Destiny, and the Red Orb (The Destiny Series Book 1)
Page 18
As she walked closer, the light grew brighter, revealing a perfectly crafted wooden bow. It curved at the ends with wing carvings, words were transcribed onto the wood along with swirls like wind blowing. The bow was perfect.
Gwen reached out for the bow and grabbed it. The moment her fingertips touched the bow, it began to pulsate green. The same kind of slow pulse as the marking on the pedestal.
“I got it.” Gwen wondered why Destiny had stopped speaking to her.
Gwen clenched the bow, feeling the power emanating from it. She then reached for the quiver filled with special arrows that were now pulsating like the bow. She removed her own quiver and slung the God of Times’s over her torso.
The beam was still glowing high in the sky by night time. The sky was now a dark red instead of purple, and the air was hot and unbearable. Emry continued, however until she made it to the steps of the tower the beam was emanating from. She stopped before climbing the steps.
Emry looked inside and saw that the beam of light was coming from a pedestal in the center of the tower. She didn’t know what was happening, but she needed to find out. She began to climb the steps until the wind started to pick up behind her.
Emry turned around and watched as several bright lights dispersed from a small rip in space. She was utterly confused, but continued to stare at the phenomenon.
The bright colors faded away as he hit the ground. He held onto Jennifer, not letting her or the sword go. He had killed the only other human he had seen in so long. He gripped her jacket tightly and pulled the sword out of her.
“N—no. No.” Adam repeated trying to find any hint of life in the lady.
“Who are you?” A voice spoke from behind him.
Adam quickly turned to it. A young lady was standing a few feet away from the former prisoner, a glowing hammer extended at him. Adam then looked around. The ground was covered in green grass. The night was red, but it was still the night he once knew. Adam had returned to Earth.
Chapter 5:
The End of Days
Cecily sat next to Scott, both tied down. She had spent the past few days trying to get to know him. Getting to know people was the best way Cecily was able to make friends while still avoiding talking about herself.
Scott didn’t talk much. He kept quiet for most of the time, only speaking when Cecily asked him a question. Over the past few hours, Cecily had run out of things to say; something she rarely did. The two sat there in silence.
“I’m sorry.” Scott finally spoke up.
Cecily turned to him, astonished. “About what?”
“That man. Sean. I’m—I’m sorry.”
“That wasn’t your fault.” Cecily told him. “It was Destiny.”
“It was my destiny to kill him. And I did. Whether I wanted to or not.”
“That’s all over. It’s okay. I forgive you.”
Scott turned to Cecily. His dirty face seemed to glisten in the red night.
“I bet I’ve grown a beard just like yours since the world ended.” Cecily stuck out her small chin to Scott. Scott laughed. Cecily smiled. “For real, though: my armpits are like a forest.”
“I never liked armpit hair either, but who has time to shave during the apocalypse, right?” Scott agreed.
“Exactly. Characters always look so good on TV, no matter what has happened to them. Look at us. We look like shit.” Cecily remarked.
Scott laughed harder at this. Cecily enjoyed making him smile.
“You have some weird conversations.” Scott told her.
“Be lucky I haven’t brought up any of my fandoms. Jennifer used to get so annoyed when I would talk about them—they all did actually. But Jennifer listened anyways. I bet I’ve told her the story of Supernatural at least ten times since I’ve known her, but she kept listening as if it was her first time hearing it.” Cecily smiled. “I really miss those moments.”
“Supernatural? I watched that show.” Scott admitted.
Cecily turned to him stunned. “Really?”
“Yeah. Sam and Dean. The Winchesters. I really liked it.” Scott told her.
“You are like the coolest person.” Cecily told him.
“You’re not too bad yourself.” Scott told Cecily.
Cecily saw Ryan and Kevin walking towards the two. After days of discussing it, both Cecily and Scott had accepted what was to come. Cecily had pleaded against the majority, but Scott accepted their ruling. Now, Cecily had given up. It was time.
“It’s going to be okay.” Cecily told Scott.
“I know it will.” Scott replied.
“It’s time.” Ryan picked up Scott while Kevin picked up Cecily.
Scott and Cecily were led to the middle of the groups. The two separate factions had now joined together in a decision they felt was necessary. They all knew they were doomed on Earth. The Red Orb was upon them and there was no stopping it now. With their final days, the group needed justice. Some denied it and left while others fought for it. Scott, however, felt he deserved it. He watched as Cecily begged for them to change their minds, but Scott made them stay with their decision.
“Don’t do this.” Cecily had told him.
“It’s okay. It will all be okay.” Scott replied.
Ryan put Scott on his knees with his hands still tied behind his back. Kevin knelt Cecily a few feet across from him, her hands tied as well. Cecily’s eyes were already tearing up, but she refused to let a single tear fall. Scott looked around at the groups; a lot of them he had known for the past year. Serving them, protecting them. Now all of that had changed.
Scott felt the coldness of Ryan’s gun gently press against the back of his head. It sent shivers down his spine, but Scott remained calm.
