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Joker: Death Dealers MC

Page 14

by Kacee Kupser

  I’m not sure how I got talked into babysitting on Saturday, but the kids seemed nice and well behaved so hopefully it’ll go okay.

  I sat beside Everly through dinner and after everyone was finished eating the kids got up and started running around and playing. Once the ladies had the dinner dishes cleaned up we moved over to the fire pit and sat in chairs around it having some drinks and chatting.

  “So Joker, what’s your biker gang like?” Liam asked, trying to get a rise out of me.

  “Well Liam, it’s not a gang, it’s a club. The club was started in the 1980s by some former military men who didn’t know how to reintegrate into society because they were used to the brotherhood and following orders. There are only a couple of the originals left, but we’re still going strong. Every member of the club is current or former military, which besides owning a bike is the only prerequisite for being a member.”

  “Yeah, and are you one of those 1% clubs we hear about in the media? Into illegal activities and living a dangerous life?” He kept pushing, but I wasn’t going to let him get to me. I had nothing to be ashamed of, I was proud to be a part of the Death Dealers.

  “Well, I’m not going to lie to you and tell you that everything we do is on the up and up, but all of our businesses are legal and bring legal income in. We only turn our backs on the law when it involves protecting the club and our families.”

  “Seriously Liam, are you finished grilling my boyfriend or do you have some more questions? I’m a grown ass woman and I am perfectly capable of making my own decisions of who I’m going to sleep with and who I’m going to date.”

  “It’s okay Red, he’s just looking out for you. I respect that.”

  “Yeah well, he can be protective all he wants, but he needs to trust my judgement.”

  “Hey calm down Ev, I trust your judgement, I just want to know more about Joker for my own piece of mind.” Liam said, trying to calm Everly down.

  “Well, enough is enough. Let’s talk about more interesting things.”

  Once the sun went down the kids started slowing down. Zander was sitting in his own chair toasting a marshmallow, which looked like it was going to fall off his stick and into the fire, but he was loving it.

  Audrey had come over to me and stuck her hands up in the air. I looked over to Everly with a question on my face.

  “She wants you to pick her up baby.”

  I turned back to Audrey and put her on my lap. She turned sideways and lay her head on my chest, wrapping her arms around my stomach. I wasn’t used to being around kids, there weren’t really a lot around the club, but she seemed comfortable so I just let her sit there while we continued to talk into the night.

  When I looked down about an hour later Audrey was fast asleep. I put my hand on her back to hold her to me so that she didn’t fall over. I was used to her weight on me now and was actually quite liking it.

  Everly had Zander on her lap and she was rocking him back and forth, rubbing his back. He was fighting falling asleep, but he wouldn’t last much longer. Seeing her holding him gave me thoughts I didn’t think I’d have for years yet. I had always assumed I wouldn’t settle down until late into my 30s, but Everly was definitely changing me.

  “How you doing Red? You about ready to head home?”

  “Yeah, I’m getting tired. Let me put this one to bed and we can go.”

  She stood up with Zander in her arms and started walking towards the house. I turned my head, watching her leave and when I turned around Abbie was standing in front of me smiling.

  “Why don’t I take her from you and put her to bed? You can finish up your beer and by then Ev will be ready to go.”

  “Thanks Abbie, she’s a great kid.”

  “She’s a good judge of character. Obviously she thinks you’re a nice guy since she cuddled up and fell asleep so easily.”

  She leaned down and picked Abbie up following Everly into the house. When I turned back to Liam he was doing the same thing I had just done, watching his wife and child walk into the house.

  “They sure are a great couple of women aren’t they?”

  “Yeah, I’m glad to have both of them in my family. I’ve been with Abbie since we were in high school and she’s been with me through all my life changing events and everything we went through with losing our parents. I’m lucky to have her.”

  The ladies came back out a few minutes later, Everly carrying her purse. I finished off my beer and stood up to meet her.

  When Everly got to me I grabbed her around the waist and pulled her to me, kissing her on the forehead. “I’m ready when you are Red.”

  “Let’s get going, I’m starting to drag. You were right to suggest we head home.”

  “Did everyone hear that? You are my witnesses, she said I was right.”

  “Oh Joker, there’s a first time for everything. Don’t expect it to happen again.”

  “Let’s go babe.” I said, swatting her on the ass.

  We walked back through the backyard and through the gate to the front of the house. When we got to my bike Everly hugged her sister-in-law, thanking her for having us. Once she was finished, she moved on to her brother, repeating the process.

  I turned to Abbie who was now standing in front of me. “Thank you so much for having us Abbie. Dinner was fantastic. It was nice meeting you all.”

  “Oh don’t think you’re going to get away that easily Joker. You don’t know this about me, but I’m a hugger, so you aren’t ever going to get away from me without a hug.”

