Book Read Free

Try Me On for Size

Page 7

by Stephanie Haefner

  “Can we talk? Just for a minute?”

  Thor sidled up to Mia. “Need me to throw this jerk out of here?”

  “Uh.” She turned to Thor then back to Ryan. A quick glance at Chad. “Thor, thanks, but I’m good. Chad, give me one minute. Ryan, you got fifty-eight seconds.”

  “Can we go somewhere private?”

  “Sure. Fifty-five seconds.”

  He took her hand and led her to a quiet corner. “Please don’t leave with that guy.”


  “Pick me. Right now.”

  “Come on. Is that why you’ve been back here so many times? You want the job so badly you’re stalking me?”

  “I’m not stalking you. I just . . . really want the job.”

  “Why does a guy wearing an expensive suit need a low-paying modeling gig? Forty seconds.”

  “You’re right. I don’t need the money. I just really want the job.”

  “Why? If you can’t give me an answer, a real one, I’m leaving. Thirty seconds.”

  “Okay. Fine. I . . . I don’t want you sleeping with anyone else.”

  Well, that wasn’t what she was expecting. Nor was she expecting the flock of butterflies tangoing in her gut. Did he mean what she thought he meant? Snap out of it. This is business. Not pleasure.

  “I can’t tell you what you want to hear.” And she wasn’t going to offer the fact that he was the only one she’d actually had sex with so far. The only one she’d wanted to do it with. “I need to interview Chad and one more guy. Like I told you before, I’ll let you know when the interviews are done if we’re hiring you or not.”

  She stepped away. Don’t you dare look back. Damn body, moving without her brain’s consent. He stood there, looking like someone had killed his puppy right in front of him. But why did she feel as if someone had killed hers, too?

  Mia kept on walking and turned forward. Forget Ryan. “Ready?” she said to Chad and looped her arm through his.

  “Ready as I’ll ever be.”

  Five minutes later Mia walked into her apartment. Same routine as the last two guys. She offered him a drink and he took her up on it. But instead of a bottle of water, he accepted the offer of vodka. Mia needed to keep her head clear, even if she wanted to forget the scene with Ryan. Why did he have to show up and mess with her head like that?

  “Okay. I think I’m good,” Chad said and unbuttoned his shirt to reveal a proper white tee underneath. He pointed at the fabric. “This, too?”


  Decent chest and stomach. Could use some color. A nice tan, like Ryan’s. His skin was so beautiful and naturally bronzed. Mia shook her thoughts away and made a mental note: Chad needs a tan. But no spray tan. Good old-fashioned tanning bed tan.

  “You can put your things on that chair,” she said, pointing to the corner in her tiny room.

  He did as he was told, hesitating when it came to his plaid flannel boxers. Not nearly as sexy as Ryan’s tight boxer briefs. Stop it! She concentrated on Chad. Were his hands shaking?

  “Are you sure you want to do this?”

  “Yes. I have to get over this shyness if I’m ever gonna go anywhere with the modeling thing.” He stepped out of his underwear. “So, what should I do?”

  “Nothing. I’ll do all the work.” She tried to flash her brightest, most reassuring smile and sat on the bed, preparing to examine him before the real interview started. “Just step a little closer.”

  He did and Mia slowly reached her hand to him, barely brushing his manhood with her fingertips before he jumped back.

  “Wow. This is really happening.”

  Why was this guy, who was about to have his penis fondled, looking like he’d rather be in front of a speeding train? She was traumatizing the poor guy. This was not going to work.

  “Maybe we should call it a night.” Mia stood.

  “No. I want to do this.”

  “I’m not so sure about that. And neither is your, um, lower region.”

  He looked down at his flaccid penis. “Please, gimme another chance.”

  Poor guy. “Okay. One more chance.” She sat back down.

  “What should I do?”

  Had he never masturbated before? Or was he shy because of her? “Well, I think some manual stimulation might help.”

  “Okay. Go ahead.”

  “No. I meant you stimulating yourself.”

