered. “I guess I could have chosen the bathroom.”

  He sighed as he turned to look at her, his hands coming up to gently frame her face. “I’m only sorry you had to go through that. Are you okay? I should have asked sooner.”

  She nodded, and then rose up on her tip toes to give him a brief kiss.

  He wrinkled his nose. “You smell different. I think you need some more of me on you.” He grinned mischievously as he rubbed against her, but she laughed and pushed him away.

  She didn’t laugh long enough to suit him. That beautiful smile disappeared as anxiety crept in. “Those aren’t dog bites, are they?”

  Phoenix shook his head. “You can’t stay here, Mena, and neither can Alex. Jessica’s wolves did that for one of two reasons: to let you know they know where you are or to claim Alex as their own. They will come back.”

  Blowing out a heavy breath, she sat on the foot of the bed and looked down at her hands. “My wolf agrees with you for once. So how do we get him to leave here without telling him the truth?”

  Phoenix smirked. “We tell him the truth.”

  She shot to her feet. “Are you serious? Now?”

  “Why not? Your wolf was waiting for the perfect opportunity. I don’t think it will get any sweeter than this; he can’t blame her for it. We’ll just tell him if he wants to know the whole story, he has to come with us.”

  Pressing her lips together, she nodded again. “She thinks that’s a good plan.”

  “Hmmm… Two in one day. I guess I need to hurry and insult her before she starts to like me.”

  Mena laughed as she started for the door, but Phoenix grabbed her around the waist and pulled her to him. He kissed the surprise right off her face. She quickly melted in his arms and allowed her hands to hold tight to the muscles of his triceps as she kissed him back.

  “Come on,” he said as he put some distance between them and reached for the door. If he stayed in this room much longer with her, he’d have the detective’s whole bedroom smelling of Eau de Parfum of Vampire. “Let’s get this over with.”

  Chapter 49


  “What?” Alex said, and then shook his head. “I’m not going anywhere. I’m going to sit my gimp-ass right here, try to get comfortable and, in the morning, I will go see my doctor for a nice, big shot of penicillin.”

  “You won’t need to see a doctor in the morning,” Phoenix said.

  “Do you think I’m going to die before then?” He laughed as he held up his gauze-wrapped arm. “I honestly don’t think it’s that serious, just hurts like hell. I’m going to kick the Chief’s ass for sending out a freaking cavalry, though. I’ll be the laughing stock of the PD for months now. Damn dog bite.” He snorted.

  “Alex,” I said, “please go with us. You can’t stay—”

  “You’re going with him?” He stared at me a moment, the heartbreak clear in his expression, and then he huffed as his sad eyes focused on the gauze. “I knew it was too good to be true—”

  “You don’t know anything… yet. We are going to tell you everything… tonight. But you have to come with us if you want to know. It’s not safe here. They know I’m here, and I’m afraid they will try to hurt you.” He didn’t say anything, and he didn’t look up at me. I went to him and knelt down beside the couch he lay on. “Alex, please,” I pleaded.

  His eyes locked on mine. “I couldn’t even protect you for twenty-four hours.”

  His skin was warm against mine as I laced our fingers together. “I have something very important to share with you.”

  “The big secret all of you have been keeping from me? You’re going to tell me what it is if I go with you? You will tell me tonight?”

  I nodded. “I promise.”

  It felt like an eternity before he responded, but he finally sighed. “I can’t drive a stick with this bum arm.”

  I smiled. “I’ll drive.”

  “Brad, Heath and their wives are meeting us there,” Phoenix said as he slid his cell back into his pocket. “Roel is already there with Lea. We need to go, Mena.” Phoenix’s gaze moved to Alex. “Do you need me to carry your gimp-ass down the stairs?”

  “Not even if I was dead,” he said, and sat up. With a confused look on his face, he stared at his arm then moved it around. “Huh… It doesn’t hurt much anymore. Must be the shock.”

  “The shock you’re in now is nothing compared to how floored you’ll be later. You may need extra underwear.”

  Alex rolled his eyes as he stood up. “I’ve seen and heard a lot of shit in my day. I’m sure I’ll be fine.”

  I turned Alex toward the door before he could see Phoenix’s huge grin. He was enjoying this way too much.

  Alex grabbed his keys, gun and badge then looked around as if something were missing.

  “They’re cuffed to your headboard,” Phoenix said, dryly.

  My face flamed hot with embarrassment and hot tears burned my eyes when Alex jogged to the bedroom to collect the handcuffs.

  “It wasn’t you, Mena,” Phoenix whispered by my ear.

  I couldn’t speak. I was afraid I would cry if I did. What I really wanted was to go to Phoenix’s home and curl up around him in his bed. Living this double-life was driving me to insanity at a neck-breaking speed.

