Alien Exchange Program

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Alien Exchange Program Page 26

by Robert Lubrican

  There were, for example, certain traits of behavior that, before this, were something that had come up within parental discussions. Parents notice the things in a baby's behavior that announce its personality. That happens with every parent. And every child has a different personality, even twins.

  And it was those little personality quirks that convinced them, because when their minds were switched, the personalities went with them.

  So Craig acted like Carly, and vice versa, in ways that they weren't even aware of.

  But their parents were.

  At that point, though, the parents felt helpless, and instead of jumping over hurdles, they more or less blundered through them. That was the most frustrating thing the parents endured. Being unable to "make it better" left them stymied, and they felt defeated as parents.

  Granted, there was still hope, but that was contingent upon the progress the kids made in trying to impersonate each other. And no one outside the family finding out what had happened.

  There were some bad moments when Sherry found out, but they eventually saw that as a blessing of sorts, because it showed the kids how important it was to really learn how to "be" each other. And, with Sherry's help, their children really had made progress.

  Eventually, there were times when they almost forgot that, when they addressed the body of their daughter ... they were talking to their son, and vice versa.

  But they were confused most of the time. And upset, and worried, and discontented, and a dozen other synonyms for generally unhappy with the status life had forced on their family.

  Or aliens had. Neither parent wanted to believe that part. But neither parent had a better explanation for what had happened.

  So ... imagine that your life has been lived like this for almost a month ... that nothing has been normal ... that fear has hovered over you like a vulture waiting for you to die. Imagine that all your hopes and dreams for the lives of your children have been crushed. Imagine that the potential you saw in each of them has been voided, and that they will be afflicted by this extraordinary, incurable plague for the rest of their lives.

  When you think about it like that, having your kids appear before you naked, saying they think they just had sex, and that during that process, their psyches exchanged bodies again ... then maybe the hurdle that appears - if there's a hurdle at all - is a pretty low one.

  As I look at that last sentence, I realize the hurdle race is no longer a good analogy. That's because this situation didn't require one to go in a particular direction. And it was made up of many parts, some that were easy to assimilate, and others that weren't.

  So the emotions that were involved were scattered and diverse. And it took time for the furor of their appearance to settle down enough that they could begin to think about things on a rational basis.

  Some of it was easy to believe. That the kids had engaged in sex was fairly obvious. Craig's penis and pubic hair were covered with a milky white residue that both parents had seen many times. So, too, was the line of the same material that was running down Carly's left inner thigh. Not only that, but Carly's physique was such that her bare pussy lips were easy to see, almost on display, and those pussy lips were swollen and dark, similarly to what Fran's own labia had looked like on many occasions.

  Somewhat ironically, the parents reacted to this much as Craig had postulated some ten hours earlier: This wouldn't have happened if the aliens hadn't intruded on their lives.

  In other words, they immediately blamed it on something other than the twins' desire for each other as lovers.

  So that mitigated the fact that their children had engaged in incestuous behavior. Not excused, mind you ... but mitigated.

  Fran's first question, in fact, was directed at her daughter. Or at least the body of her daughter.

  "Are you alright?"

  "I'm fine!" yipped Carly. "Didn't you hear us? We're back!"

  And that was another direction the parents were required to go in that situation. That the kids had had sex was obviously believable. That they had changed back was something both parents wanted to believe. In fact, you could even say they were desperate for it to be true.

  And that's because all those hopes and dreams they'd had for the twins, the potential they had seen, and which they had thought was lost ... all of that had suddenly returned, like a clap of thunder that shakes the house and dims the lights momentarily.

  Not that all this happened instantaneously. Not at all. It took time. And it shook them up.

  Part of that is that most parents never see their children actually standing there naked, having just had sex. And that includes the normal situation, where there is a son or daughter-in-law involved. As a result, most mothers never have to confront the fact that their son is buff, and handsome, and even sexy, standing there naked, and most fathers never have to actually confront how beautiful and desirable their daughter is.

  But they got over that relatively quickly, and their natural inclination was to get the kids covered up. That was accomplished as all four of them returned to "the scene of the crime,” and the PJs that were scattered about the room were recovered and put back on. That part was simple instinct and expediency. The kids could have gotten dressed in street clothes, but that would have required them to separate to different rooms, and at that moment, nobody wanted to be apart from the family unit.

  And part of that was because the initial reaction of the parents wasn't anything even close to what the twins had expected. The fact that Carly sounded hysterical as she appeared before them and made her announcement, was because she was hysterical. But her hysteria was based in fear, and when what she was afraid of didn't happen, her hysteria found an instant outlet, turning into a tentative relief that required her to keep everybody together, and keep this unbelievable acceptance on the part of her parents going.

  Craig, for his part, was relieved as well, but his relief was because everything was out in the open. It was over. He could be himself again. As a male, he had already decided that he would find a way to be with his lovers again - both of them. And while he had been prepared to be yelled at, he really was convinced that his parents would not kick them out.