  Chad’s cheeks flushed. “Oh. I’ve never done that in front of someone before.”

  Could this dude be any more wimpy? So not what they wanted for the shop.

  “Maybe you can give me a minute? Alone?”

  Is he serious? This was a total waste of Mia’s time. “No, that’s okay. Thanks for coming over, but I think we’ll end our interview now.”

  “I can do it.” He grabbed himself and started stroking. “You can stay. It’ll just take a sec.”

  Mia dropped her gaze to her lap to give him a minuscule amount of privacy, fingers drumming on her bed on each side of her.

  “Come on,” he whispered. “Don’t do this to me.”

  Mia suppressed her giggles. She didn’t think she could feel more pity for a guy than she did in that moment. She looked up. “Chad, it’s okay.”

  “Just another minute. It will work.” He continued to jerk his feather-soft penis.

  Mia stood and put a hand to his arm, stopping him before he rubbed the skin right off. “It’s just not gonna happen, and that’s okay. No guy can get an erection when he’s as nervous as you are right now.”

  He met her gaze. “I really wanted to do this. I’m so embarrassed.”

  “Don’t be. You’re out of your comfort zone. You shoulda seen me the first time I did one of these interviews.” Ryan. “I couldn’t even look the interviewee in the eye.” Until she did and melted into those baby blues.

  “I’m sorry.”

  “Don’t be.” She retrieved his clothes. “Here. I’ll leave so you can get dressed.”

  Well, that was a waste of time. Just as she’d predicted.

  Number four had been a dud. Number three had been too young. Number two was decent, but a little odd. And number one . . . Her brain forced her to picture Ryan’s face from a half hour earlier at the bar. Those sad eyes somehow seemed to shimmer and make her want to dive in. He’d begged her not to sleep with anyone else. She hadn’t, but he didn’t know that. Did he want the job that badly? Or was there more?

  The way he’d kissed her and touched her. The way his lips had traced her collarbone and his tongue circled around her nipple. A shiver radiated through her body and rested down south. Had it been more? Did he want to be with her again?

  No way. Hot models didn’t want boring girls like Mia.

  The door behind her opened and yanked her from her thoughts.

  “Thanks for the opportunity,” Chad said. “I’m sorry it didn’t . . . work.”

  “I’m sorry, too. I wish you lots of luck.” She shook his hand.

  “Guess I’ll stick to department store ads.”

  Mia nodded. “I think that’s probably best.”

  She walked him to the door, closed it behind him, and went to the kitchen, pulling out a half gallon of cookies-and-cream ice cream.

  MIA SANG along to a jazzy version of “The Wheels on the Bus” with Bryn and the kids on their way to Bouncy Housy in Bryn’s minivan. It wasn’t Mia’s first choice for dinner, but the kids liked it and the pizza there wasn’t all that horrible.

  After ordering, the kids ran to the nearest bounce house, and Bryn and Mia stood outside it watching them jump.

  “Have you finished the interviews yet?” Bryn asked.

  “No. One more tomorrow night.”

  “I’m kinda jealous of all this no-strings carefree sex you’re having with hot guys.”

el free to step in and take number five for me.”

  “Next time we mold dildos, I’ll be all over it.”

  “Are we allowed to say ‘dildo’ at a children’s play place?” Mia looked around, kids running amok while 90 percent of the parents sat at tables playing on their phones and tablets.

  “Eh, no one’s paying attention to us. Any front-runners?”


  “And the others?”

  “One still lives at home with Mommy and Daddy. Little too immature for us. The other looked good, but the merchandise was unresponsive, if you know what I mean.”

  Bryn giggled. “No way. He couldn’t get it up?”

  “Nope. He was so damn nervous. I felt bad for him.”

  “Okay, so two out, and two in. The reality guy is one of them, right? What’s his name again?”

  “Logan. He’s cute. And really outgoing. I can see him being good for the shop.”

  “And the other?”

