Alien Exchange Program

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Alien Exchange Program Page 25

by Robert Lubrican

  "I love you," Craig said, as she pulled off the soft thing and examined it, to make sure she was finished.

  "I know," she said.

  "I love her too."

  "I know," she said. "I'm not really jealous. I mean I probably am, but it's manageable."

  "I don't want you to be jealous. Either of you."

  "That's because you're a pervert who wants to be able to have two girlfriends he can fuck. Well I'm not your girlfriend, buddy."

  "I know that," he said, smiling.

  "And the only reason I let you fuck me is because of those stupid aliens. The more I think about it, the more I think they actually did make that happen."

  "If that makes you feel better, then fine," he said, agreeably.

  "It doesn't make me feel better," she complained. "That's because I want to keep doing it with you. And that's not their fault. That's my fault. Because I love it so much. Or your fault, because you're so good at it or something."

  "I'm a stud," he said, happily, grinning. "What can I say?"

  "You're not a stud," said Sherry, who had been listening, and now rolled over to join them. "You're a cream puff. I played you like a fiddle. You were like putty in my hands."

  "I tell you you're beautiful and sexy, and you call me putty," said Craig, in mock sadness.

  "I just don't want you getting a big head," said Sherry. "Especially around my friends."

  "I'm not really going to try to seduce any of your friends," he said, smiling.

  "I know," said Sherry. "But you won't have to. All it took to poke holes in my defenses was your boyish charm."

  "He managed to poke a hole in something else too," said Carly, who looked startled that she'd said something so ribald. She blushed too.

  "I confess I was trying to penetrate your defenses," said Craig. "And something else too," he added.

  "Shit," sighed Sherry. "I want to do it again already."

  "I know how you feel," said Carly.

  "I'm a stud," he said again. "What can I say?"

  "It's too bad they don't grow boys with big penises and no mouth or brain," said Sherry. "Imagine having a whole stable of them. All you have to do is feed them and water them and use them for your pleasure."

  "How are you going to feed them if they have no mouth?" asked Craig, innocently.

  "You take a big syringe, about this long," said Sherry, holding her hands two feet apart. "And then you shove it up their butts and squirt the food into the stomach backwards."

  "Ewww," said Craig, and his voice was so feminine that both girls laughed.


  "It's six-thirty," said Carly, who rolled back from having looked at the alarm clock. "We only have another hour."

  "I thought they said they'd be out until nine," said Sherry.

  "You want to bet the farm that they won't come back early?"

  "Oh. I guess not. I guess they'd be kind of shocked to find us like this, huh."

  "I can't believe we've spent all day in bed," said Carly. "I feel like such a slut."

  "If it wasn't the last time we get to do this, we wouldn't have acted like this," said Craig.

  "I agree," said Sherry.

  "Should we get up?" asked Carly.

  "Do you want to get up?" Sherry replied.

  "No. I want to get fucked," said Carly, who then blushed.

  "If anybody gets fucked, it should be me," opined Sherry. "I mean, you really can have him a lot more often than I can."

  "That doesn't help," said Carly, dryly. "I'm still horny."

  "Let me have him one more time, and then you can have him tonight."

  "Gee, thank you so much," said Carly.

  "No, think about it. I'm going home when your parents get back. Then, tonight, you two can have another alien attack, and you can tell them about it in the morning. After that, there will probably be chaos for a while, and nobody will get to have any fun. But you still have all night tonight. Ergo, I should get to go again."

  "I'm still going to be horny!" complained Carly. Then she relaxed. "Ohhh-kay. But only because I love you."

  Craig raised his head. "Isn't anybody going to ask me if I want to do this?"

  Both girls looked at his groin, where a brand new erection had bloomed while they argued about who got to use it. He laughed.

  Less than a minute later, Craig was lapping at Sherry's pussy, nibbling at her clit, getting her ready. Carly was alternating between working over her best friend's turgid nipples, and kissing her with open mouth and probing tongue.

  Sherry, aware that she was about to engage in something that still seemed very foreign to her, trembled with excitement.

  Then Craig moved up, kissing her mound, and then her belly, and pushing his sister's head away from his lover's breasts, so he could lick and suck what she had been licking and sucking. When he abandoned them to put his face over hers, he spoke.

  "You are my girlfriend. And I am your boyfriend. You need to get used to that idea."

  "I'll try," she said, breathlessly.

  "I want to fuck you," he whispered. "I've wanted to fuck you for years. Will you let me?"

  She nodded, a bit frantically.

  "Will you help me?" he asked.

  Again, she nodded, and added a whispered, "Yes!"

  "Put it in for me," he ordered.

  She raised her head, and their foreheads bounced off of each other. Both winced, but he raised up so she could see what was hanging above her sexual portal, waiting to plunder her.

  She reached and found that she didn't have to see anything at all, because instinct told her where to put the tip.

  Once it was there, he slid in and kept going, in one, long, continuous push, until his public hair smashed against her fluffy reddish pubic hair. He knew to mitigate any discomfort by wiggling his hips sideways, to maul her clit.

  Her groan communicated only pleasure, happiness, and joy.

