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Fragments of Light

Page 59

by Beth Hodgson

  Geeta pulled out of their minds to let Suresh work his magic. A fog disappeared from Suresh’s eyes, allowing him to discover himself and the two others bloodied, with Geeta curled up in a ball. Screams from the other men echoed through the temple. Suresh remained silent while panting with faded gasps of breath, unsure of what to do.

  Both stared at each other, waiting for the other to make the first move.

  Why. Geeta, why? Suresh cried out within his mind. You defied the will of the gods by partaking in drinking in the others’ gifted blood! You have gone too far with your vision, whether it be true or false! Suresh’s eyes told her of his disappointment and anguish.

  Then why aren’t you stopping me? You, of all the gifted, could! Geeta argued.

  You know why I do not. Suresh’s flesh was repairing itself. He laid a hand on his mangled arm. His body burned bright green in a halo of healing light. He slowly got up, then looked over at Vihaan, who was making a poor attempt to heal himself with his analogous color.

  “Worthless woman! I demand you come here right now!” Blood spat midair as Vihaan snarled. “You are damned! You hear? Damned and defiled, that’s what you are!”

  I am sorry, Suresh, Kyle heard Geeta say to Suresh while she continued to writhe in agony.

  I am sorry it has to be this way, he replied. I will pray for your soul.

  Please… come with me! We can do this together!

  There was silence. Suresh did not answer her.

  Suresh softly laid his hand on Vihaan, basking him in bright-green light. Vihaan’s torn flesh slowly restored itself. The healing wasn’t complete, but it was enough for Vihaan to move freely, jerking away from Suresh.

  Then, Vihaan charged at Geeta.

  Still fumbling on the ground in her agony, Geeta summoned a violet, translucent curved shield in front of her.

  Vihaan shot out his hand, casting a golden spell, melting away her barrier. Geeta weakly raised her hand, funneling more magic into the barrier. It looked to Kyle that Vihaan’s magic was working faster than Geeta’s.

  “You think that the gods will ever be on your side? I am the high priest, their champion, their voice! You can never win against the gods!” screamed Vihaan. His face contorted as he concentrated more power into melting the barrier. His arm shook while the golden stream continued to flow out of his outstretched palm. “You will destroy everything! You hear me? Everything in this world!” he roared.

  A sharp shock pierced through Kyle’s mind. The world instantly vanished.

  Geeta was fighting back.

  His red eyes shot open, and now, instead of him falling to Arcadia’s depths, it was Geeta who was falling. Kyle realized with alarm that he still had control over her, as her face was blank, and she was falling like a limp doll toward the earth.

  Kyle released his adjacent magic and her mind, calling his power back to him.

  Free from his spell, Geeta screamed in anger, flashing in front of him, midair. With a snarl on her face, she pushed with her arms and shot Kyle back with a violent purple force. Her magic was not focused and completely missed Kyle.

  Kyle frowned, knowing that he’d hit a soft spot in her. In a way he felt bad, but what else was he to do when she was using her force against him? Shouldn’t she be glad that he was finally able to use the full gift of the violet, a color that is not his true gifted color?

  Using red and violet magic, Kyle entered her mind to calm her, then gently guided Geeta to a nearby platform with gentle winds, securing her body there. Kyle released the control of her mind, backing out of her memories, but he kept her body locked in place, just to be sure she knew he finally had won.

  The violet color in Geeta’s pupils returned as her mind was restored to her. With a scowl on her face, she said, “What did you think you were doing?”

  “I was doing what I should have been doing,” he argued, “fighting back with my mind! You were the one who was trying to take over mine!”

  “You weren’t supposed to see that!” she shouted. “No one was supposed to see… to see what I did…” she said, her voice trembling. Her eyes began to water, forming a single tear. It trickled down her hard face.

  Her words silenced him. Kyle knew that what he had seen had made a huge impact on her life. He didn’t even know what to say.

