Joker: Death Dealers MC

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Joker: Death Dealers MC Page 10

by Kacee Kupser

  I walked into the bathroom and started washing my face with soap and water. I’d probably hate myself for it later, I never wash my face with anything but facewash, but I would hate myself more if I didn’t wash my face before bed. When I was rinsing my face I heard the door open and when I looked up Joker was standing in the doorway smiling at me.

  “What?” I loved to see him smile, but I wasn’t sure why he was smiling at me washing my face.

  “Just looking at your face, you’re the one who looks like a joker right now.”

  I looked up and couldn’t help laughing. My mascara was running down my face and because I was using soap and water it didn’t want to come off.

  “Do you have a facecloth I could borrow?”

  “I’ll run out and see if one of the girls has something you can borrow. I have an extra tooth brush under the sink.”

  “Thanks babe.”

  He left to go scrounge up something for me to wash my face and I finished getting ready for bed, brushing my teeth and changing into the t-shirt he left me on top of the counter.

  He came back a few minutes later with a bunch of samples in his hands. “Legs said to feel free to use whatever you want. She’s a bit of a sample hoarder so she always has a ton of stuff on hand.”

  “That’s so nice of her, I’ll have to thank her in the morning.”

  “I’ll let you finish up and I’ll meet you in bed.”

  He walked out of the bathroom and let me finish up. When I walked back into the room he was in his bed waiting for me. He was on the side closest to the door, which meant I would be sleeping against the wall, but there was no way to get there without crawling over him since the room was so small.

  “So, I have to crawl over you to get to my side of the bed?” I grinned down at him. It was cute that he thought he was sneaky.

  “I know you’re tired baby, but that doesn’t mean I’m going to make it easy for you.”

  “Oh, I’ll remember this, don’t you worry.”

  I started to crawl over him and he grabbed my hips and rubbed me over himself when I was halfway there. I looked down at him and he was looking up at me with a smile.

  “Like what you see babe?”

  “Oh you know it Red.” He wiggled his eyebrows at me, making me laugh.

  He let go of my hips and I finished crawling over him and got under the covers only to realize he was naked.

  “Well shit, if you’re naked I guess I’ll have to be too.”

  I took my t-shirt off and turned over onto my side, resting on my elbow and smiled at him.

  “That’s my girl. Come here baby.”

  He pulled me into him and lay my head on top of his chest. He started stroking my hair and I could feel my eyes getting heavier and heavier.

  Chapter 18 – Joker

  Everly fell asleep pretty quickly and I followed right behind her. I woke up to her tossing and turning in the bed with me, she was having another nightmare, but me running my hand over her head seemed to calm her down and she settled back into sleep.

  When I next woke up the sun was up and the bed was empty. The door to the bathroom was wide open and I realized I was alone. I got up, got dressed and headed back into the bar to see if I could find her. What I wasn’t expecting to find was a bunch of my brothers up and about and eating my woman’s baking. It looked like Everly had helped the girls get everything ready for breakfast. There were eggs, bacon, toast, muffins and cinnamon buns. She’d obviously been up for a while.

  She was at the buffet table putting out some more food. I walked up behind her, wrapped my arms around her and put my chin on her shoulder.

  “Good morning.” She turned her face towards me for a kiss.

  “Morning Red. Why did I wake up to an empty bed?”

  “I’m so used to getting up at the crack of dawn I just wake up early so I decided to get up and do some baking for breakfast.”

  “That was nice of you. Why don’t you put that tray down and come sit down and eat?”

  “I’m almost done. Grab a plate of some food and I’ll join you in a few minutes.”

  I grabbed some food and took a seat at the table and left a seat available for Everly. She came out of the kitchen with some more food and after setting it out grabbed some food of her own. She came and sat beside me and I noticed that her plate barely had any food on it.

  “Why don’t you have any food on your plate? You feeling okay baby?” I was worried that she was more upset than she was letting on. I would have to keep an eye on her for signs that she was going to have a break down.

  “Oh yeah, I’m just not that hungry. I have a tendency to snack as I cook. How’s your breakfast?”

  “So good. Thanks so much for helping the girls out. I’m sure they appreciated it.”

  “It’s no problem. It’s something I enjoy and I don’t like to see other people doing work and not pitching in.”

  “Well, it’s nice of you either way. You’re here as a guest, you don’t need to help out, but it’s great that you are.”

  “No worries, just eat your breakfast. I’d like to go into the bakery if you don’t mind. I need to get back to getting there at 5:30 every morning and I want to make sure things are ready for tomorrows opening.”

  “Sounds good. I’ll finish up and we can get going. I’ll need to stop by the garage too.”

  “Why don’t you just drop me off and head to the garage and come back to get me when you’re finished? Jenn is at the bakery and it’s open, so there will be people in and out the whole time so I won’t be alone.”

