Book Read Free

Alien Exchange Program

Page 7

by Robert Lubrican

  "I told you. They just happen sometimes."

  "This isn't the first time this has happened," she said. "That this body got a boner because of you, I mean."

  "What are you talking about?"

  "When we were hiking? That first day? I was behind you. I watched you walking. I got to see myself from a completely different perspective. For maybe the first time in my life I didn't pick my image apart. I was happy that my body looked like it looked. And then my new body got a boner. I told you about it ... remember?"

  Craig blinked. He remembered that vividly.

  "That was because of me?"

  "Obviously. It was you I was watching. Remember? You asked me what I had been thinking about. Well, what I had been thinking about was that my body looked good. And now I hug you because you're crying like one of my girlfriends, and suddenly I'm all stiff in my pants again. So have you been perving out on me before this?"

  "Of course not!" said Craig. "I mean sure, I've wished I could get a peek at you in the shower or whatever, but that's just because I've never gotten to see a naked girl. I'd like to see any girl naked. It's not like I lust after you or anything. Jeez, Carly, give me a break, here."

  "I'd be happy to give you a break, but my body seems to want to give you a boner instead!"

  Craig sat down on the edge of what was now his bed. It had a pink comforter on it. The thought of being surrounded by girl things for the rest of his life was suddenly depressing.

  "It doesn't matter anyway," he said, softly.


  "I said it doesn't matter. I am you now. So if some deep dark part of my mind thought you were hot, then all that means now is that I think I'm hot. And that body really does get erections for no reason at all. There's no point in worrying about it. Are we going to talk about our friends or not?"

  "We are," she said. "And don't worry. I'm not all that freaked out. Remember I said I liked what I saw on that hiking trail. Maybe getting a hardon is just this body's way of expressing approval."

  "I never quite thought of it that way," said Craig. "Usually, whenever that happened to me, I was paying more attention to hiding it than anything else."

  "Interesting," said Carly, who sat down beside him. She giggled.

  "What's so funny?" he asked.

  "I was just thinking about all those guys at school, imagining all of them to be stiff, and trying to hide it. I'll never talk to another guy again without wondering if he's trying to hide a boner."

  "Well don't ask them," said Craig. "You do and they're going to think you're gay."

  Carly looked down at her body. She'd already grown used to the power in this body, the feeling of invincibility. In this body she could still approach her girlfriends ... still be friends with them, even if it was on a slightly different, weirder level. She glanced over at her old body. It really was going to be tough for Craig. If he used the same attitude with his friends as he had in the past, they'd think she was flirting with them. Knowing some of them, they'd try to put the move on him. And that would freak him out to the max.

  "Maybe you're right," she said, softly.

  "Which part?" he asked.

  "About it being harder to be a girl than a guy."

  "I know I'm right," he sighed.

  "But I'll help you," she said.

  "I hope so."

  "I will. I'll help you any way I can. We're in this together."


  She stood up and started taking off her clothes.

  "We may as well go to bed. We have a lot of ground to cover, and I'd rather do it lying down than standing up."

  "What about ...?" Craig looked meaningfully at her zipper.

  "I thought you said you'd teach me how to make it get soft."

  He blinked. Then he thought about that. He touched his cock all the time. It was no big deal. And just because he had different hands, that didn't change anything. Not really. It would be weird doing that and not being able to feel anything, but if she wasn't distracted by the boner, she'd be able to concentrate more on helping him keep his head above water in the ocean of estrogen he was going to have to live in from now on.

  "Sure," he said. "No problem."

  It was surprisingly odd, seeing his body become naked in front of him. He remembered her saying she'd checked her former body out on the trail and liked it. He'd been able to understand that because he'd always thought she was pretty cute. Not that he could admit that during that particular conversation. So now he looked at his own body as she bared it. He was mildly surprised to find that he thought he was pretty cute too. He'd never been satisfied with the condition of his muscles, always wishing they were bigger. But now that he could look at the whole package, he realized everything was in proportion. There was some definition on his arms and legs, and his abs looked better than he'd ever thought before.

  Then he looked at his penis. Unlike most boys, he'd never stood in front of a mirror with an erection. It wasn't because he'd never thought about it. He just didn't have a full length mirror. There was one in his parents' bedroom, but he wasn't about to go in there and examine himself naked in it. So this was the first time he was able to look at his body in toto ... at his maleness as a complete package.

  He approved. That ball of heat in his belly approved.

  His nipples approved.

  "You're staring," she said. Her hands came to cover the nipples on her chest. It was such a natural thing for a girl to do that he laughed.

  "What?" She frowned, but didn't move her hands.

  "You're covering the wrong part," he said.

  She looked down. Slowly, she moved her hands to cover her new genitals.

  "This feels weird," she said.

  "Well, you look normal." He smiled. "For a guy, anyway."

  "Gee, thanks."

  "Can I ask you a question?"

  She looked up. "While I'm naked?"

  "It's appropriate," he said.