  Kyle scratched the back of his neck anxiously. “I’m sorry…”

  Ignoring him, Geeta walked off. Violet magic radiated from her, and slowly the image of the staff came into view. She yanked at it angrily, then continued to send violet magic funneling into the staff.

  The orb on the staff glowed an intense violet-blue, and suddenly the transparent tint of violet lifted from the world, bringing everything in Arcadia back into color with motion.

  The city was alive once again. Time continued to flow.

  “You are ready,” she called out with her back still toward him.

  A moment later, she disappeared.


  The fierce melody flowed from his lips, while the vibrations of the guitar shook through him.

  Tonight, the way Kyle sang Emerald’s song was different. Before, the melody strengthened his resolve to train harder. But now that time wasn’t frozen, it was a battle cry for what was about to take place.

  He would finally see Emerald. God, he missed her like crazy.

  The sounds of the city renewed his vigor. Rushing air transports, shouts from the platforms, loud music from the neighbors a few levels below; the energy of the city gave him life. The noises filtered in through his song, bringing more life and more magic.

  It had been so long since Kyle had seen Emerald. Would she recognize him? It hadn’t been that long in the grand scheme of things, almost a year for him, but still, even Kyle could see the physical changes in himself.

  He finished the song, then set the guitar down gently and reached for his cigarettes, lighting one up. The tickle of the smoke triggered a release throughout his body. Taking a drink from his flask, Kyle headed inside, sure that Geeta would be finished with her nightly prayers by now.

  As he entered through the patio door, Kyle saw the illumination of Geeta’s warm candles casting light against the walls, the incense curling around her. Normally, Kyle would have headed back out to the patio and given Geeta her space. But now he was intrigued.

  The spicy incense filled his nostrils as he watched Geeta on her knees, head bowed. The candles flickered, and the shadows of the miniature carvings of her gods danced along the wall.

  Her head shifted, aware that he was in the same room as her. Suddenly he was met with her tear-stained face, then she was brushing them away with a hard swipe. Kyle shifted his feet uncomfortably at her stare.

  Kyle silently offered his flask to Geeta as he sat down next to her. She held out her hand in rejection as she shook her head. He moved her hand aside, putting the silver bottle in her face.

  “You need this.”

  Geeta hesitantly accepted, then took a drink. She continued to stare off into the distance, not glancing at him. “Now you know.”

  “Yes, I do,” Kyle agreed. “The truth.”

  “And what truth is that?” Geeta said, her fierce eyes shooting to him, her long dangling earrings swinging over her shoulder.

  “That your husband was an asshole.”

  She lowered her eyes, glancing at the flickering candles.

  “Don’t let that dick continue to terrorize you. Look at you. You’re seriously a kickass woman. You have insanely powerful abilities, one of the purest hearts that I have ever met, second to Emerald, of course, and you trained a sorry ass like me and made me what I am. Stop telling yourself untrue things,” Kyle said. “Besides, that asshole had it coming to him.”

  “I am no different than that wicked sorceress,” Geeta said quietly. “I am unclean and will always be.”

  “Bullshit! I don’t believe that for one minute. If that were true, then why did you spend so much time trying to find and train me?”

  “You saw it
in my mind. I consumed the blood of the other gifted! It is a violation of the laws of the gods, and of nature.”

  “And? You were just doing what was necessary to find me.”

  Her face hardened through her flowing tears. “Really? Was it really necessary for me to control those men? Have them consume their flesh because of my hatred for my husband? I let the darkness into my soul and committed an unspeakable act! Drinking another’s blood, consuming a foreign power, is completely forbidden, no matter what you believe. It upsets the Spectrum of Magic and can twist one’s soul to darkness. That day, instead of being a savior to help you, I gave in to my jealousy, which turned into hatred, making me unclean. And what is worse, I’ve never felt bad about what I did to my husband. I should feel terrible, but I don’t.”

  “You’re right,” Kyle said. “What you did was pretty terrible.”

  Geeta stopped, her eyes wide open, sucking in her breath.

