Joker: Death Dealers MC

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Joker: Death Dealers MC Page 9

by Kacee Kupser

  “Hey Griff, you got a lead on a new windshield for Everly’s car?”

  “Yeah, I’m on it boss. I’ll have one here by 3:00. Her car will be ready and raring to go by the end of the day.”

  Everly walked up to the desk and smiled at Griff. “Thank you so much Griff, I really appreciate all the hard work you guys are putting in to get my car fixed.”

  “No problem Ev, happy to help.”

  I put my hand on Everly’s lower back and directed her towards my office, giving Griff a back off look as we went.

  Chapter 15 – Everly

  I could feel Joker glaring at Griff and it just made me smile. I liked getting a rise out of him.

  Once we got into his office and his door was closed he slammed me against the wall and started kissing me. When I went to put my hands around his neck he grabbed them and pushed them up above my head.

  “Keep your hands up there, don’t move them or I’ll stop.” He demanded.

  He ripped my shirt off over my hands, undid my bra and threw it to the ground. Then he bent down and unzipped my boots, helping me take them off. Once my boots were off he started kissing up my body with his hands following his mouth until he got up to my mouth. He started kissing me and kneading my breasts and when I started to move my hands down he stopped.

  “I told you not to move.” He growled.

  He picked me up and walked me over to his desk. There wasn’t a lot of room in his office so he pushed his chair out of the way and lay me down underneath his desk. He slid my jeans down and ripped my panties off.

  I gasped and then he was all over me. He slammed into me and held my hands above my head. I hated not being able to touch him, but we were going so fast I was ready to cum and cum hard!

  “You feel so good Red. I can’t get enough of you.” He grunted.

  After two more pushes into me he came like a geyser, moving his hand down to my clit and rubbing it until I followed him over the edge.

  “Jesus, you can’t smile at my brothers like that. It gets me all worked up.”

  “So what am I supposed to do? Glare at them? Give them my resting bitch face?”

  He chuckled. “I know, it’s stupid, but you smile at them and it gets to me. I feel like I need to mark you, put my scent on you.”

  “Wow you really are a caveman.” I pushed at his chest to get him to move. “Get up, I need to go to the washroom and get cleaned up.”

  He helped me up and I looked for my clothes around the office. My panties were ruined, but the rest of my clothes looked fine.

  “Well, I hope you’re happy. You ruined my favourite pair of panties.” I said in annoyance.

  “If those were your favourite pair Red, I’ll buy you a dozen more and ruin them all one by one.”

  I put my clothes on and walked out of the office, making sure he was dressed before I opened the door, and walked to the washroom. I felt like I needed to walk with my legs pushed tightly together to keep all of his spunk inside of me and so I didn’t look like I wet my pants. I walked quickly to the washroom and only when I got in there and locked the door did I sigh a breath of relief.

  I looked in the mirror to see my hair and makeup were a mess. I cleaned up, fixed my hair and makeup as well as I could with my fingers and walked back to Joker’s office.

  When I walked through the door he was on his cell phone with a serious look on his face. He looked up at me with a frown and put one finger in the air, I’m assuming to let me know that he needed a minute. I went back out to the front desk to see what Griff was doing and how my car was coming along.

  “Hey Griff. How’s it going?”

  Griff looked up at me with a grin on his face. “It’s going well. Sounds like you are doing well too Everly.”

  “Shit, did you hear us?” I put my head in my hands, so embarrassed.

  “I sure as hell did. Thanks a lot, now I need a cold shower.”

  “Oh God!” I shook my head back and forth. “Now I can’t show my face here ever again.”

  “Are you kidding me? It was the best part of my day. I won’t be telling Joker that though, I might not make it out of the shop alive or intact.” That made me look up and smile.

  “True, telling him might be a mistake.”

  “Telling him what might be a mistake?” Joker had come up behind us while we were talking, making me jump.

  “Good Lord, you scared the shit out of me! Stop walking around like you’re a cat. Are you done with your phone call?”

  “You’re avoiding the question Red.”

  “What question, I don’t know anything about a question.” I said as innocently as I could. I didn’t want Griff to get in trouble.

  “Oh, I’ll get it out of you eventually. Yes, I’m done with my phone call. We haven’t got anything yet, but Techy is still working on some leads. Come on back in to my office and I’ll quickly do the paperwork that needs doing immediately and then we can head to the clubhouse.”

  I followed him to his office, making sure to stay behind him where he couldn’t reach me. Once in his office I closed the door behind me and sat in one of the chairs in front of his desk.

  “You go ahead and do your paperwork. I’m going to catch up on my social media for the bakery.”

  “Okay babe. If you need anything to drink I have some stuff in my fridge over in the corner.”

