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The Dragon Savior of Tone: World of Tone: Book 2

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by A. D. Adams

  The Dragon Savior



  Written By:

  A. D. Adams

  Copyright © 2015 by A. D. Adams

  All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form or by any means without the prior written permission of the publishers, except by a reviewer who may quote brief passages in a review to be printed in a newspaper, magazine or journal.

  This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, corporations, institutions, organizations, events or locales in this novel are either the product of the author’s imagination or, if real, used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual persons (living or dead) is entirely coincidental.


  This book is dedicated to my parents, a man and woman that worked their entire lives to make my life better.

  A Thought for the Reader

  Look to the world around you for the dreams of your parents.

  Behold realms of life that they have provided for you.

  Envision places of love they gave without demand.

  For only you shall possess your world through their love.

  Table of Contents


  A Thought for the Reader

  Map of The World of Tone

  Prologue - The Writer

  Index of Important Historical Figures of Tone

  Map of the Northern Coastal Valleys of Tone

  Chapter 1 - The Age of the Draman

  Chapter 2 - The Request

  Chapter 3 - The Visitors

  Chapter 4 - The Gathering of Power

  Chapter 5 - The Slaughter

  Chapter 6 - Visits

  Chapter 7 - Justice

  Map of the Lakes of Tone

  Chapter 8 - Knowledge

  Chapter 9 - Change

  Chapter 10 – Exploration

  Chapter 11 - Lonely

  Chapter 12 - The Village

  Chapter 13 - Meeting the Draman

  Chapter 14 - Old Friends

  Chapter 15 - Unknown Becomes Known

  Chapter 16 - Dark Mountain

  Chapter 17 - Old Enemies Emerge

  Chapter 18 - The Many, Start to Become One

  Chapter 19 - Humans Start a Journey Home

  Chapter 20 - A New Life for Faray

  Chapter 21 - The Dragon Assemblage

  Chapter 22 - A New Home for Cardana

  Chapter 23 - The Human Meeting

  Chapter 24 - The Sisters

  Chapter 25 - Rammy and the Dragons

  Chapter 26 - Terra Plans, Fienna Makes Arrangements

  Chapter 27 - Meeting the Land Nymphs

  Chapter 28 - An Old Wizard Panics

  Chapter 29 - Preparations

  Chapter 30 - A Time of Peace before the Storm

  Chapter 31 - Fienna the Dragon Returns

  Chapter 32 - Preparations End

  Chapter 33 - Plans Finalized

  Map of the Northern Dark Plains of Tone

  Chapter 34 - Time to Start

  Chapter 35 - Travel to the Unknown

  Chapter 36 – The First Fight

  Chapter 37 - The Land Nymph's Attack

  Chapter 38 - The End of an Amulet

  Chapter 39 - The Journey Begins

  Chapter 40 - The First Sun-Rising of the Great Journey

  Chapter 41 - The Story of the Elves

  Chapter 42 - Finding Elves

  Chapter 43 - Elves Join the Fight

  Chapter 44 - A True Leader

  Chapter 45 - The Dwarfs and Elves Prepare, The Trees Wait

  Chapter 46 - The Trees

  Chapter 47 - Rammy Returns Home

  Chapter 48 - Trees Fight Back

  Chapter 49 - A World Returns - An Old Wizard Panics

  Chapter 50 - A Solan Meets Her Victims

  Chapter 51 - Terra Reaches the Humans

  Chapter 52 - The Next Step

  Chapter 53 - A Time to Rest

  Map of the Dark Mountain Region of Tone

  Chapter 54 - Traveling Once More

  Chapter 55 - The Fight Planned

  Chapter 56 - Death of a Village

  Chapter 57 - The Aftermath

  Chapter 58 - A Gift Used

  Chapter 59 - The Journey into Darkness

  Chapter 60 - Flight of Lightning

  Chapter 61 - The Ninth

  Chapter 62 - Finding Terra

  Chapter 63 - The World Learns

  Chapter 64 - Peace

  Chapter 65 - Returning Home


  A Thank You to the Reader

  Other Books Available from A. D. Adams

  Author Profile

  Map of The World of Tone

  Prologue - The Writer

  My name is Kacaba and I wrote the original narrative history covering the life of Terra and his mate, Fienna. The great Master Scribe Soto assigned three students to create independent manuscripts from which he picked one as the book for our people to use as a historical guide. He picked the one written by my friend Kasaca. It was basically straight facts and, if I may say, a bit dry and possibly even difficult to read.

  Unfortunately, many in the world have no desire to read or study it. My first manuscript was a story that only concerned the lives of Terra and Fienna up to the point that they began to affect the lives of all on Tone. I ran out of time at this point and handed in what I had completed. Soto realized that a text not read is worth less than the paper it is written upon, and has asked me to complete my history, due to its popularity.

  It seems that all who have seen my first history prefer it to all existing writings about our past. Many began to request copies of my version. Since that time I have been made a full scribe and I hope that this volume is as well received as my first. It will cover the remaining history of Terra’s great efforts to save our world. I thought that it would be of benefit if I give a brief overview of my first volume. This was both to give the reader a point of reference and to allow myself a bit of review. I do feel that the reader should actually read the first historical volume “The Dragon Healer of Tone.” It is always best to know the past in order to understand the future.

