Book Read Free


Page 6

by Brandy Walker

  “We could have waited for another table to clear up,” she grumbled.

  “I’m pretty certain I would have died of starvation by then. Look at me, I’m skin and bones.”

  Laurel couldn’t help the guffaw she made. “Evan you have never been skin and bones. You might be the fittest man I know.”

  The flash of a memory of Quin standing in front of her with his shirt off made her pause. Well, maybe not the fittest.

  “You say the sweetest things, peaches. We’ll be fine at this table. There’s plenty of room. Here.” He lifted his left arm and motioned for her to move closer. Reluctantly she inched next to him and jolted when he draped his arm across her shoulders.

  “What’s got you all worked up tonight? You’re usually the most patient, accommodating woman I know.”

  “I am not worked up. Just a little grumpy. I had a long day on very little sleep.”

  “Come on Laurel, this is me you’re talking to. How long have we been friends?”

  Picking up her glass of wine, she drained the last bits while figuring it out. “Damn, have we really known each other for eight years?”

  Evan laughed and she found it soothing. “Yep. Eight long years.”

  “Whatever.” She punched him in the stomach lightly and relaxed a bit into him. “You know you’re thankful to have me as a friend.”

  Evan scooped up a bite of pasta and held it out for her. Without thought she opened her mouth and let him feed her.

  He snorted as he took a bite of pasta for himself.

  “I’ve always been glad we’re friends, so why don’t you tell me what’s up?

  Laurel held out her glass and waited for him to refill it. She didn’t have to debate long about telling Evan about Quin. It would actually be nice to talk to someone not invested in the outcome.

  “There’s this guy.”

  “Damn, I never would have guessed that.” Evan sounded surprised to hear it. She was kind of offended by his reaction.

  “I date,” she said a bit too defensively, even to her own ears.

  Evan looked at her skeptically. “Yeah, not so much hun.”

  She couldn’t stop the roll of her eyes. “Anyway, there’s this guy and I used to know him back in high school. Well, I didn’t really know him. He was popular, I wasn’t. I had a HUGE crush on him and nothing ever came of it. After graduation I went my way, he went his way.” She stopped and took a gulp of wine, deciding to skip over the embarrassing events that shaped her life.

  “I have a feeling there’s more to it but go on.”

  “I have that skydiving look-book assignment.”

  “Yeah. We emailed back and forth about it. I think you should be doing other things, but you enjoy niche projects.”

  She patted him on the knee, belatedly feeling his leg stiffen when she moved her hand away. “Yes, I know. Back to my story. I went out to the Chute Shack with Jason and his friends and found out that this guy, the one from high school, owns the place with his brothers. I don’t think he knew who I was at first. He seemed attracted to me and I’m attracted to him, even after all of these years. So he invites me to his brothers’ place, but I don’t see it as a real date. We had a good time laughing and talking, then he freaked out when one of his brothers carried me off into the other room as a joke. The brothers ended up pissing me off by saying I’m two-timing Quin with you.”

  “Whoa, when did all of this happen and how am I involved?”

  “Tonight. I came straight from their place to here. It’s why I was early. I was mad and left. You’re involved because I said I was getting together with a friend and colleague, who happened to be a guy.”

  “I see. So they think you made a date with two men for the same night.”

  “But see, that’s the thing. I don’t see either one as a date.”

  Evan pulled his arm off her shoulders and shifted away. The warmth he exuded earlier shifted to cold indifference.

  “Let me ask you something, Laurel.”


  “Why don’t you see this,” he motioned between them, “as being a date?”

  “Uh, because we’re friends and don’t think of each other in a romantic way. At least I don’t, and I assumed if you did, you would have said something by now.”

  “Okay, I’ll get back to that. We need to back up a minute. When did you agree to go out with Quin?”

  “Last Sunday.”

  “When did you agree to meet me?”

  “This morning.”

  “So even though you knew you would be going out with this guy and you didn’t know how long you would be there or what would happen, you made a date to meet me here?”

  “Well, when you put it like that.” Now all she felt was guilty. She didn’t think about the fact that she and Quin could have really hit it off and might want to spend the evening together. She just thought in her naïve brain that he was just being friendly. Completely discounting the kissing and touching, and the way he still made her heart trip.

  “Yeah. Now, back to thinking of you in a romantic way. Maybe I have all along.”

  The blood drained from her face. “What! But you’ve never given me any indication that you did.” Rev’s words from earlier picked that moment to haunt her. Guys can’t just be friends with a woman. They think about sleeping with them at least once.

  Evan had the audacity to laugh.

  “I said maybe, Laurel. I’ve always felt there was something holding you back from seeing me as more. From listening to you talk and watching your eyes light up, that something is this guy Quin.”

  Laurel scrambled out of the seat. “Oh my god!” She clamped her hand over her mouth. Shocked at his declaration as much as him pointing out her hang up on Quin.

  “You don’t need to look so horrified.” His lips tipped up slightly on one side in a half smile.

  “I’m sorry, I just never would have guessed.” To any of it. She thought she’d gotten over Quin years ago.