  “But you shouldn’t feel guilty. He was an asshole and got what was coming to him,” Kyle said. “But the question is, what are you going to do about it now? Live in the past and let yourself continue to relive that day and feel guilty? Is there no room for forgiveness? I mean, I’m not religious and all that crap, but doesn’t every religion allow humans to make mistakes and be forgiven?”

  Geeta blinked, pausing. “You sound like a priest.”

  “Priest? Me? Now that’s fucking funny!” Kyle laughed. “More like a drunk ass blessed by the God of Light by accident!”

  Geeta chuckled softly, wiping away her tears. “I just want to be cleansed of my impurity.”

  “Is there a way?”

  “I am hoping your princess can do it when we rescue her.”

  “I am confident that Em will help you.”

  Geeta nodded, then took another drink. She turned her head slightly, but Kyle caught it. She had a small, hopeful smile.



  Kyle, please! Emerald’s voice called out.

  A long corridor expanded in front of Kyle, lined with large windows draped with royal-blue satin curtains. The only light source was at the end of the hall—a glowing, soft pale-azure crack of light behind two giant double doors.

  More cries echoed in the hall.

  He began to run. And run.

  Help me…

  “Hold on!” Kyle screamed. “I’m coming! I won’t let you be taken away again!”

  The hall seemed endless and ongoing.

  Please… don’t, Emerald begged. Please…

  Kyle made it to the end of the hall, coming upon the oversized doors. The steady blue light continued to shine from the cracks behind them. He yanked the handles, but they were locked. He shook harder, but the doors did not budge.

  More cries.

  Kicking furiously with his boot, the door broke free, and Kyle burst through the opening.

  There was Emerald, completely naked, lying in a bed of blue satin. Her head turned in his direction with empty eyes and no movement from her lips. Her hair flowed around her like a sea of waves flowing gently across the delicate fabrics.

  Help me…

  A shadow faded into reality. No, not a shadow, but the prince.

  The fucker was kissing her neck, guiding his hand over her naked flesh.

  Kyle screamed.

  Throwing out his arms, the shouts roared through his body, shaking his mind. His body exploded in flames, then engulfed his dream with blood.

  Kyle was still screaming when he awoke. He was not on fire, but he was covered in sweat and heaved with rage. He shot up and looked around the room for the staff.

  Geeta looked alarmed on the other side of the room, eyes still groggy from sleep interrupted by his screams. “What happened?” she asked. She saw him reach for the staff, then tried to grab it too, only he was quicker. “What are you doing?”

  “I’ll tell you what I’m doing! I’m going after Emerald! That fucking piece of shit touched my woman, and maybe even…” Kyle let out a loud, frustrated yell, kicking the wall hard. “FUCK!”

  Geeta faced him, tried to take the staff once more, but he dodged her. “You can’t yet! It’s not time. The others aren’t here yet.”

  “Fuck time! Fuck those other gifted! Em needs me now. I’ve been dicking around here too long, and it’s about fucking time I go after her!” For the first time in a long time, his eyes welled up with tears. “I… I’m already too late,” he said, choking on his words.

  He headed for the door, staff in hand.

  Geeta flashed in front of the door, blocking his way. “You might be able to take on the sorceress, and stave her off for a time, but you have forgotten about the prince having magic too. And they have the princess under their influence, along with that cyborg. You can’t take them on all at once!”

  “Then fucking come with me, and let’s take care of this shit once and for all!”

  Geeta frowned. Kyle realized he was being a bit too harsh on her, but he couldn’t help it; he was furious.

  After a long pause, Geeta sighed. “I am going to regret this.”

  “Good. Let’s get going.” Kyle held out his hand, expecting her to take it to have her port them to the palace.

  Instead of placing her hand in his, she eyed him for a moment, then closed her eyes. A knife surrounded by violet magic floated to her, hovering above her outstretched hand. Snatching it, Geeta opened her eyes and quickly cut her left wrist. Kyle gasped for a moment, knowing what she was about to offer. A glass floated from a nearby table, appearing below her bleeding wrist, catching the blood droplets.