  So basically, the first half hour was a scene of happy chaos, where everybody was talking at the same time, and very little information was being exchanged. Fran, being the most practical person involved at that moment, recognized this and managed to get everyone gathered in the living room, where she made everyone sit down and demanded silence. Once she got it, she sat down, herself.

  "Now, from the beginning. Tell us what happened," she said.

  Both twins started to speak at once and she held up her hand to stop them.

  "You first, Carly." She blinked. "It is you, Carly ... right?" Her words were full of hope.

  "Yes!" yipped Carly, who was now manic because her parents hadn't screamed at her for having sex with Craig.

  "What happened?"

  This part had been rehearsed, and it came out easily.

  "We went to bed like usual, talking about stuff." She blinked, distracted by the thought that they should have come up with some examples of "stuff."

  Fran couldn't have cared less what "stuff" they had talked about.

  "Go on," she urged.

  "We fell asleep and then it was like I was having a dream that I couldn't wake up from. Suddenly we were naked, and I had this insane urge to get on top of Craig and ..." She left off, just like they had rehearsed it. She had no trouble blushing.

  "So you hadn't switched yet?" asked Jack.

  "No! I was still in his body. And I couldn't resist this crazy urge. It was worse than all the boners I kept getting!"

  "Boners," whispered Jack, who looked a little startled.

  "Yes, they happened all the time. It was like I couldn't control my own penis. I hated it!"

  "I can imagine," said Fran, who also looked a little shocked. This wasn't something that had been addressed during parental sessions of advice.

  "And it was the same for me," said Craig, bulling on ahead with their plan. "I felt like I couldn't move."

  "It must have been terrifying," said Fran.

  "That's the funny part," said Craig. "I wasn't scared at all. I felt ... I don't know ... excited?"

  "Excited," said Jack, again very softly. Without conscious thought he reached to adjust his own penis.

  Both twins saw him do it, and recognized what that meant. Now they were the ones who were shocked.

  "That's normal," said Fran, trying to somehow make all this normal. That they were back in their own bodies was wonderful, fantastic even. Enough damage had been done to her babies. She didn't want this to mar them for the rest of their lives.

  "Is it?" asked Carly.

  "Of course," said Fran. "That's just how a body reacts in ... um ... that situation. Besides, you weren't in control. Right?"

  "I don't know what was in control," said Carly. "But whatever it was made me get on top of Craig and then ... and then ..."

  She covered her eyes with both hands.

  "It didn't hurt," said Craig, suddenly. That part hadn't been planned or rehearsed, but the look on his parents' faces made him say it.

  "Go on," said Fran, her voice tight.

  "I'd never done anything like this," said Carly. She tensed, but then relaxed when both parents nodded slightly. "But somehow I knew what to do."

  Suddenly, she forgot her lines. They were just gone! She blinked and looked helplessly at Craig. She obviously wanted him to say something, but his next lines weren't supposed to be until after she described them changing bodies again.

  "I just laid there," he blurted. Then he added, "It didn't hurt," again.

  Jack was thinking about that semen he'd seen dripping down his daughter's thigh. It was obvious where it came from. He believed that both his children had been virgins before this. It was one of the few things he'd held onto in terms of what he believed about his kids. So he assumed that they were having trouble getting to the part where the semen was introduced.

  "When, exactly, did you change back into each other's bodies?" he asked. His voice was tight, and insistent.

  Fran looked over at him and frowned.

  Carly found herself to be the center of attention. Both her parents and Craig were staring at her. They had talked about this part, but couldn't agree on whether to use the word "orgasm" or to describe it as, "when we came."

  "It was when I ... it was when we ..." Carly felt panic start to swell in her chest.

  "It was when it was over," said Craig, suddenly. "Well, not over exactly ... more like when it was beginning to be over."

  That was clear enough for both parents to understand.

  "At the ... um ... pinnacle of events?" suggested Fran.

  "Yes!" gasped Carly, with relief.

  "That must have been interesting," sighed Jack, whose imagination was giving him problems.

  "Jack!" scolded his wife.

  "It was incredible," said Craig, back on script. "I was just lying there, and everything started to turn and whirl, sort of and I felt like my body exploded and then I was hovering over us, looking down and then I was falling, but I fell towards my own body and suddenly I was on top of Carly!"

  "It was the same for me," said Carly, also back on script. "Except I felt like I was inside his body, kind of shooting out of it back into my own body."

  "Ohhh man," groaned Jack, leaning back.

  Fran just sat, pale, her mouth hanging open.

  "It took us a second to realize we were back in our own bodies," said Craig.

  "And then we came and told you," said Carly, weakly.

  "Please tell me you saw aliens," muttered Jack.

  "No," said Craig. "But it did seem like I was hovering in midair, surrounded by a white light, and all that existed was Carly and me."

  "Yes," agreed Carly, also lying. "It was like that white light that surrounded us that night by the campfire. Except this time we didn't pass out or whatever. I mean we were conscious the whole time we ..." She paused.

