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Alien Exchange Program

Page 22

by Robert Lubrican

  Twenty seconds later, he pulled back. His hands were on her butt, pulling her against that disturbing boner.

  "And ... along the way ... I sort of fell in love with you too."

  "You need to let go of me right now," she panted.

  He did, and stepped back, looking concerned.

  "I can't think right now," she said, fluttering her hands.

  "C'mere, Baby," said Carly, and she pulled her friend into a tender embrace. "Everything is fixed, now," she said into Sherry's hair. "Everything's going to be all right, now."

  "No it isn't," moaned Sherry.

  "Why not?"

  Sherry pushed away, gently, breaking the hug.

  "Gee, let me think," she said, sarcasm coating her words. "My best friend isn't a virgin any more, but I still am. The guy who divested her of her cherry might or might not be my boyfriend. That's not exactly clear yet. I'm in freaking love! I've never been in love before. I'm so jealous I want to scream. I used to be able to go to my BFF and she'd let me play with her penis, but now that penis belongs to a real boy, and there's no way in the world I'm going to go ask him if I can suck his dick."

  "Hey," said Craig, calmly. "You can suck my dick any time you want."

  "See?" groaned Sherry. "I think I love him, but he's such a boy!"

  "He's the same boy you fell in love with," said Carly.

  "No he isn't. The boy I fell in love with had a pussy. And he wasn't threatening at all. You were the one who had the penis, and you knew what not to do with it, so it wasn't dangerous at all. That is not the case any longer."

  "It's not like he's going to try to rape you," scoffed Carly.

  "Oh no," said Sherry. "That's not what worries me. What worries me is that I might want him to!"

  "No you won't," said Carly, convinced she was right.

  "Then why am I so jealous I want to claw your eyes out right now?"


  That the twins' "problem" had been resolved was a fortuitous event. It's a really good example of the kind of moral dilemma that can occur when something "wrong" is required to solve a problem and make things "right" again.

  The misunderstanding that kept the teens busy that Friday night was, in a way, also fortuitous. That's because, on any other sleepover night, they'd have probably already been naked and playing when Jack opened the door without knocking and stuck his head inside. What he saw was the form of his son standing and the two girls sitting on the bed but not really closely together. It looked innocent, and he simply said what he'd come there to say.

  "We know this is important, but we're also trying to go to bed and you're being kind of noisy tonight. Tone it down a little?"

  "Sure, Dad," said Craig.

  "Okay. Good." He stood there longer, obviously thinking. "Doesn't it get a little awkward in here?" He looked at his daughter's body. "I mean you're a guy inside and sleepovers are usually just with girls." He looked at what he thought was his daughter, in his son's body. "Where do you change clothes?"

  "In there," said Craig, pointing at the bathroom.

  "And do you change ... with her?" He looked at Carly and then Sherry.

  "We all change separately," said Carly.

  "Oh," said Jack. "I can't imagine what it would be like to have a woman's body." He shuddered. "I'm really proud of you for how well you're handling all this."

  "Thanks, Daddy," said Carly. "We'll try to be more quiet."

  "Okay. Night."

  He left without thinking about the fact that his "son" had just called him "Daddy," which was a term only his daughter had ever used toward him. But part of his brain probably justified that by acknowledging that his son actually was his daughter. Such are the complexities that surrounded this family.

  None of the three teens thought about that "slip" either. They looked at each other in silence for a few seconds as they reflected on Jack's appearance. It had affected them in different ways. The twins were always worried about being caught, in the back of their minds. They had spent literally hours in bed together, naked, doing things nobody else would approve of, and the law of averages threatened to expose that.

  But his interlude had been very normal, even comforting, to Sherry. She felt like she was in a small boat on a large, stormy sea, and that parental intrusion had calmed the storm. It was obvious that he was just as confused about the gender roles being played out as they all were. And he was an adult! Adults were supposed to have their shit together. His confusion made hers seem easier to deal with, even though nothing had really changed.

