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Alien Exchange Program

Page 12

by Robert Lubrican

  Carly lay on her side, watching the two female forms in front of her. She was hard again, but it wasn't the iron hard kind of erection that demanded immediate attention.

  Again, it seemed oddly dream-like to see her own body engaged in something she could remember doing, yet not feel what was going on.

  It had been going on for quite a while, which accounted for the fact that, even though she'd had the most amazing cum, her penis was firming up yet again.

  Part of why it had been going on for so long was because Craig, though eager to proceed with something he'd only dreamed about doing before this, didn't quite know what to do, and had to be instructed.

  But once he caught on, and once he associated what he was doing to what she had earlier done to him in the shower, it turned out that Craig Austin was a natural at sucking pussy.

  For Craig, there was a progression of new and strange impressions as he learned. There is a big difference in feeling the vulva with one's fingers, and touching it with one's lips and tongue. He started out feeling horny in that still odd female kind of way that built slowly deep in his belly. But the first time Sherry cried out in orgasm, the feeling of both pride and gladness that he was able to do that for her caused him to keep going. It being his first time, the orgasm Sherry grasped at was actually a little one, and she encouraged him to continue.

  Two orgasms later, his own level of horniness had actually abated, as his prime purpose changed to one of satisfying his lover, rather than seeking his own satisfaction. This was something so new and so novel that he instantly fell in love with the concept.

  True, his own labia were flushed, full and dark pink. And his own sexual lubricating juices had made those labia wet and shiny. But he no longer felt the insatiable need to rub them, as he had when he first started licking Sherry's also flushed pussy lips.

  Meanwhile, next to them, Carly felt a new emotion as well.

  For the first time in her life, she contemplated what it might be like to slide the penis she now owned into a hot, clasping vagina.


  "That's enough," gasped Sherry, pushing at Craig's tangled tresses. "I can't take any more."

  Craig leaned back and smacked his lips.

  "You taste good," he said. "That was awesome. How'd I do?"

  "You'll do in a pinch," panted Sherry. It was obvious to the twins she was understating things.

  "How was he compared to me?" asked Carly.

  "Different," said Sherry. She frowned, briefly. "I wonder if it would feel different if you did it now, in that body."

  "Maybe we can find out later," said Carly. "This was supposed to satisfy everybody enough so we could get back to work."

  "We were working on things," said Craig. "Seeing as how I'm not letting some guy stick his cock in me, what I just did is the only thing I'll be able to do in the future. I hate to say it, dear sister, but Carly's going to turn out to be a lesbian, whether you want her to be or not."

  "How'd you like sucking my ... dick?" asked Carly, looking at Sherry.

  "I loved it," said Sherry. "Can you believe it? I'm a cock sucker and I love it!"

  "Well then," said Carly. "Maybe I'll try that as well."

  "No fucking way!" objected Craig.

  "Then no more talking about me being a lesbian," argued Carly.

  "What else am I supposed to do?" complained Craig.

  "Don't worry about that now," suggested Sherry. "You've got me for the foreseeable future. I'll never have a boyfriend."

  "Bullshit," said Craig. "There's nothing wrong with you."

  "Would you have asked me out before you got switched?" asked Sherry.

  Craig blinked. He knew the answer to that question. He just didn't want to give it.

  "Things have changed," he said, instead.

  "Not for all the other boys in this town," pointed out Sherry.

  "I'll tell my friends how cool you really are," said Craig.

  "Your girl friends?"

  "No," said Craig, not understanding. "My guy friends."

  "You don't have any guy friends any more, stupid," said Sherry. "You're Carly now ... remember? You have a bunch of girl friends, and you have a crush on Jerry Thurston and Thomas Henderson."

  "No fucking way!" said Craig, immediately. He knew both boys, but wasn't "friends" with either of them.

  "Now we're getting to the part I was worried about," sighed Carly.


