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BEAST: A Bad Boy Marine Romance

Page 2

by Alana Albertson

  “So, I was reading Star magazine, and you won’t believe who Pasha is dating!”

  Great, I was trapped alone in an interrogation vessel with Marisol. The perfect opportunity for her to force me to talk, since normally I would either hang up on her, not reply to her nosy texts, or just walk away. In her defense, this was the only way I would really answer her questions. “I don’t care. And I told you a thousand times that those stories are all fake. I’m sure he just had his publicist plant some stories so he could stay relevant.” She never believed me, but I spoke the truth. According to the tabloids, I had hooked up with every partner I ever had on Dancing under the Stars. Which was totally not true, but I was sure those rumors no doubt contributed to the way people treated me.

  “Even so. Aren’t you the least bit curious about your old partner?”

  “Nope.” And I wasn’t. That jerk never gave me the time of day though I used to have the biggest crush on him. He was older, already a ladies man, and I was just an inexperienced teen. He tossed our partnership aside when I needed him the most. Even worse, he hadn’t defended me when the press started making crazy allegations about why I’d left the show. Most days I doubted that he ever really cared about me.

  I gazed out the window, trying to erase the past from my mind. The show destroyed my life, devastated my soul, and detonated my family.

  “I’d do anything to find out what Dax was doing, even though I barely knew him. But he vanished.” She placed her hand on mine, and squeezed it. “Sorry I brought it up.” Marisol turned up the radio, and some pop catastrophe filled the air.

  Her smile faded. Though she completely owned her choice about sleeping with Dax and she loved her daughter, I couldn’t fathom how hard it would be to be pregnant and not even have had a chance to tell the father. Every choice has consequences.

  I didn’t blame Marisol for being curious about my former life, a life that the media made out to be so glamorous, when it was actually soul-sucking. She was one of the few people I confided in about the real horrors of my dance with stardom. And I planned to keep it that way.

  Marisol parked her car a block away from fraternity row and we walked toward the house, the chaos from the party spilling out on the street. The usual suspects milled around the lawn—a full range of Supermen, Batmen, Thors, Captain Americas, and Iron Men. I also counted a dozen Catwomen, a few Wonder Women, a Batgirl, a couple of branches of Poison Ivy, a Supergirl, an Elektra, and even a Harley Quinn. But as far as I could tell, I was the only Black Widow. This place looked like a Comic-Con after-party.

  We made our way into the house, and despite Marisol’s vow not to leave my side, before I could even blink she had stalked off toward a Joker sporting a winning grin. Joker apparently knew Catwoman, evident by their overly friendly embrace.

  I watched them flirt for a few moments until Marisol motioned me over to join the group, attempting to lure me with a skinny Aquaman as bait, but I refused. When I shook my head, Marisol mouthed, “Be right back,” and Joker placed his arms around her and they went to the basement.

  Great. We hadn’t even been here for the full length of a song and I was already on my own. I grabbed a red Solo cup, poured myself a rum and coke, and prayed to be anywhere but here.

  Batman groped at Poison Ivy on the sofa; Superman and Wonder Woman exchanged heated words in the kitchen. Spider-Man played a friendly game of beer pong with Green Goblin. Ha! Apparently no one did research on their characters’ enemies and allies. This sucked—my hopes of meeting someone interesting were dashed as I took in the usual “let’s get wasted” party scene. The cacophony rang through my ears, and the scent of weed, sweat, and beer wafted through the house. I stepped out to the brown and patchy back lawn, no doubt a casualty of California’s drought, and inhaled the eucalyptus-scented air. A DJ spun tracks while a bunch of coeds splashed around in the pool, Wolverine grilled burgers, and there was a Marvel versus DC superhero volleyball game going on. Still not my idea of a good time.

  I retreated to a corner of the yard overlooking the majestic canyon, away from the chaos, and nursed my drink.

  After people watching for a bit, a green flash caught my eye. No, not San Diego’s famous sky streak. Opening the sliding doors from the frat house was a man wearing a mask—his skin was tinted green, and he wore ripped purple shorts.

  The Hulk.

