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Alien Exchange Program

Page 17

by Robert Lubrican

  "Okay," he huffed. "Get on your back."

  "Don't be bossy," she said, grasping the lobe his ear with her teeth and biting a little more than gently. Less than a month ago, that delicate lobe had been on her own ear.

  "Please, Kar!" he begged. "I'm dying here."

  "I thought that was supposed to be the boy's line," she teased, crooking her finger to search for that special place on the top of her vagina that loved to be scratched. On his vagina now.

  "Part of me still is a boy," he groaned. "But all of me is horny. Please, let me rub on you. Maybe I'll even suck it when I'm done."

  She rolled back in shock, and her hand stopped. She didn't remove her finger from his pussy, but she stared at him as he rolled his head. There was pleading in his eyes.

  "You are in a bad way," she said, softly.

  "I've never felt like this before, Kar."

  "Okay. Come to Mamma. I'll make you feel all better."

  She pulled her finger from the clasping flesh, pausing to run the tip in a circle around his clit, and then lay back on the bed. Her erection jutted, as usual, at about a 35 degree angle. The still feminine part of her reached for him, as he got on all fours and crawled to straddle her body with his knees and hands.

  She stared at what she had never been able to think of as anything but her own face. It was fascinating to see that face, surrounded by a halo of messy hair. The cheeks were flushed and the eyes were bright as if some tiny night light had been turned on behind them. Or in them. Or something.

  Then the face disappeared and what she saw was the top of her old head as he looked to arrange things. She felt a hand on her cock, and then warmth pressed it against her belly. She hadn't realized it was chilly until it was enfolded in hot pussy lips and sandwiched between their bodies.

  "Oh, yeahhh," groaned Craig as he moved and scraped his clit along the bottom of her boner. "Fuck! That feels good."

  "Don't be vulgar," she chided. "Carly doesn't talk that way."

  "Carly doesn't usually do this either," he panted. "She'd better not, anyway."

  "You're me, now," she said, reaching to fondle hanging breasts. "You get to decide who Carly gets frisky with, now."

  "Not with anybody but you," he panted, moving faster. "Oh, Kar, you have no idea how good this feels."

  "Then do it all you want," she sighed.


  Nature has a way of doing what the organisms who live on her world sometimes try to avoid doing themselves. The best example is population control. Neither man, nor animals, nor any known plant life willingly culls its own population when it starts to get too big to be supported by the available resources. I'm sure there have been exceptions, but generally speaking no species willingly kills off part of its own population just so the rest can survive.

  But they don't have to, because nature does it for them. In fact, they don't even have to think about it. Nature just acts, culling the herd until there are enough resources to support what's left.

  I don't mean to be grisly at a tender part of the story, but it really is the best example I could think of, concerning how powerful nature's control over everything is. Humans think we can control parts of it, and maybe we can resist her efforts in little ways, or temporarily, but trust me, in the end, the "last man standing" will be Mother Nature. Okay, I should have said Father Nature. Or maybe “last person standing.” You know what I meant.

  The point is that both Craig and Carly had been trying desperately to exert some control over the bodies they'd been swapped into. It was bad enough just to be in the wrong body. What made it worse was that that body was also of the opposite gender. Had they lived alone, in the wilderness, they might have been able to adapt to all that, but they did not live in the wilderness, and the society all around them had expectations of what they should do and how they should act.

  But Mother Nature's expectations was for the girl to eventually have intercourse with a boy. If they produced offspring to keep the not-quite-yet-out-of-control population going, so much the better.

  Craig, who still thought like a boy, wasn't on board like that. That's because the majority of the people in his particular societal set still didn't swing that way, and neither did he.

  Mother Nature, however, was the one pushing buttons and pulling strings inside his very female body. Whether she caused it or not, at some point he slid forward far enough that the opening of his vaginal canal settled comfortably around the knob of his sister's penis. They fit perfectly, which is no surprise, because Mother Nature designed them to fit perfectly.

  Sherry, who had been in this exact same situation, had responded to it like the girl she was. She knew exactly what that was pressing for entry into her vagina, and she thought about it like a girl. She did not want to lose her virginity, and she was still capable of resisting the urge to let that delightful thing spreading the opening of her vaginal entry probe any deeper. To that end, she lifted her hips and slid back off the tip, returning to the feeling she was looking for, that of her clit sliding along the stiff column under her.

  But there were two problems when Craig did it. First, he wasn't thinking like a girl. More to the point, all he was thinking about was how good things felt. Second, while he had a vagina now, he still wasn't used to thinking about it as a vagina. What I mean is that, at various times of the day, when he had to do something that involved his vagina, he paid attention to it. But it wasn't like when he was a male, and his penis intruded on his thoughts dozens, maybe hundreds of times a day.

  So, when Craig moved a little too far forward, and it felt really good, and there was this sudden urge to push back against that good feeling, he didn't think about it like a girl would. He just obeyed his urge to keep feeling good. It was, oddly, a very distinct part of the male part of his libido that caused him to do this.