  They spent all day sitting at the kitchen table, talking about scenarios and situations that each teen could expect to find themselves in. Neither was very happy when Fran came bustling through the door from the garage and greeted them.

  "How's it going?" she asked.

  "Awful," said Carly. "I don't want to be a boy."

  "It will get better with time," said Fran, doing what all mothers do when they try to cast a better light on things.

  "No it won't," said Carly. "I'll never get used to this. And school is coming. We should just move somewhere else."

  Fran had actually also thought about moving elsewhere. She knew that would make a huge difference in how the kids would be able to adjust to this incredible thing that had happened to them. But moving wasn't a real option right now. They couldn't afford it. Not on the basis of finding a new house and new jobs within a three week period.

  The children were just going to have to learn to cope.

  "We'll see," she said. "But I'll be honest with you. We can't just pick up and move right now.”

  "We could go stay with Uncle Bob," suggested Craig, referring to their mother's brother, who lived on a ranch in Wyoming.

  "That would be a last resort," said Fran. "And you'd have to let Bob in on the secret. I'm not willing to do that at the current time. You two need to adapt to this. You're going to have to do that eventually. We don't know of any way you can change what happened, and you can't ignore it. That's the reality of the situation. So try your best to do that adapting now. If you just can't, we'll talk about the other options."

  "Okay," said the twins together, with the same dreary tone.

  "They're doing better than they think they are," said Sherry, remembering how lovingly Craig had given her orgasms. He'd behaved just like a girl would. Or at least that's what she had decided to believe. Only one other girl had ever done that. And that girl had been in the same body! But that was the point. Craig had been able to behave like Carly had behaved. At least in that particular situation.

  "I have an idea," said Fran. "Why don't you take the car and drive over to the mall in Silver Springs. You don't know anybody over there, and you can mill around with people and practice being yourselves." She blinked. "Your new selves, I mean."

  "That's a good idea," said Sherry.

  The chorus of Love Me Like You Do, by Ellie Goulding, suddenly burst from Sherry's right, front pocket and she reached in to pull out her cell phone.

  "My mother," she said, looking at the face of the phone. She lifted it to her face and said, "Hi, Mom. What's up?"

  The others intuited the content of the conversation, which was basically Sherry's mother asking if she was ever going to grace her parents with her presence again. Sherry said she'd just been getting ready to come home and grimaced at Fran, who knew it was a lie.

  "I'd better go," she said, when she terminated the call. "I'll come back as soon as I can. Maybe tomorrow?"

  "Don't get in trouble with your mother," said Fran. "We don't need to draw attention to this. But thank you for helping them."

  "Oh, believe me, it was my pleasure!" said Sherry. Carly reached out to punch her in the shoulder, but then changed it to a simple touch, as her mother's eyes were drawn to the gesture.

  "Of course," said Fran. "Young people always enjoy something unique and challenging."

  "Oh, it was unique," said Sherry, grinning.

  "Time to go!" blurted Carly, grasping her friend's upper arm and pushing her toward the door.

  "Craig!" barked Fran. Immediately she realized her m
istake. "Carly," she corrected. Then her face got thoughtful. "Actually, that's quite good. It's something someone might expect Craig to do." She looked at her daughter, caught in a boy's body. "But it's still rude. I don't know whether to praise you or scold you."

  "Welcome to our world," said Craig. "Come on. We'll walk you home."


  Outside, they only got a few feet before Craig turned to his sister and said, "Will it look normal for you to walk with us?"

  She stopped.

  "No," she said. "Good point."

  "I'll walk her home," he said.

  "What should I do, then?" asked Carly.

  "You could mow the yard," said Craig.

  "That's your job," said Carly.

  "And now you're me," he said, grinning.

  "I don't even know how to start the stupid mower," said Carly.

  "As soon as I get Sherry home, I'll come back and teach you all that. Just get everything out of the shed."

  "Oh, okay," groaned Carly. "Hurry up."

  "I will."