  "Yes, we know what you did," said Jack, hurriedly, before she could go on. He frowned. "How do the two of you feel about that?"

  "About what?" asked Carly.

  "About how this ... um ... transfer happened."

  "I'm glad it happened!" said Carly, finally able to say something that was actually the truth.

  "Really!" said Jack, trying to imagine how a girl could be happy that her brother had just fucked her. Then he remembered the important part, about the transfer. He had to admit that changed things. "Of course," he added, a little inanely.

  "Me too," said Craig. "It's really good to be back."

  "Goodness, gracious, oh me, oh my," sighed Fran. "I don't know what to think."

  "Be glad we're back," said her daughter.

  "Oh, I am," said Fran, with conviction. "I'm glad about that. But how it happened? I don't know what to think."

  "Neither of us were hurt," said Carly.

  "I'm glad about that too," said Fran. "It's just ..." She didn't know how to articulate what she was feeling. That's because what she was feeling was complicated. Her natural urge was to decry that relationship. But it had returned her children to her. And they appeared to be no worse the wear. Relatively speaking. Neither was a virgin any more. Another thought struck her mind like lightning.

  "When was your last period?" she asked sharply, leaning toward her daughter.

  Carly had practiced this too. She put on the look they had decided conveyed confusion, and then she looked at Craig.

  "Two weeks ago," he said, frowning. "Don't you remember how miserable I was? Why?"

  Fran sat back so hard she bounced off the back of the couch.

  "Oh my God, Jack, the aliens are trying to breed them!"

  Chapter Seventeen

  Well, you can imagine what things were like that first day.

  Or, maybe you can't. I know I had a hard time with all this when I first found out about it.

  It was at this point, by the way, that I got involved. I'm Bob, in case you don't remember. As I said at the beginning, Fran is my sister and I run a small cattle and horse ranch in Wyoming.

  And the reason they pulled me into all this mess is because they honestly didn't know what to do, and decided they needed someone from the "outside" to cast a fresh perspective onto the situation. Someone they could trust to be ... discreet.

  Of course now they didn't have to worry about anyone finding out that aliens had switched the twins, and that each one was living in the other one's body. That part was resolved. At this point, that part of things could be viewed as "just a fantasy" or a dream or something.

  But they knew it had happened, and that it had changed all of their lives forever. It couldn't just be ignored.

  Their real fear was their belief - and I'm talking Fran and Jack, here - that aliens could, at any time they liked, take over the bodies of their children and "make them have sex" again.

  And that's why they came to me. The only option they could think of to combat this problem was to separate the twins by enough distance that the aliens couldn't achieve their nefarious end.

  Naturally, they thought of sending one of them to my ranch.

  But that also destroyed the family unit, and that was so painful to think about that that didn't seem like a viable option.

  Part of the problem (if all this can be reduced to simply calling it "the problem",) was that I couldn't just leave the ranch to spend a week with them, to be informed of "the problem" and asked what they thought I should do. And neither Fran nor Jack could take a few days off work to come up to see me.

  But taking the kids out of school for a few days wasn't the end of the world. It was early enough in the school year that what they missed could be caught up on pretty easily.

  So they gave the kids the keys to Frannie's car and sent them my way.

  I know what you're thinking. Or at least what you're probably thinking. You're thinking, "The
y just sent the kids off on their own? To impart that kind of information to one outside the circle?" But think about it. The kids had convinced their own parents of the veracity of their claims. Considering that, then winning me over wasn't unthinkable.

  I found out later that what was supposed to be an eight hour trip took them ten. That's because they stopped along the way, taking a blanket behind some trees, and fucked like bunnies. That's because they were convinced that nobody would let them do that any more after I agreed with their parents that the twins should be separated by hundreds of miles.

  That's the conclusion they assumed I'd arrive at.

  They put the car in park around suppertime. We didn't get to bed until two in the morning.

  That was an interesting eight hours, let me tell you.

  That I believed them from the beginning is something that's hard to explain. Well, to be truthful, there were times when my mind toyed with the idea that this was all some tall tale the teens had invented to explain why they had decided to commit incest. And there were many more interviews as the years went by, which filled in a lot of the information you now have. A lot of that helped convince me the switch was real too.

  But even back then I believed them. It was too complicated a scheme for two teenagers to have come up with, much less been able to pull off in such a believable manner. It would have been easier for them to just fuck in secret and, if Carly got pregnant by accident, to blame it on some other boy. All she'd have had to do was make herself available on a date and no boy in the world would have been able to resist her.

  So I didn't believe the wild story was just some contrived excuse for their behavior. I should confess, however, that all this was complicated by the fact that I wanted to believe anything Carly said. Not that I didn't trust Craig.

  Pardon me. This part is hard for me to admit, because it makes me feel a little like a pervert. I think I'm normal, but I'm not sure my peers would agree.


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