  “The fact that people can come in and out at will is the problem. How about I drop you off and leave a prospect there in case you need him and I’ll come back and get you when you’re done if you don’t want to come to the garage with me.”

  “I don’t mind going to the garage, I just thought it would save time if we did our jobs separately. If you don’t mind getting a prospect to stay with me I think we will get more done separately.”

  “Works for me. Why don’t we leave at 10? That gives us both time to finish up and get ready.”

  “Okay. I’m going to clean up a bit in the kitchen then I’ll go get ready. I’ll be ready to go in 20 minutes.” She stood up to go into the kitchen, but I put my hand on her hip stopping her from going anywhere.

  “Don’t go doing that. Just go back to my room and take your time getting ready. It’s part of the girls jobs, so just go relax. I’ll be back at the room in 15 minutes.”

  “Okay, if you’re sure.” She said while looking down at me. She bent further and gave me a kiss before taking her plate into the kitchen and heading down the hallway towards my room.

  “So Joker, what’s with you and the chick?”

  I turned my head to look at one of the prospects, Nick. “Don’t call her a chick. She’s my woman and you will respect her.”

  Nick put his hands in front of him as if holding me off. “No disrespect was meant.”

  “It better not be meant. Today you will be on guard duty while Everly is at her work. Be ready to follow us in, we are leaving in half an hour.”

  “You got it VP.” He got up from the table and headed to his room, presumably to get ready to go.

  I finished up my breakfast and took my plate into the kitchen. Legs was in there doing up the dishes and looked at me when I walked in.

  “What are you doing Joker? You don’t usually bring your dishes in.” Legs asked me in surprise. She’s right, taking the dishes in is not something I would normally do, but Everly helping out this morning had me thinking that I should do some more things for myself.

  “Yeah, just thought it was time to start. Thanks so much for breakfast Legs, it was delicious.”

  “No problem. Everly was a great help.” She said with a smile and turned back to the sink.

  “Yeah, she’s a pretty great woman.”

  I put my dishes on the counter behind Legs and headed back to my room to get ready for the day.

; We went to the bakery and I dropped Everly off with Nick and headed to the garage. There wasn’t a lot of paperwork for me to do so after a couple of hours I headed back to the bakery and relieved Nick to watch over my woman. We went out for an early dinner and it was nice to just sit and relax in a restaurant, not having to worry about anyone interrupting us. By the time we got back to the clubhouse there was a party in full swing.

  “You want to join the party Red?” I questioned.

  “Not really baby, I need to be up at the ass crack of dawn, but feel free to join your brothers.”

  “No, it’s okay, head back to the room and have a nice hot relaxing shower. I’ll check in with Beast and be there in a few minutes.”

  When I got into my room I could still hear the water of the shower running so decided to head in and join Everly in the shower.

  When I opened the door I was surrounded by steam. My baby obviously liked a hot shower. I got undressed and pulled back the shower curtain, just taking in the sight of Everly. She didn’t notice I was there right away so I just enjoyed watching her, getting turned on by the minute.

  Everly must have felt the cool air coming in from me holding back the curtain because she looked over her shoulder.

  “So, you think you get to join me in the shower?”

  “Well, I am a man who likes to help the environment. We should probably save water by sharing the shower.”

  “Oh, you’re so altruistic.” She drawled.

  “Just trying to do my part. Speaking of doing my part, why don’t I help you wash up?”

  “I’ve already washed my body, I’m on to my hair.”

  “Then I guess you can help me wash up. Turn around and let me do your hair and then when I’m done you can give me a hand.”

  She turns her back to me and hands me back her shampoo. I squeeze a large amount into my hand and start to lather it into her hair. I massage her scalp and work up some suds, which leads to her moaning.

  “Oh Red, better keep those moans to yourself or we aren’t going to finish your hair and I will make you dirty again.”

  When I took my hands from her hair she turned to face me and turned her head up to the water to start rinsing off. Since her eyes were closed I decided to take advantage of her relaxed state and started lathering up her tits with the suds that had dripped down the front of her body.

  Her nipples turned into hard peaks and she started squirming, but had to keep her eyes closed so that she didn’t get soap in them. When she was finished rinsing her hair out she put her head back down and looked at me.

  “I told you I was clean already, I thought we were going to clean you up?” she said with a smirk on her face.

  “Well I didn’t want to let the soap go to waste. You can never be too clean baby.”

  She grabbed the soap from the side of the shower and started rubbing it between her hands. She started rubbing her hands on my pecs and over my nipples, which made me get harder than I already was. She slowly worked her hands down my abs until she got to my hips. She knelt on the floor and started rubbing my cock with both hands. She was using just the right amount of pressure and when I looked down she was looking up at me and bringing my tip to her lips.

