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The Girlspell III

Page 17

by William Avon

  ‘Pick her up and keep an eye on her until we return, Higgs,’ the woman said impatiently to the chauffer.

  ‘Yes, Ma’am,’ he said, striding over to Jane, taking hold of her by the hair and yanking her back upright. He maintained his grip, keeping resting with her back against his legs. She could do nothing to help Chloe now except watch.

  They dragged Chloe over to the middle of the floor where she stood swaying between them. The woman opened the box again and lifted a small ivory disk out from it which she slipped under the corner of the hardboard. She then tapped the keypad again, took the phallus head out and screwed the bulbous-tipped handle into it.

  Jane felt the call again and groaned in anguish

  Apparently unconcerned that her chauffeur was watching, the woman lifted the front of her dress, revealing her panty-less and smooth-shaven vulva, and slid the bulbous end up into her vagina so that the ivory shaft jutted out from between her hips like a hard white penis. At the same time the man had freed his cock from his trousers and was massaging it into full erection. He moved to unfold the car rug and place it over the hardboard but the woman stopped him.

  ‘We go standing and you ride up her rear,’ she told her partner. ‘She’ll need the extra stimulation.’

  ‘But I was going to use her mouth. She’s not been properly cleaned out or greased,’ he protested.

  ‘Darling,’ she said acidly, ‘he won’t wait. A little muck on your cock is the least of our problems if we don’t go now!’

  Grumbling the man positioned himself behind Chloe, took hold of her hips and bent her forward, then forced his cockhead into her unwilling anus. She whimpered in pain as it slid all the way up into her tight dry rectum, tears sparkling in her eyes. Jane raged at the sight of her lover’s distress even as perversely she wished she was in her place. The man pulled Chloe upright, now impaled upon him, and braced her shoulders. The woman stood in front of Chloe, took hold of her hips and slid her ivory shaft into Chloe’s vagina.

  Doubly skewered between the couple, Chloe twisted her head round in despair and confusion to look at Jane. Help me! she said mutely.

  Then they began to pump into Chloe with vigorous energy, careless of her comfort, as if trying to make their shafts of flesh and ivory must meet inside. The pain melted from Chloe’s eyes as they rolled up in sudden wonder, overwhelmed by a power she could not resist. By reflex she began to work her hips to meet the thrusts of her violators. The ivory shaft slid out of her glistening with an outpouring of her juices. Jane could smell the sweet scent of her unnatural arousal. She was gasping and moaning now filled with lust, desperate for the only release left to her; the only way out.

  She threw back her head and shrieked. The three figures seemed to blur in a way that hurt Jane’s eyes. And then they simply vanished, totally and completely, and Jane was alone in the garage with the chauffeur.

  ‘And about fucking time,’ she heard Higgs mutter to himself. He tugged at Jane’s hair. ‘Now what’ll we do until they get back?’ he asked rhetorically.

  He dragged her over to the unused car rug and unfolded it across the concrete floor. Then he rolled Jane over onto the rug. He lifted her spread legs into the air and undid the leash from the spreader bar and then unclipped it from her ankle cuffs. He kicked her unresisting legs further apart and undid his flies, freeing a stiff thick shaft. Going down on his knees he mounted Jane, sliding easily into her sex that was still slippery from her unrequited desire. Then he began to ride her with hard, uncaring thrusts.

  ‘Get used to it, girl,’ he grunted as he pounded into her, ‘there’s a lot more of this to come!’

  Jane was too dazed to resist him, frightened and confused, only half aware of what he was doing to her and feeling too wretched to care. What had she just seen? Had it been an hallucination or some kind of trick? Where had Chloe gone?

  When Higgs was done he pulled out of Jane and got to his feet. She lay unmoving, his sperm oozing out of her red-lipped cleft and her legs splayed limply while her eyes stared up at nothing. He prodded her with his toe and she groaned and rolled up onto her side into a foetal ball.

  ‘None of that,’ he said, bending over to grasp her hair, ‘you’ll learn to keep me sweet or else…ugh!’

  Jane had uncoiled, kicking him hard in the testes with all her strength. As he doubled up cursing and clutching at his groin she rolled over backwards onto her feet, took a quick step forward and kicked him again with the heel of her foot slamming into his nose, feeling the crunch of breaking bone. As he jerked upright, grabbing at his nose which was spewing blood, she kicked him in the crotch again. He staggered backwards, hit the front of the car, slithered across the bonnet and slumped to the ground, choking and moaning feebly.

  Jane sprinted for the double doors, twisted round to pull the big bolt back with her strapped hands, shouldered them open and ran out into the night…

  ‘… and I found I was in a narrow lane full of lockup workshops and garages like that one,’ Miss Newcombe said. ‘There was nobody about and I knew Higgs would not let me escape that easily so I ran. At the end of the lane I came to a proper street and ran right into the arms of a group of half a dozen teenagers on a night out who, contrary to the popular stereotype, could not have been kinder. They undid my straps, put a coat over me and called the police. I found out then that I was in Ealing not far from the West Coast line.

