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Dark Side of the Street (1967)

Page 10

by Jack - Simon Vaughn 01 Higgins

Vaughan was still smiling at her through the glass when the phone rang and he picked it up instantly. "Hello, sweetie, what's the good word?"

  "Carry on to Bampton and ensure that the merchandise is forwarded to our contact in Gloucester. Give him a ring and tell him what to expect."

  "The full treatment?"

  "Absolutely. And Simon, he doesn't want you to get involved personally unless it becomes absolutely necessary. If the occasion calls for it, then you have a free hand, but for the moment, simply keep an eye on things and report progress."

  "Will do, sweetie."

  He came out of the phone box and smiled cheerfully at the middle-aged woman. "Terribly sorry if I've held you up. You must allow me to put your coffee on my check."

  She blushed like a young girl. "That isn't necessary--really it isn't."

  "Oh, but I insist."

  He left a generous tip and went out, whistling softly and the woman sighed and said to the girl behind the counter, "It isn't often you meet young men with manners like that these days."

  The girl nodded. "Still, he's a real gentleman, isn't he? Anyone can see that."

  Outside, Vaughan gunned the motor of the Spitfire and drove rapidly away.

  The needle on the speedometer of the old cattle truck obstinately refused to move past thirty-five and it was coming up half past three when they approached Bampton.

  Chavasse tapped Youngblood on the shoulder and pointed to where Molly stood beside the old Ford in a lay-by and Youngblood drew in beside her. It was raining hard, but there was colour in her cheeks and she seemed cheerful and excited when he dropped down to join her.

  "How did it go, kid?"

  "Fine," she said. "No trouble at all."

  He turned to Chavasse who came round the front of the truck. "What was that address again?"

  "Alma Cottage."

  "Could be anywhere."

  "True--Molly had better go in on her own. We don't want to make ourselves too conspicuous."

  Youngblood nodded, took out Crowther's wallet and extracted five pounds. "You must be running low on petrol. Fill her right up while you're at it and get me some cigarettes and a newspaper if you can.

  She drove away quickly into the heavy rain and the two men climbed back into the cab of the cattle truck.

  "No road blocks so far, that's one good thing," Youngblood said.

  Chavasse shrugged. "We're more than two hundred miles away from Fridaythorpe now. They aren't looking for us here--not yet anyway."

  "Then there was no need to trail along in this old crate," Youngblood said. "We could have ditched the girl and used the Ford."

  Chavasse managed to restrain his anger with difficulty. "Maybe you'd prefer to wander round Bampton showing your face all over the place while you try to find Alma Cottage?" he said. "Not me. If we aren't spread across page one by now then we ought to be." He shook his head. "She's earning her keep as far as I'm concerned."

  "Maybe you're right at that," Youngblood said grudgingly.

  "You can put money on it."

  Chavasse sprawled back in the passenger seat, smoked one of his last cigarettes and went over things in his mind. So far, so good. Crowther's treachery to his employers--the fact that he had followed clients through to the Bampton address--had been a major stroke of luck. Without it, they wouldn't have stood a chance and the whole business, the long weary months in prison, would have been all for nothing.

  But what happened now was even more important. He wondered just how much Rosa Hartman, the blind woman Crowther had mentioned, had to tell them. Possibly very little.

  The Ford appeared round a bend in the road and drew in beside them. When Molly got out, she was carrying a carton of cigarettes and a newspaper.

  "Alma Cottage is on this side of the village," she said. "I've just driven past it. There's a narrow lane on the right hand side of the road. It's about two hundred yards beyond the bend. The cottage is almost half-way along. It's very pretty."

  Youngblood opened the newspaper and his face seemed to jump out to meet him. It wasn't a prison photo, but one taken at the time of his trial on the steps of the courthouse and he smiled out at the crowd, one hand raised in a careless wave.

  On the evidence of that photo alone, thousands of ordinary people throughout the country had thought him hard done by, just as today they must be hoping in their hearts that he would escape.