  "I hope you get used to this too," he said.

  And then he lowered his lips to hers.

  And played her like a fiddle.

  Chapter Sixteen

  "Are we really going to do this?" asked Carly, softly.

  It was after ten. The house was quiet and dark. Their parents were probably asleep. They still had on their pajamas, which they had worn while watching TV, before going to bed.

  "Make love?" he asked.

  His hand slid along her hip. They had been lying together, facing each other, kissing each other in a way that might have been called making out, except their passion was muted. These kisses were, while a lot of fun, also of a somewhat therapeutic nature. Both were aware that, in the morning, their lives were going to go through yet another pivotal shift. Doing this celebrated a closeness that, on the morrow, would likely come to a screaming halt. As much as she had complained earlier about being horny, doing this was something Carly cherished even more. Craig's emotions were less complicated.

  "No," she said, suddenly exasperated. "Tell them. Tomorrow morning!"

  "That we made love?"

  His question was the right one, technically, but the way he asked it was more like he was making a pun and expected her to praise him for his cleverness. He wasn't cooperating. And she was worried. She rolled away from him, her frustration building.

  "Sometimes you can be an asshole," she grumbled. "You know what I mean. This is serious."

  "It is," he agreed, all traces of levity gone from his voice. "I know that."

  "Then act like it!" she said, rolling back towards him. "I'm scared, Craig!"

  He pulled her against him, overcoming her physical resistance, until their noses were tip to tip.

  "It won't do any good to be scared. What has happened has happened. When we woke up that morning in the wrong bodies, we had to deal with that. Now we have to deal with this. They'll either throw us out, or they won't. Personally, I don't think they're going to disown us both and kick us into the street. They're going to be freaked out, but they're already freaked out so ..." He let it
fade to an end. His inference was clear. As crazy as things had been, maybe this wouldn't seem any crazier.

  She wasn't mollified.

  "What if they send us to Uncle Bob's?"

  "Then we go there and deal with things there," he said.

  "It's clear up in Wyoming!" she moaned.

  "We've always loved going there to visit," he reminded her.

  "But my friends won't be there."

  "You can make new friends," he said.

  "I don't want to make new friends," she said, tensing. "I thought I'd lost them, because I was you, and now I have my own body back and I got my friends back with it and I don't want to lose them again."

  "It's only six hours to Uncle Bob's. You can come see your friends on weekends."

  "That's no way to have a friendship," she muttered.

  "Anyway, you're probably not even pregnant," he said.

  "That's not what I'm worried about," she muttered.

  "Then what are you worried about?" He was both genuinely confused, and curious.

  "I'm worried that the thought of their children having had sex is going to make them feel icky all the time. They won't want to hug us, maybe even to talk to us. They'll think we're perverts ... abnormal."

  "When you think about it, what happened to us really is kind of abnormal," said Craig, gently.

  "I know that," she moaned. "But will they still love us?"

  "I think so. They didn't give us up to government scientists when we got switched. They tried to help us cope. And when you think about it, what are the chances we ever would have had sex, if we hadn't been abducted in the first place? Do you think we'd have done that anyway?"

  "No," she said, immediately. "Of course not."

  "And would I have ended up in bed with Sherry if we hadn't been abducted?"

  She giggled, and he felt her relax under his hands.

  "No," she said. "Sherry thought you were a butt face."

  "So what we're going to tell them tomorrow is actually, probably ... the truth."

  Her eyes had been ranging around as she thought, focusing on nothing in particular. Now they sought his eyes and focused there.

  "Do you think so?" She sounded hopeful.

  "I'm sure some shrink would say I'm just rationalizing the fact that I want to fuck my sister, but I don't think any of this would have happened if we hadn't been switched. I think it really is the fault of those aliens."

  "But we didn't actually see any aliens," she said, softly.

  "Does that really matter? Whatever caused it, whether it was aliens, or a bad can of beans and weenies, it changed us. And when it did, it set things in motion that we didn't have any control over. And that caused strange and wonderful things to happen. And as for me, I'm glad they did. I'm not worried about telling Mom and Dad about all this. And that's because all this craziness has brought something to me that I'd never have had otherwise." He kissed her gently and pulled back. "I'm glad it happened, Kar. I think they'll be glad too."

  "You think they'll be glad that their son got their daughter pregnant?"

  "Not that part. But they'll be glad to have us back as their son and daughter, in the right bodies. And I think that will count for more than the other. Besides. You might not be pregnant."

  "I thought you said I probably wasn't pregnant," she said, but there was a hint of a smile on her lips.

  He frowned.

  "I will miss this, though," he said, sliding his hand from her hip to just under her arm. His fingertips eased forward to stroke the side of her breast, under the soft, cotton fabric of her PJ top.

  "Yeah," she said, softly. "Even if they don't send us to Uncle Bob's, they're probably going to separate us and watch us like a hawk."

  "Yeah," he agreed.

  "This is our last night together," she whispered.

  "Yeah," he said again.

  "Then we should make it something to remember."

  He blinked, and one eyebrow rose.

  "Like you think I could ever forget being with you like this?"

  "Like this?" she asked, her voice suddenly sultry. She reached to pluck at the fabric that covered his chest.