  To assist the reader in determining when Terra and Fienna communicate through their mental connection, I have slanted the letters to indicate thoughts rather than verbal speech.

  The Overview

  Terra, the first male born with the magic of healing since the Great Fight hundreds of set of seasons ago, was taken from his family by the Averons. Obecka, the only known surviving Solan of Tycarr, created these great, hideous, flying beasts in a fit of madness. The Solans had once been the saviors of humankind, numbering in the hundreds. After the Dwarfs had driven the humans from the interior of the single great continent, only four Solans remained to defend the humans from the evils of the world. Obecka was born, making them five. She grew to become hated by the people she was born to protect. This was due to her overbearing and demanding manner and complete disinterest in anyone, but herself. She eventually caused the death of the other four Solans. Obecka’s guilt over the killings drove her to insanity. It was said that this violent act caused the blood of the four slain Solans to evaporate into the valley mists. This gave the mists the magic that protected the humans from those who would harm them.

  Terra was taken from his parents while on a trip to visit an old woman whom they thought would help them understand their son’s power. As they returned home, a group of Averons attacked the small family and one Averon carried Terra off by his rope belt. Soon it was flying through the Great Barrier Mountains that separated the coast from the vast interior
of the continent. A male dragon named Lowlack was flying in the mountains looking for food. The food was not for him, but for a young dragonette named Fienna, who had been injured during a fall. The mother dragon, Dawra, was taking care of her child while Lowlack went for food. The Averon saw Lowlack and panicked, dropping the child to its probable death. Lowlack saw the small object dropping and swooped down, grabbing Terra in midair as the Averon flew off.

  Lowlack returned to the cave with his prize and dropped it in front of the young dragon. The young human saw that the small beast was hurt and extended his glowing orange hand, healing the dragonette. A strong connection immediately developed and their minds merged forever, allowing them to know each others thoughts without speaking. Fienna jealously protected her new friend from her mother, Lowlack, and all others who cared to harm Terra. Soon Dawra became used to the young human; after all, he had healed her first child. For without him Fienna would have died from her injuries.

  Terra and Fienna had made friends with the sea nymphs, a race that lived in the oceans, though they had met under less than pleasant circumstances. The daughter of the king of the sea nymphs saw the young human in a lagoon and was goaded by other nymphs into attracting him into the sea with her beauty and song. Terra approached the nymph while Fienna was sleeping in the warm sands. As he did, she reached out with her hands, which then changed into tentacles. Terra’s magic caused his body to immediately begin to glow orange. This glow of protection created an explosion of pain within Setilan, the young sea nymph. Slipping into unconsciousness from the pain, she fell onto the sharp rocks below her. She was dying from her wounds. Terra’s gentle spirit caused him to heal her, even though she had tried to harm him. The king and the nymph race soon grew to respect and love the young human as well as his dragon protector, Fienna. Terra, in turn, befriended the sea nymphs.

  The pair grew up, becoming closer by the day, until it was time for Fienna to leave her mother’s cave. They had found a beautiful crevice with a crystal lined cave at one end and a small lake surrounded by lush vegetation at its base. The crevice was isolated and could only be reached through flight or underground water-filled caves. They were soon living in their new home together. As time passed, they grew to love one another.

  One sunset as Terra and Fienna lay in front of their cave, the moon began to slowly rise over the lip of the crevice. Fienna began to feel odd, so she stood. Her great dragon body began to shimmer in the moonlight and slowly started to change. She became the same size as Terra; she was a human, no longer a dragon. Terra held her naked body with his powerful arms so she would not fall. She was a vision of beauty to him. Her hair was almost to the ground and was a bluish green. Her skin was the same multicolored array as her dragon body. They lay together naked and their love became physical for the first time. Fienna returned to her dragon form as the moon set and the sun rose.

  Just before first light of the next no moon, Terra sat in front of their cave. He was without clothes and was simply staring in the direction of the sunrise. As the first rays of light came over the crest of the crevice's steep rock wall, he began to feel warm. Fienna awoke and saw her love outlined by the first light and felt his warmth through their mental connection. It felt much like the sunset she changed. As she watched, to her surprise, his body began to shimmer. He was now outlined by the yellow sun of the morning. His silhouette seemed to become bigger. His legs grew larger, his neck elongated, and nubs began to appear on his back that slowly grew out to become wings. He was becoming a dragon! As he grew larger, his body size surpassed that of Fienna’s. He was the largest dragon she had ever seen. As he tried to stand, he fell back, unable to balance his great body. Fienna jumped to his aid. As she approached, she saw he was completely white. No dragon she had ever seen was white. Terra had become by far the largest dragon on Tone. After a day of play and love he returned to his human form, as the sun set.