  I simply nodded then walked out the door when I caught sight of Alex coming up the hallway, pulling a shirt over his head.

  “I’m pretty sure I can drive, Mena,” Alex said when I walked to the driver’s side of the Jeep. “My arm doesn’t hurt at all.”

  “Better to be safe than sorry,” Phoenix said as he opened the door of the Corvette. “Let her drive.”

  Alex shrugged, and handed over the keys.

  I dreaded the ride. Two people could say a l
ot in fifteen minutes, and I couldn’t tell him anything about my secret while driving through a busy city.

  We were about three miles from his apartment when he spoke. “I’m not going to hate you after tonight, am I?” He was looking out his window when I glanced at him. “Because I don’t think I would like myself very much if that happened.”

  My emotions got the better of me. This was not my fault. This was my wolf’s fault, and it was Alex’s fault. If he had just avoided me, stayed away, none of this would have ever happened.

  “You shouldn’t have come to Marc’s funeral,” I said, after a moment of uncomfortable silence. “You would be safe now if you hadn’t stopped to check on me when Katie and I were having lunch.” I pressed on, and realized tears were rolling down my face. “You shouldn’t have kissed me back when I kissed you on my front porch. You shouldn’t have gone with Phoenix and the others to see the witches. You shouldn’t have kept Marc’s case, Alex. So, if you hate me after tonight, it’s because of all the things you did that you shouldn’t have.” I sucked in a ragged breath and wiped my nose with my shirt sleeve. “Why didn’t you just stay away from me?” I sobbed, but I couldn’t look at him; I was having enough trouble seeing the road through my tears.

  “I couldn’t stay away from you, Mena,” he said, softly. “Because I shouldn’t have fallen in love with you, but I did.”

  My face twisted, and more tears sprung from my tear ducts.

  That was what my wolf wanted, right? For him to fall in love with her? I just didn’t know how he was going to take the news that the woman he was in love with wasn’t exactly me.

  “Everything is going according to plan, Mena,” my wolf said.

  “You could take these tears away so I could see the damn road, unless your plan is for me to hit a tree.”

  “Your reflexes are better than you think they are. You haven’t crossed the center line even once. As for the tears, Alex needs to see them; he needs to see that you care. You’re doing fine. Tell him that part of you is in love with him.”

  Alex sighed next to me, and I felt his gaze move away. “Since we’re on the topic of things I shouldn’t have done, I guess I probably shouldn’t have said that, huh?”

  Maybe she was right. Prepping him for what was to come could help. He would get an information overload and have a panic attack if we told him everything at once. I glanced in my rearview mirror at Phoenix’s headlights and prayed this wasn’t a mistake. “Alex… part of me is in love with you.”

  “It’s okay, Mena,” he said, exasperated. “You don’t have to lie to me just because—”

  “I’m not lying. I have… uh, how do I put this? I have two personalities. One of them is in love with you.”

  I could feel his eyes on me again. And what was even better, the tears had almost stopped.

  “Have you seen anyone about this? Taking on a mental illness is common with people who have had something tragic happen in their lives. I’m sure losing Marc was no easy—”

  “No, Alex… I don’t have a mental illness. I have another—uh…

  “Female,” my wolf suggested.

  “…female living inside me.”

  The burst of laughter from the passenger seat startled me so much that I swerved into oncoming traffic. “Shit!” I shouted as I jerked the Jeep back into my lane. My heart pounded against my palm as I tried to catch my breath. I reached over and slapped him on the arm. “What the hell was that for?”

  After he stopped cackling, he said, “I’m sorry, Mena. I’ve had some crazy girlfriends before, but none that ever admitted it.”

  “Men are slow,” the wolf said. “Maybe we should just outright tell him.”

  “He wouldn’t believe it,” I replied.

  “That’s probably true.” She huffed.

  “I’m not crazy, Alex. It’s true. I am Mena Hoke, and she is not.”

  I looked at him when I pulled to a stop at a red light. He was staring at me, but he wasn’t laughing anymore. My phone dinged, signaling a text. I figured it would be from Phoenix, checking to see if I was telling Alex anything—or everything—but it was from Daryn. I couldn’t deal with him right now.

  Mena, more have left the pack. You need to handle this before it is too late. And why aren’t you answering any of my calls or texts? I just want to help make this right and protect you. ~ Daryn

  I quickly typed back a text. Driving now. Can’t talk. I hit send then tossed my phone in my lap as I put the Jeep in first gear and took a left toward Phoenix’s home.

  “If it’s not a personality disorder, then what is it?” Alex said. “Are you possessed or something?”

  “I wish she were only a demon. Maybe that way an exorcism could get rid of her.”

  “You really think you have another person in your head, don’t you?”

  My wolf huffed.

  I huffed.

  “I don’t think I do, no. I know I do.”