  With a nod I got down to business. I had been neglecting my Instagram and Facebook pages for a couple of days so I started looking through my messages. Halfway through reading my Facebook feedback I saw a review that had me taking a second look. There were a lot of angry and upset emoji’s and when I scrolled down it was not what I was expecting.

  Sweet Devotions is the worst bakery I have ever gone into. I walked in to place an order for a cake and was told that they could not help me. When I asked them why, I was told it was because they didn’t serve “my kind”. I am an African American woman and have never been so insulted. This is the 21st century. I will never use the services of Sweet Devotions and I would recommend that no one else should either.

  “Oh my GOD!” I shrieked.

  “What’s the matter babe?” Joker asked looking up from his paperwork.

  “This review on my Facebook page for the bakery. I’ve never turned someone away, especially not because of their ethnicity.”

  “What are you talking about?”

  “Here, read this review.” I pass him my phone so he can see the post I’m talking about.

  Chapter 16 – Joker

  What I read had me clenching my fists and ready to spit fire. You’ve got to be fucking kidding me. Who the hell keeps messing with my woman?

  “Well, looks like you’re going to be staying with me at the clubhouse for a little while Red.”

  “What? What are you talking about? You don’t live at the clubhouse. Why would I stay with you there instead of my house?”

  “Until we get to the bottom of this whole mess I want you as safe as possible and that means staying at the clubhouse. That way I know you are always guarded and that no one can get to you without going through me and every other member of the club.”

  “Okay that sounds reasonable. Are you going to get someone to drive me to work every day or are you going to do that?”

  “Oh no, no going to work. Not until I know you’re totally safe.”

  “Yeah, I don’t think so caveman. I need to work. My bakery is my dream and I’m not letting whoever this asshole is take that away from me.”

  “Babe, you’re killing me. You’ve got to go with me on this.” I was practically whining. What was this woman doing to me?

  “Sorry Joker, but that’s not going to happen. I’m not going to live my life scared of some jerk who feels the need to intimidate me and try to take my hopes and dreams away from me. You can either drive me to and from work, get someone else to do it, or I can do it myself, but I’m not going to put my employees in danger if I’m not there and I sure as hell am not going to close my bakery down.�

  God she was so bloody stubborn, but I guess that’s one of the things I’m starting to love about her.

  Holy shit, did I just think love? What the hell is wrong with me? I’ve never loved someone, never planned to, but Everly is getting under my skin and I can’t see my life without her in it.

  “Okay, okay, keep your panties on, for now anyway. We’ll figure it out, but you are not to leave the clubhouse without an escort. We good?”

  “Yeah we’re good. Can we grab something to eat on the way to the clubhouse? For some reason I seem to have burnt a lot of calories and am starving.” She wiggled her brows up and down at me, trying to make me smile and it worked.

  “You’re welcome Red. Let’s get going. You okay with picking up from the diner or do you want to have a sit down meal?”

  “I’m good with the diner. Let me know what you want and I’ll order it for us to pick up.”

  I let her know my order and when she walked out of my office to place the order on her way to my bike I couldn’t help but stare at her ass. It was a sight to behold.

  I shook myself out of my stare and followed her out. She was waiting beside my bike with her helmet already on.

  “You ready baby?”

  “Ready when you are.”

  I climbed on my bike and she put her hand on my shoulder, swinging her leg over the seat and getting on behind me. She hasn’t been on my bike much, but it’s like she’s been riding one her whole life. She seems to love it as much as I do.

  We stopped at the diner and I gave her some cash so she could run in and pick up our order. I scanned the parking lot as I waited, but didn’t see anything unusual.

  Everly came back out of the diner and was carrying a bag and two cups. I held out my hands for the food and put it in my saddlebag. Then I held on to the cups while she got on behind me. When she reached her arms around me I put the cups in her hands and she held them as we drove back to the clubhouse. I was a lot more cautious than I normally would be, I knew she wouldn’t be able to hang on if I went too fast.

  We pulled up to the front of the clubhouse and I backed my bike up by the front doors. I grabbed the cups back from Everly and when she got off I handed them back to her, grabbed our food and reached for her hand.

  She stopped what she was doing, looked at our joined hands and just smiled up at me. I pulled her hand and walked with her into the clubhouse.

  When we got through the front door the bar was packed. I walked over to the couch and set our food on the coffee table, pulling Everly down into my lap.

  “Seriously? You want me to sit on your lap?” she giggled.

  “That’s the way it seems, isn’t it? Now, shut up and feed me woman. You’ve exhausted me!”

  With a shake of her head and a laugh she reached forward and grabbed the bag of food. She pulled out some fries and held them out for me and when I bit into them I sucked her fingers into my mouth and sucked. She groaned and pulled her fingers back.