  Evan reached over and grabbed her hand, pulling her back onto the seat. “It’s really okay, Laurel. I only said maybe. I might have felt that way at one time when we first met but I don’t anymore.”

  She wasn’t so sure she believed him. Something passed behind his eyes when she said she never thought of him being more than a friend.

  “Peaches, I’ve always been attracted to you but I value our friendship more.”

  She tried to pull away again. She was still reeling and she didn’t want to hurt him any more by staying.

  “You’re not running off. It’s good we finally talked about it, and I am happy there is someone who makes your eyes sparkle.”

  “I’m not so sure this was a good thing. I…I really never thought of you as boyfriend material. I don’t want to hurt you but it’s the truth. I love having you as a friend and I’m afraid this will change everything.”

  Evan shrugged then picked up his fork. “It might change it a little but,” he paused, taking a bite and swallowing before continuing on, “I’m actually fine. My heart isn’t really broken, my ego a bit bruised, but my heart is okay.”

  Laurel didn’t know if she could say the same thing.

  Chapter Six

  Laurel and Evan, actually mostly Laurel, polished off the second bottle of wine. After his revelation about his old feelings for her and her feelings for Quin, she couldn’t down the stuff quick enough. Eventually, she was able to get back to the comfortable companionship they had before.

  Evan truly wasn’t that upset about the evening’s events. He even admitted he was fond of her, although never thought himself in love with her.

  When it was time to go, it was decided that she would leave her SUV at the wine bar and Evan would take her home. She’d had plenty to drink and was in no condition to get behind the wheel.

  “Thanks again for the ride, Evan. I could have walked,” she slurred while sitting in the passenger seat of his sports car. He had the top down and the cool night air felt fantastic on her flushed

  “Friends don’t let friends drink and walk home alone.”

  “Hmm, that’s nice.”

  “I’m sorry I let you have too much. I should have paid more attention once you settled down. I’m afraid I would have made a terrible boyfriend.”

  “Oh Evan, you’re a handsome man,” she sighed, “but just not for me.” She tipped over landing face first in his lap as he rounded the corner onto her street.

  “Oops,” she hiccupped. As she attempted to push herself up, her hand slipped off his thigh, her face landing hard onto his groin. His grunt had her giggling as he stopped the car.

  She felt a shadow fall over her.

  “What in the hell is going on?” A voice that sounded just like Quin’s came out of nowhere.

  “He can’t be here. He doesn’t know where I live.” The words were lost in the crotch her face currently resided.

  She tried one more time to get up and when her hand slipped again, she expected to get another face full of denim, and just when she would have made impact she was dragged back.

  The person holding her up turned her towards them. She squinted her eyes to make them focus, but it was no use. The person in front of her was a blurry mass of man. He opened the door and squatted down in front of her.

  “You must be Quin,” Evan boomed over her head.

  “Hey, not so loud, my head kinda hurts.” She batted a hand in his direction and came up empty.

  “Yeah, I’m Quin. Who the hell are you and why is she so damn drunk?”

  “Name’s Evan Freemont. I’m an old friend of Laurel’s from college. She’s drunk because she had too much wine and not enough food tonight. Seems she had kind of a crap evening before we hooked up and things didn’t get much better.”

  “You’re the guy she had a date with after the one with me.” Quin’s deep voice sounded so angry. She didn’t like that. She also didn’t like Evan saying they hooked up.

  She turned her head in what she thought was his direction, she wobbled in her seat before the hands on her shoulders steadied her. “We did not hook up Evan. Remember, I told you there was someone else. Hell if I can tell what he wants but I want to be with him, not you.”

  Evan chuckled lightly. “Oh, peaches, you say the sweetest things to me.” A featherweight kiss landed on the top of her head.

  “Listen Quin, I don’t know you but I do know Laurel. She’s got a soft and loving heart and if you break it in any way, I’ll come after your ass and make you feel the same pain.”

  “You don’t need to threaten me. I wouldn’t do anything to hurt her.” Evan had all but growled the words.


  “What?” both men shouted.

  “I guess I didn’t say that in my head then. I’m so very sleepy.”

  “I’ve got ya honey.”

  She was lifted out of the seat. Strong arms supported her back and under her knees as she leaned into a hot, muscular chest. She took a deep breath and inhaled the subtle outdoor scent that could only belong to Quin.

  “I guess I have no choice since she picked you. A word of advice though, let her know how you feel and do whatever you have to in order to make her happy. If you don’t, I won’t have a problem coming back to convince her to give me a shot.”

  Closing her eyes she fell asleep on the short walk to her door, only to be awakened by two men whispering. A door closed and soon she was being relieved of all of her restrictive clothing and placed under her cool sheets.

  The bed dipped next to her and she had a moment’s panic. Her arm flew out but was caught before she made contact.

  “It’s just me honey.” Her arm was folded across her belly. “You’re fine. Just get some rest. I’ll be here when you wake up.”

  She wanted to tell him she was glad he was there, but sleep pulled her under before she could form the words.