  Except that everything had changed.

  She looked at Craig.

  "I thought I had all this figured out. I mean I was helping you. I knew how to act. I knew what to do.”

  "You were wonderful," said Carly.

  "What do I do now?" asked Sherry. "I don't know what to do now."

  "Nothing!" said Carly. "I mean just be yourself. We're ourselves again. You can go back to being who you were."

  "I don't want to go back to being who I was," said Sherry.

  "Well then be whoever you want to be," said Carly. "Come on. Not that much has changed."

  "Everything has changed," said Sherry. "And for the second time. I just got used to how to deal with the first time and now you've done it again!"

  "Why are you making this so hard?" groaned Carly. "We're the same people we were before, just in different bodies!"

  "Gee, where have I heard that before?"

  "Look! Do you like me?" Carly's voice was stern.

  "I love you. You know that."

  "Do you like him?"

  Sherry looked at Craig, who was still standing, watching the other two. She took a deep breath.

  "Yes. Okay ... yes! I like him. Are you happy? I said it. The dorky girl has admitted she likes the popular guy."

  "Then nothing has changed," said Carly, reaching for her friend's hand.

  "Except that you two are back to normal, but I'm not. For me, normal doesn't mean I get to hang out with a boy like Craig."

  "What was that kiss, then?" asked Craig. "The one a few minutes ago? Remember? What was that all about?"

  "That was you being a boy, not Craig," she said. "Craig didn't kiss me like that before all this happened. He didn't say I could suck his dick either, if you'll recall. Any number of boys would have done both of those things ... but not Craig Austin."

  "Oh, come on," said Craig. "You can't possibly expect us to go back to being exactly who we were before all this happened. You're smarter than that. This experience has affected us all. People change every day. Everybody does. You can't help it. I'm Craig Austin again, but I'm not the same Craig Austin I was a month ago. And I'm not the same Craig Austin I'll be a month from now."

  "Okay," said Sherry, but it was an agreeable "okay" as opposed to a convinced "okay."

  "And yes, I'm a boy. I'm actually luxuriating in being a boy again. I thought my days of being male were over, and I won't lie about it, I love it that I have a dick again. And yes, I admit I've been dreaming about being here with you in this room, and doing the same things we've done before, except this time I'll have a boy's body when we do them. But I'm still Craig Austin. And I'm not one of the popular guys either, by the way."

  "Okay!" Now she was trying to get him to stop. He did. Sherry looked at Carly. "So ... what do we do now?"

  "Well, in the good old days, we'd get naked and talk about how to act like someone we weren't."

  "There's no need to talk about that any more," Sherry pointed out, needlessly.

  "Well then!" said Carly, brightly. "I guess all that leaves is the getting naked part!"

  Chapter Fourteen

  Carly was naked, and clearly impatient with Sherry for not keeping pace. Sherry didn't feel bad, because Craig hadn't gotten undressed yet either.

  She felt a blush rising into her cheeks as the boy in question slowly approached her. She'd always thought he was handsome. And, while Carly resided in his body, it had been easy to enjoy looking
at it and touching it. It had been a very strange combination of excitement, because it was that handsome body, and comfort because she knew the person inside it so well.

  Now, though, it was all Craig in that body. On a rational level she knew he liked her, or at least believed that he thought he liked her.

  "You okay?" he asked, as he invaded her personal body space.

  "I have mixed feelings," she said, truthfully.

  "I guess that's understandable. Want to talk about it?"

  "Some of your sister must have stayed inside you. That seems like a pretty girly thing to say," she observed.

  "I don't think she stayed inside of me," he said. "I think I brought some of her back with me."

  "Tomato ... tomahto," said Sherry. Him being this close to her was making butterflies dance in her stomach.

  "Not at all," he said. "I'm not Carly. I'm all me. But I learned some things by being a girl, and that's what has stayed with me."

  "Maybe that's why things seem so strange," said Sherry.