  Sherry only lived three blocks away. Neither of them spoke for the first of those blocks. Finally Sherry broke the silence.

  "Thank you," she said.

  "What for?" asked Craig. "I'm the one who should be thanking you."

  "It's just ... I don't know. It's complicated."

  "Gee. You think so?" he asked, sarcastically.

  "What I mean is that you look like Carly, and sometimes I think of you as Carly, but I know you're Craig and I've never felt things for Craig like I feel them now. Like I feel about you now."

  "How do you feel about me?" asked Craig, feeling tension leap into his body.

  "I thought you were a pain in the butt before," said Sherry. "Now, not so much."

  "That's it?" He hadn't exactly been hoping for more, in the sense that he didn't think of Sherry as girlfriend material. At the same time, he wanted her to like him. He realized it was complicated.

  She moved over and touched his arm with hers. Her voice was very low when he spoke, but he heard her clearly.

  "You can suck my pussy any time you want."

  "Wow," he said, thinking about that. "But you still like guys ... right?"

  "Of course I still like guys. One in particular ... even if he does look like a girl. Okay?"

  He felt a glow inside, and grinned.

  "Thank you," he said.

  "You're welcome," she replied.

  "It's really different with Carly too," said Sherry, half a block farther.

  "I can imagine," said Craig. "I've got a pretty good body, huh." He frowned. "My old one, I mean," he added.

  "She has a pretty good body," said Sherry. "That's the only reason I did what I did."

  "Because it was really Carly?"

  "Of course. I'd never do that with a boy." She frowned. "Any other boy," she amended.

  They walked on and crossed Maple Street. Sherry's house was the fifth one away, now.

  "So ... do you think you'd ever do more with her?"

  "Like what?" asked Sherry.

  "Like ... you know ... do it?"

  Sherry stopped and faced the body of her best friend.

  "No way, Craig," she said. She blinked. "I mean Carly. I told you. I'm a virgin."

  "Well you're not exactly a virgin," he said, remembering exploring her pussy with his middle finger, while he licked her clit.

  "Yes I am. I've never had a real penis in me, and that's not going to happen until I'm married. Playing around is one thing. But having real sex is different. I could get pregnant, for example. You think that's a great idea?"

  "Of course not. I just wondered, that's all. I mean she's your best friend and now she has a cock, and if you'd ever thought about doing that ... you know."

  "Of course I've thought about it," said Sherry. "Every girl thinks about it. But I'm not doing it. It's too dangerous. And besides, you can only lose your virginity one time in your whole life. You should save that for somebody really special."

  "I get it," said Craig. "And I'm not trying to pressure you. I was just curious, that's all."

  "Why would you be curious about it?" asked Sherry. "I know it's your body, but if we did that, you wouldn't feel it."

  Her face cleared and her eyebrows rose.

  "You want to watch somebody do that!"

  He shrugged. It was strangely easy to have this conversation.

  "I guess so," he admitted. "I mean I can't ever do that. I've thought about it a million times, and now I'll never be able to do it."

  "Nonsense," she snorted. "You could find out what it feels like, just from another perspective."

  "I'm not going to let some guy stick his cock in me," said Craig, firmly.

  "Neither am I," said Sherry, smugly. "Now we understand each other."

  "Yes, but there's a difference," insisted Craig. "Someday you will let a guy put his cock in your pussy."

  "True," said Sherry, carelessly. "But only the right guy. This is far enough. I don't want my mother talking to you. Not yet. See you later."

  Then she was off, running like a deer, leaving Craig standing there.

  He watched her go.

  And he knew that, if he had been in his own body, he'd be getting an erection.


  Back at home, Craig found his sister in her new room, going through his clothes and rearranging them in his chest of drawers.

  "What are you doing?" he asked. "I thought we were going to mow the lawn."

  "We can do that later," she said, dismissively. "Right now I'm trying to figure out what I want to wear and what I don't," she said.