  ‘By the time the police came and I was able to retrace my steps to the lockup it was empty. There were some splashes of Higgs’ blood and traces of use, but no sign of the car or the couple or even the disc they’d put down under the board. There was enough physical evidence to convince the police that Chloe and I really had been abducted and assaulted, but not to prove the part about the phalluses or them vanishing. Well who’d believe such a crazy story? It was put down to a combination of shock and drink.

  ‘Where the couple were going that night I don’t know, except it was obvious they needed a suitable girl to act as their transporter in a hurry and used the box to find one. Why did they work out of that anonymous lockup? Perhaps they didn’t want others to be able to trace them back to where they lived. The car had been seen on CCTV between Teddington and Ealing but its plates were false and it wasn’t a standard model so it couldn’t be traced. All I know is the police never found them or Higgs, even though they had his sperm sample from inside me, and I’ve never seen Chloe again from that day to this.’

  Sue laid her head on her mistress’s knee in sympathy and she gently stroked her hair. Miss Newcombe continued with her story.

  ‘From what I’ve found out since, you can make any woman use a phallus to transit between realities, but it doesn’t attract them beforehand if they have emotional bonds that bind them to their homes or families, and Chloe had plenty of those. Whereas I had no family ties or close personal relationships except with Chloe. And that night she was with me and it condemned her! If she hadn’t been there then maybe I could have resisted the call. Or else I might have played their game and become their transit slave. But I was drunk and no use to them whereas Chloe was sober and passionate, even if she didn’t have a taste for the kinkier side of sex as I did. And that’s why all of you responded as you did to the phallus box you used. You had no strong personal ties to our reality and you had a desire or capacity for extreme sexual adventure, even if you didn’t know it at the time.’

  ‘What happened next?’ Melanie asked.

  ‘I returned to work while hoping every day that Chloe could be found. I also kept pestering the police, which was unfair as they’re hardly set up to deal with this kind of incident. My mistake was, as I later realised, that I still insisted I’d seen Chloe and the man and woman vanish into thin air. That sort of crazy story doesn’t help convince anybody of the truth. People began to think either I was trying to cover something else up or I had psychiatric problems. Also my relationship with Chloe�
��s family had always been fragile. This convinced them there was something deeply wrong with me. Finally the pressure began to interfere with my work and I was put on indefinite sick leave. Effectively I was finished in the medical profession.

  ‘However I wouldn’t let the case drop, which only made things worse. I discovered that subtle pressure was being put on the authorities to shut me up. Filthy stories about my private life began to circulate and I realised some influential people were trying to discredit me.’ She looked at Melanie. ‘I think you’ve also had contact with people like them, or at least with their hired help.’

  ‘It sounds familiar,’ Melanie agreed.

  ‘I changed address and dropped out of sight but I was still determined somehow to find Chloe. The box with its distinctive dragon pattern design was my best lead. I searched through libraries and museums and the web and began to find oblique references to odd events concerning women and what must have been phallus boxes which only made sense if you accepted they were a means of moving between alternate realities. I still don’t know how they work. They might be “Eastern” but they don’t match with any oriental culture I could find. But whoever made them they’ve been around for a long time.

  ‘Anyway, after months of searching I found a single phallus box in a Portobello antique shop. I think there are many different versions and sizes of boxes, like different makes of cars. Some are even disguised. It took me a while to find its hidden catch and confirm it was what I thought. They don’t open for men, by the way. So I had physical proof but by then I was too wary to go back to the police with it untested. I didn’t trust anybody in authority so I had to work out how to use it by myself.

  ‘From what I’d seen of a phallus box being used and my later researches I’d got a rough idea what to do. I had the sense to transit at night so that wherever I ended up there was less chance me being seen and more chance to escape again if I was. Remember I’d have to recover from my orgasm and reset the phallus before I could get back home. I also took a camera to record what I saw so I could study it in detail later.

  ‘My first journey brought me to the local equivalent of Winchester, just outside of which, in our world, I was living at the time. The local fashions were easy to copy so I made further trips, interacting with the locals a bit more each time while avoiding being identified as an “outsider”. As soon as possible I visited a public library and learned the history of this worldline. This version of England seemed to be politically stable and advanced enough to be comfortable without the level of surveillance which would make insinuating myself into society impossible. I was startled by their attitude to slavery at first, though I admit also rather drawn to it. I prefer women to men as sexual partners and here, with slaves at least, such relations were commonplace. Also the people who took Chloe were obviously slave owners so perhaps they had a link here, or maybe through owning slaves I could form some connection with them. Anyway I decided this would be my base for further exploration of other worldliness. I later found that many other key combinations brought me back here. Perhaps they’re now “dead” box addresses and this is a relatively safe default destination. That would explain the number of outsider girls who arrive here accidentally.’

  ‘That’s why we came here when we fought over the box that first time,’ Amber said to Melanie. ‘I must have scrambled the settings so it chose the safe option.’

  ‘That’s probably the reason,’ Miss Newcombe agreed. ‘Anyway I had to find a suitable position in local society so I could earn a living and move about openly. I saw an advert for Matron at Cranborough School just outside Shaftwell, which seemed a nice quiet spot, and so I applied for the post. It’s quite easy to fake local documents and certificates back in our world using scanners and digital manipulation. I’ve still got a few sympathetic friends there who do me favours without asking why and I don’t burden them with the truth. It wouldn’t be fair and might be dangerous. Anyway with their help I got the job.