  "Hey you two!" said Carly, kneeing her way across the bed toward them. She had Roger in her hand. "You want to talk all night or enjoy the last time we're going to be able to do this?"

  "What are you talking about?" asked Sherry. "Why would this be the last time?"

  "Because we can't keep the fact that we changed back from our parents," she said. "And when they find out we're back, then this allowing three teenagers to sleep in the same room thing is going to come to a screaming halt. Trust me on that."

  "Oh. Of course," said Sherry.

  The stormy sea that Jack's arrival had calmed, suddenly burst back into life, but this time it was confined to Sherry's abdominal area. She and Craig weren't naked yet, but that option was obviously there, waiting to be brought to fruition. That idea was strangely exciting, which seemed crazy, because she'd been with this body naked for literally hours and hours.

  But not when it had Craig inside it.

  And when Craig had been inside Carly's body, it just hadn't seemed like Craig. She knew it was Craig, but something so deep inside her that she couldn't get to it to tinker with, kept telling her Craig didn't have a clit, so the clit she was sucking on must still be Carly's. And the dick she had learned to love sucking was just a loaner, that Carly was using.

  In short, Sherry had never really come to terms with the idea that she was having sex with Craig Austin, and that Craig Austin was having sex with her. Voluntarily!

  Even though they hadn't had real sex. Not all the way. Not like he and Carly had had.

  "So ..." said Craig, interrupting her train of thought. "What do you want to do?"

  "I have no idea," she sighed.

  "I know what I'd like to do," he said.

  Those butter flies went crazy in her loins.

  "You want to act like a boy?" She stifled a hysterical giggle at such an obvious conclusion. Except, in these circumstances, it wasn't obvious. He'd never been able to act like a boy with her. Not really.

  "Yeah," he said, softly. "I want to act like a boy. Can you live with that?"

  "I have no idea," she said again.

  "Please?" The supplication in his voice was genuine. He was actually asking for her permission. Something like electricity shot through her and she shuddered.

  "Maybe if you told me what you wanted to do ..." she suggested in near panic.

  His fingers went to just barely trace the outlines of her breasts, stroking them so softly through her shirt and bra that she could barely feel it. Something inside her made her want to arch her chest ... to push her breasts against his fingers.

  "I really want to see these," he said.

  "You've seen them before," she said, her voice tight.

  "You know what I mean."

  Her hesitation was only because she was having a hard time speaking at all. She felt strangely out of breath.

  "Okay," she whispered.

  She didn't do anything. But that was okay, because he didn't mind lifting her shirt, and then making her arms go upwards while he pulled it over her head. She thought she must be insane as she worried about her hair being messed up, instead of the fact that a boy was taking her shirt off.

  She stood, mute and unmoving as he put his arms around her and released the clips that held her bra on. As his hands returned to her front, his fingers caught the straps of the bra and pulled them down and off her shoulders.

  She felt the cool air assault her breasts, and felt her nipples crinkle in complaint.

  "Beautiful," he whispered.

  She looked to see his eyes devouring her chest.

  "Do you really like me?" she asked.

  "I do," he said, easily. "But I'm still a guy."

  "Why do I feel like I'm about to do something stupid?" she asked, softly.

  "You don't have to do anything," he said.

  "But you want me to."

  "Of course. I'm very glad to be back in my body."

  "That's the body Carly complained about all the time," said Sherry.

  A buzzing noise caused her to look towards Carly, who had gotten tired of waiting for them and was now fucking herself lustily with Roger.

  "Are you hard?" she asked, looking back at Craig.

  "Like usual." He grinned.

  "I'm a virgin," she said, and then wanted to shout at herself for saying it.

  "You can stay a virgin," he replied. "I don't have a problem with that."

  "Because you can fuck Carly, instead," said Sherry, and wanted to shout at herself again.

  "No, because you want it that way. What Carly and I do has nothing to do with how I'm going to treat you."

  "You say that like I'm supposed to let you have two girlfriends."

