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Winter Spire: Sorceress of Lust

Page 4

by Anya Merchant

  “This is insane,” muttered Felix. His hand slowly drifted down to his crotch. He couldn’t stop himself from wrapping his fingers around his cock, and let out a soft moan as pleasure flooded through him.

  “See,” said Stella. “That’s not so bad, is it?”

  Felix slowly began to stroke his cock. He tried to look away from Stella and preserve at least some of his dignity, but he couldn’t. She smiled at him, clearly amused by his situation.

  “You’re allowed to enjoy this,” she said. “You’re a strapping young man, Felix.”

  “How am I supposed to?” he asked. It was a halfhearted question. The pleasure was already building as his rhythm intensified. He was unbelievably turned on.

  “Here,” said Stella. “Maybe some visual stimulation is in order?”

  She slipped her robe open ever so slightly, revealing the cleavage of her busty breasts. She’d apparently taken off her t-shirt, as Felix could see the edge of her bra.

  “Do you like that?” asked Stella.

  “I’d… like to see more,” said Felix.

  “Oh, you dirty boy,” said Stella, letting out a soft laugh. “How about I do something even better for you?”

  She brandished her staff, whispering words under her breath as it glowed purple. A flash filled Felix’s vision, and suddenly, there were several other women in the room. A nurse, a nun, and a school teacher, each of them with the looks of a supermodel, were on their knees in front of him.

  “What the…?” Felix was stunned, even though he’d already experienced Stella’s powers firsthand.

  “They’re only illusions, of course,” she said. “And they won’t last long, so hurry and take advantage of their presence.”

  The three women began stripping out of their clothing, looking up at Felix with provocative expressions as they did. The nun pulled off her habit and flicked her hair free before winking at him. The school teacher had a ruler and slowly ran her hand up and down it, mimicking Felix’s own movements. The nurse licked her lips and slowly pulled out her breasts.

  “Jesus Christ,” said Felix. “This is… incredible.”

  “That’s it,” said Stella. “They want your cum, Felix. Keep going. Give it to them.”

  Felix stroked himself faster and faster. The three illusionary women were naked, and alternated between pushing their breasts together, sticking their tongues out in front of his cock, and other suggestive actions.

  Stella watched him with a curious expression on her face. She looked like she was having a taste of the fun, but also seemed to want more. Felix caught her eye for a moment and saw her suppress a smile. She was blushing slightly, which was an incongruous expression on her after everything she’d done.

  “Look at them, not me,” said Stella. “They’re naked, and begging for your attention.”

  “Maybe that’s why I’m looking at you,” he said.

  Stella rolled her eyes and pulled her robe open further. She was wearing a matching set of pink underwear, and she cupped her breasts with her hands and pushed them up. Felix could barely make out the hint of one of her areola slipping out from behind the fabric, and somehow, it was more erotic than all of the naked phantoms combined.

  “Stella!” he said. “I’m, uh, I’m almost…”

  She moved fast, pulling a small vial out of one of the pockets of her robe. The phantom women disappeared, and Stella kneeled in place of them. Felix continued stroking right up to his bursting point, and then offered her his cock. She took it in her hand, which felt incredible, and then pushed the tip against the vial’s open top.

  “Oh man!” moaned Felix. His knees wobbled as pleasure swept at over him. Stella’s hand around his cock was the most amazing sensation he’d ever experienced. It felt pleasurable enough to make his entire body pound, and he gave himself over to it as his seed began to blast out into the vial.

  “Perfect,” said Stella. “See, that wasn’t so bad?”

  She smiled and looked up at Felix. He met her eye, and the overtly sexual nature of the situation almost overwhelmed him. He didn’t say anything, instead just watching her as she patiently collected his sperm, blushing slightly and smiling.


  Stella disappeared into the living room, and Felix awkwardly began getting dressed. The experience had floored him, and he wasn’t sure what he was supposed to say or do about it.