“After numerous discussions, and countless hours of deciding, we have decided that you, Officer Scott Ramirez, will be sentenced to death.” Ryan spoke clearly aloud to the group.
Scott looked around one final time, watching as the faces of everyone around went to somber. He finally turned to Cecily, the only other person who truly lost their best friend just like him.
“Stay strong, Cecily.” Scott started. Cecily listened. “You’re one of the strongest people I have ever known. You’re a Winchester.” Scott told her.
Cecily smiled as a tear rolled down her face. She remained strong, however; doing her best to fight the pain.
“I will.” Cecily responded. “I’ll make you proud.”
“Do it for you. Don’t make the same mistakes we did. You’re going to be fine.” The group was silent as Scott spoke his final words. He never had the chance to say goodbye to Ian; the son he never had. He was at peace with death now. He knew he was never the best leader, the best friend, or the best person, but he had a good heart. All he wanted was to help, but his judgement wansn’t what they needed. He saw in Cecily that she had the heart, and the will, to do better than he ever could. Whether she stayed with them or not, she would do the right thing. All he wanted now, in his final moments, was to let her know.
Scott looked to the cement. He closed his eyes and thought about everyone he had come to know the past year. He lived a long life alone, always blaming work for it. It took the end of the world for him to finally find the people he was meant to be with. Although his last moments with them may have been poor, the memories he would die with would be rich with happiness. Scott relaxed his body and kept his mind on these memories until he finally heard the hammer being pulled back. Within an instant, everything was gone.
“I said: who are you?” Emry asked again. She kept the hammer out at the strange man in case he tried to attack.
“Wh—where—where am I?” The man was crying.
“I’m not sure. Kansas?” Emry guessed.
“Is this Earth?” The man looked around.
“Yes.” Emry answered.
“What’s happening?” The man asked.
/> “I don’t know.” Emry replied. “Where’d you get that sword?”
The man was holding the sword Destiny must have been talking about. It was glowing red.
“From her.” Emry looked at the lady he was holding. She was dead.
“What happened to her?” Emry asked.
“I killed her.” The man replied.
Emry stepped back and held the hammer tightly. “Why?”
“It was the only way to escape.”
Emry thought about what the man may have gone through. He looked in poor conditions. He was weeping over the lady. He was troubled. She had forgotten about others. The man was the first other person she had seen in over a year, though it felt a lot longer. The now young adult was a different person than when she first met that man all that time ago. She remembered her group she had found the day after the world ended. She had been travelling alone. Wondering through the city and avoiding the monsters, she had made her way back to her own street. Her old block in the large city. That was where she found that group. Everything had been fine until that man and his young friend came along. That was where Danielle died. She had been separated ever since. She hadn’t thought about those people in a very long time, but now she was. The man was the last person she had ever seen until this moment. Now, another man was before her. Weak, bloody, and wielding the Sword.
“My name is Emry. What’s your name?” Emry lowered the hammer.
“Adam.” The man let go of the lady and stood up, holding the sword in his hand. He turned to Emry. “Why am I here?”
“I think you are one of us.” Emry answered. “The sword is yours now.”
“Is this with the Red Orb? Stopping it.” Adam asked.
“Yes.” Emry replied.
“Then let’s do it.” Adam readied his sword.
Emry stared at the sword. She had to stop him. She had to break the sword.
“Okay, just give me the sword.” Emry told him.
Adam looked at her. “I thought it was mine.”
“I need it.”
Emry paused. Everything about her was changed now. She was a survivalist. She knew what it took to survive. She was stronger now.
“She wants to destroy it.” Destiny appeared in the middle of the two.
Adam stepped back. “What is that?”
“Adam.” The black figure faced him. “I’ve been waiting for you.”
Adam had no time to enjoy being back on Earth. The sword had lead him to an odd location. A young lady held a glowing hammer and a silhouette was standing before him, saying his name. Adam noticed that her left iris was glowing light blue.
“What are you? What am I doing here?” Adam asked.
“You are the replacement. The last known demigod on this planet.”
“What?” Adam was confused.
“There’s too much. It was not supposed to be this way. The boy was supposed to be in your place.”
“Please, I just want to go home.” Adam told the figure.
“There is no home. The Red Orb is upon you. There is no way out.”
“Then we’ll stop it. That’s why I’m here, isn’t it?” Adam asked.
“Precisely. You three have the power to stop the Red Orb.”
“No.” Emry spoke.
“What?” Adam asked.
“We can’t stop it, Adam. He’ll come.” Emry told him.
“What are you talking about? We have to stop it.”
“You don’t understand. Destiny is lying to you. Manipulating you. Manipulating us all. It’s not Destiny. It’s him.”
“Who are you talking about?”
“He’s the one that started all of this. The baby born from evil. The abomination that was locked away in the Red Orb. He made the monsters wipe out all of the other humans. He needed us to survive. This was all him!” Emry pointed to Destiny.
Adam was conflicted. He was tired, weak, and barely able to stand. He didn’t know what to do. He stared at the two until the green beam that was shooting into the sky behind Emry vanished. Emry turned around; the three of them watched as a silhouette walked out of the tower. A young girl was wielding a glowing bow.
