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Try Me On for Size

Page 14

by Stephanie Haefner

  “Where were you? We had dinner reservations with your parents tonight.”

  Oh shit. That was tonight? “I completely forgot.”

  “It would have been nice if your cell phone hadn’t gone directly to voice mail. You would have gotten one of the dozen calls and text messages I sent you.”

  He pulled his cell phone from his suit jacket pocket. Dead. “I hadn’t realized the battery was low.”

  “What was so important that you didn’t come home after work? Oh wait . . . let me guess. That tacky lingerie shop? You’ve been spending quite a bit of time there lately.”

  “It’s my job. And now even more so. I’m doing accounting work for them.”

  She rolled her eyes. “Ugh. I wish you would get this little phase out of your system and start acting like a husband.”

  “I don’t want to be a husband.” At least not to her.

  “Well, then you shouldn’t have asked me to marry you.”

  “Like I had a choice.”

  “You had a choice. No one put a gun to your head and made you propose.”

  Men in their social circle didn’t abandon their pregnant girlfriends. Men who did that were disowned by their parents and snubbed by every well-to-do family in town. In hindsight, maybe that would have been better. It would have freed him to live his own life.

  “I proposed so it wouldn’t get to that point.”

  “Well, whatever. You asked and the wedding is happening. You better call your father and apologize about dinner. He’s livid.” Alexiana stalked past him toward the bedroom.

  He grabbed her arm. “Wait. We need to continue this conversation.”

  “I don’t need to do anything.” She shook free.

  Oliver watched her back as she walked away. “I don’t love you. I never have. And I won’t marry you.”

  That made her stop. But as she turned, jaw clenched tighter than her forehead after Botox, Oliver realized Alexiana was gone. She’d been replaced by some possessed creature with black holes for eyes. A gorgeous shell with nothing inside but evil.

  As she slinked toward him, her words came out slow and concise, so cold they made him shiver. “Over my dead body. I will not let you do this to me.”

  “You don’t have a choice.”

  “No. You’re the one who doesn’t have a choice. You impregnated me, so you are going to marry me. We’re going to live a perfect life. I will not let you take that away from me.”

  “You physically cannot make me show up at that church. I’m a grown man and I do what I want.”

  She turned on her heel once again, but he followed.

  “I want to marry someone I love. Don’t you?”

  “Love is for fools. I want security, stability, a life that people envy. Our families have been friends for years. We’re an ideal match.” She stepped to her bureau and removed her dangling diamond earrings.

  “So you admit it. You don’t love me, either.”

  “Of course not.”

  Oliver stepped to her, his hands on her arms, gently turning her to him. “Then let’s end this. I’ll support you and the baby but we can find the people we’re meant to be with. I want a woman who loves me and enjoys being with me. My soul mate.”

  Maybe this heart-to-heart would get her to admit they were wrong for each other. Give up this charade of being pregnant so they could split peacefully and go on with their lives.

  Alexiana rolled her eyes. “You sound like a sap. Did you take some estrogen today or something?”

  But a person had to actually have a heart for that to work.

  “I should have known you wouldn’t understand.” He dropped his hands.

  “You’re right about that. I don’t understand why you would give up perfection.” She turned back to the mirror and began brushing her hair. “Besides, we can’t break up. The stress would be too much for your mother. Say what you will, but I know you won’t do anything that may cause her more pain.”

  Fuck. He hated to admit Alexiana was right about anything, but there wasn’t a way out of this that wouldn’t hurt his mother.

  FINALLY, BRYN was paying Mia back for all the crazy things she’d done over the last month. A late dinner at Blue Margaritas with an endless supply of their signature beverage. It had been ages since they’d gone out. She, Bryn, and Penny deserved to let loose and relax for one night.

  Bryn loved this place because it was so her. Bright colors, loud music, dancing, and karaoke. God, Mia hated karaoke. But Bryn always managed to convince her to get up there with her for at least one song. And yeah, it usually ended up being really fun.