  "Right now, I feel all funny right here." He pointed at his abdomen. "And my nipples feel itchy and I have this urge to squeeze them. It's kind of like feeling horny, except it's really different. So is this how girls feel when they like what they see ... or have you secretly been perving out for me?"

  He watched the look of shock come over the face he was so familiar with. Her hands fell away from her groin and waved in the air, expressing her agitation.

  "Need I remind you that it's your brain in my body?" she snapped. "If anybody is perving out, it's you!"

  He grinned and pointed to the rigid penis that jutted from a nest of dark brown hair.

  "My brain isn't in that body," he said, smugly.

  "Yeah, but some of your perviness probably still is," she said, suddenly pouting.

  "Maybe," he said. "It doesn't matter. We're stuck, and that is going to happen again." He pointed at her erection. "Lots of times. Trust me on that. So lie down on the bed and I'll show you what to do about it."


  "Are you sure this is going to work?" Carly asked her brother.

  "Trust me," he said, contemplating what had been his body, lying naked on the bed in front of him. "I know how to make that body happy."

  As it turned out, though, it was equal parts easy and difficult.

  Gripping his penis with his sister's hand felt different to his senses. But his penis itself felt familiar. Moving his hand in just the right way was easy. He knew how hard to squeeze and how fast to go. Quite suddenly, she was an avid and willing participant.

  Her feedback was comical, because she writhed under his touch, moving and breathing hard. About all she could say at first was, "Wow! That feels good!" A few minutes later it became, "That feels fantastic, Craig!"

  That was when the first problem surfaced. Craig was used to feeling things both with his hands and in his genitals. But now it was as if he was blind, or deaf, or something. He couldn't feel what she was feeling, and that was the part he needed to feel to know when to do things just
so, and finish her off.

  "You need to tell me when to speed up," he said, frowning.

  "How do I know when to tell you that?" she panted, lifting her hips and then letting them sag back down.

  "You should start feeling a pain, sort of inside your penis, except it's a really good pain, and that's when I need to speed up."

  "It's already there," she panted. "It stings, all along the inside of your penis. My penis."

  "Good. I was getting worried. It usually doesn't take this long."

  He sped up, having to estimate things, and then the second problem reared its head.

  He usually thought about some girl he wished he could see naked, or even fuck, as he came. But he couldn't tell her to do that. It wouldn't even work ... right? If that worked, that would mean she was a lesbian ... wouldn't it?

  But that meant he had to tell her to think of a boy, and that just made him feel ill.

  Still, it needed to be done. He clamped down on his emotions and spoke.

  "Now, think of a cute guy, a guy you wish you could kiss ... or something." That was as far as he could go. He couldn't bring himself to say, "a guy you wish you could fuck."

  "Who?" she gasped.

  "I don't know!" he said, frustrated. "Somebody you wish was your boyfriend. Somebody you'd like to make out with."

  "Okay ... Jerry Harrison!" she blurted.

  "Don't tell me who it is," he groaned. "Just think about him."

  She closed her eyes and he whaled on what had been his cock. He'd always liked Jerry, but now he wanted to throttle the guy. Part of that was because Jerry Harrison had, more than once, talked about what a hottie Carly was. In Craig's presence. He'd also proclaimed Craig to be lucky, because he had the kind of access to Carly that might let him see her naked.

  It's possible that his anger about the idea of Jerry being with is sister naked helped him go as fast and violently as said sister needed to make her new penis spurt. It was also possible that Carly recognized the similarity between when she'd been about to have an orgasm as a girl, and having one as a boy.

  Suddenly her eyes squinted and her mouth opened.

  "Oh shit!" she gasped.

  Semen shot into the air. Her eyes popped open and her mouth worked, fishlike, as amazement flowed over her face. She looked down as he continued stroking, knowing how to milk the organ in his hand. He wasn't happy about his cum getting all over the place, including his hand, but he knew she needed to know what it felt like to stroke things out to the end.

  "Holy crap!" she moaned, and suddenly her hand came to touch his. He let go and she grasped what was now her penis. He saw what had been his hand slowly squeeze and move, experimentally, and saw immediately that she had already figured it out.

  "There you go," he said, leaning back.

  "Oh my gosh! That was intense!" she said.

  "Now you know why I do it so much," he said.

  "I wish I could do it again right now," she replied.

  "Well, you have to wait a little while. On a good day I can get it up again in ten or fifteen minutes, but if you do that too many times in a row, it won't get hard for a whole day, or if it does it will be too sore to jerk on."

  "Wouldn't that be good?" she asked, remembering how frustrating it was to have a boner most of the day.

  "You want to go a whole day without feeling that?" he asked.

  She blinked.

  "I get your point," she said.

  Suddenly she sat up. Strong hands reached for him and he felt himself being pulled off balance, against her. He felt weak and helpless as he was manhandled. Lips mashed to his cheek.

  "Thank you, big brother," she said against his cheek.

  Her breath was hot in his ear.

  He felt those tingles start up in his middle again. He didn't over think it. He was used to being horny. And since it was his own body, or at least the body he used to inhabit that seemed to be making him horny, he didn't think of it as incest.