Gwen was soon back on the pedestal in the tower. The bow was glowing on her back and the arrows laid gently in her quiver. She walked out of the tower and saw Destiny standing with two other people. The girl, Emry, was around her own age; holding the hammer that flashed a blue light. The man who took over after Ian, Adam, held the sword that flashed a red light. It was the other two weapons. They were finally all gathered in one place.
“Peop—people.” Gwen couldn’t believe her eyes. She held her hand, trying to subdue the pain.
“Oh my god.” Emry spoke as she stared at her. “What’s happened to you?”
The Judiceen that ran through her body was now stretched over her whole left side. Half her face was covered in the black veins while her whole left arm was as well. Gwen then noticed that Emry had something on her as well. Her left eye was filled with a light blue color. It resembled Judiceen, but it wasn’t black.
“What did you do to her?” Emry shouted.
“You aren’t the only one who has the power to utilize the power inside of them.” Destiny told Emry.
“The Judiceen. That’s your blood.” Emry stated.
Gwen felt the pain grow worse, but she couldn’t focus on it. Seeing other people for the first time in so long, it scared her. “What’s going on?”
“Look what you’ve put her through. Look what you’ve put all of us through.” Emry told Destiny. “Is this what you would do to break free? Forcing us to insanity? Look at Adam. He’s miserable.”
“Please,” Adam started. “I just want this to end.”
Adam turned to Gwen. She could see it in his eyes that it had been a while since he had seen another person as well.
“God!” Gwen fell to her knees.
“What’s happening?” Adam stepped forward.
“Get away!” Gwen shouted. She was afraid of the other people.
“She’s scared!” Emry yelled. “You did this!”
“Enough.” Destiny told her.
“How?” Gwen started at Adam.
“How what?” Adam replied.
“I had nobody. You can’t just come here. I was fine by myself.”
“No, you weren’t.” Emry told her. “He’s broken you.”
“Were you alone? Did you feel the same pain as I felt?” Gwen asked the two.
The two remained silent for a moment.
“Yes. We all were.” Emry looked around.
It was obvious to Gwen that they all had different experiences over the past year, but they all had similar paths. Adam was weak, hungry, and scared. Emry was strong, smart, and brave. Gwen had spent the last year being tortured by Destiny. Destiny had indeed broken her.
“How can you stand? How can you be here?” Gwen clenched her teeth. “It hurts.” She pleaded.
“I know. And I’m sorry.” Emry told her.
Gwen looked up into the sky; the Red Orb was here.
“I just want to finish this.” Gwen told her.
“And this is the time.” Destiny spoke.
“No.” Emry fought. “He’s tricking you. We can’t stop the Red Orb.”
“What are you talking about?” Gwen questioned. “This is our destiny. We were born to do this.”
“No, we weren’t.” Emry replied. “He’s tricking you. That’s not Destiny. It’s only him. He wants out.”
“Lies.” Destiny swung over to Gwen. “She is like the one who killed your brother. She only wants you all to perish.”
Gwen finally noticed something behind Adam. It was a body. The body and face she knew all too well. It was the lady who killed Ian: Jennifer.
“Is that her?” Gwen pointed to Jennifer.
Adam turned around. “Don’t do anything to her. She saved me.”
“She is gone.” Dest
iny told Gwen.
“Is that Jennifer!” Gwen wanted him to say it.
“Yes, it’s Jennifer!” Adam yelled. “And she never wanted to kill him. She told me. It needed to happen. She told me that you aren’t real.”
“He’s not.” Emry spoke. “Jennifer saw through you. She proved that you aren’t real. She defied you. She killed Ian; a demigod. While she was just somebody you never gave one thought too.” Emry was staring at Destiny. “Sinda knew. She told me everything. You tried to control them.”
“Is this true?” Gwen asked Destiny. “Why didn’t you tell me this?”
“They lie.” Destiny’s voice was angry. “Don’t listen to them. They can’t understand.”
“That you’ll be set free the moment we stop that Red Orb.” Emry told him.
“Please, just stop.” Gwen needed to think. She didn’t know which side was the right side anymore. All of this time, she thought following destiny was the right thing to do, but maybe destiny is never a good way to live your life.
“It’s coming.” Adam spoke. “We have to do something.”
“Too many times has your kind suffered because of your own actions, don’t let this be you, Gwen.” Destiny told her.
“I don’t care.” Gwen spoke. “I don’t care if everything is laid out from the time you’re born until the time you die. I don’t care whether every choice we make is our own or not. Whether the Red Orb kills us or you do, we have to fight.”
Emry understood what Gwen was saying. Gwen saw it in her face. They were all one sided; they just needed to meet in the middle.
“We have to do this.” Gwen told Emry.
Emry had given up. “Please, he won’t kill us. He’ll never kill us.”
“I’m sorry.” Gwen reached for an arrow.
Adam didn’t say a word. He only gripped the sword tightly in his hand. Emry then held her hammer, ready to fight. No matter what was to come, they were going to fight.