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Joker: Death Dealers MC

Page 5

by Kacee Kupser

  I started laughing at her. She was just so easy to rile up, it was one of my favourite things to do. “I’m just screwing with you, it was mind blowing. I’m actually surprised I’m able to sit down today.”

  “Damn! That good huh?” Brenna responded with awe in her voice.

  “Yeah, best I’ve had in a long time, if not ever. With what happened today I’m thinking I’m going to be seeing a lot more of him. He says he’s going to put a prospect on me to make sure I’m safe and spend nights with me for the same reason.”

  “Ohhhhh, someone is getting protective quickly.”

  “Yeah, it made me laugh. I’m perfectly capable of looking out for myself, but who am I to deny him when he can keep me in orgasms every night?!” Just thinking about it has me excited for a repeat performance tonight.

  “That a girl! Okay we are here, let’s get you inside and you can have a bath while I find us something to watch on Netflix and get some snacks made.” Brenna threw the car in park and got out, walking up to the front door and letting herself in with her key.

  “It’s a little early for snacks don’t you think?” I said looking at my watch. It’s 8:30, later than I thought it was, but still pretty early for junk food.

  “It’s never too early for snacks, especially when it involves chocolate and caramel.” Brenna responded while she walked into the kitchen to get started.

  “Sounds good to me. I’ll be back in half an hour.” I replied as I walked toward my bedroom to get my bath ready.

  “Take your time, I plan on gaining ten pounds by the end of the night so I’ll be making lots of junk for us to eat.”

  With a laugh I went in to my master bathroom and turned the water on for a very hot bath. I lit the candles sitting on the edge of the tub and got in, lying back and relaxing. It felt nice, I hadn’t had a bath in ages. It’s not something I do regularly. I’m more of a shower person than a bath person, but there are days when you just need to sit in some boiling hot water and relax. After lying there with my eyes closed for what I thought was a few minutes, I woke up to the smell of chocolate and garlic. Brenna had obviously made some of our favourite foods and I had been asleep longer than I thought. The water was cold and I had goosebumps all over my body.

  I got out of the bath, threw my hair into a messy bun and got into my most comfortable pajamas. I walked into the living room and there was food all over the coffee table. Brenna was sitting there already digging in with her phone in front of her and a movie paused on Netflix.

  “What did you decide we should watch?”

  Brenna looked up at me with a giant smile on her face. “Sons of Anarchy of course!”

  “Oh my God, tell me you’re joking!” I said with a shake of my head and a smile. Charlie Hunnam was my imaginary boyfriend, but now that I’d met Joker I didn’t really need to watch Sons of Anarchy anymore, I had my own real flesh and blood fantasy now.

  Brenna snickered, “I’m just giving you a hard time. I thought we could do a comic book movie marathon starting with Thor.”

  “You read my mind. Don’t want anything sappy and I love to see that man with his shirt off!” Now it was my turn to give Brenna a hard time. Chris Hemsworth was her favourite.

  “Watch it Bitch, that’s my boyfriend you’re talking about.”

  “Oh forgive me, I forgot that he left his wife and three kids just for you.” I say with sarcasm dripping off of every word.

  “Don’t forget it again!” She says with a smirk.

  We turned the movie on, lounged back and commenced pigging out on our favourite junk food. Next thing I knew we were finished three movies and half way through the fourth when my phone buzzed with a text message coming in. Looking down I saw the message was from Joker and it made me smile.

  Brenna caught me and asked, “What has you smiling over there like a Cheshire cat?”

  “Nothing, just Joker asking how we’re doing and what we want for dinner.”

  Brenna groaned and grabbed her stomach. “I seriously don’t think I’m going to have any room for food. What about you?”

  “No, I’m stuffed and won’t have room for anything for hours. I’ll just tell him to bring over whatever he wants.”

  Everly: Hey. We’re doing good. Just on our fourth comic book movie and eating our weight in junk food. Bring over whatever you want, we won’t be hungry.

  Joker – Comic book movies? I would have thought you would be watching some chick flicks.

  Everly – Oh no, I would rather watch a comic book movie over a sappy movie or a RomCom. What time will you be over?

  Joker – My kind of girl. I’ll be over by 6:30. Make sure to save me some of the desserts I’m sure you’re having. See you soon Red.

  “Joker will be over around 6:30. He thinks we should save him some of the desserts, not sure we can do that though. There’s not much left and I’m sure I’ll eat more before he gets here.”

  Brenna eyeballs me, “Oh I’m sure there’s something you can do to make it up to him!”

  We got back to finishing our movie and I lay back down with my head on the couch arm and my feet on Brenna’s lap. My activities from last night were catching up to me and I was starting to get drowsy. I might not even be awake when Joker gets here.