  After dinner and two large margaritas each, the women moved their party to the bar area, laughing and chatting a mile a minute.

  “Time to sing!” Bryn exclaimed and grabbed the song menu. “I know just the song. I heard it on the radio the other day and it’s so us, Mia Pia Sunflower Seed Eatah.”

  Mia winced at the grade school nickname. “Okay, Brynny Whinny the Skinny Minnie.” She’d had to give Bryn a wacky nickname, too. “Be kind.”

  Bryn filled out the slip, hiding it from Mia, then trotted to the deejay booth to hand it in. Mia ordered another round of drinks.

  “I wish I had a friendship like you and Bryn have,” Penny said. “All my childhood friends live so far away.”

  “What are me and Bryn? Just fill-in friends?”

  “No! I love you guys, but you have such a bond. It’s really cool.”

  “Well, we love you. And sometimes it’s like we’ve known you forever, too.”

  “Thanks,” Penny said and hugged Mia.

  Bryn was back, dragging them to the dance floor for an old Ricky Martin tune. After they’d shook their bon bons, they headed back to the bar. And just like in high school, the guys swarmed. To Bryn. The long blond hair and that energy. Men naturally flocked to her.

  “Time for karaoke!” the deejay screeched into his mic. “And first up we have Bryn, Mia, and Penny singing some Spice Girls!”

  “That’s us!” Bryn jumped, the guys totally staring at her bouncing boobs, and grabbed Mia and Penny’s hands. She pulled them toward the corner of the dance floor.

  The women took their microphones as the opening beats of “Wannabe” blared. Bryn had always been Sexy Spice while Mia identified most with Sporty Spice. So many times they’d sung that song in Bryn’s bedroom, dancing around. The words they’d known by heart came right back. No need for the TV screen.

  “Give these ladies a round of applause!” the deejay demanded and the girls exited the floor to clapping, cheering, and a few howls. Which were probably for Bryn.

  More drinks as they listened to a horrible version of “Piano Man.” When the dance music started back up, Bryn dragged Mia and Penny back to the floor. It didn’t take long for one of the guys Bryn had talked to earlier to approach her from behind and put his hands to her waist. She ground her butt into him, then turned and wound her arms around his neck.

  Yikes. Mia better stop this or Bryn would hate herself in the morning.

  “You ready to go?” Mia asked after tapping Bryn’s shoulder. “I’m really tired.”


  “Yep.” Mia faked a yawn.

  Bryn turned back to her dance partner. “I gotta go.”

  “Can I get your number?”

  Mia pulled Bryn’s arm. “Uh, nope. No pen. Sorry.”

  “Here,” he said as he held out his cell. “Just put it in my phone.”

  Shaking her head, Mia dragged Bryn toward the door before she had the chance to pop her digits into this stranger’s digital address book. The three women left the bar and walked arm in arm the couple blocks to their favorite late-night breakfast spot.

  After ordering bacon, eggs, and chocolate chip pancakes, Bryn turned to Mia. “I thought you were tired.”

“Guess I got my second wind.”

  “Liar. You just wanted me away from that cute guy.”

  “Maybe. Would you rather I hadn’t pulled you away?”

  “I don’t know. Mighta been nice to have sex with a real man for once.”

  Well, this was progress. Bryn had been so against any kind of dating, understandably, but the urge for sex, even a one-night stand, seemed like the beginning steps for moving on.

  “I’m so horny,” Bryn said as their waitress refilled Penny’s coffee mug. It couldn’t be the worst thing this late-night worker had heard in her career. “Mia, you’re so lucky. You got to have meaningless, no-strings sex with those hot guys. Logan is so cute, and Oliver, gorgeous! I bet he is super good at working that fine piece of manhood.”

  “It was all for research. I really don’t remember any of it.” Total lie. Rarely did an hour go by without Mia thinking about his skin on hers, labored breaths in her ear. The euphoria she’d experienced wrapped in his arms.