  “You will need this,” she said softly, nodding toward the floating glass of blood.

  Kyle watched the goblet continue to collect Geeta’s trickling blood. “Will I get all of the colors in you, or only violet?”

  “I do not know for certain, but I believe that you will get all the colors that I have consumed. Yellow, green, blue, and… mine.” Geeta looked at him intensely. “You will have all the colors in the spectrum but one.”

  “Are you sure?” Kyle paused for a moment, watching the blood pulsate brightly as it continued to flow into the glass.

  She nodded. “Yes. I had a vision tonight during my prayers. You used the full power of the Spectrum of Magic. Although this defies all beliefs, for some reason, the gods want you to have this.”

  “But what about the orange blood?”

  “The cyborg,” she answered. “He is the key to you completing the spectrum.”

  Kyle thought about what she was saying. If he had to get the blood from the cyborg, it would be a battle in itself to make that damn robot comply and give up his blood. Somehow, Kyle knew within his life-force that it wasn’t a good idea. Not only that, but hadn’t Geeta herself said that it was a violation of the gods and nature to consume another gifted’s blood? Was this the only way for him to defeat Ikaria?

  His thoughts turned back to Emerald. His love, his life. His complement.

  Thoughts of Emerald painting flooded his mind, the time when she was mixing her paints together.

  So black is all of the colors mixed together? he recalled asking her.

  Em’s words echoed from his memories. It is if you are talking about pigments. But if you are referring to light, all of the colors combined makes white.

  “Geeta, do you remember the first time you told me about complements?” Kyle questioned.

  Geeta eyed him hesitantly. “Yes. Why do you ask?”

  “What was the saying that you said? The one that is taught among your people?”

  “The creation of light is through complements, for each color yearns for its other half. The two colors opposite can eradicate all shades of darkness,” Geeta recited for him, word for word.

  Looking at the glass one last time, Kyle shook his head. “I might regret this later, but I think I understand how to complete the Spectrum of Magic. And it’s not with that.”

  Geeta looked at him in disbelief as the bloodied glass still hovere
d in the air. “You can’t be serious. You must take it! This is the only way!”

  Kyle whirled around, glaring. “Really? Because I could have sworn that you just said it defies the law of magic. You said yourself that once you partake in another’s blood, you become unclean. I have another plan that the sorceress won’t expect.”

  Geeta stood there, stunned. Her pride evaporated from her face as she tilted her head to one side curiously. He held out his hand once more, expecting her to take him to the palace. Instead, she shook her head.

  “What are you waiting for?” he said. “Let’s get on with it!”

  “No. If you are truly going up against Ikaria, I must warn the future.” Geeta paused, taking a deep breath.

  “Please don’t take too long,” Kyle said. “I know I’m the one who wants to kick everyone’s ass, but it would be nice if I had a little bit of help.”

  “I don’t plan to. I’ll most likely be at the palace before you get there.”

  “Yeah, probably,” Kyle said under his breath, thinking of Emerald. “I’m going to get Em first.”

  Geeta eyed him, then nodded at his plan. She was sensing his thoughts, and he allowed her in his mind. She understood what he was about to do.

  “I will wait for you to get your princess to the royal transport platform, and then we will confront Ikaria,” she said, withdrawing from his mind. “I hope you are right about this.”

  “I know I’m right, because it came from Em.” Kyle turned to Geeta, meeting her eyes. “Sorry about the window.”


  With that, Kyle threw out his hand, causing the window to freeze with his red ice magic. He ran into the glass, shattering it as he broke through. A red swarm of wind spun around him, and he took off flying.



  Derek awoke early to the sounds of rolling thunder. The dark sky didn’t let any light pass through the thick atmosphere and had cast the city in an ominous darkness. It was drizzling outside, and by the looks of it, there were very few transports in operation, as the fog was heavy.


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