Book Read Free

The Edgewater Stargate

Page 2

by Richard Allan

  She turned to see who it was that had entered the office then quickly stood up to greet Jan Marie. Jacqueline had her long brown hair pulled back into a neatly braided pony tail that reached the top of her but. Her eyes were a grayish, slash, light blue mix that you might also find on a timber wolf. It was hard for most people to look into her eyes when engaged in a conversation with her. She looked fantastic for her fifty plus years as Justin would shortly find out…

  “Hi Jan Marie, you are so grown up now and even prettier than the last time I saw you, although now you’re just a little bit chubbier in the mid section at the moment. Your mom Janice told me the good news on the phone when she called me earlier today!” Jacqueline said in greeting Jan Marie while they gently hugged and kissed one another on their cheeks…

  “Oh well thank you very much and you look absolutely awesome yourself. How do you do it?” Jan Marie replied as Justin entered the office.

  “I eat right . . . no red meats or pork. I also eat raw papaya seeds and plus do yoga three times a day, and who is this handsome man?” Jacqueline queried.

  “Hi Jacqueline . . . I’m Justin, Jan Marie’s soul mate and the proud father of our future baby boy…” Justin replied.

  “How cute you are Justin and I’m sure you will be a doting father . . . now you two please just call me Jackie!” She told them.

  “Come on I’ll show you to your room, it is room number seven . . . the honeymoon suite and as you can see there is no rooms with the numbers six or nine… But I see you two have already been there and done that…” Jackie said jokingly.

  “Hey, the view from here in our Jacuzzi is incredible!” Justin remarked from their private outside patio with Jacuzzi and full ocean view. The night was unseasonably warm with a mild onshore breeze blowing softly causing a periodic rustling sound that would come from the numerous trees located around the quaint and somewhat rustic Inn…

  “Okay, how about I bring some tea and we can chat for a few minutes before turning in.” Jackie offered as Justin stripped down to his board shorts and stepped into the hot Jacuzzi and sat down and looked around for Jan Marie who had been in the bathroom.

  “Hey sweetie, can you look in the bar fridge to see if there are any brews or vodka mixes to drink?” Justin inquired.

  “Okay, let me see . . . there’s a lot of tall cans of Arizona green tea, some bottled water, two quart cartons of blueberry kiefer, cottage cheese and wait there’s some Anchor Steam beer way in the back.” Jan Marie sighed.

  “I don’t care as long as the brew is cold, bring it on out and I’ll drink it…” Justin replied.

  “Hey, remember when we first pulled up here in the parking lot earlier, well I went over to the edge leading down to the beach. There was something strange about that big circular arch like structure, on top at the west end of the parking spaces. It is more like a circle but listen to this, the structure was covered in copper sheets that are all oxidized now and they have turned a greenish color, which I imagine is from their contact with the salty air. Those thin copper sheets are the same ones as what roofers use on roofs and that shit is expensive…” Justin rambled on telling Jan Marie about his new discovery.

  “Sorry dear, but I didn’t pay much attention to anything except where the office was located, so why don’t you just ask her about when she comes back with our tea?” Jan Marie replied.

  Jan Marie brought the cold bottle of Anchor beer over to him while opening a can of Arizona green tea for herself while forgetting all about Jackie making tea for them. Jackie was brewing two very different strains of tea for her only guests staying at the Inn that night. One was a herbal green tea for Jan Marie and a “special brew” for Justin and herself to enjoy sipping on…

  “Knock - knock . . . its only Jackie kids with the tea! Here this a soothing herbal green tea with honey for you dear, I hope you like it after your long drive and here and Justin I brewed us up a special elixir, that I had been saving for a special occasion.” Jackie said while sitting down on the bed near Jan Marie who was now lying on her side trying to get comfortable.