  Bryn and Penny locked eyes and erupted with laughter. The entire restaurant stared at them.


  “Do you seriously think we are deaf?” Penny asked. “We know you screwed him in the bathroom that one day.”

  Bryn stopped her giggles long enough to say, “And in your office. There were shirt buttons all over the floor!”

  Mia’s cheeks warmed to about a zillion degrees. “I thought we were quiet.”

  “The shelves in the shop were rattling. He musta had you up against that wall real good.” Bryn laughed some more then lowered her voice. “Made me a little wet just thinking about what you guys were doing in there. I was so jealous.”

  “Eww. I didn’t need to know that.”

  Their meals arrived, piping hot. Mia was famished. As she sunk her teeth into a perfect slice of crispy bacon, more comments about her and Oliver.

  “You so totally like him,” Penny said between bites of pancake. “Why don’t you guys go out on a date or something?”

  “He asked. I said no.”

  “What the hell is wrong with you?”

  “For starters, he’s my employee. I think that kinda goes against the ethics of business. And second, he lied to me about who he was.” She turned to Bryn. “He wouldn’t even have this job if it wasn’t for you.”

  “You’re welcome.”

  “It wasn’t a thank-you.” Mia took another bite. “I don’t like liars. He may be good for the job, and we get along well enough to work together, but that’s it.”

  Penny chimed in with her epiphany on love. “I think you guys have powerful chemistry. You really need that for a relationship to work.”

  “Regardless of chemistry, I need to stay focused right now. I can’t get carried away by romance. We need to save the shop.”

  “So, you admit there is chemistry and romance?”

  Damn. I did, kinda, didn’t I? “I guess. But it doesn’t matter. I’m his boss, he lied, and I have too much other stuff to focus on. End of discussion.”

  The smile faded from Bryn’s face. “Life is too short and any excuse to stay away from love is a stupid one. If you feel a connection with this guy, get over your shit, and get over it now. Don’t waste any time.”

  CHAPTER Sixteen

  Monday, Mia and Bryn met to go over the books.

  “Oliver’s doing a great job with the financial stuff,” Bryn mentioned. “And free is even better.”

  “He’s not working for free. Just free for right now. Until we can pay him back.”

  “Not too many guys out there would do that. He must be doing it for some reason. Or someone.”

  “Stop. We’ve already been over this.”

  “Did you seriously think I’d give up?”

  “No, just hoped in your intoxicated state you had forgotten our conversation the other night.”

  “You know me better than that.”

  Yeah, Mia did. And truth was, she couldn’t get Bryn’s words out of her head. Here was this great guy, despite their deceitful start, whom she had so much in common with. And enjoyed his company. Let’s not even start on his hotness level. What was holding her back?

  He’s a guy, just like all the rest. There has to be something horribly wrong with him. “I don’t think I have the energy to date him and deal with the disappointment yet again when I find out he’s really not as perfect as he seems.”

  “Yeah. And? No guy is perfect.”

  “Johnny was perfect. I’ve never seen a man so devoted and loving, and . . . just . . . pefect. That is the example I go by and that’s what I want. I’ve tried finding it, and it just doesn’t exist for me.”

  “You’re damn right it doesn’t exist. For anyone. Johnny was far from perfect.”

  “Whatever. I saw how he was with you, the kids. He sacrificed his life for our country, for God’s sake. You can’t get more perfect than that.”

  She laughed. “Let me clue you in. We fought over the stupidest stuff, all the time. Like drawn-out yelling matches over who ate the last Oreo. And I nagged him every damn day about leaving toothpaste globs in the sink and wet towels on the bedroom floor. He enjoyed farting and often wore the same underwear three days in a row.”

  Mia could only stare at her friend in disbelief.

  “So what do you think of him now? Did I squash your idiotic vision of the ideal man?”

  “Um . . .”