  "I don't have a condom," he reminded her.

  "If I'm pregnant, it doesn't matter. If I'm not, then I'm past the time when it was really dangerous."

  "It's never really safe," he said, fondling her breast fully. "If I get inside you, I'm going to spurt in there, and it could make a baby."

  She closed her eyes and he felt a tiny shudder run through her body. He felt it under his hand, and against his chest, and where their thighs were touching. When she opened them, her face took on a look of curiosity.

  "I can't believe it. When you said that, I suddenly got horny. I mean really horny! Why does the thought of you making a baby in me make me so horny?"

  "Probably for the same reason that thinking about that makes me want to do it," he said.

  Her eyes opened wide.


  He pushed his stiff cock against her thigh in answer.

  "That doesn't mean anything," she said. "You're always hard. I know that from personal experience."


  He didn't speak. Not at that particular moment. The way she described it to me during our interviews was to say that his face took on a look she'd never seen on it. She described it as "hard.” She said he looked almost angry, but he didn't act angry at all.

  Instead, he pushed her onto her back and rose over her. Still not speaking, he reached to unbutton the front of her PJs. She said he did this slowly, not in a hurry, and that when he finished, he left her breasts covered, exposing only a strip of skin from her neck to the waistband of her bottoms.

  He sat on his calves, just looking at her. When she opened her mouth to speak, he put one finger to his own lips and shushed her.

  She said his only words were, "Don't move," and that, somehow, she felt paralyzed by those words.

  He spent what she estimated as five minutes moving the sides of her PJ top away from each other, slowly uncovering her breasts. She said by the time the edge of the cloth was almost exposing her nipples, that her paralysis vanished and she started to reach to pull them all the way apart.

  "Don't move!" he warned. She described it as a growl. She also said it seemed silly to her, because she wanted to do whatever it was he was doing.

  She couldn't tell me how long it took him to fully uncover her breasts. While he did this, though, he didn't touch them, other than to move the cloth on them. She said it was driving her crazy, and that it made her wiggle.

  Craig told me what it made her do was lift her hips, which was why he moved to them, abandoning her breasts without touching them.

  They both agree that, when he gripped the waistband of her PJs, her hips came up off the bed, making it easy for him to slide them down, past her hips, to her thighs, until they were stretched as far as the elastic in the waistband allowed. He was no longer taking his time now. She pulled her knees up, closing them so he could pull her bottoms the rest of the way off. He tossed them aside as she let her knees fall apart, opening herself up to him completely. Her message was unmistakable. He could do whatever he wanted.

  While he unbuttoned his own top, she risked being chastised and half sat up to shrug out of her top, leaving her naked.

  She remembers letting out an audible sigh when he shoved his bottoms down and his erection bounced into view.

  They both remember vividly that, as he approached her willing body, he reached to lift her knees, forcing her ankles high enough to rest them on his shoulders. He says he can't remember why he thought of this. They'd never done it like this before, and he'd never thought of it before this either.

  But it made her wide open and helpless as his prick dipped and the tip, without help from either of them, nosed between labia that I suspect were flushed and had parted to accept him.

  And they both remember what he said as he slid into her, not in a rush or a lunge, but slowly, like so
meone enters a pool of hot water.

  "If you aren't pregnant, I'm going to get you that way right now."


  They told me more, but somehow I feel ... I don't know ... like I'm telling a secret too intimate to expose to strangers? I know that sounds ludicrous, compared to what I've already revealed. But that's the way I feel.

  So I'll just dumb it down a bit and say that, during that session of lovemaking, she was able to let her inner desires out, and did not resist what his stated intentions were.

  In fact ... she welcomed it.

  Which probably explains why, an hour after he had finished trying to impregnate her, she sucked him back to life and climbed on, telling him that he might have failed.

  They made love again in the morning, when they woke up.

  And then, with her brother's semen still soaking into her womb, they staggered into the kitchen, stark naked, babbling about what they thought had happened during the night.


  At this point I should tell you some of what Fran and Jack told me during my subsequent interviews, once I was made known of this whole strange, amazing story. I have neglected them, to some degree, but that is only because they endured everything as bystanders, rather than the persons actually involved in the train wreck itself.

  Of course "bystander" is a relative term, at least in the sense that the bystander isn't directly affected on a physical plane. But even one who only witnesses an event can be affected by it, emotionally.

  Both Jack and Fran were - and this is the understatement of the year - affected emotionally by what happened to their children.

  The first hurdle they had to jump was accepting that aliens had abducted their offspring and switched them into each other's bodies. You have some sense of what that's like, because you had to accept it too. If you hadn't, you wouldn't still be reading this.

  Oddly, that hurdle was cleared with relative ease, because accepting that was a sort of go/no go kind of decision. You either believed it or you didn't. If you did, the hurdle was cleared. If you didn't, then the race was over.

  For the race to be over, at least for Fran and Jack, that would have meant that they believed their children were deluded, or mentally ill on a level that demanded professional treatment. Ironically, it was common sense that convinced them that wasn't the case. How the kids acted was, in itself, proof that what they were saying was true.


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