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whiskey witches 02 - blood moon magick

Page 26

by blooding, s m

  If that was the case, they wouldn’t have required a treaty to end the original war.


  Dexx needed to get his naked human ass back to the car so they could go. How much time did they even have?

  She sighed and picked up his clothes off the highway.

  An eighteen-wheeler approached from behind. He was maybe a mile back, his grill warbling with the building heat.

  She grabbed Dexx’s boot out of the middle of the road. She set it beside the ditch and perched on Jackie’s hood, trying to settle her nerves.

  Tumbleweeds. When was the last time she’d seen a tumbleweed?

  The last time she’d lived in Texas.

  The thought of coming back made her stomach twist in knots. A lot had happened since she’d been here last.

  She’d lost her daughter in a custody battle with her mother—an unfair fight since the woman had used angels to help her side.

  Her own grandmother had banished her memories and gifts banished for five years.

  She’d been captured by a demon and had a door to Hell installed in her soul.

  The man she loved was a shifter.

  She was a witch with an animal spirit inside her helping to keep the demon door closed.

  And there was a treaty between the shifters and witches. A treaty that had ended a pretty brutal war a couple hundred years ago.

  A treaty Dexx and Paige had broken by being together.

  And, now, she had to tell her grandmother, the Whiskey crone and overall matriarch of the family, that the other witch families were on their way to her lawn.

  A flock of birds flew in. An owl, an eagle, a hawk of some sort, a smaller bird like a sparrow or something, and a dove.

  Paige stood as the eighteen-wheeler blew by, the wind of its passing swiping her hard.

  He blew his horn.

  She lifted her arm and waved to let the trucker know she was okay.

  Her attention, however, was trained on the odd assortment of birds flying in. Was it coincidence that Dexx had lost control of his shift and then a bunch of shifters showed up?

  It had to be shifters. No way a group of birds of that variety would fly together in the natural world.

  A group of about five wolves of varying shades, three horses, and two mountain lions crested the hill to the south.

  Paige swallowed hard. What had she just said about flying under the radar? This wasn’t that.

  Do not do anything hasty, Cawli, her animal spirit, said softly in her mind, his voice gentle, adding a calming balm to her unsettled nerves.

  Good advice. Impending war with other witch families. Didn’t need another one with the local pack.

  Paige crossed the ditch to greet the pack of mixed animals.

  Two of the wolves, one black and one mottled, leapt over the sagging barbed wire fence. Two of the others crawled underneath of it, their grey bellies digging into the dirt. The fifth stayed on the other side with the horses.

  The mountain lions, however, loped toward the hill Dexx had disappeared behind.

  Paige wasn’t worried about Dexx. He was easily twice their size. While he didn’t have a great deal of experience with his animal, he had a lot of instinct. He’d be able to take care of himself.

  The dove and the sparrow settled on the fence.

  The black wolf rose on his hind quarters, his fur slipping into his morphing body. His legs unbuckled and grew longer, his back straightening into a more natural, human curve. His black hair hung past his shoulders in easy waves. His blue eyes were startling against his tanned skin. He looked Mediterranean.

  And he was naked. Blessedly, buck-assed naked. And the ass end wasn’t facing her.

  She threw him Dexx’s shirt. “Public highway.”

  He caught it with ease and held it loosely in front of his manly parts that might distract drivers and cause accidents. “Normally, we don’t greet strangers this way,” he said with an accent she couldn’t place.

  She certainly hoped not. “But you’re making an exception for us. How lovely. Why?”

  A growling yowl rolled over the hill Dexx had disappeared behind.

  Wolf-man tipped his head to the side. “You are not a shifter.”


  He narrowed his eyes.

  He can sense me, Cawli murmured. You should tell him.

  Why? She didn’t know anything about this man except that he seemed quite confident in his naked self. Granted, he had every reason to be confident. She hadn’t stared, had only caught a glimpse, but the man was well-endowed. And the rest of him was a sight to see as well.

  He is this region’s high alpha. You would do well to introduce yourself.

  She kept her eye roll internal and sighed. “I’m Detective Paige Whiskey.”