  Chapter 8 – Joker

  Walking through the front door of Everly’s house I found her and Brenna asleep on the couch. There was a movie playing on the TV and empty plates all over the coffee table. Obviously they didn’t save anything for me. I took the pizza to the kitchen, grabbed myself a beer out of the fridge and sat down at the kitchen table to eat. By the time I had gotten through half the pizza and two beers, I was ready to get Everly and take her to bed. I walked up to her and picked her up from the couch. When I lifted her up Brenna woke up and looked at me sleepily.

  “Do you need me to get someone to come over and give you a ride home or are you okay to drive?”

  “I’m good, but who says I’m not staying over in the guest room?” Brenna responds with a grin.

  “Feel free to stay in the guest room, but unless you sleep like the dead, which I don’t think you do, be prepared to be woken up tonight because I plan on waking Everly up as soon as we get to her room.”

  Brenna pretended to gag before responding. “Yeah, not something I need to hear or think about. I’ll get up and get out of your hair. Have a good night and be good to her.” She said more seriously than I’ve seen her before.

  “I will.” I reply with a nod. “Thanks for coming and keeping her company, I appreciate it and I know she did too.”

  “Of course, I’m part of the package, when you get her you get me as part of the deal.”

  “I’ll keep that in mind. Have a good night.”

  As I turned back around and started walking to Everly’s room I heard Brenna get up and leave the house, locking the door behind her. I walked through to her room and Everly still hadn’t roused herself to do anything but lean into me as I walked. I put her down on the bed and started stripping off her clothes. She shifted around, but didn’t wake up until I started taking her shirt off. When I started to lift her upper body her eyes cracked open and she looked at me with a smirk on her face.

  “Whatcha doing?”

  I smile down at her, she looks so beautiful when she’s sleepy. “What does it look like I’m doing?”

  “It looks like you might just be trying to seduce me while I’m still asleep.” She says while looking down to where her pajama pants used to be.

  “Oh don’t worry, I didn’t plan on you being asleep for long. I know you needed some rest after last night, but your time is up.”

  “I’m okay with that. I didn’t save you any dessert, sorry.” She said while sticking her bottom lip out and making me want to nip at it.

  “It’s okay, my dessert is sitting right here in front of me.” I say as I look down at her with a hunger I’ve never felt for anyone else.

  She sat up and helped me get her shirt and bra off and I just sat back
and looked at her. “You are beautiful.”

  She blushed at me and responded quietly, “You know you don’t have to say that, you’re already going to get lucky.” I loved when she got all shy one me.

  “I’m not just saying it. I think you’re beautiful. I’ve been hard every time I’ve thought about you since the day I met you. Let’s just say that my hand has been getting calluses on it from all the work I’ve been putting it through.”

  She started laughing until I leaned down and took her right nipple into my mouth. She gasped and arched off the bed while I started pinching her other nipple. I slowly started kissing my way down her body, stopping at just above her pubic bone. I looked up at her and her eyes were closed and her face looked blissful.

  “Turn over, I want you on your hands and knees facing the headboard.”

  She opened her eyes back up and looked at me before turning over. I slapped her on the ass as she did, I just couldn’t resist. I got back behind her and started to suck on her clit from behind. She was already soaked and her wetness had started to go down towards her ass. I swiped through her pussy with my finger, dragging her natural lubrication back to her ass and pushed my finger in to her ass as I kept licking and nipping at her pussy. She flinched when my finger entered, she was tight. “Have you ever had anyone in your ass baby?”

  “No” she grunted, “It’s not something I’ve ever wanted to do.”

  “Oh I’ll get you to where you’re happy to try it, we’ll work on that for another night.”

  I went back to eating her out and stuck a second finger into her ass. I could feel her tensing up, I could tell she was close. “How close are you baby? Come on, I want to hear you.”

  She let out a moan, “I’m so close, I’m almost there.” I started moving my fingers in and out of her ass, added two fingers to her pussy and pushed on her G. spot. Within seconds she was shooting off with her first orgasm of the evening. I backed off the bed, took my clothes off and grabbed a condom from my jeans pocket. I sheathed myself, got back on the bed behind her and pulled her hips up to me. Her head was on the bed, but with her ass in the air it put me at a perfect angle. Before she knew what I was about, I slammed into her going all the way to the end of her channel, hitting her cervix. She let out a little yelp and I paused, waiting for her to relax again. “You ready for me?”

  “God yes! Give it to me. I need it hard Joker.”

  As soon as the words left her mouth I started pounding into her. I was taking my aggressions and anxiety out on her pussy, but God did it feel good. With every shove into her she moved closer to the headboard until she had to put her hands out to stop her head from hitting it. I could feel her getting closer, but I wasn’t ready for her to go over yet so I pulled out. She whined in protest as I turned her over.

  “I’ve changed my mind, I’m not ready for you to be done yet, I’ve got so much more I want to do to you tonight. Take my cock and suck me off until you calm down.”

  She looked at me with anticipation and leaned towards me. Pulling the condom off she threw it in the corner, I would need to remember to throw that into the garbage later.