  "Not bad, eh?" Youngblood said, unable to keep an edge of pride out of his voice. "We're making the bastards sit up and take notice."

  It was still there. The old need for notoriety at any price, the same subconscious urge towards self destruction, but Chavasse said nothing. Beneath Youngblood's picture there was one of himself, but much smaller.

  Youngblood chuckled. "They've almost missed you out, Drum. It doesn't even look like you."

  Chavasse shook his head. "You can have all the publicity you want, Harry. As far as I'm concerned, I won't be happy till we're both a three-line story at the end of column eight on page twelve."

  "And that won't be for a week at least. These newspaper boys know a good story when they see one." Youngblood folded the paper and tossed it into the cab of the cattle truck. "Anyway, let's get moving."

  "I've been thinking about that," Chavasse said.

  "We could run into trouble--no way of telling. Silly for both of us to go."

  "Fair enough." Youngblood grinned and put an arm around the girl. "I'll stay here and look after Molly."

  "Suits me," Chavasse said calmly. "If I'm not back in an hour you'd better come looking."

  "If I'm still here," Youngblood said sardonically.

  Chavasse nodded. "Come to think of it, that does seem to be a distinct possibility. Under the circumstances I'll have half the bank roll--just in case I have to fend for myself."

  Youngblood hesitated perceptibly and then produced Crowther's wallet. "Why not?" He counted out twenty-five pounds and gave it to Chavasse together with a handful of loose change. "And how do I know you won't decide to take off on your own?"

  "You don't," Chavasse said and he turned and walked away quickly through the heavy rain.

  Youngblood looked down at the girl who gazed up at him shyly. Her face was wet with the rain, the eyes shining. Strangely enough, she didn't look half bad and he slipped his arm around her waist and squeezed gently.

  "Come on, kid, we could have a long wait. Might as well get into the back of the truck and make ourselves comfortable."

  "All right, Harry."

  She moved ahead of him and when he helped her up over the tailboard, his hands were shaking with excitement.

  The cottage stood well back from the lane, an old grey-stone building half-covered by ivy. The long narrow garden was wet with rain, the only flowers a few early daffodils and he went along the flagged path to the porch. A brass plate at one side of the door said Madame Rosa Hartman--consultations by appointment only.

  Chavasse knocked. There was a sudden patter of feet inside like wind through dry leaves, a low growl and then silence. After a while he heard the tapping of a stick, the door swung open and a woman looked out at him.

  She was at lesat seventy, her hair drawn back from a yellowing parchment face in an old-fashioned bun. She wore a tweed suit with a skirt which almost reached her ankles and carried an ebony cane in her left hand. Her right hand had a secure grip on the collar of one of the most superb dogs Chavasse had ever seen in his life--a black and tan Dobermann.

  A growl started deep down in its throat like distant thunder and she jerked hard on the collar. "Be quiet, Karl. Yes, who is it?"

  She had spoken with a slight Austrian accent and as she leaned forward, he got a clear look at the cloudy opalescent eyes.

  "I was wondering if you could spare me a few moments of your time."

  "You wish to consult me professionally?"

  "That's right."

  "I only take clients by appointment. I have to be very careful. The law is most strict in these matters."

"I'm only passing through," he said. "I'd really be most obliged. You were very highly recommended."

  "I see." She appeared to hesitate. "Your name?"

  "Is of no importance," he said. "Only my destination."

  "And what would that be?"


  There was a moment of stillness and then she moved back slightly. "I think you'd better come in, young man."

  The hall was oak panelled and very pleasant with hyacinths growing in a bowl on a polished table that stood before a long gilt mirror. She closed the door, releasing her hold on the Dobermann and the dog moved to Chavasse's side.

  "This way," she said and walked to a door at the other end of the hall.

  The room was obviously a study with books lining the walls, but a cheerful fire burned in an Adam grate and through the diamond paned window, he glimpsed trees through the rain and a river beyond.

  The woman sat on the other side of a small round table and indicated the vacant chair opposite. Chavasse took it and the Dobermann subsided on the floor, its eyes fixed on his unwinkingly.