  When he finally exited the bathroom, Stella was sitting on the couch. She’d changed back into a t-shirt and sweat pants and smiled at him as he walked over.

  “Have a seat, Felix.”

  Felix sat down slowly, keeping a small distance in between him.

  “I’m here in North Spire to investigate magical disturbances in the area,” said Stella. “But I’m also here to help the people, to protect them.”

  “That’s interesting,” mused Felix.

  “You don’t believe me?”

  “No, I do.” He frowned. “I’m just not sure why you’d choose a place like this to make into your responsibility.”

  Stella’s mouth pulled into a thin lipped smile. She leaned back on the couch and looked at him.

  “The people here aren’t used to outsiders,” said Stella. “But they’re good people once you get know them.”

  Felix let out a single, sarcastic laugh.

  “Once you get to know them? Yeah, I’m sure the sheriff is a swell guy, underneath the violent outer shell.”

  “You’ve never been part of a real community before, have you?” asked Stella.

  Felix flinched. Her words were on target, and felt almost like a slap in the face.

  “I have to travel for my work,” he said, slowly. “Besides, I’m not the type of guy that settles down at the drop of a hat.”

  Stella took a deep breath and then slid closer to him on the couch. Her eyes were green and intense, and for a split second, Felix wondered if she was casting another spell on him.

  “I want your help, Felix,” she said. “I need your help.”


  “Because you’re here at the right place, at the right time,” said Stella.

  Felix didn’t say anything to that. He looked down at the carpet, and then slowly ran his hand through his hair.

  “Strange things have been happening in the spire for the past few months,” said Stella. “There have been sightings of unbelievable things. The weather has been unseasonably cold. People have been… disappearing.”

  “And how am I supposed to do anything against that?” asked Felix.

  “I don’t know yet,” said Stella. “But you’re here for a reason, Felix. I can feel it.”

  Felix shrugged. He wasn’t sure how much of a choice he had. The ice storm would take at least another few days to settle down, and Stella was the only one offering him a place to stay in the meantime.

  “I have other ways of persuading you, if that’s what it takes.” Stella smiled deviously at him.

  “Oh yeah? I’d like to see-“

  The front door swung open and Dani stepped into the living room. She froze when she saw Stella and Felix, her eyes flicking over the situation and taking something out of it.

  “Good timing, sweetie,” said Stella. “I was just about to start on dinner.”

  Dani nodded and then looked at Felix and smiled.

  “Hey,” she said.


  Stella opted for a quick dinner, making sandwiches for them and opening a bag of chips. They sat around the small dining room table, with Felix on one side and Stella and Dani to his right and left.

  “So,” said Dani. “What’s it like being a photographer?”

  Felix tapped a chip against his plate and furrowed his brow.

  “It’s good,” he said. “It lets me travel a lot. Which I like to do.”

  Dani smiled at him, her cute dimples springing into existence and her blue eyes flickering with amusement.

  “Come on,” she said. “That’s a total nonanswer.”

�Okay,” said Felix. “What about you? What do you like about…”

  He trailed off, realizing that he knew very little about Dani other than her age and the fact that she was still in high school.

  “Being a sorceress’s apprentice,” said Stella, finishing his thought for him. Dani made an annoyed noise and slapped a hand down on the table.

  “Mom!” she said.

  “What? He knows already.”

  Dani’s mouth dropped open, and her cheeks began to redden visibly. Felix frowned and held a hand up in a placating gesture.

  “Hey, it’s okay,” he said. “I mean, it’s a little weird, but compared to some of the other things I’ve seen today, it’s pretty straightforward.”

  “Yeah, but.” Dani scrunched her face up and then looked down at the table. “You weren’t supposed to know that.”

  “Why wasn’t he supposed to know that, Dani?” asked Stella, her voice taking on a sharp tone. “Felix is our guest.”

  “I’m aware of that, mother,” snapped Dani.