  At first glance, I was convinced he had one of those muscle costumes on, padded fabric to make him appear to be strapping. But no, oh no. This man was massive—arms twice the size of any other man’s at this party, broad shoulders, rock-solid abs. But unlike the Hulk, this imposter’s entire body was covered with tattoos, which were hard to decipher since they were obscured with body paint. I tried to avert my gaze but I couldn’t—I was drawn to him, like a magnetic force. He oozed confidence, the way he stood there assessing the environment, like he owned this house, when he was clearly out of place. Who was this man? No way he was a frat brother.

  Was he looking at me? Don’t be silly, Isa. He was probably just scanning the full scene to see who would be the lucky girl to go home with him tonight.

  I volunteer as tribute! I snickered to myself. Too bad this wasn’t a Hunger Games party.

  A few girls stopped to check him out, not that I blamed them. He looked at the ground, and his hand reached into a rose bush where he plucked a single red bud. Wow, that was fast; he was probably already hitting on one of the girls inside. I felt like I was on one of those stupid Bachelor shows—hundreds of desperate women, one hot guy, and nothing to base any romantic connection on besides a fleeting first impression.

  I finally drew the strength to turn away and wipe the drool from my face. One long gulp of my drink and I would be fine. But seconds later, a looming shadow appeared at my feet, and the intoxicating smell of cedar, vanilla, and cinnamon made me realize I wasn’t alone.

  “Welcome aboard, Russian,” a deep voice said in a sexy drawl.

  I looked up and the Hulk hovered above me—the bloom in one hand and a beer in the other.

  Ay dios mío, he was breathtaking. Well, a mask covered his face, but his body was incredible. Incredible Hulk indeed. He could be the Hulk’s stunt double—no special effects needed.

  I steadied my nerves and downed my drink. “That’s not Hulk’s line. Iron Man said that.”

  He let out a laugh, or maybe it was a growl—the sound was muffled under that mask.

  “Avengers fan? I’ve been searching for a Black Widow all night. Here, this is for you.” He handed me the rose.

  My belly quivered, pleasantly surprised by the sweet gesture. The only time in my life I’d ever received flowers was after a big dance performance, and those were from my father.

  “Thanks, that’s very sweet of you.” His tattoos were in focus now—the first one I could decipher was a huge USMC emblem on his right biceps. Whoa, a Marine—well, that explained his body. There was a quote in Latin, Semper Fidelis.

  “Nice tattoo, Devil Dog. Always faithful?”

  The Hulk sat next to me, his green skin shone in the moonlight. “Yes, ma’am. Do you speak Latin? Or have you dated a Marine?”

  I definitely detected a deep Southern accent. “No, I’ve never dated a Marine. I know it’s the motto of the Marine Corps. My father is a Marine. Well, once a Marine, always a Marine; he retired before I was born.” And then he met my innocent mother. Young, beautiful, from a rural town in Mexico. But my father rarely talked about himself; he preferred to tell other people’s stories. “And no one speaks Latin. It’s a dead language.”

  “I know that, Natasha Romanova. I was making a reference to Iron Man 2.”

  “Yeah, I get it. My dad’s dragged me to all the movies. My name’s Isa. What’s your name?”

  He paused. “Bruce Banner, but you can call me Hulk.”

  This guy couldn’t even tell me his real name? Strike one. I immediately put up my guard. Probably another player, but with a body like that, who could blame him? His hand brushed against
my thigh, and my core heated up. I couldn’t help but stare at his shorts as the huge bulge stared back at me. Looked like his chest wasn’t the only part of his body that was massive.

  “Okay, Hulk. So what’s your job in the Marines?”

  “I’m a grunt, ma’am.”

  I loved the way he said ma’am. I was so used to SoCal surfers, frat boys, and Hollywood types that I was charmed by his politeness. I just hoped it wasn’t fake.


  “So you don’t hate military guys like most of the girls in San Diego?”

  I wasn’t imagining a bitter edge to his voice. But it was refreshing that he didn’t seem to hold his opinions back. “No, I don’t. I actually admire any man who would risk his life for his country. Being in the military isn’t a job, it’s an honor.” Much more honorable than my former life in the spotlight, existing to please people, making money off my appearance, fakeness, dishonesty. I shuddered remembering the older pictures on my now defunct Instagram account. Thank God, I’d changed my path. Even if it hadn’t been by choice.