  “If it’s not a mental illness and it’s not a demon…”

  I pulled up to Phoenix’s security gate and hand-cranked the Jeep’s window down. After pushing the button, I waited… in silence. Yep, I was so not answering that question until I had some witnesses.


  “We’re here, Alex.”

  He put his hand on top of mine to keep me from pushing the stick in first gear.

  “Talk to me,” he said, gently.

  “I will, just as soon as we’re in the house.”

  “Why are we here? I know you said that you’re going to tell me everything, but why here? Why at Phoenix’s house? What does he have to do with all of this? You said you didn’t like him—”

  “The other part of me told you that I didn’t like him,” I said, and looked pointedly at him.

  He leaned back, removing his hand from mine. I shoved the gear shift in first and pulled through the gate.

  “Are you seeing him, too?” he whispered.

  “Alex, please, just wait—”

  “Answer the fucking question,” he said, slowly giving emphasis to each syllable.

  I swallowed as I killed the engine. “I am seeing Phoenix. She is seeing you. When she’s in control, I’m stuck in my head, watching everything through my eyes but unable to speak or do anything. It’s the same for her when I’m in control. We negotiated the two of you.”

  “Phoenix and me?” he said, but he wouldn’t look at me. The muscles in his jaw flexed a few times as he clenched his teeth.

  The driver’s door was pulled open, and Phoenix stood beside me, but he was staring a hole through the side of Alex’s head as if he had said something offensive toward me.

  “How much did you tell him?” Phoenix said.

  Alex threw open his door and got out, slamming it as he rounded the front of the vehicle.

  “How long have you been fucking her?” He didn’t stop once he reached Phoenix. Alex pulled his arm back and punched Phoenix in the jaw, then again in the stomach, but Phoenix barely moved. One of my hands came up to place over my aching jaw as the other one clutched at my stomach. My wrist and knuckles were throbbing, too, but that right hook had been a doozy. I couldn’t let Alex hit him anymore. Not that Phoenix couldn’t take the beating, but because I couldn’t. This girl wasn’t made for hand to hand combat.

  “Shit! Alex, stop!” I scrambled out of the Jeep, but there wasn’t going to be a fight; Phoenix just stood there, watching Alex cradle a sprained wrist.

  Phoenix wiped blood from the corner of his mouth with the back of his hand and looked at it as Alex gawked at him in disbelief. “Only since yesterday, but she’s been mine since the full moon. So, if you’re pissed because you think I stole your girl, I could argue that it’s the other way around.”

  Breathing hard, Alex looked down at the ground, like he was sifting through the memories in his head. “Since the full moon?” He raised his head to look Phoenix in the eyes. “That was the night of Marc’s death.” Realization flashed in his eyes, and the air whooshed out
of his lungs as if someone punched him in the gut. “You killed Marc… didn’t you?”

  “Why don’t we go inside?” Phoenix said, but it was more of a demand than a suggestion.

  “Phoenix—” I started.

  “I’m not going in that house. You’re under arrest for murder!”

  “Alex, he didn’t—”

  Alex pulled the gun from the small of his back and pointed it at Phoenix’s chest. Phoenix slowly raised his hands in the air. “Get on the ground!”

  Phoenix grinned. “Yeah, that’s not going to happen—”

  “What the hell’s going on out here?” Roel said, and my eyes darted over to see that Brad, Heath, Lea and two other women were with him. “Rhodes, put the gun down, man. You really don’t want to do this.”

  “Were you all in on it?” Alex shouted, never taking his aim off Phoenix’s heart. I knew it wouldn’t kill Phoenix if he shot him, but he didn’t know that. “Is that what the big secret is?”

  “Alex… listen to me, please,” I pleaded.

  After taking a few calming breaths, he said, “I’m listening, Mena, but I doubt I’ll believe you.”

  That stung a little. “Phoenix didn’t kill Marc—”

  “Mena—” Brad said.

  “Don’t!” Roel shouted at me, but I ignored all of them.

  “I killed him,” I said.

  The muzzle of the gun dropped a few inches when Alex’s head jerked in my direction. He shook his head. “No.”

  I knew moving toward him could set him off—he already looked as if he felt threatened—so I dropped to my knees on the pavement of Phoenix’s circle drive and laced my fingers together behind my head. “If you arrest anyone here tonight for murder, it’s going to be me, but I would like to tell you what happened, if you’ll give me the chance.”

  “Just so you know, cop, you ain’t leavin’ here with my Alpha,” Heath said as he aimed one of Phoenix’s fancy guns at Alex’s head. “You have sixteen bullets in that Glock 19, and not one of them will hurt any of us here, includin’ you.” He smiled. “But this one will.”

  Alex’s gun came back up to point at Phoenix’s heart again. “What are you talking about? You people are all crazy!”


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