  She leaned into me and wrapped her arms around me. “Thank you for making her happy. She’s not had a lot of happiness in her life since her parents died, and this is the happiest I’ve seen her in years. So again, thank you.”

  She pulled away and kissed me on the cheek.

  “She makes me happy too Abbie and I’ll do everything I can to keep making her happy.”

  I turned to Liam, “Thanks for having us man.”

  “Any time Joker, we’ll see you on the weekend at Audrey’s birthday. Thanks again for having the kids for the night.”

  I nodded to him and straddled my bike. Everly got on behind me and we started off towards home. When we got to our block I went past her house and pulled into my driveway a few houses down.

  “Why are we at your house?” She questioned.

  “I want you in my bed tonight. I’ve not had you there yet and I just want to hold you in my bed tonight.”

  “Okay, I’ll just need to get up a few minutes earlier so that I can go home to get ready for work.”

  “No worries baby, let’s go to bed, I’m bagged.”

  Chapter 27 – Everly

  I hadn’t expected Joker to take me to his house, but I had to admit I was curious about the place. If I wasn’t so bloody tired I would take my time exploring and snooping around.

  When we walked into the house, it looked to be the same layout as my house. That was the only similarity though. His house wasn’t as updated as mine and his furnishings were sparse, very bachelor pad.

  “I know it’s not much baby, but I don’t usually spend much time here other than to sleep. I just got sick of living at the clubhouse so I bought this place as a place to relax away from the club.”

  “Hey I wasn’t judging. I was just checking it out and noticing that it isn’t as updated as mine. It’s got some great bones and there’s so many things that could be done to it if you wanted.”

  “I think I’ll leave that for now. I’m really never here except to pick up clothes every few days. Someone seems to be taking up a lot of my time.”

  “Oh yeah? You miss your alone time?” I mocked.

  “Hell no. Let’s go. I’ll show you to my bedroom and you can get ready for bed.”

  “Do you have a t-shirt I can borrow?”

  “What do you need a t-shirt for?”

  “To sleep in.”

  “Yeah, no you aren’t sleeping in a t-shirt. You can sleep naked just like we do at your house.

  “Well set one out for me for the morning please. I don’t like to walk around the house naked.”

  “Will do baby.”

  We walked down the hallway towards his bedroom and when we walked in I stopped in the doorway. I was shocked by what I walked into. I wasn’t expecting more than a bed and maybe a couple of side tables. What I saw instead was beautiful, in a masculine sort of way.

  He had a four poster canopy bed in a rich dark wood with matching side tables and dresser. His floors were refinished wood with a grey fluffy throw rug in the middle of the room. He had a wing back arm chair beside the French doors leading to the backyard and crown mouldings around the whole room.

  Walking into the en-suite it had been redone as well. There was a claw foot tub and a two person walk in shower with a rain shower head in the center, a regular shower head on each side, and body spray heads as well. It even looked like it was a steam shower. When I turned my head to the other side of the room there was a separate room for the toilet and a double vanity with a framed mirror above them.

  “Well damn, I didn’t expect this, that’s for sure.” I said in surprise.

  “Yeah, I was waiting for your reaction. I may not spend much time here, but the time I do spend is in these two rooms and I wanted them to be comfortable. One of the MCs businesses is a contracting business so it was done before I moved in.”

  “Well I don’t know who designed it, but it’s awesome. I might just have to get some renovations done at my house once I have the money saved up.”

  “Well, you’re in for another surprise because I’m the one who designed it.”

  “Oh a man of hidden talents.” I teased.

  “You know I’ve got skills baby.” He boasted.

  “Yes, yes you do! Now go get me that t-shirt for the morning so that I can get ready for bed.”

  He turned around and left me in the bathroom so that I could get ready. I didn’t have my normal face wash or a tooth brush, but looking under his sink he had extras of everything I would need.

  “Okay, why the hell do you have face wash and night cream under your sink?” I asked confused. He didn’t seem the type of guy to just have supplies for women sitting around in his bathroom.

  “My sister picked up a bunch of stuff for me. I wanted to be prepared in case you ever stayed over.”

  “Wow, aren’t you becoming domesticated.”

  I washed my face and bushed my teeth and when I went out to the bedroom Joker was already lying on his side under the covers waiting for me. I took my clothes off and climbed in with him. I leaned over to kiss him good night and he grabbed me behind my neck and deepened the kiss, nipping on my bottom lip and pushing his tongue between my lips. With a moan I pulled back. “I just can’t baby. I’m so tired and it’s late. We need to get up in a few hours.”

  “It’s okay Red. Turn-over and go to sleep. Love you.”

  “I love you too.” I gave him a peck on the lips and turned over onto my side, my back facing him. He wrapped one arm over my side and pulled me back into him and then put his other arm underneath me and cupped my breast.