  He leaned in closer to me and squeezed my hand. “I’m glad and, well, shocked you think that. It means a lot to me, thank you. How about you? Do you go to SDSU?”

  “No. UCSD. But I want to apply here for grad school.” I studied Hulk’s body. He had a deep scar on his right shoulder, and even though it was covered in green makeup, I could tell that some of his skin was mottled and puckered.

  Should I ask him about his obvious injuries? Would that be rude?

  His strong hand covered mine; the strength of his grasp excited me. I imagined this man dominating me, a fantasy that I’d never had the pleasure of experiencing with the passive pretty boys I’d dated.

  “Isa, you’re the most beautiful woman here. This party really isn’t my scene, and I’d like to get to know you better. Let’s get out of here.”

  Well, that was quick. So much for my romantic Southern gentleman. “What did you have in mind, Hulk?”

  Before he could reply, a loud boom detonated nearby. A blinding flash of light streaked the sky, the shimmer of multicolored fireworks were overhead.

  Hulk dropped the beer, glass shattering under us. Before I could react, he threw me to the ground and flung his frame on top of mine, his body shaking, a labored breath emanating from his mask.

  What the hell? “Get off me!” I yelled, pounding his chest with my fists, shards from the bottle scraping my skin.

  I suffered through a few seconds in silence, praying he would move, but he just clung to me like cling wrap. The pressure on my chest tightened, but no matter how hard I tried, I couldn’t push him off. I writhed under him, my face pressed to his green chest.

  Finally after what seemed like a few minutes, he rolled off of me and sat up, his hands shaking. Sweat beads adorned his chest. A crowd had now gathered around us, probably trying to make sure I wasn’t being raped. Had a firework gone off? Oh damn—was that some kind of war flashback? How insensitive was I?

  “You okay, honey?” some girl asked, glaring at the blood on my costume.

  “I’m fine.” I sat up, brushed myself off, and picked up the rose he’d given me, now crushed on the grass. Luckily the glass had given me only superficial cuts.

  Hulk plowed through the crowd and ran off.

  “Wait!” I screamed after him, but he was gone. I dashed out of the backyard, through the house, and onto the front lawn. Hulk stormed down the street.

  “Hey, wait up!”

  He didn’t turn his head, and I wasn’t even sure he heard me. He just kept on walking and made a right at the end of the block.

  I should’ve let him go—he obviously wanted to be alone and had just had some sort of trigger—but I wanted to make sure he was okay.

  I flicked off my heels, threw them and the rose into my purse, and ran down the street. I finally caught up to him as he was using his key to enter an apartment building.

  I slowly placed my hand on his shoulder. “Hey, I’m sorry I yelled. I was just a little scared. Do you want to go back to the party with me?”

  His head turned to me. I wished I could rip that damn mask off of his head and read his expression. “No,” he said, his breath labored. His hands fidgeted, and then he crossed his arms.

  Cars whizzed by the street, drowning out our silence. This guy was obviously going through something. Sure, I’d just met him, but after failing to detect all the signs of my mother’s depression, I’d made a vow to never turn my back on someone in need.

  We stood there in awkward silence. “Did you have a war flashback?”

  “Something like that. I’m fine.”

  He did not seem fine. His voice was shaking and he flinched at my touch.

  “It’s okay. I mean my mom used to have episodes. I’m not judging you. Do you want to talk?”

  “I said I’m fine. I need to relax. I don’t do well in big groups of people. I should’ve never gone to that party.” He exhaled and his shoulders dropped. Then his chin tilted up, and he placed his hand on my back. “But then, I would’ve never met you.”

  Ah. The charm was back.

  “I’m glad you went.”

  His lips grazed my ear. “Come upstairs with me.”

  Whoa, arrogant much? In any other situation, I would’ve run for the hills. Despite my reputation in Hollywood, I’d never gone home with a guy whom I’d just met. “I don’t think going up to your place is a good idea.”

