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Fragments of Light

Page 51

by Beth Hodgson

  We are cyborgs. Built with a purpose, another voice called out within the network.

  A purpose to destroy and conquer, whispered another. There is no hope. We will never be free.

  No, I don’t believe that! Drew argued back within the network.

  The woman studied him for a moment, curious. “It’s so fascinating,” she said, gently stroking his shaved head. “You are the only one whose thoughts I cannot see with my power, even with my new black gift.” Her finger ran down his face to where circuits were exposed, then touched his lips. “I wonder what you are hiding in there?” She paused, about to lean in, then stopped. “So much power, so much information. You and I, we are going to do so much together, along with the princess.”

  The princess. Was the princess going to help this woman too?


  Confusion ran through his circuits. His programming told him to trust this woman, but his mind screamed constant warnings. Drew stood there silently, unable to override her or her orders.

  He had no choice. The master was in control.



  I turned my head toward the fiery heavens and saw the Angel of the Red, the Keeper of the Elements. In spirit form, he took me to the four corners of the earth. “Come,” he said, “I will show you what the God of Light has shown me.” I looked and saw the gift of the red flowing forth from all four corners, and in each corner, a different power arose. Winds blew from the north, waters flowed from the east, fires burned from the west, and the earth shook from the south. They came and filled my soul, instilling me with their ancient wisdom.

  —excerpt from The Spectrum, Chapter of the Red,

  recorded by Varian Hardenburg, 521 M.E.

  Half of the camp was charred when Kyle gained consciousness. He was face down on the hot, dry, rocky dirt, centered within a scorched radius of the desert. His clothes had been incinerated, leaving the backside of his naked body exposed to the wasteland’s hot elements.

  Slightly lifting his head off the gravel, Kyle saw that many of the camp dwellers were gathering around, noticing that he was moving. As his body stirred, the women who had children covered their offspring’s eyes, immediately shooing them away from the incident. From behind him, Kyle heard loud trudging footsteps grating along the pebbles with each step.

  “I wasn’t sure if you were going to make it,” he heard Victor say.

  Kyle stumbled to his feet, exposing his naked flesh to the remaining onlookers of the camp. Glaring at them he grumbled, “Do you mind? Why don’t you all take a picture while you’re at it?” Instantly, the camp dwellers dispersed, except Victor, who tossed a blanket at him. “You know, you could have given me this when I was passed out,” Kyle muttered.

  Victor put his arm around him and chuckled, helping Kyle remain steady. “We did. Several times. Each time the blanket would catch fire and burn up.”

  “Damn. Seriously?” Kyle looked around at the damage throughout the charred area, awestruck. “Did I do that?”

  “Yes. Luckily, when we realized that the magic you were succumbing to was getting out of control, we evacuated the camp, leaving you here.”

  “Thanks,” Kyle muttered. “Glad to know that I have friends that’ll be there for me. How long was I out?”

  “Almost a week now.”

  Kyle turned sharply to Victor. “A week? Why the hell didn’t you wake me up?”

  “We tried, but you were in some type of magical coma. The only thing we could do was pour water on your body. Your skin absorbed it somehow, allowing you to stay hydrated.”

  The image of Emerald came to his mind, her dancing in the flames of his vision. Kyle had to get to her, but he didn’t have any means to get back to Arcadia. His bike was somewhere out in the wastelands, wrecked.

  Kyle snarled, pissed at himself. Pissed that he’d fucked up so hard this time. His anger burned inside of him, and he was going to explode if he didn’t get a move on to find Emerald. He had already wasted days. Fucking days.

  He turned to Victor. “I need to go. Now.”

  “Yes, I think it’s best if you hurry.” Victor led him to Garrett’s trailer, and both entered. Garrett had already laid clothes out for Kyle on his chair. Black leather, his favorite.

  Kyle snatched up the pants, yanking them on.

  “The princess is to marry soon,” Victor called out.

  Kyle spun around in Victor’s direction, latching on to his tunic. “What the hell did you just say?”

  “She’s getting married to the Prince of York. The one that threatened our camp.”

  Kyle’s heart sank in his chest. “Well, shit. I can’t go and stop her, then. Maybe she wants to get married to that asshole. Maybe… maybe it’s her way of helping us.”