  “Then I expect you to act like you are,” said Stella. “No funny business.”

  She looked from Dani to Felix, warning them both with her eyes. Felix focused on the chips he had on his plate, trying his best to ignore the tension in the room.

  “I’m done eating,” said Dani. “Felix, would you like to go for a walk with me.”

  Stella scowled at her daughter and shook her head.

  “We’re just going for a walk, mother,” said Dani. “Is that okay with you?”

  Stella let out a sigh and didn’t say anything. Felix stood up and walked into the living, grateful for a chance to escape the situation.

  “Be back within an hour,” said Stella. “And I don’t want you going outside the tower.”

  Dani rolled her eyes and said nothing. She put on her shoes, but left her jacket, and Felix did the same and followed her out the front door.


  “Sorry about that,” said Dani. “My mom can be so weird sometimes…”

  The two of them were walking down a hallway on one of the upper floors of the spire. There were no apartments that Felix could see, but rather, most of the doors led to storage spaces and gathering halls.

  “She’s your mom,” said Felix. “It’s her job to look out for you.”

  “I’m not a child anymore,” said Dani. “I’m 18.”

  Felix chuckled.

  “18 isn’t a child,” he said. “But it’s also not really an adult.”

  “Oh, so you’re taking her side?”

  “It’s not about sides,” said Felix. “It’s about… life.”

  Dani seemed to think about his words. She looked over at him out of the corner of her eye, as though trying to do it without him noticing.

  “Where do the stairs at the end of this hallway lead?” asked Felix.

  “Higher up,” said Dani. “To the roof, if you go all the way to the top.”

  “Can we go up there?”


  The two of them headed up several more flights of stairs. Dani stopped in front of the door, turning the knob and then throwing her shoulder against it when it refused to open.

  “It’s not locked,” she said. “The snow just builds up on the other side.”

  “Here.” Felix positioned himself behind her and added his strength to the effort. Dani pushed her butt back toward him slightly, rubbing it across his crotch for just long enough to make Felix feel uncomfortably excited.

  “This is so annoying,” she said. “You really have to throw everything you’ve got into getting it open.”

  Felix took a step back and then pushed forward, essentially pinning her nubile body against the door. His lower half was starting to get ideas, and when the door finally slid far enough open for them to get through, it wasn’t a moment too soon.

  “Perfect!” said Dani. “Be sure to close it behind you. Heat loss is a real issue for the spire.”

  Felix followed her through the door, stepping out onto the roof. The snow was deeper than he’d been expecting, and as he closed the door, the chill was already starting to bite at his ankles.

  “Look,” said Dani. “The Northern Lights.”

  The scene above them was brilliant. Bright color splashed across the sky, as though a celestial painter had decided to use the stars as a canvas. Felix smiled, letting the scene draw him in.

  “I do like it here,” said Dani. “I know how that must sound to you.”

  “No, I understand,” said Felix.

  Dani took a few steps back toward him. It was cold out, and her the tips of her nipples pushed out visibly against the fabric of her blouse.

  “Do you really?”

  “…No,” Felix admitted. “I’ve never really had a home in a community like this.”

  “That’s kind of sad.”

  “I guess,” he said. “But I’ve never seen it that way.”

  Felix walked over to the edge of the roof, taking careful steps to keep the snow from spilling over the edge of his boots. The wind was surprisingly strong, and that, combined with the view from ten stories up, gave him a mild sense of vertigo.

  Something cold slapped into his shoulder. Felix turned around in time to see Dani grinning at him and forming a second snowball in her bare hands. He shook his head at her, but dipped low enough to scoop up some snow to make one for himself.

  Dani laughed and threw a second snowball, missing his head by a couple of inches. Felix threw his and missed, though not by much.

  “Was that you’re best shot?” laughed Dani. She threw a third snowball and hit him in the leg, despite Felix’s attempt at dodging.