  Quin picked up his cell on the third ring as he stepped out of the hanger, not bothering to look at the caller ID. The only calls he got on his cell during the day were from his Mom, who was on vacation in Alaska with their Dad, and now Laurel.

  After she woke up Sunday morning with a killer headache, Quin started a hot shower for her, watching over her as she got in. It killed him to see all of that naked flesh and be unable to do anything about it, but he made a vow to himself that night.

  He decided, while he impatiently waited in her driveway for her to get home, to take it slow and steady with her. She was the type of woman who deserved romance and wining and dining. However, after the state she came home in, he was now going to leave the wining out.

  When she dragged herself out of the shower a half hour later, snuggled up in sweats and a tank top, his urge to ravish her hadn’t diminished. Instead of acting on his raging hormones, he made sure she took two aspirin and forced her to eat some toast and drink a little coffee.

  He coaxed her into making a quick call to her parents to let them know she was okay, then he tucked her back in bed, making sure she had a gallon of water by her side.

  He left her there with a kiss on the forehead and a promise to check on her later, which he did via text and phone. He couldn’t trust himself to spend another day and night with her curled around him and not want to make love to her. She was going to get the full treatment from him so there would be no mistaking what he wanted from her.

  They called and texted a couple times each day now. Sometimes right before bed. Others when they were done with work. Each time they talked, they tried to find time to see each other but their schedules weren’t allowing for it.


  “Hey Quin.”

  Laurel’s happy voice rushed over the line, the sound filling him with bliss. He glanced down at his watch to check the time, surprised to find it was only noon. “Hey honey, how’s work? I didn’t expect to hear from you this early.”

  “I grabbed a few minutes for lunch and, I don’t know, just thought I’d call. See how your day was going. I figured I would be talking to your voicemail.”

  “We just finished with a group of tandem jumps. They were the only ones scheduled, so I’m going to head in and get some paperwork done while the crew cleans things up around here.”

  There was rustling and hushed voices on Laurel’s end. “That’s great.”

  “You sound distracted. What’s going on there?”

  “A bride can’t find her veil. They’re searching everywhere, including under me. Like I wouldn’t notice sitting on a six-foot piece of lace.”

  “I’m going to guess that it would be kind of hard to miss.”

  “Yeah. So I was wondering.” Her words trailed off. “Never mind.

  “No, not never mind. What were you wondering?”

  “It’s okay, I forgot you said yesterday that you were getting together tomorrow with your brothers like you always do.”

  He switched the phone to his other ear and leaned against the wall. It was quieter outside, easier to pretend he was alone with Laurel and not ten feet away from a gaggle of overly excited jumpers. “We’re only getting together for some grub, just like last week. Nothing big. Now tell me, what were you thinking?”

  “I was just wondering if you wanted to come to my place tomorrow and preview the book. I could really use your vast amount of knowledge with some of the descriptions to finish it up. I was thinking if we scheduled it like work, we would be able to finally see each other again.”

  Quin didn’t need any time to think about it. He knew the second she uttered the words come to my place that he was going to make it work. With any luck, he’d finally be able to put his plan in motion of letting her know he was very serious about them being a couple. No matter how often he talked to her on the phone, he had the feeling that she wasn’t quite convinced yet.

  “Trust me, I have no problem bailing on Rev and Kegen. I know they’ll understand. What time were you thinking?”

  She laughed and the sound went straight to his head. The soft sound coming fr
om her was so light and filled with joy. He had never heard anything like it. “How about ten? I’ve got to meet Evan for breakfast so I can say goodbye.”

  Quin waited for the quick stab of jealousy at hearing Evan’s name to die down. They talked about Evan and she explained their relationship. Still, Quin didn’t trust the guy and who would blame him. He all but said if Quin didn’t make her happy, then he was coming back for her. “Ten should be fine. Wait, no. We have a client in the morning. We probably won’t be done with them until around four. We planned to get together at six-thirty again.”

  “Oh, okay then. It was worth a shot. I’ll just complete it on my own and maybe we can find another time to go on a date.”

  Panic raced across his heart. He didn’t want to let this opportunity to see her pass. “Hold on, how about Sunday?”

  “No. Can’t do it. Remember, I have a brunch date with my parents, then shopping with my Mom since I flaked out on them last weekend. Besides, you really don’t want to subject yourself to their interrogation. Which I can assure you they will do and you will run screaming at the first opportunity.”

  “Really? At the first opportunity? How many guys have your parents run off? Wait, no. Don’t answer that. I don’t want to know.”

  “I can assure you there haven’t been that many. None of them ever called back though. I’d like a little more time with you before the inevitable happens.”

  “Have a little faith in me honey. Those other guys just weren’t the right ones for you. You’ll see I’m made of much stronger stuff.”

  “Promises, promises,” she laughed

  Her laughter only made him want to prove he was right.

  “So, back to getting a date with you even if you are trying to disguise it as work. How about I skip the barbeque and come over instead? After six isn’t too late is it?”

  He could practically hear her thinking on the other end of the line “Sure that sounds like a good idea. Since you’ll be missing dinner with your brothers, how about I cook something up for us?”


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