  ‘Once I was established in my new life here I was ready to resume my search for some trace of Chloe or the couple who took her. Then I had a shock. My first transition took me to a wasteland populated with savages and I was lucky to get back alive. I had to accept that I might have to call on extra assistance, perhaps even a few strong male arms, if I was to continue. Even if I avoided savages, Melanie’s experience proves the puzzle box users are not above using violence. But if I dared not risk involving anybody from my old life, who could I trust?

  ‘Why did you want to look further for your couple, Mistress?’ Amber asked. ‘Wasn’t it most likely they’d brought Chloe here, to this version of England?’

  ‘I don’t think so. They were dressed for some fancy occasion, but the fashion didn’t match what they wear for parties here. They would have stood out as outsiders. I’m sure they were going somewhere else.’

  ‘I understand, Mistress.’

  ‘Then I realised that, properly handled, I could enlist the help of the senior boys. Jackson and his friends selected themselves after their encounter with Arabella and I began working on them. I knew they’d been spying on me in my room, so with a blend of charm, coercion and entrapment I planned to make them so indebted to me that I could call on them if necessary. I don’t mean while they were still at the school. I planned to maintain my links with them when they moved on. They were all from reasonably wealthy families and could expect to move into positions of modest influence, so they would make useful allies whose backgrounds I was sure of. I was planning for the long term, you see.’

  ‘What about getting proper local backup?’ Melanie asked. ‘Why don’t you confide in the Major? He understood when I explained how I had to do my duty. I’m sure he’d help you.’

  Miss Newcombe smiled. ‘I know how much you respect him and in the past I have wondered about telling him to full truth. But up until now I’ve not been totally sure I could trust him. He was the wealthiest and most influential man in the neighbourhood and I suspect that’s just the position a box user would hold. Even if they didn’t bring Chloe here, how do I know they don’t have agents in this world as well?

  ‘In any case you three turned up, bringing a three phallus box with you and your special talents: police training, burglary skills and the ability to transport large inanimate objects between worldlines. As soon as I realised how useful you could be I adjusted my plans accordingly. And here we all are.’

  ‘Were you sure we’d want to come back after you took us home, Mistress?’ Amber asked.

  ‘I could only hope you would, once you’d got a taste for life here.’

  ‘Why didn’t you tell me about all this before I returned Amber’s stash?’ Melanie asked. ‘Did you expect the box owners to behave the way they did?’

  ‘It was a possibility, nothing more. But if I had tried to convince you to act contrary to your sense of duty you still might not have agreed. You all had to make that decision in your own time and for reasons that made sense to you.’

  She took a deep breath. ‘And now I have a request.’ She looked at Amber and Sue. ‘I’m not speaking as your mistress now and this is not an order. You understand the situation and why I have to continue my search for Chloe while maintaining my front as school matron. By simply being what you now are you’ll help me do that. But if there are times when I need special assistance, will you help me?’

  ‘You can count on me,’ Melanie said. ‘I’ve got to get some answers to this puzzle box business one way or another and you’re already clued up about it. And your friend was abducted, so it’s my duty to try to find her.’

  ‘You know I’ll help any way I can, Mistress,’ Sue said simply. She had seen the expression on Miss Newcombe’s face as she described the last time she had seen her lover. That sort of pain was impossible to ignore.

  ‘Of course I’ll help, Mistress,’ Amber said.

  ‘Thank you, all of you,’ Miss
Newcombe said with evident feeling.

  ‘One thing, though,’ Amber added. ‘These box users seem to be wealthy types, right?’

  ‘I think the two go together,’ Miss Newcombe agreed.

  ‘So when we do run into them again, nobody would mind if I picked up the odd silver spoon along the way?’

  Chapter Nineteen


  With the blackout glasses over her eyes once again, Belinda stumbled blindly along the woodland path with Jemima’s arm linked through her left arm to guide her. Belinda’s stomach was churning even more violently than it had the first time she had taken this journey. Not only did she know in graphic terms what to expect, but she also had a new and far more tangible secret to conceal.

  In her right hand she carried a straw bag that she had earlier shown Jemima contained fresh panties, a flannel, cloths, talc and soothing cream to tidy herself up after the men had played with them. And indeed it did carry those items on top. But underneath was a paper grocers’ bag taped to the top of a funnel whose nozzle projected through a small hole in the bottom of the bag. The nozzle tip was closed by a bottle top lid with a tape hinge and held shut by a rubber band. A length of fine black cord also attached to the lid ran up through the bag to the underside of one loop of its handle and under Belinda’s fingertips. If she squeezed the cord it pulled the lid open far enough for a dry butter bean to drop from the bag onto the ground.

  She dropped the beans at regular intervals as they went along and each time she felt the path turning or branching. She knew Jemima was checking for anybody who might be following them but she hoped she would not be looking down at the ground they had just passed over. Innocuous as they were the white beans stood out against the darker material of earth and dead leaves clearly enough to anybody who looking for them.


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