  “Special Elixir – Ah what? Jan did you hear that? Ahem, then this must be just what the doctor ordered!” Justin replied as he took a big sip of the brew containing a teaspoon of honey. The eight foot wide sliding glass door dividing the bedroom with the patio was wide open so the three of them began to chat. Before long Justin found himself engaged in a deep conversation with Jackie, discussing some of the contents of her book. She told him of a non metallic UFO she had seen right out over the ocean, just a few nights before.

  “Was it an orb or a disc shaped saucer?” Justin inquired.

  “It was more like an orb just trying to communicate with me and I see you know a little bit about the subject matter?” Jackie replied.

  “Yeah . . . well Jan Marie and I have already read a good portion of your excellent book. Where did you get all of that information?” Justin replied as he was becoming ever increasingly woozier by the minute…

  “Oh, that would be from years of studying the subject matter and going to all of the UFO conferences where I sometimes speak because by the way I also have a degree in “Ufology” along with my other two diplomas on the wall.” Jackie replied proudly.

  “Hey you must like to go to study in school or something Jackie! And do you think we might see any UFO’s tonight? That would be righteous Jackie! And hey I forgot to ask you earlier about that big arch thing over there at the end of the parking lot. I have just one question about it, no make that two questions; 1. Just what is it made out of and number 2. What in the hell is it supposed to be?” Justin queried.

  “Well, I had an architect friend of mine help me out on that interesting and I agree somewhat unusual project. We finally decided to use several three quarter inch thick rebar rods that we carefully bent into the circle shape then tied together with tie wire, all the while using the flat parking lot as a work table. Next we cemented the two sides down into one yard deep footings dug in the rocky soil. Next his knowledgeable workers expertly constructed forms that were put in place before filling the void with a generous rich mix of concrete aggregate.” Jackie replied with a gleaming sparkle present in her eyes…

  “Okay Jackie now I got you, but what is with the copper sheeting on it with those nine design ornaments spaced apart and what’s it supposed to be, some kind of a Stonehenge monument or belonging to the same group of structures?” Justin wearily queried her

  “You know what you’re not too far off base Justin. Okay, well the copper encasement serves as an energy conductive material, although real stargates are composed of a super conductive material known as “Naqahdah.” The nine points located around the circumference are known as “Chevrons” while some people might simply call the structure a Stargate Portal that must have an overall diameter of fifteen feet with the energy field constantly rotating with the circular shape as the essence energy core . . . and Justin you should read more about them in my book when you have time because I devoted an entire chapter on that subject.” Jackie replied.

  “Wow . . . that is some heavy duty shit Jackie! You must be close to having an Einstein level of genius?” He said in complimenting her.

  “You know Justin one of my clients has an active energy field open. I can spot them quickly in the time it takes to blink an eye, and they appear like someone is shining a bright flashlight out from the inside of the body. We refer to them as “Escape hatches.” They usually develop as a result of heavy drug abuse or from an addiction to alcohol, a traumatic birth or a bad childhood filled with violence. These persons feel the need to escape from the pain in this life…” Jackie replied as Justin was conking out right in the Jacuzzi. Jackie called out for him to go to bed and also told him that they could talk more in the morning.

  “Yeah maybe, but we should let Jan Marie get some sleep just look at the poor girl, she’s already asleep up on top of the covers and the silky black bedspread.” Jackie replied.

  “Whew –
Okay . . . I guess it’s getting late so I should go to be before I pass out again here in the Jacuzzi! Hey and by the way you never told what’s in this special tea?” Justin inquired.

  “Well dear, remember when I mentioned to you that I regularly take in all of the UFO conferences? Since I had some time to burn while I was in Roswell, New Mexico, I went over to hang out with an Indian tribe nearby…” Jackie replied.

  “So . . . wh – what are you telling me lady?” Justin inquired as he was now high as a kite and seeing visions of geometric designs of all shapes and sizes from his mind’s eye.

  “Okay Justin . . . have you ever heard of peyote? The Indian tribes legally use it for their ceremonies when they paint their faces and join the spirit world.” Jackie replied to her buzzed guest.