  Ryan. Mia picked up a tuft of hair, examining her split ends. “Um, he’s good, too.”

  “That’s it? Wasn’t he the really awesome one? I think your exact words were, ‘It was ridiculously amazing.’ And you never use the word ‘ridiculous’ or ‘amazing’ about anything.”

  Damn that woman and her crazy powers of memory. Aren’t moms supposed to be forgetful?

  “I did say that, didn’t I?”

  “Are you blushing?” Bryn laughed. Loud. A throw-the-head-back laugh. “I love it!”

  The kids slid out of the bouncy house and raced off to a castle with a slide.

  “You like him.”

  “No,” Mia answered and shook her head for emphasis.

  “You forget how well I know you. I know when you’re lying.”

  Mia stared at her, Bryn’s cheesy cheerleader smile beaming back. “He’s a possible employee. He would be a good model for the shop. That’s as far as this relationship goes.”

  “For now.” Bryn winked.


  After the kids stuffed themselves with pizza and jumped until they almost threw up, Bryn drove Mia home where she immediately went to bed. She had the day shift at the shop the next day so she could meet interviewee number five at eight that night. One more to go and then they’d have the daunting task of choosing.

  But first she had to get through the day.

  Mia went through the Starbucks drive-through for her usual vanilla chai latte and headed into the shop. When she got there, several boxes sat outside the door. UPS had been there early. She dragged them in and, after turning on the hot-pink neon Open sign, grabbed a razor knife and sliced the tape on a box.

  “Oh my.”

  Staring back at her was a box filled with Ultra Vibes. Box two was Bryn’s favorite, the incognito mini vibrators that looked like a tube of lipstick. The last held what Mia assumed were nipple clamps and other various accessories. She was sure getting an education.

  Grant came in, not saying a word. He closed himself in his office, and lately only surfaced when it was time to leave. Why did they keep him around, anyway? Surely they could find a far more chipper accountant. Or at least one who pretended to like them. He’d been with them four years. Surely that was enough experience under his belt for him to get a different job. Maybe it was time they parted ways. But could they just fire someone like that, for no real reason? She’d have to discuss it with Bryn.

  Morning was slow, as most mornings were, especially midweek. After measuring a woman who had just lost seventy pounds and needed all new bras, she helped another who was looking for a special outfit for her husband’s fiftieth birthday night. When the shop was quiet again, Mia emptied the wall display that would hold the new toys, cleaning every surface. She wanted to fill it, but decided to wait for her partner and make sure it was done just right.

  A couple of hours and a couple of customers later, she heard footsteps from the back room. Mia turned and saw Bryn.

  “Just now eating lunch?” she asked. “I hope that means it was a busy day.”

  “Somewhat. Couple customers, but the last needed lots of assistance. I’ve never seen someone so indecisive in my life. Isn’t wedding night lingerie on for a whole two point five seconds before it’s ripped off?”

  “Yeah, that’s about right. Unless you leave it on like Johnny did. Which reminds me. We need to carry more crotchless stuff.”

  “One thing at a time.” Mia bit into her sandwich and pointed toward the boxes. “Shipment came.”

  Bryn jumped and clapped. “Yay!” She went over and started yanking things out. “I see you got the shelves ready. Mind if I start setting it all up?”

  “I kinda hoped you’d volunteer. I have no clue how to arrange it.”

  Bryn went to work and Mia headed to her office to check the shop’s email.

  There was a knock at the door, then Bryn stuck her head in. “Hey, Mia?”


  “There’s a guy asking to see you.”

  She looked up. “Really?”

  Bryn lowered her voice. “And he is friggin’ hot.”

  Mia searched her memory. What hot guy would be asking for her? She walked out to the store, all body functions ceasing operation as she locked eyes with Ryan. No breathing. No heartbeat. How was she managing to stay upright?

  “What are you doing here?”

  “I need to talk to you. I don’t like how we left things the other night.”

  “I told you I’d let you know about the job soon.”