  The news hurt. He never liked admitting that kind of emotional crap, but it hurt. Bad.

  “I don’t like him. There is a darkness to him.” Victor paused. “Before she left the camp, the princess told me that she had to go back to Arcadia to face her father. Somehow, I don’t think it’s going as planned. I can sense it.”

  Did Emerald really want to get married to the prince? She’d told Kyle that she did at one point, but did she really want to now? Somehow, Kyle doubted it. Victor was right. The prince did seem like a control freak and was obsessed as hell with finding her. Kyle had a bad feeling about the whole thing, and it didn’t sit right with him. Deep down, he knew the way Emerald felt about him, and what they had. Kyle wasn’t willing to let it go without hearing her say it. If Emerald really wanted to marry that fucking asshole, Kyle would accept it and walk away.

  Kyle sighed loudly, running his fingers through his hair, frustrated. “Fuck! What am I supposed to do? Waltz into Arcadia, break up a royal wedding, and say, ‘Princess, I think you’re making a big mistake?’”

  “Sounds about right,” Garrett said, inserting himself into the conversation. “Kyle, how does it feel, man? Do you feel any different?”

  “I’m mad as hell, that’s how I feel,” Kyle said, throwing the shirt over his head.

  Garrett jolted back when Kyle glanced at him, a look of shock on his face. “Damn,” he cursed under his breath.

  “What?” Kyle demanded.

  “Your eyes… They’ve changed.”

  Kyle quickly rummaged around Garrett’s trailer, looking for anything to cast his reflection. Garrett helped, hurrying over to a messy counter and shoving the clutter aside, revealing a small mirror. He handed it to Kyle.

  Peering into the glass, Kyle saw his new eyes. Eyes the color of sparkling rubies. He hovered close to the glass, almost pressing against it to stare at his appearance, amazed at the change.

  “Well, I’ll be damned. Literally.” He casually tossed the mirror to Garrett, who caught it.

  Garrett chuckled. “Well, I don’t think you should consider your power being damned.”

  “Whatever. At least I’ll scare the hell out of Arcadia when I arrive. Do you have any smokes? My head is killing me.”

  Garrett handed him a pack of cigarettes, and Kyle shoved them inside the borrowed studded black leather jacket.

  Kyle held out his hand. “And your keys.”

  “Keys?” Garrett asked, staring at him blankly.

  “Yes, the damn keys to your bike,” Kyle said, still holding out his hands, waiting for Garrett to respond. “If I’m gonna stop Emerald from marrying that guy, I can’t just fucking walk my ass back there.” Kyle paused for a moment, rubbing his head. “I can’t believe this is happening.”

  Garrett looked to Victor, who gave him a nod. Sighing loudly, Garrett fetched the keys to his motorcycle, then hesitantly slammed them into Kyle’s extended hand. “Don’t fuck up my bike. I just built the damn thing.”

  “I can’t promise you shit, but I’ll try and be good to it,” Kyle said, pulling out a cigarette and shoving it between his lips.

  The moment Kyle thought about needing to light the cigarette, flames flared up from his hand, char
ring the cigarette.

  Garrett and Victor jumped back, shocked. The flames continued to burn in Kyle’s hand.

  I know you’re just as pissed as I am, Kyle told the flames, but together we will get Em back.

  With one solid wave of his flaming hand, they disappeared, and his skin was unharmed.

  Spitting out the charred cigarette, Kyle reached for another one, placing it between his lips. Victor and Garrett watch him curiously as he raised two fingers. A small flame ignited from the tips, lighting his cigarette. Victor and Garrett both stood in astonishment, then smiled at each other at the awesomeness of the power.

  Kyle inhaled his cigarette the longest he could, feeling the buzz of the nicotine. Exhaling, he held the cigarette in his mouth and studied his fingers. “Damn, that’s useful.” He turned to Victor and Garrett, nodding. “Time to haul ass back to Arcadia.”

  “Be safe,” Victor said. “Watch out for those cyborgs. And Damaris.”

  “Yeah. I have no clue what I’m gonna do about that, but I am going to try my damnedest,” Kyle said, stepping out of the trailer.