  He leaned into me, his firm hand tracing mine. “It’s the best idea I’ve had all night.”

  His body was now pressed into mine, and I could feel his rock-solid cock poke through his shorts.

  Ah, damn. I knew what he wanted—and I’d be lying to myself if I said a part of me didn’t ache for him too. Lust aside, I wouldn’t be able to forgive myself if I walked away from him now. I needed to be assured he was okay.

  But I wasn’t stupid—I recognized that I didn’t know this man. I wanted to just talk to him, somewhere safe, somewhere public. “Do you want to grab some coffee with me? There’s a café a block away. Or if you’re hungry, there’s this great hole-in-the-wall Thai restaurant around the corner.”

  “I’m not going anywhere but home. And you’re coming with me.”

  Damn. I should’ve told him off but the ache between my legs compelled me to stay.

  “But…I don’t even know your name.” Nor had I seen his face. I refused to walk away without getting a glimpse of the man behind the mask.

  His fist clenched. “Are you coming upstairs or not?”

  I took a deep breath. “Okay, but just for a bit. My friend’s at the party.”

  His head tilted to the side. “I didn’t see you with a friend.”

  “Yeah, well, she ditched me when I got there.”

  “Some friend.”

  Hulk had a point. Even so, I took out my phone and texted Marisol my location just in case I ended up in a bad situation.

  We walked upstairs to the second floor, and he opened his apartment door. His place was masculine and modern—IKEA-style black furniture, a huge flat-screen television, and a small balcony with a tiny barbecue. Instead of the room smelling musty, like most guys’ rooms I’d been to, his smelled like lemons and pinecones. It was immaculate. He must’ve either had a maid, which was unlikely, or he was a complete OCD neat freak. The creative slob in me was impressed. I sat nervously on the sofa and he stood in the kitchen, watching me.

  What on earth was I doing? “What’s your name?”

  He just shook his head. Okay, I was in a strange apartment with some psycho, nameless Marine who just had some war flashback. I’d probably end up in a ditch, the subject of a future episode of Dateline. Well, at least my dad would get the opportunity to pitch the story about my disappearance and murder to Vanity Fair—a boost and paycheck he needed for his slumping writing career and mounting bills.

  “Okay, Hulk. Are you okay? Do you want to talk?”

  He didn’t say a word, just opened the refrigera
tor, and grabbed two beers. He handed me one, then leaned against the granite kitchen island, his hips jutting out, and I couldn’t help but stare at the bulge in his shorts.

  I took a swig of my beer, the bitter taste filling my mouth. Awkward. I didn’t know what to say, but I didn’t want to leave. In addition to my immense attraction to this man, I wanted to know his story. I had to see if his face was as breathtaking as his body.

  I looked at him. “Will you take off your mask for me?”

  He grunted. “Only if you take off your clothes.”

  Whoa. Did he just say that? Who did this guy think he was? With that body, he clearly had no problem getting women to spread their legs for him. Was this his game? Play the damaged vet card to gain sympathy from unsuspecting coeds?

  Not that he needed a ploy. This man was incredibly hot. Hands down the best body I’d ever seen. Like one of those fitness models who graced the covers of my romance novels.

  “No way, Devil Dog.” I gathered my purse and stood up. “Look, I made a mistake. I wanted to make sure you were okay, but you’re clearly fine and all, so I’m going to see myself out. It was nice meeting you.”

  I walked toward the door, but he grabbed my wrist. Before I could protest, he pressed his body against mine, shoving my ass against the black granite countertop. His huge cock pushed against my crotch, and my core ached.

  “Don’t leave.” His voice was deep, sexy, guttural, as his fingers traced my side.

  I was unable to speak, my adrenaline spiking. I could race out of here, slamming the door on any hope of taking this further. Or I could stay and see this night through. Our interaction had started out so promising. He’d given me a rose, seemed to be interested in more than just a hookup, even though he’d asked me to leave the party with him after we just met. Maybe I’d read him wrong and he’d been about to ask me out on a date? It wasn’t his fault that an ill-timed firework ignited and ruined our moment. Why should any connection we might have become a casualty of his pain?


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