  "Who are you, young man?" Rosa Hartman said.

  "Does that matter?"

  She shrugged. "Perhaps not. Give me your hand."

  Chavasse was momentarily bewildered. "Might I ask why?"

  "For me, it is always necessary. I am clairvoyant, surely you were aware of that?"

  He took her hand, holding it lightly. It was cool and flaccid, making him remember for no accountable reason, his Breton grandmother, clean linen sheets, rosemary and lavender and then she tightened her grip and he was aware of a sudden tingle as from a minor electric shock. The strange thing was that suddenly, her eyes widened and she reached out and ran the fingers of her free hand lightly over his face.

  "Is anything wrong?" he asked.

  She shook her head, still frowning. "I expected something a little different, that's all." She held his hand a moment longer and then released it. "Who sent you here?"

  "Does that matter?"

  "No, you have the password, but I was not expecting you."

  "Then you can't help?"

  She spread her hands in a vaguely continental gesture. "No arrangements have been made to take you to the next stage. There is no transport ready."

  "I have transport."

  "I see--you are alone?"

  He hesitated. "Yes."

  The strange creamy eyes seemed to gaze through him and beyond so that he knew instantly that she was aware that he had lied.

  "You can help me then?"

  "Yes--yes, I think so. At least I can show you where to go. Whether that will give you what you are looking for is something else again."

  It was as if in some strange way she was trying to warn him and he smiled. "I'll take my chances."

  "Then go to the desk behind you and open the top right hand drawer beneath the pigeon holes. You will find several copies of the same visiting card. Take one. I should add that I do not know what is on the card nor do I wish to know."

  Chavasse got up and the dog stirred uneasily. He ignored it, walked to the desk and opened the drawer she had indicated. The visiting card was edged in black and carried the legend: Long Barrow Crematorium and House of Rest--Hugo Pentecost--Director in neat Gothic script. The phone number was Phenge 239.

  "Now please go, young man," Rosa Hartman said.

  Chavasse paused, frowning, the card between his fingers. There was something wrong here--something very wrong and then the dog stood up and growled softly. Chavasse took a cautious step backwards. If there was one dog on earth capable of killing a man, it was a Dobermann Pincher. Once launched on target, only a machine gun would stop it.

  "You can let yourself out," she said. "Karl will see you to the door."

  The Dobermann moved forward at once as if it understood every word she said and Chavasse took the hint. "I'd like to thank you, Madam Hartman. You've been of very real assistance to me."

  "That remains to be seen, young man," she said calmly. "Now go."

  There was a public telephone box at the end of the lane and he went inside and dialled Bureau headquarters in London quickly. He was through within a matter of seconds and asked for Mallory. A moment later, Janet Frazer's voice sounded on the line.

  "I'm afraid Mr. Mallory isn't available. This is his secretary speaking. Can I help?"

  "Janet--Paul here." There was a sudden sharp intake of breath at the other end. "Where is he?"

  "Foreign Office--a NATO intelligence conference. Where are you?"

  "Shrewsbury and hot on the trail. Ever heard of a place called Phenge?"

  "No, but I can soon look it up for you." She was back within a couple of minutes. "Just outside Gloucester."

  "That's where we're making for now. The whole thing's going perfectly so far. From now on I must have Mallory standing by. Next time I ring, it could be to give him the news he's been waiting for and I'll probably only have seconds."

  "I'll tell him."

  "Good girl. I'll have to be off."

  "Look after yourself."

  "Don't worry about me. I'll challenge the gods and make a date with you for next Wednesday. We'll do a show and go on to the Saddle Room afterwards."

  "I'll look forward to that."

  He dropped the receiver and hurried along the road through the heavy rain. When he reached the lay-by, the girl was sitting in the van and Youngblood was standing by the truck smoking. He moved to meet Chavasse quickly.

  "What happened?"

  "Nothing much. She gave me this card."

  Youngblood read it and looked up quickly. "Was she on the level?"

  "How in the hell would I know?"

  "Then we could be walking into trouble."