  I woke up the next morning before my alarm went off and turned over to see Joker still fast asleep. I wanted to let him get some more rest so I jumped out of bed and threw his t-shirt on over my jeans so I could run back home to shower and change. I’d wake him up when I got back.

  Heading through the front door I crossed the street and started walking to my house. There didn’t seem to be anyone up and about yet, but then again it was 5:30 in the morning. I started rummaging through my purse to find my key. Finally finding it I put it in the door, turned the key and opened the door. As I started to walk into the front door I heard something behind me that sounded like running footsteps. When I turned around all I saw was a figure charging at me with something raised over their head. I turned to run into the house and close the door, but I didn’t make it. Suddenly something hit me on the back of the head and the next thing I knew everything went black.

  Chapter 28 – Joker

  I woke up to someone pounding on my door. I put my hand out to Everly’s side of the bed and the sheets were cold. I jumped out of bed and slid on my jeans from last night. “Red, where are you babe?”

  She hadn’t answered me by the time I got to the door. Swinging it open I was surprised to see Brenna. “Oh my God Joker, something’s wrong. Is Everly here with you?”

  “I just called for her, but she didn’t answer. I’m assuming she went home to get ready for work. What do you mean something’s wrong?”

  “I was driving by on my way to work and as I was driving by I noticed the front door to Everly’s house was wide open and Everly’s keys were in the door. I parked and went into the house to see if anything was wrong. When I went in and searched around I couldn’t find her. That’s when I came over here.” Brenna spoke progressively louder and faster the more she spoke.

  “Shit, okay come in. I’m going to call Beast and get the boys over here.”

  “Shouldn’t we call 911?”

  “Yeah, we are going to take care of this. The cops won’t be able to do anything. We’ve got one of the best hackers in the country in the club.”

  Walking into my room I grabbed my cell phone and called Beast.

  “Somebody better be fucking dead, or else you will be.” He growled into the phone.

  “Brother I need you to get over here yesterday. Everly’s missing.”

  “Shit, I’ll be there in 15 minutes. I’ll send out a mass text to everyone and get the boys mobilized.”

  Going back into the front room Brenna was pacing back and forth across the room.

  “Okay, talk to me. Give me as much information as you can. Did you see anything besides the door being open and Everly’s keys in the door?”

  “No, I didn’t see anything, but I wasn’t really looking for clues. I was freaking out and I ran right over here.”

  “Okay, I’m going to check and see if Everly’s phone is here.”

  I went back to my room and had a look around, but didn’t see her phone there. I grabbed my phone out of my back pocket and dialed her number. It went directly to voicemail, which it never did. She always had it on in case her brother needed her for something with the kids.

  “Okay, Brenna, her phone is turned off. I don’t know if we are going to be able to trace it. Beast and the rest of the boys will be here soon. You stay here, I’m going to go check out the house.”

  “Yeah, I’m not staying here alone. I’ll go with you. I’ll know if something is out of place better than you will.” She insisted.

  We walked across the street to Everly’s house and I kept my eyes peeled for anything out of the ordinary. None of the vehicles on the street looked out of place and everyone seemed to still be asleep.

  When we got to Everly’s front door, the keys were still in the door and the door wide open. Walking into the house nothing was disturbed. Brenna followed me in and continued her pacing around the living room.

  I went to Everly’s room, but her bed was still made from this morning and she wasn’t in her bathroom. A search of the rest of the house turned up nothing. All the doors and windows, except for the front door, were closed and locked.

  I walked back to the front of the house when I heard a bike pulling up in front of the house. Beast got off his bike and came right in to the house. He looked at Brenna quickly and turned to me. “Okay brother, what do you have? Any leads?”

  “Absolutely nothing. Her keys are in the door, it was wide open, but her phone seems to be turned off. It goes straight to voicemail any time I call it. I’m hoping Techy will have something on the surveillance video from the system I had him put in here.”

  “Okay, I’ll start making some calls, see if anyone has any leads. I sent some brothers out around the area to shake some trees and see if anything falls into place.”

  “Thanks brother. We need to figure this shit out and get her back.”

  I turned bac
k to Brenna and stepped into her path. She stopped and looked up at me. “Okay Brenna, I need you to think. Has Everly said anything to you in the past few days? As far as I know nothing new has happened since her car was vandalized. Has she noticed something and not said anything to me?”

  “No Joker. We’ve barely seen one another for the last few days. I’ve been busy with work and she’s been busy with work and you. She hasn’t said anything to me. Why is this happening? We need to find her Joker.”

  “I know, we’re working on it. We are going to do everything we can to get her back as soon as possible.”

  Techy and Tiny walked through the door, Techy coming straight for me and Tiny walking over to Beast.


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