  And then there was the component controlled by Mother Nature, related to the female body involved, regardless of who inhabited it.

  The pussy he was wearing had been plundered dozens of times by both Johnny and Roger, and had more recently been spread apart by Carly's thick, middle finger. Things were literally awash with lubrication supplied by - you guessed it - Mother Nature.

  He didn't intend to push as hard as he did. He didn't intend for the penis he was rubbing on to push inside him. Had someone asked him if he might ever let that happen, he would have said, "No way."

  But it did.

  His push was a very male push, in the sense that a male consciousness controlled the body it was wearing, and males are more forceful than females. I know, all generalizations are bad, including this one, but in this case, the more forceful part of his mind that was still male caused him to push harder than a girl might have.

  Rather than argue about that, I'll just report that, within less time than it takes to draw a huge breath, the body of Carly Austin, or more to the point, the vagina of Carly Austin, was filled with its very first real, live, hard, penis.

  And I mean full to the point where the tip of that penis impacted and then stretched the end of the vaginal canal.

  There was some pain involved, but that was primarily because of that stretching in the back of the vagina. There were copious amounts of stretching elsewhere, of course, but that stretching didn't hurt.

  Again, had Carly's mind been in her own body, things might have happened differently. That's because she would have recognized the stretching going on, and the novelty of the sensory feelings involved, and moderated her actions accordingly.

  But Craig hadn't owned this body long enough to be shocked by that stretching feeling. And the pain was minimal, something most guys would slough off automatically. It's a macho thing, and his mind was still macho. This is not to say he didn't understand what was going on. On a purely cerebral level, the indications made it clear that what he would never have chosen to do, voluntarily, had just taken place anyway.

  How he reacted was, in some respects, a very male way to react. Let me explain it like this. Imagi
ne going down a snowy slope on a saucer or tube. You pick up speed to the point where it's leaving the category of "fun" and entering "terrified" territory. This is another of those bad generalizations, but (barring frozen panic mode) quite often a girl will roll off that vehicle before things get any more out of control. A guy will hold on just to see what it's like. And, before you argue with me on that, watch a few episodes of Jackass. You don't see a lot of girls doing all that crazy stuff.

  That's the sense I'm talking about in which Craig's mind made the instant and almost unconscious decision to ... stay on the tube.

  Pun very much intended.

  The one who froze in panic was Carly.

  But not for long.

  That's because, as hot and wonderful as Sherry's mouth had been on her straining penis in the past (many times, in fact), this was that feeling on steroids.

  Within a time frame we'll just arbitrarily set as fifteen seconds, before either participant had time to think about anything except what they were both feeling, Mother Nature accomplished what neither of them had been willing to do half a minute before that.

  Then, awash in a sea of hormones neither had been able to cope with, even in their original bodies, and the firing synapses that are the only explanation we yet have for the term "love", they made love.

  It started out a little like anything else a human does for the first time. It wasn't perfect. The rhythm each wanted wasn't quite the same. There was no communication, because both sets of lungs were too busy breathing to waste any time on speech. Neither of them even thought to speak, for that matter.

  Mother Nature was in full control, at that point.

  A lot of things had happened since that bright light had surrounded them as they sat beside that campfire. So it's hard to identify which of those thousands of things were pivotal to how everything turned out. Remember, you're hearing about this from a third person, who has only interviewed the participants. Yes, I've questioned them for hours and hours, but still, it's hard to parse out what was critical to the outcome and what was only incidental.

  One of those things was that, when the first shock of realizing exactly what they were actually doing wore off, Craig still reacted, at least in some way, like a male. And that manifested itself when some part of his mind surfaced to announce, "The guy is supposed to be on top!"

  You see the kind of war that was going on inside them?

  Be that as it may, it was that thought that caused him to collapse on top of his sister, reach under him, and roll. And the body that Carly was wearing, again by dint of nature's influence, perhaps, knew what to do.

  Within seconds, she was lunging into the body under her, slicking her penis in and out in an instinctive manner.

  And they found that perfect rhythm that is so difficult for the majority of people to achieve in this situation.

  This part, at least, I am positive was critical. And that's because mutual orgasm is so rare. Even accomplished lovers who have known each other intimately for years have a difficult time having orgasms at the same time. It's common in romance books, but that's a fiction real life doesn't mimic. Almost always one partner has an orgasm and then the other. That's probably a product of the fact that the two minds are experiencing the act separately. And the stimulus is different for each body too.

  Maybe it was because Carly and Craig were twins. Their thought processes were close to begin with. Routinely, as children, they had thought and said the same thing at the same time. That's not unusual with twins. Only as age and individual experiences begin to separate them does that mental closeness begin to lessen.

  But Carly and Craig, by virtue of what had happened to their bodies, had been required to become that close again. At least that's my theory. And because they did that, as Carly felt the beginning warnings that her balls were about to deliver, and chanted, "Oh Craig, oh, Baby, oh Craig," he felt the growing bubble of heat in his loins near that point where he knew it would burst and drench his whole body in luscious ecstasy.