  “Hey you should ought to give a guy a heads up before drugging him on psychedelics Jackie, remember I’m not from your generation . . . but just do me a favor and help me out of this Jacuzzi then over to the bed!” Justin said as it took all of his conscious energy to move his lips...

  “Well . . . I just thought you’d enjoy a little mental vacation, was I out of line?” Jackie inquired.

  “Oh dam-mit, I guess not, good night…” Justin replied.

  The two of them were sleeping soundly when Justin was awoken suddenly from a nightmare or possibly a vision from a journey into another dimension, only to find the same dream still going on. There was the eerie presence of a young tormented girl, wearing a tattered white dress and just hovering over their bed while she just peering down at them with glowing eyes. She had golden blonde, long flowing hair that was moving around on its own accord, for there was no ceiling fans or air conditioning on at the time…

  The room was filled with the unmistakable stench of sulfur. Now being terrified of the situation, Justin did not even want to wake up Jan Marie, so he closed his eyes but he could not get the little girl to go away. He next sat up and leaned against the headboard gazing at the girl eye to eye. She then began to speak without moving her lips. The voice of the misguided entity did not have a demonic demeanor to it per se, although it was not that of a six year old little girl. It was more like a cross between Michael Jackson and the Queen of England, with maybe just a hint of Boy George added into the mix, as she continued to warn him:

  “To those with open ears shall hear all, but those who shun the darkness will pay the price for their deception and distrust . . . I want to be close to the unborn child, it is not ready to enter your world yet and I have been sent to do the extraction…” The young girl exclaimed.

  “You get out of here and leave us alone . . . just go back to hell - where you came from!” Jason yelled out loudly to the spirit entity.

  “Wh . . . what did you say dear, and what stinks, have you been lighting matches?” Jan Marie inquired as she was disturbed from her deep sleep by the sound of his voice.

  “Oh Jan, I’m sorry to have woken you, I was just having a scary nightmare, but it seemed so real you would not have believed any of it!” He replied not wanting to divulge the contents of the dream to her.

  He looked at the time and it was just before five thirty and it was starting to get light outside. They hugged then just relaxed in bed for another hour until Jan Marie’s friend Ashley called.

  “Good morning Jan, I’m calling to see where we all can meet up for breakfast this morning?”

  “Hi Ash and good morning to you too, how about at that restaurant we saw near Carmel, called the Grinder, we passed by it on the drive over in route to the Edgewater Inn last night.” Jan Marie replied.

  “Okay Jan, I go there to that greasy spoon sometimes to eat waffles with whipped cream, so let’s just say in an hour and a half and we will meet up then…” Ashley queried.

  “Sure sounds good, we’ll see you there Ash.” Jan Marie replied as Justin rose up out of bed and went into the bathroom then closed the door behind him. Jan Marie was anxious to see her old college friend Ashley, plus she was also looking forward to be spending some time together with her. On their way out they passed by the office, where Jackie was drinking a cup of herbal tea and once again busily typing away on her lap top computer, off into a world of her own design…

  “Good morning kids . . . and how did you sleep last night?” Jackie inquired.

  “I slept like a baby, but Justin had some sort of a scary nightmare.” Jan Marie replied.

  “Really . . . that is very interesting, so Justin you’ll have to tell me all about it later when you have time. You know now that you mentioned it I also sensed something in the air around four thirty this morning.” Jackie replied while keeping her further thoughts to herself…

  “Okay Jackie, we will catch you later, right now we’re going to spend a relaxing day with Jan Marie’s college friend Ashley along with her new boyfriend Duke.” Justin replied.

  As they walked over to the BMW parked on the right side of the parking lot, Justin gazed over at the copper covered arch, now not knowing what to think about it. Jan Marie’s dad Sonny called when they were in transit, so she pulled over for Justin to get behind the wheel. Sonny needed to get some legal advice from his daughter or that was the pretext of the conversation anyway, he most likely was lost without her and missed her, but ironically he also wanted to discuss some building ideas with Justin…

  They turned into the parking lot at the infamous Grinder restaurant where they found Ashley and her boyfriend named Duke, standing patiently leaning against her black Toyota four wheel drive pickup. Justin pulled in alongside in the next parking spot as the girls were now going crazy and dancing around.

