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The Spark Ignites (MacKenny Brothers #1)

Page 9

by Kathleen Kelly

  “Sorry big guy, not going to happen but thank you for the…compliment?” I say struggling for the right words.

  “Fucking stones, man!” says Sean as he lightly punches his brother’s arm.

  Not knowing what to make of either of them, I bite into my chocolate bar.


  THE WAREHOUSE THEY HAVE MY brother in is dark and abandoned. It’s near the airport, and Lamond has just left. I have three of my MC with me. My Sargeant at Arms, Wheels who would never let me get into anything without him, he’s my best friend and Rocky and Diesel are founding members of my MC.

  We aren’t a traditional MC. We are small compared to some, most other MC’s leave us alone. I split all the profits with my men. I get thirty percent, ten percent goes into an emergency fund and the tax man, the remaining fifty percent gets divided up amongst my brothers. Depending on their involvement in the job or their standing in the MC. It works. We look after our own; no one goes hungry or poor.

  “Want us to follow Lamond?” asks Rocky.

  I shake my head. “Nah. Go around the back, che—”

  A roar pierces the air, and I take a step toward the warehouse. Wheels clamps a hand down on my shoulder.

  “Not so fast, Prez. We need to make sure we aren’t going into a fuck-up.” I scowl at him. “Fine, we’re going in but let’s do it smart. Send Rocky and Diesel around the back like you were going to do, we’ll move in the front.”

  I nod. “You’re right. Let’s do this quick. I haven’t seen Maddock in over three years, and I’d rather not bury him a second time.”

  “We’re on it. Give us five minutes to get around the back, we’ll phone when we are in position,” says Diesel.

  “Double-time it, yeah? Cause if I hear another noise, I’m going in.”

  Diesel doesn’t answer, they both jog away. I chose these men for this as I know they will always have my back.

  “Come on Kyle, let’s get a closer look. See what we can see.” Wheels goes ahead of me.

  All the windows are blacked out, we can’t see shit. Wheels pulls his Glock out of it’s holster and tries the handle on the door, slowly turning the handle. He looks tense, sweat drips down his temple. Have you ever noticed when you are trying to be quiet, the smallest sound is amplified times a thousand?

  He grimaces at me, but the door opens, I nod and we wait for the others to get into position.


  A NOXIOUS SMELL WAKES ME and pain radiates throughout my body. It takes me a moment to realize where I am, Mr. Black laughs and puts the smelling salts on the trolley.

  “Not such a tough guy? Two little stab wounds and you pass out like a pansy. I thought you’d be made of tougher stuff.”

  “Fuck. You,” I grind out.

  In response, he twists the knife in my shoulder. This time the sound that escapes my throat is a cross between a scream and a yell.

  “I am going to kill you!” I yell.

  “Again with the meaningless threats…tsk, tsk, tsk.” Black walks over and picks up another knife; he points it at me and grins. “Did you know that if done correctly, you can stab a person numerous times without killing them? I once stuck someone over fifty times, they eventually died from loss of blood as I nicked an artery, but I’m more careful now. Shall we see if you can break my record?”

  “Fuck you, you sick fucker!”

  “Such language!” He takes a step away from me, waving a hand in the air then he stops and looks me in the eyes. “Do you have written proof?” Black asks casually.

  “Of course there’s written proof!” I yell.

  “Who has it?”

  “The feds. Who else do you think has it, fuckwit?”

  “Liar, liar, pants on fire,” sings Black. He picks up another knife, it shines under the lights. Black smiles, strolls toward me and drags it down the side of my face. Blood seeps into my eye, causing it to sting, I blink repeatedly. “All you have to tell me is the truth.”

  “You’re going to kill me anyway,” I ground out.

  “Yes, but it will be quick and humane.” Black places the blade above my knee, letting it sink in. I feel it’s tip bite into me through my jeans. “Do you have written proof?”

  I clench my jaw together and glare at him.

  “Which leg do you favor, the left or the right? Or should I pick?” Black’s smile grows bigger, he pulls the knife away, chuckles then he plunges it into my right leg above the knee.