  "My turn," he said, leaning back again and taking off his clothes.

  By habit he tossed her his T shirt after he took it off, and said, "You can clean up with that."

  He was confused when she snorted, derisively, and went to her bathroom, where she used a damp wash cloth instead.


  "I don't know if what I had last night was an orgasm or not," he reminded her, as he lay down, naked. He spread his legs automatically, without even thinking about it.

  "Trust me, I know how to make this body feel good too," she assured him.

  She thought about the vibrator, only a few feet away, but decided to save that for later. She could tell he was a little freaked out that she masturbated at all. She thought that was funny, seeing as how his body got horny so easily. In the past, she had only felt the urge to ease that kind of tension a couple of times a week, at most.

  "I'm going to have to lie down next to you to get my hand in the right orientation," she said.

  He looked at her, and she saw her own, familiar eyes drop to focus on the penis that now was soft and spongy, but still felt delightful. That orgasm had been so intense, and so different, she was still amazed that her new body could feel something like that. And any time she wanted!

  "I've never been with a naked boy when I did this," she said.

  "Good," he responded, automatically.

  "So how does your body feel, now that it's with a naked boy?"

  "Weird," he said. "But horny. This is going to drive me crazy."

  "You'll be fine. It's just me. You know me, even if I'm in your body."

  "Just hurry up. I'm used to getting this over with in ten minutes or less."

  "I take a lot longer than that," she said.

  "I want to cum," he complained.

  "Pay attention, then," she said.

  She used her tried and true method, which involved using three fingers by sliding them sideways, back and forth across the top of her labia. That moved both the relatively loose skin of her upper labia back and forth, and bent and mauled her clit at the same time. It never failed to give her an orgasm, though she often stopped in the middle of things to press, and rub in circles, or insert a finger in her vagina or whatever. She liked to drag things out, because it felt so good.

  But she knew that if she didn't stop, he'd get off.

  She reacted to seeing what still looked to her eyes like her brother's hand, mauling the soft, bald skin she was so familiar with, in the same way he had. She saw his hand doing this, but she felt it with her senses. So it was a lot like doing it to herself, at least in her own mind. She didn't see it as incestuous at all.

  And she had the same problem he had. She knew what to do, but couldn't feel the result in her belly, like she'd always been able to feel before. So, like him, she didn't know quite when and how much to speed up.

  What saved her consisted of two things. The first was that, while she couldn't feel the sensations she was producing with her hand, she knew how hard to press, and that avoided the problem he'd had the night before in his sleeping bag, when he applied too much pressure. Second, the mind in the body being stimulated reacted like the male mind it was.

  He wanted to have an orgasm. He needed to have that orgasm, on a very male level. And he did the same thing he always did when he wanted to cum. He thought about a girl, and made her naked in his mind, and then imagined having sex with her.

  The orgasm, when it came, wasn't like anything he'd ever felt before. He was used to his penis getting closer and closer and closer to the critical point. At that point he could literally will himself to cum. But those sensations weren't present in this body. This body just felt good, and then it felt like there was something deep in his belly that was expanding, like a balloon. And it kept growing. His instincts kicked in and he gasped, "A little faster!"

  When she complied, whipping thick, rough fingers across his clit, his hips lurched upwards without conscious control and that balloon inside him burst in an explosion that encompassed his entire up
per torso. It was incredible. He was used to all that intense pleasure being concentrated in his penis and balls, but this ... this was like stepping naked from air conditioning into blazing sunlight. But it was more than that. It was so powerful that he couldn't think.

  He just lay there and enjoyed it. Or felt like he was just lying there. Actually, his new body was flopping around as it came.

  Carly leaned back, easing off on the clit she'd been rubbing so furiously. She knew it would be sensitive right now, in a way that was astonishingly like her new penis had felt after it spurted. As a little treat, she slid a finger into his vagina and wiggled it around a little bit. She knew how good that felt when she had done it before. It would feel even better with his thicker finger. Her eyes ranged over the flushed skin of her body's breasts, and how stiff her nipples were. So that's what it looked like when she came.

  She was both startled and amazed when she realized her new penis was stiff again.


  "We really should talk about our friends before we go to sleep," said Carly.

  They were lying there, still naked. It didn't seem odd, because each saw what, to them, was their own body. Their breathing was normal now.

  "Who do you want to talk about?" he asked.

  She thought about it. In the body he now inhabited, he'd be hanging out with her friends. It was obvious that the bodies they were in now reacted to their thought patterns in ways that were different, and yet the same. She was likely, she was sure, to get boners when she was around guys she thought were cute. She didn't think the guys would notice. And if they did, they probably wouldn't think it was odd. They might even have boners themselves!

  Suddenly she was curious about what had caused him to have erections in the past.

  "Which of my friends have you ever gotten a boner for?" she asked.

  He thought for a few seconds.

  "Cindy Thurgood usually gets me going," he said.

  "Really? Why?"

  "She's got big titties," he said.

  "They're called breasts," she said, her voice severe.

  "She's got big breasts," he said, with exaggerated patience.


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