  "There's nothing wrong with anything I wear," he said. "Used to wear,” he corrected.

  She held up a T shirt, with the word "Metallica" across the chest and three lines of white crosses converging in the background.

  "This is awful," she opined.

  "You're crazy," he scoffed. "That's a great shirt."

  "I'm not wearing a shirt that has a graveyard on it," she said. "You should be doing the same thing. You're going to have to wear all my clothes. I can't wait to see you in a dress."

  "Crap," groaned Craig.

  She pulled out a pair of Craig's Fruit of the Loom briefs. They were blue, with a white waistband.

  "These are okay," she said.

  She handed them to Craig and undid her belt. With no embarrassment at all, she shoved her jeans down and stepped out of them. Craig looked to see his penis dangling, flaccid. He hadn't realized it looked like it was lying on top of his balls until he saw it from this perspective. He thought about pointing out that she didn't have a boner, seeing as how she complained about it so much, but decided not to.

  She bent over and stepped into the briefs, pulling them up as she stood. She tugged them into position, and he grinned as her motions mimnicked the way a girl would pull panties into position. She didn't notice as she made small adjustments, pulling here and there.

  "Feels weird," she said, touching the bulge in the front. "I think I like it better without."

  "Did you like it better without when you were a girl?" he asked.

  "No, I always wore panties," she said.

  "Why? You had nothing to keep in them."

  "I just did, okay?"

  "Well, what if I don't?"

  "Then you have to remember to keep your knees together when you sit down," she said. "Actually, you have to remember to do that anyway, whether you're wearing panties or not."

  "Even when I'm wearing jeans?" he asked.

  "Even then. Girls are taught to keep their knees together. It's just the way it is."

  "Got it," he said. "Protect that pussy."

  She turned to face him.

  "You want a penis going in your pussy?"

  "Of course not," he said, taken aback by the vehemence in her voice.

  "Then keep your damn knees together!"

  "Okay, okay. Don't get your panties in a bunch."

  She skinned the blue briefs back d
own her legs and kicked them away. She got back into her jeans and stood. As she buckled her belt, she looked at her brother.

  "I'm not wearing any panties to get in a bunch!"

  Craig decided to end the argument. He didn't like arguing. Not with Carly. They were a team. They'd always been a team.

  "I like Sherry," he said, to that end.

  The reaction he got wasn't what he expected. After all, Carly liked Sherry too. It was something they could agree on.

  "You like her?" Her voice was flat. "Like in boy likes girl?"

  "No, not that," he said, a little frustrated. "I mean I'm glad she came around. I'm glad she's helping us."

  "You're glad you finally get to have sex with a girl," she said.

  "Why are we arguing?" he groaned.

  "Because I'm frustrated!" she barked.

  Then she suddenly slumped.

  "I don't want to be a boy," she moaned.

  Tears welled from her eyes.

  Finally the team was brought back together as Craig hugged his own body. He thought less about how that felt to his hands, than he did about trying to make her feel better.

  It was a long, tender hug.


  They had no plan, really, which is why it was a good thing that Fran gave them a list of things they needed to think about as they tried to move forward in their new bodies.

  It was an extensive list, thought up from the perspective of a pair of adults who tried to imagine what it would be like to be in the predicament their children were in.

  One of the things on the list was the use of tampons, during what would soon be Craig's first menstrual period, which was marked on her calendar as being expected to start the very next day.

  It was interesting. Fran offered to teach him how to manage everything. The idea of his mother seeing him naked, and touching him like that was something he just wasn't ready for. Touching his sister, and being touched by her was different. They'd always been close. But having his mom insert a tampon in his pussy was a little too much.

  So Carly ended up handing that part of his education.

  It was funny, because right in the middle of it all, she commented, "I cannot believe I'm getting a boner. This is the least sexy thing I can think of, and I'm getting a freaking boner!"

  "Are you sure this is actually necessary?" he asked.


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