  The pain in my shoulders burns through me as I convulse at the pressure and pain I now feel. The sound that escapes me is more like that of a wounded animal, spittle sprays from my lips as I release my agony. Sweat and blood burn my eyes; I hear Black laughing as he enjoys my suffering. In my mind, I keep repeating that pain can be controlled but as he twists the knife in my leg, I fear that it is merely a useless mantra.

  A loud bang sounds from behind me and Black staggers back. Red spreads across his chest, and he’s looking at me with a stupefied expression as though he’s not comprehending what’s happening to him. Black reaches down and touches the red; he’s staring at his fingertips, locking eyes with me, he smiles, collapses to his knees then falls face first onto the concrete.

  Kneeling in front of me, I see my brother, Kyle’s face. Hysterical laughter fills the room. It takes me a moment to realize it’s me. Surely, this is another trick, or I’m hallucinating?

  “I’ve got you, brother,” says the figment of my imagination that resembles Kyle.

  I shake my head as my laughter turns to tears, this can’t be real. I’ve wanted this for far too long, to see my family, to hear their voices, Black has finally pushed me over the edge. Kyle pulls out a knife and that’s when I know, he’s not my brother.

  “No!” I yell at him.

  Kyle uses the knife to cut my restraints, he reaches up placing his hand behind my neck and places his forehead to mine.

  “You are home,” whispers Kyle. “Look at my arm, Maddock, look at the ink that binds us.”

  It’s a long-standing joke between us. Not only do we have blood but the tattoo binds us as well. I look at his arm and then lock eyes with him.

  “I’m sorry, brother,” I whisper.

  “Mad, you have nothing to be sorry for.” Kyle nods at me and stands. “He’s going to need medical attention. We can’t move him. Do we know someone who can come here? Someone we can trust?”

  I follow Kyle’s stare and see Wheels, he gives me a chin lift. “Good to see you, Mad, but fuck you look like shit. Yeah, Prez, I’m on it.”

  Wheels walks a few paces away with his phone to his ear.

  Panic rushes through me, I try to stand, but nothing works properly. “Kyle, there’s another guy, there’s another fucking guy!”

  Kyle has his gun in his hand. He and Wheels head to the back of the warehouse, leaving me alone and worried for them and myself. I can’t move. The pain from trying to stand emanates throughout my body. The pain is so great I feel like I’m going to vomit or pass out. The thought of blacking out steels my will to stay awake, I’m not safe, and my brother is somewhere in here with a psychopath.

  Diesel walks toward me. “Fuck, brother, you’ve seen better days. Kyle sent me back here, Rocky and I knocked out a big black fucker. Are there any more?”

  “N-no. Just him. Lamond was here.”

  “Yeah, we know, he’s how we found you.”

  I peer up at Diesel and nod; pain shoots through me, and I am thankfully transported into blackness.


  WE ARRIVED AT CLUBHOUSE COMPOUND not long after Eric or Maddock arrived. Sean made it clear to everyone that I was family and was to be treated like I’m precious. It’s been a while since a man has treated me like that. And now I’ve found two in the same family. Whoever raised these men did it right.

  A large man, who bears a striking resemblance to Sean and Maddock, strides toward me. He is fierce looking, and he doesn’t look happy. I stumble back a couple of paces, he increases his speed, I feel like a
rabbit caught in a trap, and I’m about to bolt when he’s upon me. This man engulfs me in a bear hug, lifting me off the ground.

  “I am so happy to meet you. You mean something to my brother, so you mean something to me.” He releases me and spreads his arms wide. “To us.” I look beyond him, and the men behind him are grinning and nodding. The impression I have of MC’s is entirely wrong if these men are anything to go by. “He’s been asking for you.” He places a hand on his chest. “I’m Kyle, this is the Loyal Rebels MC. You have nothing to fear here.”

  “Eric asked for me?”

  “Maddock asked for you.”

  “Right, right. Where is he?” I ask impatiently.

  Sean appears at my side, grabs my hand and pulls me away from Kyle and the

  rest of the MC.

  “He’s in an out of consciousness, he’s asked for you a couple of times, but he’s pretty groggy and in a lot of pain. You need to prepare yourself; he’s been hurt pretty bad.”