  She put one hand at the base of my cock and started licking the tip. “Come on, don’t just lick me, take me in as far as you can.” She opened her mouth and swallowed me down. I was big so she couldn’t get all the way down at first, which is why her fist was at my base. As she started working her way up and down my cock she twisted her hand with just the right amount of pressure and brought it up to meet her mouth every time she went down on me. She slowly worked her way up and down until she got to the back of her throat and then I grabbed her head and held her in place. She looked up from me and started choking, which is one of the best feelings there is. I held her there for another few seconds and then pulled out giving her a chance to catch her breath. “You okay? Ready for another go, see if you can get me all the way in?”

  She nodded and started going back down. She slowly worked her way down and changed her angle so I could go down her throat where she swallowed and I almost burst down her throat. I pulled out and pushed her back down onto the bed, grabbing another condom and putting it on while she looked up at me with a smug smile and said, “What’s the matter? Too much for you?”

  “Oh Red, I’ll give you too much.” I grabbed her ankles and put them up on my shoulders and shoved back into her. I knew it wouldn’t take me long to get off and she had calmed down so I started strumming her clit as I went after her pussy. She started squeezing me every time I entered her until I exploded into the condom. She wasn’t there yet so I started pushing on her clit harder and kept pumping into her until she went over the deep end not long after me. I collapsed on top of her, gave her a kiss and then rolled over to the side. She leaned over and rested her head on my chest.

  I started rubbing my hand up and down her back with a smile on my face. “Gotta say Red, that was probably the best dessert I’ve ever had.”

  “I’m glad to be of service.” She said with a giggle that ended in a sigh.

  With a chuckle I rolled her off of me and got up to go dispose of the condoms. When I came back I had a warm wash cloth in my hand to clean her up, but she was fast asleep. I carefully cleaned her up, which she slept through, and then crawled into bed with her and was asleep in minutes.

  I woke up what felt like hours later, but looking at the bedside clock it showed that it had only been 30 minutes, and I couldn’t figure out what had woken me. I looked over at Everly and she was tossing her head back and forth muttering in her sleep. I leaned over her and gently kissed her forehead and started rubbing her arm trying to get her to wake up. “Red, wake up baby, you’re having a bad dream.”

  She opened her eyes and looked at me in confusion. “Joker? What’s going on? Why did you wake me up?”

  “You seemed to be having a bad dream. Your head was tossing back and forth and you were muttering in your sleep. Are you okay?” I responded with concern.

  “Seriously? I don’t even remember what I was dreaming about. I’m sorry, did I wake you?”

  “It’s okay. Do you want to talk about what happened today?”

  She turned her eyes up to look at me with a frown on her face. “I don’t know. I didn’t think it bothered me that much, but obviously it does. I don’t know why it happened. As far as I know I haven’t done anything to piss someone off.”

  I nodded in understanding. I couldn’t imagine Everly pissing someone off enough to try to hurt her. “I don’t know that you have Red, as you said it’s probably just a random act of violence, but to make us both feel better I’ll still keep a prospect on you when I can’t be with you. I’ll get Techy from the club to see what he can find out.”

  “Thank you, that will make me feel so much better. I’m sorry again that I woke you up. Let’s try getting back to sleep. I’m exhausted after all the calories you’ve helped me burn over the last two days.” She said to try to lighten the mood.

  With a smirk I responded. “Don’t worry Red, we’ll burn some more later, but you’re right we should get some sleep.”

  With a smile she rolled back over and I pushed in behind her and pulled her into me. I’m not one to cuddle, hell I don’t even have sleepovers with women, but everything about what’s going on between Everly and I is different. Within minutes her breathing evened out, but I was still lying there an hour later thinking about what happened today. I don’t like that this happened right after we hooked up. I’m going to get Techy to start looking into it first thing in the morning, his other jobs can take a back seat to this. With my decision made I relaxed and was finally able to fall back to sleep.

  The next time I woke up the sun was peeking through the blackout curtains and Everly’s side of the bed was cold. I looked at the en-suite, but she didn’t seem to be in there either. I got up, pulled my jeans on and wandered through the house until I found her in the kitchen wearing nothing but my shirt looking at her phone while the sweet scent of cinnamon came from the oven. I wa
lked up behind her and put my arms around her looking over her shoulder. “What are you looking at Red?”

  She looked at me with a sleepy smile on her face. “Good morning. Just going through Facebook to see what’s going on with people.”

  “Anything interesting?” I said, trying to catch a look at her phone.

  She laughed and pulled away from me. “Not really, just everyday posts. I had a message on my phone this morning from the detective asking me to come in to the station and answer some more questions.”

  “When do you need to go in? I’ll go in with you.”

  That made her look up from her phone with a frown on her face. “Oh, you don’t need to do that, I can go by myself.”

  “I’m going to go with you Red, just let me know when.” I said in a steely tone.


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