  He stepped closer to her. “I couldn’t wait. I can’t stop thinking about you . . . the job. I really want the . . . um . . . job.”

  Mia noticed Bryn, completely gawking at them, all giddy. “Um, let’s go talk in my office.”

  She led him to the tiny room, barely big enough for a desk and two chairs, and closed the door.

  “I think you’re great and you seem like a good fit for the job—”

  Ryan curled his hand around her waist and yanked her body to his, the force knocking her breath from her body. And before she could regain it, he’d covered her mouth with his.

  Mia inhaled as she turned her head to allow a deeper kiss, melting into him, her arms having a mind of their own as they wound around his neck. Was this really happening? The ridiculously amazing guy she couldn’t get out of her head was there, kissing her, and not because it was part of an interview.

  Pulling his lips away, he moved them to her neck and the sensitive spot just under her earlobe, making it even harder to speak.

  “We have to stop. We can’t do this. I might be your boss soon.” That was the easiest and quickest explanation for why she had to stop this rendezvous.

  “I don’t care,” he said and continued exploring her body.

  Her brain told her to pull away, to stop, but with Ryan caressing her body, all intelligence and sanity had disappeared. All the reasons she had given up on men had drifted away.

  Mia put her hands to Ryan’s jaw, sexy stubble pricking her palms, and pulled his lips back to hers. His body pushed hers to the wall, his erection—all seven and a half glorious inches—crashed into her stomach.

  There were far too many layers of fabric between Mia and that fabulous piece of manhood.

  She tugged at his expensive leather belt, fidgeting with it as he took the hint and pulled open her dress shirt. Did some buttons just go flying like a soap opera sex scene? She didn’t even care. All she cared about was his soft lips and moist tongue devouring her pert nipples.

  Pushing his pants and boxers down just enough to release him, she grabbed hold. Damn, it felt so nice in her hand.

  “I want you,” he murmured against her breast and looked up, his body pulsing from labored breaths. “Now.”

  Had she ever seen a man so hungry in her life? There’d be no denying him. Ever.
br />   Mia slammed her mouth into his. “I want you, too,” she said.

  That must have been all he needed. Lips still firmly attached, it took mere seconds for him to drop her pants and panties to the floor. Mia shook out of her ballet flats as he grabbed her ass and lifted her up, pressing her to the wall as he pushed himself into her.

  Mia moaned as the entire length of Ryan filled her, and covered her mouth with her hand. They both giggled.

  “Should I stop?” he asked, breath ragged.

  Mia wound her arms around his neck, pulling him closer. “Fuck no.”

  Where’d that come from? She was supposed to be the classy one.

  “The chair,” Mia said, needing to take a little bit of the control.

  Ryan moved one hand from her behind to support her back as he moved to the chair, nearly tripping into it. “Damn pants,” he said and laughed.

  Mia laughed, too, but only for a moment. She pressed her lips back on his and rocked her pelvis, faster and faster. She was close. He was, too. She remembered how his body had tensed just before orgasm. Everything about him in that moment was lean and hard and . . . hot. A hand nearly burned her skin as it massaged her breast.

  Ryan moved his hands around her, holding tight, as his fingertips pressed into her back and ass, a concealed moan against her lips. And it took her over the edge.

  Sweaty and drained, Mia rested her forehead on Ryan’s shoulder as her breathing returned to normal.

  “So, about that job . . .”

  Mia burst out laughing. “Yeah, I think it’s safe to say I enjoy your penis.”

  Ryan rubbed his hands up and down her back and she thought she might fall asleep right there. Was that what it was like to peacefully drift away after making love to someone? Not that what they’d done had been “making love.”

  But she had to move. She had things to do before she left the shop. And some errands to run after that, before her fifth and final interview that night. She needed to remind herself this was all for a risky business venture that rested entirely in her hands. Or was it her vagina? Either way, she had one more penis to test and she was beginning to think she wouldn’t be able to do it objectively with Ryan so fresh in her mind. This had been a bad idea on so many levels.


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