  “Just for that, you get to feed yourself. I am not a sex in public kind of girl.”

  “Who said anything about sex in public?” Sex anywhere sounded good right about now. I was always ready and willing when it came to Everly.

  “Oh please, if you keep doing that you know it’s going to lead to sex and the way you make me feel I wouldn’t care who the hell is in the room.”

  “That doesn’t sound like a bad idea Red.”

  “Oh it’s a bad idea, trust me.”

  She turned back to our food and passed me mine while starting to eat hers. A couple of my brothers walked up with a couple of the club whores with them.

  “Everly, these are my brothers Tiny and Doc and the ladies with them are Legs and Scarlett.”

  “Nice to meet you all.” She said with a nod to the newcomers.

  My brothers sat in the chairs across from us with the girls in their laps and we started chatting about some of the cars we are working on in the garage. Everly sat there quietly digesting all that was going on. She didn’t look too freaked out, but I’d have to wait and see what she thinks when we go to bed later. Feeling her squirming in my lap, later may be sooner than I had originally planned.

  Chapter 17 – Everly

  I kept squirming on Joker’s lap to try and get a rise out of him and it was literally working. I turned back to eating my dinner and tried to focus on the conversation. Looking at the women sitting in Doc and Tiny’s laps, they looked like typical beautiful women, just with a little less clothing.

  “Hi Everly, I’m Aleesha, but as Joker said, the boys all call me Legs.” She turned to look at Scarlett, “I’m Scarlett, for obvious reasons, but my momma named me Aaliyah,” she said with a southern drawl.

  “It’s nice to meet you both.”

  “So tell me Everly,” said Aleesha, “how did you meet Joker?”

  “Oh it’s interesting, I own the bakery Sweet Devotions and when I looked up the other day he was just standing there ready to order. He was very persistent and kept asking me back to his house, but I kept turning him down. One day my car broke down and he pulled over and helped me. When he drove me back to my house it turned out that he had just moved across the street from me and he’d noticed me a while before I noticed him.”

  “Awww, so sweet. It’s like it’s meant to be.”

  “Oh I don’t know about that, but he finally wore me down and the rest is history. What about you ladies, how did you come to hang out at the clubhouse?”

  “Oh isn’t that a polite way to put it. We like to party and to have sex so this is ideal for us. The guys treat us well and everyone is here to have a good time.”

  “Okay then. Well, I’m glad you’re enjoying yourselves. Do you have jobs outside the club?”

  “Well, I’m going to school to become a nurse” said Aaliyah, “which comes in handy when these boys get too rough with each other. I do some cooking and cleaning around the club and in exchange for that and being a club whore I get room and board, tuition paid and some spending money. I get an education and to enjoy myself while I’m young.”

  “Good for you. That’s a great profession to go into. I could never go to school for that long. What about you Aleesha?”

  “Oh right now I’m just happy to help out behind the bar and enjoy the lifestyle for now. All of us girls get free room and board for helping out in the clubhouse and our other duties.”

  We kept chatting for a while and when I next looked up the guys had stopped talking and were just looking at us with bemused expressions.

  “What?” I asked Joker.

  “Nothing Red, just happy you seem to be enjoying yourself.”

  “I am, but I’m getting tired. You about ready to head to bed or do you just want to stay here while I head back?”

  “No it’s all good babe, I’ll come with you.”

  He finished up his beer and put the empty on the coffee table. He pushed me off his lap and stood up behind me, grabbing my hand before pulling me behind him down the hallway away from the bar.

  “Good night everyone, it was a pleasure getting to know you.”

  “You too Everly, keep him on his toes, it’s good for him.” Said Tiny with a chuckle.

  “Oh don’t worry Tiny, it’s something I’m very good at.”

  We kept walking down the hallway with the group laughing behind us. We went down to the end of the hall and Joker stopped me outside his door and reached around me to unlock it. When the door opened I took a look around. Last time we were in here I didn’t take the time to. It was a sparse space with just a bed, bedside table, dresser, a huge TV and a gaming system.

  “I know it’s not much Red, but it’s a place to sleep.”

  “It’s all good Joker. It’s clean and that’s all I care about. The sheets are clean right?”

  “Yes Red, no one but me sleeps in here and the girls came in and cleaned it up since we were here last, including washing the sheets.”

  “Okay works for me. I’m just going to run into the bat
hroom and get ready for bed. Do you have something for me to sleep in?”

  “Babe, you don’t need to sleep in anything, I’ll keep you warm all night.”

  “Okay well I’d like a t-shirt for now please. I’ll take it off before we go to sleep. I’m sorry, but I’m just too tired to do anything other than sleep tonight.”

  “No worries Red, you’ve had a stressful few days.”


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