  "Carly isn't my girlfriend. She'll never be my girlfriend."

  "But you want to fuck her."

  "Are you asking me to make a choice?" he asked.

  She took a deep breath.

  "No. I love her too much for that."

  "What does loving her have to do with it?" he asked.

  "Because I know she'd never do that with you unless it meant something to her ... unless she loved it ... loved you. I guess I can't believe she'd do that unless she had to ... couldn't be happy unless she did. And even though you're her brother, I can't take that away from her. That would be ... unthinkable."

  "So ... where does that leave us?" he asked. He pulled back from her just a little. She noticed his eyes flicker to her breasts, and then back up to her face. It was such a male thing to do that it made her smile. At least he was normal in that way.

  "I guess I have to learn to share you," she said. "Isn't that crazy?! Me, Sherry Masters, saying something like that? Me, Sherry Masters ... talking about sharing Craig Austin with his sister?!"

  "It's a crazy world," he said. "I'd think you, of all people, would know that. Better than most, in fact."

  She knew he was referring to their alien abduction, and the switch that had taken place ... twice! And it was all that strangeness, in fact, that calmed her. Nothing that had happened to them was included in the instruction manual of how to be a teenager in the present culture. And that meant they had to invent their own procedures ... make their own rules.

  All of them ... including Sherry Masters.

  Some kind of 'acceptance' settled on her like a warm blanket. She was still aware that, only a month before, she'd have looked with scorn on a girl who agreed to share her boyfriend with another girl ... particularly another girl who was also his sister. But rather than chew on the fact that, somehow, she no longer could feel that scorn, she simply accepted the fact that things had changed. She had changed. It wasn't the unimaginable, agonizing kind of change that her best friend and boyfriend had experienced. But it was a real, fundamental change in her own psyche. And it was okay. Her young mind simply decided to accept it. And that included accepting how these changes might affect her future.

  "Do you want to touch me?" she asked, feeling like she was asking a stupid question.
r />   "Yes," he said, simply.

  "No boy has ever touched me," she said, feeling it to be an entirely sensical pronouncement.

  "I know," he responded, in tune with where she was, emotionally.

  "Okay, then," she said, as if she had just haggled over the price of some bauble and was agreeing to the final amount.

  He started disrobing and she let him get his chest bare before her fingers went to the belt on her jeans. She watched him and matched his pace, baring her body as he did, until they stood, face to face, naked. She looked at his penis, which was, in fact, hard as rock.

  Suddenly, that penis, indeed that erection, looked familiar, and something released inside her as the last tension, the last worry, the last concern seeped out of both her body and psyche.

  "Beautiful," he sighed, staring at her.

  "Finally!" moaned Carly from the bed. "I was about to get off without you."

  "Go ahead," said Sherry, her voice calm.

  She moved toward Craig, until she was close enough for the tips of her breasts to touch him, and the tip of his cock to touch her.

  "Craig and I are going to be busy for a little while."


  It was different. It was so different that she really did feel like this was the first time they'd been naked together ... the first time he'd touched her ... the first time she'd been able to play with his cock.

  And yet, at the same time, everything about his body was familiar. His skin felt the same. His scent was familiar. His penis felt the same in her hand. His hands stroking her felt the same.

  And yet it was completely different. She felt like, somehow, she'd acquired the capability of slipping from one dimension into a parallel one, and back.

  Then, somehow, they were lying on the bed beside Carly, and he was sucking her nipples, and she didn't want to think about anything anymore.

  At odd intervals, reality intruded on her thoughts.

  The first time he slid a finger inside her, she couldn't help but think, "That is Craig Austin's finger in me!"

  Every once in a while, as his lips crushed hers, and his tongue slid into her mouth, she thought, "That is Craig Austin kissing me!"

  Very slowly, all her feelings and emotions, bits and pieces of her that had been scattered, drew together and coalesced, at last, into something that she could look at, examine, walk around and observe.


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