  She shook her head, wide smile across her face. “He was far from perfect, but he was the one for me, flaws and all. I loved him more than anything, and he loved me, too. And that’s all that mattered.”

  Mia swore she heard the kaboom of her brain exploding.

  The door chime sounded and in came the UPS guy pushing a dolly with three boxes. “I got seven more in the truck. Where do you want them?”

  Bryn jumped and squealed, yanking Mia from her daze. “The dildos are here!”

  Poor delivery guy. He’d probably never heard that before.

  “Just bring them in and unload in front of the counter,” Mia told him.

  Bryn barely let the guy set the boxes down before she put a razor knife to the tape and sliced it open. She yanked out a bright pink box, an Oliver, and pulled out the rubber replica.

  “Oh, this is nice!” She rubbed her hand up and down the shaft, feeling it in her hand.

  “Um—I’ll just—uh—go get the rest,” the UPS guy stuttered.

  “Is Oliver really this big?”

  Mia forced a smile. “Yep.”

  “Is it bad that I totally wanna put it in my mouth?” Bryn laughed. “I am so taking this home with me tonight.”

  Her mind still recovering from its explosion and their conversation, Mia didn’t find any of it funny. Especially the part about Bryn taking home a copy of Oliver’s penis and using it. That statement made her chest burn. But it shouldn’t. Regardless of Bryn’s confession about the husband Mia had put on a pedestal, Oliver was still her employee. She had no right to feel jealous.

  As Mia signed for the delivery, Bryn opened another box and found some Logans. She opened one of those and held it up. “This is nice, too.”

  Picking up the Oliver and holding it next to the Logan, they saw the significant differences. Guess it had been a good idea to get both.

  “I think I’m taking them both home to test.” Bryn smiled. “You wanna test out the vibrating ones?”

  “No. That’s all you.”

  “Come on. Have some fun.”

  “I already did all the testing I’m gonna do. And besides, you can give us a comparison of all the toys with fresh perspective.”

  “Fine. You twisted my arm. And besides, you’ve already been spoiled by the real thing. Looks like I’m stopping for a nice bottle of wine on the way home. There’s gonna be a masturbation party in my bedroom tonight.”

Mia rolled her eyes. “Let me see one, ’cause I definitely won’t be handling them after you’ve used them.”

  Bryn gave her the Logan.

  Mia inspected the rubber. Seemed like a decent quality. Firm, but a little bendy. She rubbed her hand up and down it like Bryn had. Seemed to have a nice texture to it. “I’m happy with them. You?”

  “So far. A full report tomorrow.”

  “Good. On to other business. I confirmed the cupcake order this morning. You just have to drop off the penis candies before Thursday.”

  “Okay. Do we have any money in our budget for champagne?”

  “I think we might have like forty bucks after we pay the bakery.”

  “Okay. I can get like seven or eight bottles of the cheapie stuff from the supermarket. That will work, right?”

  “Sure.” She met Bryn’s gaze, a little bit of terror that hadn’t been there before. “Everything okay?”

  “Yeah. I just want to a make this launch party as nice as we can. I hate that our budget is so small.”

  “It will be fine. No one will care about food. They’ll be here to see the guys.”

  “But what if no one comes?”

  “They’ll come. We sent postcards to regular clients and Penny has seen a decent response on all the social networking sites. It will be fine.”

  Was she trying to convince Bryn or herself?

  DURING HIS lunch break, Oliver picked up his mother and took her to her favorite restaurant. It had been awhile since he’d seen her, and even longer since they’d been alone.

  “How was your doctor’s appointment last week?”

  “Same as it’s been for the last couple of years. I’m not getting better.”

  She’d had heart trouble since she was a baby, and many doctors had predicted she’d never make it past her tenth birthday. But she’d proved them wrong, and when they’d told her never to get pregnant, she’d been determined to prove them wrong again. She’d managed to birth a baby without dying, but the strain on her system made life difficult after that. Luckily for her and Oliver, their wealth allowed for a live-in nanny and nurse.


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