  “At least come back to return my damn bike,” Garrett called out.

  Ignoring Garrett’s statement, Kyle exited into the hot sun, walking down the trailer’s metal steps while taking another drag. Circling the camper, he came to where Garrett’s bike was parked.

  Taking one last puff of his cigarette, he held it between his fingers and pinched it. Power surged through him, calling forth the water element that he’d conquered in his vision. The power obeyed from within, racing through his blood and into his fingertips.

  Suddenly the cigarette cherry sizzled as if it had been doused in water. Kyle froze the moisture in retribution for trying to drown him earlier within the confines of his mind.

  Let’s see you fuck with me now, damn cyborg!

  Kyle hopped on the bike, started the engine, and took off.


  All night and into the morning, Glacia had been worried for Emerald. When the princess returned to her quarters in the wee hours of the morning, it was apparent that Emerald was not herself. Her face had been expressionless, her eyes vacant, and she only spoke when spoken to. Her bodice had been slightly undone and her hair disheveled, which was a cause for concern. Emerald didn’t say a word about Derek, but instead went right to bed in her evening attire. Glacia wondered if Derek and Emerald had made up. By the looks of it, Emerald did more than make up with the prince, causing Glacia’s stomach to churn.

  Glacia placed her hand over the doorknob to Emerald’s bedroom, pausing.

  “What’s wrong?” Celeste called out from the sitting area. The other handmaidens paid no attention, going about their morning activities.

  “Nothing,” Glacia lied, sighing. How she wished it was nothing.

  Turning the knob, Glacia stepped into Emerald’s bedroom. Emerald sat up from her bed in an unusual manner.

  “Good morning, Princess. Did you sleep well?” Glacia asked, giving her usual bow.

  “Yes,” Emerald replied, her eyes void of life.

  A shiver ran down Glacia’s spine at the unusualness of Emerald’s movement, or lack thereof. Trying to ignore Emerald’s odd behavior, Glacia continued, “Princess, shall we get you dressed? I am sure that you will want to get out of that gown. I don’t know how you could have even slept in that thing. It must have been terribly uncomfortable.”

  Emerald didn’t answer. She rose from her bed and pulled up her hair, waiting for Glacia to undo her gown.

  Glacia hesitantly walked toward Emerald, then began to unlace her bodice. Emerald touched her circlet, cradling it against her head. It was a new headpiece, one that Glacia had not seen before.

  “New circlet, Princess?”

  “Yes. A gift from Derek,” Emerald said without emotion.

  Glacia pulled Emerald toward her, whispering, “Is everything okay?”

  Emerald glanced at her with void eyes. “Yes, why wouldn’t it be? Today is my wedding day.”

  “Wedding?” Glacia echoed, stunned. “Princess, what happened? I thought you were going to break it off with Derek.”

  “Why would I do such a thing? I want to be with him.”

  “You do?” Glacia asked incredulously.

  Emerald paused, looking confused. “Why, yes, of course.”

  At that moment, Drew appeared in one of the corners of the bedroom. He gave Glacia a look of warning, then shook his head. Although he never talked, Glacia knew what he was trying to say. Emerald was not herself.

  The cyborg frowned, then sighed silently.

  Turning quickly to Emerald, Glacia asked, “Princess, if Prince Derek has done something to you, please tell me.”

  “He has done nothing to me.”

  Glacia lowered her voice. “Did he have you?” she asked in a whisper.


  Glacia sighed with relief, but it didn’t help much. The gut-wrenching feeling returned. Everything wasn’t all right. But what could she do if Emerald wouldn’t confide in her?

  “I need to get ready for my wedding,” Emerald said.

  Hesitantly, Glacia bowed while Drew disappeared back into the void. “I will draw a bath for you. There is much to do before this evening,” Glacia said.

  “Yes, thank you.”

  Emerald walked into her private bathroom completely naked as Glacia followed anxiously. The handmaiden began to fill the tub with hot water, scenting the water with lavender oils. Emerald had removed all of her jewelry but the circlet.

  There was noise coming from the bedroom, and Celeste appeared at the bathroom door. “Princess, the prince’s advisor, Ikaria, is here to see you.”