  Youngblood nodded thoughtfully. "On the other hand they're not going to scream for a copper, are they? That's the last thing they'll want to do."

  "Exactly," Chavasse said. "Which makes it a nice private fight."

  There was an old A.A. book in the Ford and Youngblood leafed through it quickly. "Phenge is just outside Gloucester," he announced. "That's about seventy-five miles. We could be there in a couple of hours if we used the Ford."

  "Just what I was thinking," Chavasse said. "I noticed a gate barring a cart track into a wood a little way back. If we ran the truck in there, it could stand for a day or two before anyone discovered it, especially in this weather."

  "Fine," Youngblood said. "I'll handle this. You follow on in the Ford."

  He was suddenly like a kid on an outing, cheerful and smiling as he clambered up into the truck and drove away.

  "He's certainly pleased with life, isn't he?" Chavasse said as he slid behind the wheel of the Ford.

  The girl blushed, looking for a moment almost pretty and he was suddenly reminded of an old Breton saying. Love makes even an ugly woman beautiful... .

  My God, as if this business wasn't complicated enough. He sighed heavily as he released the handbrake and drove away.

  As the front door closed behind Chavasse, Simon Vaughan stepped from behind the floor length velvet curtain at the window and came towards the table.

  "Glad you were sensible, old girl. I think the whole thing went off very well, don't you?"

  "That depends entirely on your point of view."

  "He was lying of course--about being on his own, I mean. That was quite obvious. I suppose Youngblood was waiting at the end of the lane to see what happened. Do you mind if I use the phone?"

  "You used me. How can I stop you using my phone?"

  "Now don't be like that." He dialled a number, long distance on STD and cut in the moment he heard a voice at the other end. "Hugo? Just to confirm your two packages are on the way. Yes, the full treatment. I'll see you later."

  He put down the telephone, took out his gloves and pulled them on. "I must be off. I'll be seeing you, Rosa."

  The Dobermann brushed past him like a dark shadow and nuzzled her hand. She shook her head. "I don't think so."
  "Now don't be silly," he said. "You've been living here on a false passport since 1946--on a false identity, which is even worse. A word in the right quarter ..."

  "You mistake me," she said. "It isn't that I've grown brave all of a sudden. I'm too old for the kind of courage that would take. I simply meant that you wouldn't be seeing me again."

  He was obviously curious. "May I ask why?"

  "Because you are going to die," she said simply.

  He stared at her, that slight fixed smile firmly in place. "You really mean that, don't you?"

  "I have another kind of sight, Mr. Smith or whatever your name is. Death has already marked you out. I can feel it."

  And he believed her, that was the strange thing. She knew quite suddenly that he believed her completely and a shiver ran down her spine as he started to laugh.

  "You're bad luck, old woman. Why shouldn't I send you on before me?"

  He produced the spring blade knife with which he had murdered Crowther and the blade jumped out of his fist with an audible click.

  The Dobermann growled, the hair lifting on its neck and she patted it soothingly. "Because Karl would kill you first."

  "Proving your prediction in the process? What an admirable pet." Vaughan chuckled as he folded the knife and slipped it back into his pocket. "No, Rosa, we mustn't make it too easy for you. Death must find me--I'll not go looking for him. We've met before. He knows my face."

  She heard him go along the corridor outside, whistling tunelessly to himself and the door banged. Somewhere, a small trapped wind circled the room looking for a way out, then died in a corner.


  Ashes to Ashes

  It was very quiet in the embalming room and Hugo Pentecost worked alone, his rubber apron smeared with blood. There was no need for him to engage in the more practical work of the establishment, but he liked to keep his hand in and in any case, there was always a certain pleasure to be derived from a job well done.

  The cadaver on which he was engaged was that of a young woman and he was in the process of withdrawing her viscera. It was usual to wear rubber gloves, but Pentecost never could, preferring the additional sensitivity to be found in bare hands.

  He had successfully removed the contents of the abdomen and was now on the throat, whistling softly, his arms dappled with blood up to the elbows.


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