  “Whiskey.” He straightened, alarm slamming across his face.

  In for a penny. “A couple days ago, a shapeshifter was murdered. I was given the case. It led me to Nederland.”

  His hands balled into fists.

  High alpha, huh? Match for a witch? Was she a match for him? She really didn’t want to find out. “Demon. We didn’t catch him, but we did get the murders stopped.”

  “And Nederland?” A coldness entered his piercing blue eyes.

  “Safe.” A shiver coursed down her spine as she recalled the details. It had been close, keeping the shapeshifter town safe from the demons. “We made sure they were safe. We were just there yesterday. The town’s good. There are new protections. Demons won’t ever be a problem again.”

  A frown flickered between his brows. “So, the stories are true, then.”

  Was there a newsletter or something? She was pretty sure she knew how the Eastwoods had found out, but them? “What stories?”

  “A witch was chosen by the animal spirits.”

  She hoped he was as accepting as the shifters of Nederland had been, but he didn’t need her help like they had. “Yes. The stories are true.”

  Wolf-man raised his chin and sniffed the air.

  Paige ran her tongue along her teeth. Animals. They could tell a lot by smell. They could smell emotion. How weird was that?

  She might not be able to shift, but her sense of smell was getting better. Not as good as to be able to smell his emotions at that moment, which would have been helpful. She could, however, tell that he’d recently showered. He still smelled of soap. And he was hot in the sun as it beat down on them.

  He lowered his head, his narrowed eyes trained on her. “What is your business?”

  “Am I in your territory?”

  “You are.”

  “Oh, well.” Awesome. “I’m going home. My sister had a baby. Going to see him.” Wasn’t a lie, either, thankfully.

  He shifted his weight from one foot to the other.

  The mottled wolf beside him growled low in his throat.

  Wolf-man shook his head.

  “Look, I’m just trying to get home for a visit.”

  “Back to your coven.”

  Paige snorted a chuckle of surprise. Coven. Everything about being a witch was still so new to her. Even before her memories had been wiped, she hadn’t been a part of any coven.

  However, apparently, Leslie and Alma were. Her sister was the medium and her grandmother was the local hedge witch. It shouldn’t surprise Paige that they’d gathered a coven, but it did. When she’d lived in the house, magick had just been an everyday thing. A little spell here. A small hex there. But nothing that would require a coven.

  Also, as the demon summoner, no one wanted her magick to meddle with theirs. She tainted magick.

  Wolf-man narrowed his eyes.

  “No. I am not a part of any coven.”

  Confusion pinched his dark, full brows together. “Is there something wrong with you?”

  Be honest. Cawli huffed in the back of Paige’s mind.

  She wasn’t used to broadcasting what she was to people she’d just met. “I’m a demon summoner. I don’t get asked to participate a lot.�

  He nodded slowly. “And yet the animal spirit chose you.”

  She shrugged. “And yet.”

  She’d lost a lot due to her demon gift and people’s opinions about it. She’d lost her job in both Texas and Denver, her daughter, her family. She’d never been offered the communion of coven. Yeah. Being the demon summoner was a lot like being a leper.

  His gaze shifted to the landscape beside them.

  Dexx crested the hill accompanied by the two mountain lions, the eagle and the hawk.

  Where was the owl?

  And he was buck-assed naked, too.

  Dexx leapt over the fence with an ease that looked like Hollywood wirework. He grabbed his pants, the mid-sky sunlight shining on his short, brown hair. His green eyes were narrowed and surly.

  She smiled tightly. “Local pack.”

  “Got that,” he gritted between his teeth.

  “You okay?”

  He shrugged one bare, freckled shoulder and zipped up his pants.

  A white minivan drove past, swerving a little.

  She needed to get the hot naked men off the highway.

  “Okay.” Paige returned her attention to the high-alpha. She just needed to ensure she didn’t have a two-front war. “What do you want?”

  Wolf-man met her gaze squarely. It had a weight to it. “You tripped our protections.”

  She hadn’t felt any, but that did explain why Dexx had been unable to control his shift. “Okay. Great. Now, what?”