  “Suck me down baby. I want to come down your throat.”

  She licked the tip and started to move down to her hand at my base. She went down as far as she could and moved her second hand to my balls. She started squeezing them in time to her sucks and I didn’t know how much longer I was going to last.

  “I’m almost there Red, suck harder.” I groaned.

  She started moving up and down my cock faster, licking the tip each time she got to it. My balls started to rise towards the base of my cock, I was getting close.

  “Come on baby, take me to the back of your throat. I don’t want you to let a drop fall out, suck it all down.”

  She gave one last hard suck and squeeze of my balls and I shot off down her throat. “Fuuuuccckkkk!” I grabbed her hair and held her head while I shot down her throat. When I was done I held her there for another few seconds with her looking up at me with a blissful look.

  When I was finally finished I let go of her hair and she pulled off. I put my hands out and helped her to her feet.

  “Thank you baby. Let me return the favour.” I said giving her a kiss on her upturned mouth.

  “No, the water is getting cold. You finish washing up. I’m going to get into bed. Love you.”

  With that declaration she jumped out of the shower leaving me there open mouthed.

  Chapter 19 – Everly

  Holy shit I can’t believe I said that to him. What was I thinking? I barely knew him! I can’t love him, can I? I’ve never felt like this about anyone. I’m happy every time I wake up next to him, I think about him all the time and I can’t imagine not having him in my life. Is that love? Can it happen that quickly?

  I threw my towel in Joker’s laundry basket and jumped in the bed. Hopefully he wouldn’t say anything when he came in. I turned over onto my side, facing the wall, and closed my eyes.

  A few minutes later I heard the bathroom door opening and Joker coming out. He lifted the covers and crawled in behind me. I heard him sigh and thought I’d gotten away with my slip of the tongue.

  “So, you love me huh?” He said with a grin in his voice. He knew I was avoiding this conversation.

  With a groan I rolled over and looked at him. “So, you heard that did you?”

  “Kind of hard not to Red. Is that how you really feel about me? Do you love me?” He looked at me expectantly. I didn’t want to admit it, it was too soon, but he wasn’t going to let this go.

  “I don’t know Joker. I wake up with a smile on my face when I feel you in bed with me, I always want to talk to you and I don’t know what I would do without you in my life. Is that love or is it just obsession because we are having such a good time and you are so good in pleasuring me?”

  “I don’t know Red, I’ve never been in love, but I’m feeling some of the same things you are. I’ve never thought about a woman, besides my family, as much as I think about you. As a rule I don’t spend the night with women, I fuck them and they leave, I don’t like sleeping with anyone through the night, but if you aren’t in bed with me I can’t sleep.”

  “Well, it seems we may have a problem. We both have feelings for each other, but is it too soon? I don’t think you can love someone when you haven’t known them for long.”

  “I disagree, my parents met and were engaged after three months of knowing each other. So, anything is possible.”

  “Yeah I guess. Can we just put this on the back burner for now? I was having fun in the shower and was hoping for a good night’s sleep. I need to be up early tomorrow to open up the bakery.”

  “Okay, you set your alarm and I’ll take you to the bakery in the morning. Griff will come in once I need to head to the garage and watch over you until I come pick you up at the end of the day.”

  “Works for me. My alarm is set for 5:00. You okay with that?”

  “Damn that’s early. Good thing I like you.”

  He pulled me into him, kissed my forehead and I put my head on his chest. He started petting my head, he seems to like doing that, and we both fell asleep.

  My alarm went off at 5:00 and with a groan I leaned over to turn it off. “Damn it’s early. I’ll get ready to go. How long do you need to get ready? I’d like to get out of here by 5:30.”

  “I just need five minutes.” He said on a yawn.

  “Okay, you stay lying down, feel free to go back to sleep, and I’ll let you know when it’s time to get ready.” I leaned down to give him a kiss.

  “Thanks baby.” He closed his eyes and rolled over onto his side, going back to sleep.

  I left him in the bed and grabbed my clothes for the day. Going into the bathroom I got ready and came back out with 10 minutes left until I wanted to go. Joker was fast asleep so I just watched him sleep for a minute.

  I sat down on the
bed beside him and kissed him on the lips. He smiled at me and opened his eyes. “You ready to go baby?”

  “Yes sir.” I gave him a mock salute and a smile.

  “Ohhhh, sir. I could get used to that.”

  “Yeah I don’t think so. You get up, I’ll go to the kitchen and grab us some coffee to go. I’ll make us something to eat at the bakery.”

  “If I keep eating your baking the way I have been I’m going to end up being 300 pounds.”

  “We both know that’s not going to happen. Those abs don’t just come from you lying around drinking beer all day. I know it takes hard work to get abs like you have and to maintain them so don’t try to blow smoke up my ass. I won’t buy it.”


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