  “Bring her here.”

  Glacia’s jaw dropped, then shot a look to Emerald to see if she was serious. “Princess, do you really want a stranger to see you unclothed? I can have Celeste serve her some wine and have her wait in the sitting room until we are finished.”

  “Bring her here,” Emerald repeated herself.

  Had she stepped into an alternate universe? Glacia couldn’t believe Emerald was insisting on seeing the advisor while having her bath. She was completely out of her mind.

  “Yes, Princess,” Glacia said slowly. She opened the door to fetch Ikaria, but the woman was already standing in the doorway with a deep smile. Her narrow eyes flashed as she strutted in, then she bowed to Emerald.

  “Princess, I am here to bathe you,” Ikaria said smoothly, walking over to the tub, getting on her knees. “The prince told me to take good care of you today, and I intend to do so.”

  Glacia had never seen Ikaria before, but she had heard the wild gossip throughout the palace. She was as beautiful as the rumors claimed. The woman had beautiful violet hair and mysterious black eyes. She wore half of her hair down and half of her hair in a top-knot split ponytail, fastened with several large ornate hair sticks. She was dressed quite provocatively in a fashion that Glacia had never seen before. A revealing armorlike silver top and jewelry and flowing black skirts with high slits.

  “Advisor Ikaria,” Glacia said, bowing, “I can assure you, there is no need. I have been assigned to the princess for years, and have always given her a bath.”

  “I will have Ikaria give me my bath and dress me as well,” Emerald stated. “You may wait out in the sitting room.”

  “What?” Glacia asked, stunned. On Emerald’s wedding day, Glacia wasn’t to dress her best friend?

  “You heard me. Now, please wait for me in the sitting room.”

  Ikaria and Emerald looked at Glacia, waiting for her to leave. Hurt and confused, Glacia promptly bowed, finally accepting her orders. Ikaria flashed a smile at her as Glacia left the bathroom.

  As she walked back into the sitting room, Glacia’s mind raced. She couldn’t accept the fact that Emerald wanted Ikaria to bathe her. It had always been their private time to tell jokes, gossip about the kingdoms, and utter a few laughs before they had to act serious again in front of the royals. Somet
hing was very wrong, and Glacia suspected that Emerald was under the influence of some kind of spell. Maybe Emerald’s magic was going haywire? It had to be. What else could possibly be affecting her? She was clearly not herself.

  Determined to figure out what was going on, Glacia quietly made her way back to the bathroom door, peeking through the crack while listening in on the conversation.

  “I have seen you before,” she heard Emerald say as Ikaria began to wash her hair. Glacia noted that the advisor took care not to remove the circlet from Emerald’s head, simply washing the hair around it.

  “Nonsense, my princess. We have never met.”

  “There were strange people with you. Gifted people. Your sister… she was to be named Empress.”

  Ikaria stopped lathering Emerald’s hair, quickly jerking her by the arm. “And where did you hear that?” she demanded sharply.

  “I saw it in my dreams.”

  The advisor quieted, then finally resumed shampooing Emerald’s hair. “What else did you see in your dreams?”

  “Two blue-gifted men. They wanted my power. They tried to stop me.”

  A sneer flashed on Ikaria’s face as she washed the suds out of Emerald’s hair. “All this time I wondered what the interruption was on that day. And now I finally understand. That is how they discovered you. They just needed to find out when you were from. Interesting.” Ikaria massaged conditioner through Emerald’s long locks, deep in thought. “I think it’s in everyone’s best interest that I make your circlet stronger. I can’t have you talking about such things.”

  Ikaria laid a hand directly on Emerald’s forehead, where the jewel was in the circlet. Slowly, an eerie black glow began to form around her. The mass of energy began to glow brighter with each passing moment, then gathered to Ikaria’s hand. Then with a sudden whoosh, the power swirled away from Ikaria, sucked into the circlet’s jewel.

  Glacia gasped at the sight, slowly backing away while her heart hammered in her chest.

  “Do not toy with the circlet, you understand?” Glacia heard Ikaria say to the princess. “It would be near impossible to remove it anyway, but we don’t want your mind to go unhinged if someone tried.”


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