  He studied Dexx. “The animal spirits have great faith in you.”

  “I wouldn’t call it that,” Dexx said low in his throat. “Is that my shirt?”

  “I didn’t want his penis talking to drivers,” Paige said. “Okay? You’ll get it back.”

  “Where are the keys?”

  “In the ignition where you left them.”

  He leaned through the wide open window of the Challenger, took the keys, and padded barefoot in the brown grass and weeds to open the trunk.

  “Are we clear to go?” Paige returned her attention to Wolf-man. “Or are you here to lay down the rules? Arrest us? Pee on us? I don’t know. What are we doing here?”

  “Someone with as much power as he has cannot simply walk unhindered into another pack’s territory.”

  “So.” He was more interested in Dexx than her. Interesting. And good. “Pissing. I’m guessing there’ll be a lot of pissing.”

  Paige. Cawli’s voice was dark.

  Screw him if he couldn’t take her sarcasm.

  A big, blue pick-up truck blew by.

  Dexx came back, pulling on a green t-shirt. “I don’t want your territory.”

  “But you are planning on staying with this one? She said she is coming home.”

  Dexx clucked his tongue. “For a visit. A couple of days.”

  Or as long as the war lasted. “What does he have to do to stay?”

  “You said a couple of days?”

  “Might be a week.” Or until the bodies stopped dropping.

  Wolf-man bit the inside of his cheek, studying her with unfocused eyes. “You will both present yourself to the pack. After that, we will decide.”

  Paige released a long breath. “I have to ask. Do you have any connection to Portland?”

  Wolf-man drew his head up and narrowed his blue eyes. “Yes.”

  She took in a tight breath. “The Eastwoods are coming to Texas. So, I don’t know what you gotta do, but be careful.”

  The tightness around Wolf-man’s eyes lessened. “Thank you, but are already aware. They are here for other reasons. Be calm. They do not know you have broken the treaty.”

  Saliva swarmed her mouth. Wow. Great. Shit. Relief swept through her. They were safe?

  “We will keep this information within the safety of trusted circles.”

  Even trusted circles had leaks, and she was fairly confident she had a demon intent on restarting the war.

  “His message was intercepted.”

  Fucking telepaths. Even if he was just good at reading her face, his response to her unintended non-verbal was damned eerie. “Fine. Where do we meet? How do we get a hold of you?”

  He glanced down at the mottled wolf beside him. “Can we approach your house?”

  Probably a bad idea since she hadn’t told Grandma Alma, but what choice did she have? She’d broken the treaty. She couldn’t treat the shifters like they were the ones doing wrong. She’d tell Alma and make it right. “You may.”

  “We will send an invitation via messenger, then.”

  With the Eastwoods…in town. What could go wrong? “Okay.”

  He quirked his lips and handed her back Dexx’s shirt.

  Dexx stiffened beside her.

  “You are not what I had thought you would be.”

  It was still too early to tell with him. Spending time with the shifters at Nederland, she’d discovered shifters were just people. Like everyone else. “Good or bad?”


  “Fair answer.”

  He stepped back, the weeds doing nothing to hide his male pride. “Until we meet again.”

  She nodded curtly.

  He shifted back into the form of a wolf, the morph smooth and apparently painless. He leapt over the fence, barking once. The pack followed and disappeared over the hill.

  Paige swallowed. So, this was the new normal. Awesome. She hit Dexx on the arm. “I have to pee.”

  He glared, grabbing his boots on the way around Jackie’s hood. “Burn that shirt.”

  SM Blooding lives in Colorado with Mr. Dork and his two adorable daughters, Thing 1 and Thing 2. Between yarn projects, building forts, creating jellyfish cities, helping other authors, and following behind Mr. Dork to close his doors for him, she does a fairly decent job of staying out of trouble.

  She’s dated vampires, werewolves, sorcerers, weapons smugglers and US Government assassins. Yes. She has stories.

  Find out more about at:

  She’s also an investigator with a local paranormal investigation group, Colorado Paranormal Rescue!

  Find out more at:




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