  I stop and gaze up at Sean, he locks eyes with me and opens the door with his other hand, pushing it wide. Sean reaches up and brushes the hair from my face.

  “You need anything, you call me.” Sean’s thumb rubs across my cheek, and it sends shivers through me.

  “Cherie?” whispers Eric.

  Breaking out of Sean’s grip, I hurry to Eric, grasping his hand. “Hey Eric, are you okay?”

  Eric has a sheet over his body and bandages over both shoulders. Blood has seeped through the white gauze fabric. His face is badly bruised, and he has a black eye. The room looks like something out of a hospital. It feels like a surgical room, sterile, clean, not a room in an MC clubhouse.

  “I am now, and it’s Maddock. Thank you for coming.”

  “Well, your brothers have taken good care of me.”

  A look passes across his face, and he looks past me to Sean. “I’m sure he has.”

  I frown down at him and touch his face. “For someone who lied to me about everything your kinda cocky. Your family is pretty tight.” Maddock nods and winces. “Are you in pain?” I ask worriedly.

  “Only when I breathe.”

  “Do you want me to get the doctor?” asks Sean as he comes into the room, placing a hand on my shoulder as he does.

  “Yeah, Sean, that would be good.”

  I watch Sean leave, my gaze goes back to Maddock who’s staring at me. “He’s been amazing. Sean and Angus brought me to you here in DC. They’ve been nothing but nice to me.”

  “I’m sure they have.” The tone in his voice is full of sarcasm.

  “Is that supposed to mean something? Your brothers have told me more truth about you in the short space of time I’ve known them then you have the whole time I’ve known you. And let’s not forget I came hundreds of miles for you.”

  Maddock’s face softens. “I’m sorry I didn’t tell you the truth, and I’m glad you’re here.”

  “It’s been interesting,” I say with a chuckle.

  Sean comes back into the room with a man; I take a step back so they can work on Maddock.

  “On a scale of one to ten, one being the best, ten being the worst, how’s your pain?” asks the man I assume is the doctor.

  “I’m at an eight.”

  “Okay, I’m going to give you something, but you’re going to go to sleep pretty quickly.”

  The doctor goes to a cabinet on the wall opens it and pushes a syringe into a vial. He quirks an eyebrow at me. “If there’s something you want to say to him, now’s the time.”

  I move back to Maddock, lean over and kiss his forehead. “I’ll be here when you wake up. Sweet dreams.”

  “Only of you.”

  I laugh and nod. “See you in your dreams.”

  Sean guides me from the room. “What do you want to do?” he asks.

  “I would kill for a hot shower and a meal.”

  Sean grabs my hand. “Your wish is my command, come with me.” He leads me down a long hallway, and into a room. “This is my space. You’ll find a shower behind door number one. If you give me your clothes, I’ll get them cleaned.”

  “You know someone who can clean leather pants?”

  Sean laughs. “I’ll figure it out.” He moves past me and opens a closet, pulling out some tracksuit pants and a black T-shirt. Sean holds them up. “Will these do, until I get your clothes cleaned?”

  “Perfect! And thank you!”

  “You need any help getting out of those pants?” Sean asks as I take the clothes off him.

  “I’m good.”

  “Okay then, just drop them outside the bathroom, and I’ll take care of them. And shout if you need anything, and I do mean anything,” says Sean with a smirk.

  I grin at him, shake my head and close the bathroom door. I lean up against it, relief washes over me, knowing that Eric is okay. But he did lie to me. And now I’m miles away from my home with a bunch of men that I don’t know.

  Hell, do I really know Eric? Maddock? Jesus! I sure can pick them.


  DAMN! IF THIS WOMAN ISN’T the sexiest, ballsiest woman I’ve met in a long time. The only downside is it’s obvious she’s into my brother. My brother that I thought was dead; the brother who is laying in our surgical suite cut up to all hell. I wait outside my room until I hear the shower start then I go in and get her clothes off the floor. Her jacket she’s hung on the back of the door, so I’m guessing it doesn’t need cleaning.

  Kyle meets me in the hallway. “How is she?”

  “Cherie is cool. Taking a shower.”