  “I’m just getting warmed up,” said Felix. He threw another snowball, this time managing to score a hit against Dani’s chest. She took in a sharp breath and gingerly brushed snow out of her cleavage.

  Her return salvo was salvage, and she managed to hit Felix twice, once in the arm and once in the face. He spit snow out of his mouth and wiped his eyes off.

  “Hey,” he said. “No headshots!”

  “You’re supposed to dodge,” said Dani. “Haven’t you ever been in a snowball fight before?”

  In fact, Felix never had, but he wasn’t prepared to admit that to her. He made a few more snowballs and unloaded on her, this time managing to hit her leg and her chest again. Dani let out an exaggerated scream and ran for the door.

  “Alright, I’m officially freezing,” she said.

  “Yup,” said Felix. He followed her through the door and closed it behind him. Dani didn’t start down the stairs, instead standing in the hallway, blocking his way.

  “You have to warm me up,” she said, in a quiet voice.

  She took a step forward, letting her chest push against Felix’s. He let his hands come to a rest on her waist and stared at her lips. One of her legs lifted up, wrapping around the outside of his.

  “Dani,” said Felix. “I don’t think your mom-“

  “She’s not here,” said Dani.

  “You’re still in high school.”

  Dani brought her lips in close to his, only turning away at the last second. She kissed the nape of Felix’s neck and rubbed his crotch with her hand.

  “So?” she whispered.

  Felix took a deep breath and managed to let go of her, pulling back. Dani looked crestfallen, but only for a second.

  “Sorry,” she said. “There aren’t many boys around my age in the spire.”

  “I figured as much,” said Felix.

  He wanted to tell her that it was okay, and that under any other circumstances, her advances would have been appreciated. But the words just weren’t there, not in a form that wouldn’t push them right back to the precipice of where they’d just been. Felix said nothing, bearing the tension on his shoulders, and tried not to think of how young and perky her body was.

  “We should… head back downstairs,” he said.

  “If you want to,” said Dani.

  The walk back to Stella’s apartment was silent. Stella was already in bed, but she’d laid out a blanket and pillow on the couch for Felix. Dani said goodnight to him, the disappointment still evident in her voice, and disappeared into her room.

  It took Felix a while to fall asleep, and when he did, his dreams were vivid. He was back in the crystal caves, staring at the Ice Dancer. She was smiling at him and slowly dancing, the ice melting off her body in different places with every movement. It was absolute seduction. Felix wanted her. He needed her. He was against her, the two of them moving in eager, desperate unison. She felt incredible, she…

  He opened his eyes. It was morning, Stella and Dani were already up and moving around. Felix started to stand up from the couch before looking down at himself. He had the worst case of morning wood that he could ever remember experiencing.

  “Felix,” said Stella. “Good morning.”

  “…Good morning,” he said, yawning through the last word.

  Stella walked out of the kitchen and into the living room. She had on a low cut blue dress with black leggings underneath. Her hair was set into a single, intricate braid, and her ears were adorned with large, circular gold earrings.

  “How did you sleep?” she asked. Her eyes darted down to where his erection tented the blanket. Felix immediately shifted, feeling a spike of irrational shame.

  “Good,” he said. “I slept, uh, good.”

  Stella sat down next to him on the couch, placing one of her hands on her thigh. She leaned in close to him, as though trying to use her feminine presence as an interrogation tactic.

  “Did you have any dreams?” asked Stella. Her hand slipped in closer, and closer, and…

  “Mom!” shouted Dani. She stomped into the living room, arm’s folded across her chest, scowling. “Breakfast is still on the stove. I’m not watching it for you.”

  Stella stared at Felix for another moment, and then stood up.

  “Of course, honey,” she said. “Why don’t you be helpful and see if Felix needs anything?”

  She walked out of the living room and Dani stepped in to take her place. She wore a plaid skirt over leggings, and a white and navy blouse. It was the outfit of a schoolgirl, and seeing it on her made it even harder for Felix to get his lower half under control.


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