  Several full moon risings later, Fienna was hunting and Terra was sleeping in the warm sand next to their lake. Averons flew into the crevice, awakening Terra; one of the great beasts grabbed him, piercing his back with two great talons. Fienna felt Terra’s pain and rushed back to the crevice to find Terra in the lake, with blood radiating from his body into the water. She killed several Averons and then carefully picked up Terra and took him to their cave. There, for several sun-risings, she and the nymphs tended to Terra as his magic healed the wounds that would have killed any other. The lake had turned red from his blood and would forever after heal those who swam in it.

  As Terra was recovering, the crevice was suddenly attacked by numerous Averons and a black figure that rode on the back of one of the hideous creatures. Fienna took off and started toward the Averons, intent on killing them all for the harm they had done to Terra. The black figure hovered on the back of an Averon half way up the crevice wall. Suddenly, the figure threw a black bolt of energy toward Fienna. Terra had been helped out of the cave and sent a bolt of orange toward the oncoming streak of black lightning. When the two hit, Fienna was knocked back by the force of the explosion. Terra used his remaining power to gently set her down, causing him to fall into unconsciousness from the effort. The black figure and the Averon she sat upon were thrown out of the sky to the ground. Several of the other great Averons picked the figure up and flew off.

  As time passed the two continued to change from dragon to human at the full and no moons. Fienna had changed to normal human form on the sunset of the full moon, but in the morning, she did not change back. Terra could find nothing wrong with her and his magic provided no help. They decided that Terra should go to a human village and bring back a healer to the crevice. The healer touched Fienna’s stomach and her magic felt another life within this unusual woman. The healer was young, new to using her power, so even though she thought Fienna was pregnant, she was not completely sure. The healer thought her mother should come and truly determine Fienna’s condition. Terra went back to the humans with the healer and found her mother being attacked by a man. Terra nearly killed the man and found out that the two women were his mother and sister. They returned to Fienna and found that she was pregnant, which explained why she had not returned to her dragon form. The full moons passed and Fienna grew large with child as Terra learned of his family.

  One sun-rising, a female dragon with a small dragonette had been attacked and badly injured. Terra went to heal her and left Fienna behind because of her size and the nearness of their child’s birth. As Terra finished healing the injured dragon, Fienna called to him through their mental connection. The crevice was under attack by Averons. He returned to the crevice immediately. There he found a scene of destruction, and his mate and sister gone. His anger grew and he began to change into the great white dragon. He used his flames to heal the injured nymphs and dragons scattered about the crevice. Terra then flew to Fienna, locating her through their mental connection. Other dragons followed behind. He found her in a cave on the side of a dark and hideous mountain. There he landed on a ledge and went into the cave, finding his mate and sister tied together and a black figure standing in an alcove of rock. It was Obecka, the insane Solan, who wanted revenge for the death of her Averons and nearly herself. They battled and Terra’s magic powers finally overwhelmed the Solan. She dropped to the floor, dying. She thanked Terra for ridding her of the madness that controlled her mind, and joined the mist with the other departed Solans. The final living Solan’s image appeared, telling them that Terra was the one that would return the world to its previous balance and that his sister would start a new sisterhood of Solans.

  They returned to the crevice where Fienna gave birth to a daughter that had green coloration and magic that could control the vegetation of Tone.

  Now that I have brought the readers and myself up to the point I left off, I can continue the history. All of the events in the following text are as close as I can come to the truth. I have talked to all that were involved and have combined all they know into one coherent story. From this point on,
I will not mention myself.

  Index of Important Historical Figures of Tone

  Cardana - Terra and Fienna’s Daughter

  Dawra - Fienna's Mother, a Great Green Dragon

  Setilan - Sea Nymph, Daughter of the Sea Nymph King

  Old Sinut - Sea Nymph, Master Wizard for the Sea Nymphs

  Telsen - Last remaining Solan

  Hectise - Fienna’s Father, a Great Blue Dragon

  Lowlack - Terra and Fienna’s Dragon Friend, died protecting them

  Reicka - Terra's Mother

  Faray - Terra's Sister

  Sifar - Young Survivor of Village massacre

  Seana – Sea Nymph, Terra’s Teacher

  Tepic - Dragon Friend

  Suti - Terra’s Pet, Female Slese Cat

  Nikit and Gopu - Dark Solans

  Naron - Male Human, Leader of the Guards of Tone

  Rammy - Female Human, Naron’s Daughter, Second in Command of Human Guards

  Nolla- Female Human, Guards Commander for Village of Solana under Naron

  Rubbo - Male Human, Guards Commander for Village of Southlake under Naron

  Willick - King of Elves

  Xillal - Land Nymph, Commander of Land Nymphs

  Map of the Northern Coastal Valleys of Tone

  Chapter 1 - The Age of the Draman

  (The future is not always what one wishes it to be.)

  - The beginning of the Time of the Draman -

  Terra stood with his new child and his mate, Fienna. He looked out onto their home, a scene of shattered dreams. He had never wanted anything but peace and to be with his family. The world seemed to have chosen him for something much more. He looked down and knew he had to make this place, this world, safe for the ones he loved.

  “What shall we name her?” Fienna thought to her mate.

  A name came to his mind seemingly from nowhere. “Cardana,” he said with conviction.


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