  “You like her?”

  “What’s not to like?”

  “She’s your brother’s girl. Come on Sean, use your head.”

  “He’s lied to her. And I’m pretty sure he hasn’t staked a claim. Far as I can tell, she’s fair game,” I say with a nod and a smirk.

  Kyle glares at me and places a hand on his hip, it’s something he does when he’s angry, if he’s really angry he cocks an eyebrow too. “Sean, as my VP I’m telling you to back off. Not only because he’s our brother but because it’s the right thing to do.”

  A part of me knows what Kyle is saying is true but I can’t deny the attraction I feel for Cherie.

  “How about we let her decide, yeah? As for Maddock, have we asked him about Heather yet? And are Jamie and Loch on their way here?” I ask Sean in an effort to distract him.

  He frowns. “No, I haven’t asked him about Heather. Loch and Jamie are on their way. I didn’t tell them why, only that it was important that they come here. You know how Jamie is, I basically told him it was a matter of life and death. Since Maddock died he’s been keeping away from us, from the MC, I think he thinks it was my fault.”

  “Yeah, Jamie is going to be pissed. He blamed you,us, because of that dick detective. He said it was probably connected to the MC. Maybe now we can re-build

  our family. All we need is Heather,” I reply quietly.

  “If she’s alive. Doesn’t make sense for them to put her into witness protection. Angus has found a mountain of stuff on Zed Fluid Systems; Heather had nothing to do with that.” Kyle drops his hand from his hip and scrubs it across his face.

  “Gotta have a little faith, brother. After all, Maddock has come back to us.”

  Kyle nods but his face is grim, he won’t allow himself to believe Heather could be alive. I know him too well, for him, it would be like losing her all over again. For me, once Angus found snippets of proof that Maddock was alive, I’ve clung to the hope that Heather is too. I won’t give up on her; she was the best of us.

  It’s been three hours since Maddock was given pain relief and drifted off to sleep. Cherie has been fed and is now sitting across from me in the clubhouse bar. She looks good in my clothes. The pants are rolled up and I gave her a pair of socks to wear. Cherie is sitting with one leg tucked under her and the other is bent up on the chair with her hands folded over her knee. She looks comfortable, at ease.

  “So what do you think of DC?” I ask.
r />   “Anything’s better than a small town,” Cherie responds.

  “You don’t like living in the country?”

  “I like living in Breckenridge for my grandaddy. It’s always been home but it’s not the place I want to spend the rest of my days. The world is a big place and I hope to see it all one day.” She looks wistful as she talks about her plans.

  “Did Maddock ever tell you about us?”

  Cherie looks surprised, her leg drops to the floor and she leans forward. “He was very cryptic, at least now I know why. Do you know how he came to be in witness protection?”

  “Angus has gathered information regarding the company he worked for, Zed Fluid Systems but we’d need to confirm that with Mad.”

  “I gather Angus is something of a computer genius? How does he find the information?”

  I raise my hands in the air. “I have no idea, I can barely use my phone properly. Angus has always had a knack with electronics and computers. I’m more of a muscle man.”

  Cherie grins at me. “All brawn no brain?”

  I scoff at her. “Nice!”

  “I didn’t mean it. We are all good at something.”

  “I’m good with my hands, weapons, explosives…”

  “Explosives! What on earth?”

  “I was in the Marines. Joined up straight out of school.”

  “Ahh, makes sense.”

  “So tell me, Cherie, what are you good at?” I tease her.

  Her face clouds over. “I don’t know yet unless waitressing counts?”

  “I bet you are good at a lot of things,” I say as I give her the once over. To my surprise, Cherie blushes and looks down. “You look good in my T-shirt, it suits you. If you wanted to stay—”

  “Sean, Cherie, Maddock’s awake and wants to see you.” It’s Kyle, and his timing is perfect. I scowl at him as Cherie and I both stand.

  “Lead the way, brother,” I growl.

  Kyle raises his eyebrows at me and gives a small shake of his head. I need to be careful. Kyle is my brother first and foremost, but he’s also the head of our MC. He won’t stand for any kind of insubordination, he rules with an iron fist.


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