  “Hey . . . look at your big stomach Jan, I never thought that I would see the day girl, how’ve you been and I don’t believe I’ve ever met your husband either?” Ashley said as they all got properly introduced then went into the restaurant sitting down at a corner booth.

  “So big Duke - tell me something man . . . what do you do for a living?” Jason inquired.

  “I teach mixed martial arts in my own studio, but in the mornings I rent it out to a friend of Ashley’s to give yoga classes.” Duke replied as the girls were deep into their conversation and paying no attention to what they were talking about.

  “Mixed martial Arts . . . shit, that’s radical man. Have you ever fought professional like at a televised event?” Justin queried.

  “Yeah, as a matter of fact I have on many occasions… You may have seen me before on MTV’s Bully Beat Down with Jason “Mayhem” Miller and I have even sparred on several occasions together with him, plus I learned how to grapple with the champ, also without wearing the protective gloves…” Duke replied while smiling and showing off his nice new set of white choppers.

  “Okay . . . now were you the “Bully” or the “Beat Down fighter?” Justin inquired while laughing out loud in front of Duke’s face.

  “Keep it up buddy and you might just find out the hard way! Ha, ha . . . no but seriously, I was on the episode when Mayhem was going to fight a cocky Russian punk personally, but he decided at the last minute to let me take care of that guy instead and that Ruskie never got his $ ten grand either!” Duke replied proudly.

  “Well done man . . . did you knock him out or just make him piss blood to a couple of weeks?” Justin inquired.

  “He actually was a formidable opponent. I wasn’t able to take him out until the end of the third round, that red bastard put up a good fight right until the end!” Big Duke replied.

  “Okay that’s cool and no I have never watched that program before . . . but is that how your nose got bent out of shape plus slightly flattened?” Justin asked his new friend as he laughed then quickly said, “I’m just kidding man! Don’t you have a sense of humor big guy?”

  “Sometimes . . . but not at the moment, so let’s go inside the restaurant to get a booth…” Big Duke suggested to the group.

  “Hey Big Duke . . . do you surf man?” Justin queried.

  “Yeah . . . as a matter of fact I was planning to go up to Sa
nta Cruz early tomorrow morning to hit the tubes. Maybe you would like to come along with me. So tell me Justin, what style of surf board do you like to ride?” Duke quizzed his new surfer friend from down south.

  “I usually ride a seven foot six swallow tail but I can ride the shit out of whatever you can set me up with.” Justin replied.

  “Okay man, I have just the stick for you to use and I also have a spare wetsuit that you’re welcome to use, we’re both similar in height and weight right?” Big Duke asked, quizzing Justin.

  “Yeah Bro - six foot two and two hundred lean pounds of pure muscle…” Justin replied.

  The girl’s were making plans to go up to Boynton Canyon. It was a beautiful retreat up in the mountains not too far away to sit new a small creek fed lake and to get some fresh air and smell the fragrant odor of the pine trees.

  That evening back at the Edgewater Inn, Justin left Jan Marie, who was taking a nap and strolled over to Jackie’s garden fresh smelling office. Her back was turned to him as she was still typing frantically on her lap top computer with her cat sitting on her lap. Justin then took a seat near her and frantically began telling her about his realistic nightmare. She had her eyes fixed on him as she already knew what his dream would be about. She had a vision come to her that same night of a young girl wearing a soiled white, tattered dress. When he finished telling the eerie story to Jackie, she glanced over to her fluffy white cat then returned to make eye contact with him again.

  “That is quite a dream vision you had mister, but we shouldn’t brush it off lightly either. As a matter of fact other guests have reported to me the same occurrence when they had slept in your room. It appears that the little girl is a very unhappy spirit, that is stuck in between dimensions and yes that bothers me deeply about what she said to you, especially with Jan Marie being pregnant with child and all.” Jackie replied.


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