  "Carly, I love you!" he groaned, and his hands reached, unconsciously, to what had been his own tight, firm ass cheeks. Painted nails dug in reflexively.

  There was no thought whatsoever given to the danger of what they were doing, or the possible outcome of sperm entering Craig's fertile womb.

  And that, itself, may have been pivotal. Because if either of them had thought about the danger of pregnancy, and done something to avoid that, then they would not have had that simultaneous orgasm.

  Why am I going on so much about mutual orgasm?

  You'll understand why I went on so much about everything. I promise.

  An orgasm is hard to describe under any conditions. Here's what Craig said this one felt like.

  "I felt something seem to break inside me. There was that bubble that I wanted to break, and it did, but there was something else, something firmer, like an imaginary sphere of bone or something. That broke, but then it seemed to fill up!"

  This is what Carly said.

  "I knew what was going to happen, and I couldn't wait. It was always fun to spurt. It was so different than what I was used to, and so powerful, but in a different way than my former orgasms. And it was like that again, except this time I felt like I was trying to turn my entire body into juice and push it out too. I actually wanted my whole body to go inside him."

  There was more, but I'll let them tell you that later in their own words. For now, I'll just say that both of them ended their descriptions with, "And then we fell asleep."


  Craig woke first, to the muted sound of the alarm clock, which had a wadded up T shirt on top of it. It was very similar to any other time he had awakened in bed with his sister. She was warm, and soft against him. He didn't want to move, but his bladder was screaming at him. He rolled reluctantly away from her sleeping form. He hopped out of bed, and wobbled, because he suddenly felt too heavy.

  He also felt a strangely familiar sensation in his groin.

  That was when he looked down and saw his morning wood, bobbing gently in the morning light.

  He blinked. He stared, stupidly. He reached tentatively.

  He gripped what was undeniably a penis.

  A familiar penis.

  His own penis!

  "Shit!" he yelped.

  The body still in the bed jerked, and then sat up. He looked to see Carly, in all her naked glory, pushing her hair back from her face.

  "What's wrong?" she said. She reached automatically to shut off the alarm, which was still going.

  The hand that flicked the T shirt away from the clock froze, as did the rest of her body.

  "Craig?" came her tentative voice.

  Now the hand came alive again, and pushed the button that caused the insistent chirping to stop. It came back toward her to hover in front of her face. The fingers wiggled.

  "That's me!" she squeaked.

  "We're back!" yelled Craig.

  "Shhhh!" cautioned Carly, perhaps because she recognized both she and her brother were stark naked, and that any investigating parent would clearly see that.

  "But we're back!" he said, excitedly, bouncing on his toes. His body felt heavy, but the power in it was clearly capable of dealing with all that weight.

  "Yes, but we don't want Mom and Dad to find out right this instant," she cautioned.

  "I have to pee!" he said, sounding excited about it. "I have a morning boner," he added, with glee.

  Her grin was equal parts because his capering just looked funny, and the growing realization that the nightmare was over.

  He disappeared into the bathroom and she sat up to examine her body further. She jumped out of bed and went to the mirror over the vanity. Leaning over, she touched her face, with wonder.

  When he came out of the bathroom, she careened into him, hugging him tightly and trying to bounce on her own toes.

  "We are back!" she whined. "Oh, Craig, it's over! It's finally over! I can't believe it."

  "What I can't b
elieve is that we're doing this," he said, hugging her back.


  "Hugging ... naked."

  She leaned only her upper torso back, and stared up into his eyes.

  "I think I'll worry about that later."

  She whirled abound in a circle, her hair flying out like a balerina's tutu. She stopped facing him.

  "Right now, we have to get ready for school!"

  Chapter Eleven

  Imagine if you arrive at home one night, after work, and find that somehow your house has been replaced by a different house. It's dark, and you don't know where the light switch is, because everything is different. Eventually, you find a light, but it's only a night light, shining dimly. You stumble around in the near dark, trying to navigate these new surroundings.

  That's kind of what happened to the twins when their bodies were switched.

  Now imagine coming home from work and finding your old house back again.

  Suddenly, everything is familiar. It's easy to get back into the swing of things. Even if somebody else has been living in your house, and made some minor changes.

  That's also sort of what happened to the twins.

  The cultural taboo of brother and sister being naked was back. What had inhibited their resistance to that was now gone. And yet, they had shared so much intimacy, that the desire to keep sharing intimacy was also there.

  What they did was start to get dressed in the clothing they had laid out the night before. That was part instinct, because it lessened the emotional pressure on them that nudity created, and part habit, because it wasn't long before they remembered what day it was.

  It was the first day of school. The day they had been dreading for three weeks. The day they had tried to prepare for, but which neither felt prepared to face.

  Now, though, everything had changed. Again. And, suddenly, the pressure was gone. Both were bubbly, elated, ready to face the world.

  Carly found a pair of panties and stepped into them. She marveled at now normal that felt, and how easy it was to bend over and tease the panties up to her hips.


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