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Shifter Fated Mates: Boxed Set

Page 28

by Mandy M. Roth

  Chandra wrinkled her nose. “Take your time. I’ll be fine. I could run the place with my eyes closed. It’s a side effect from having spent my life growing up here,” she said, winking at her grandfather. It was his bar.

  The smile that moved over Jeanie’s face was priceless. “Yeah, you may have grown up here but you’ve seen other places, Chan. You’ve gone away. I’ve never been off this mountain and probably never will.”

  It broke Chandra’s heart to hear her best friend speaking the truth. At the rate she was going, Jeanie never would see anywhere else. It was safer for an unmated female werepanther to stay close to her family and protectors.

  “Jeanie, I only left to study, nothing earth shattering.”

  “Did you meet new people? Do new things? See beautiful places?” Jeanie asked, as a faraway look came over her face.

  Nodding, Chandra put her hand out to her friend. “Remember the dance I taught you when I got back?”

  “The one that some Indian Shaman taught you?”

  Chandra sighed. “Native American, but yeah, that one. You learned it right away. I bet you can still do it. I haven’t done it since the last time I was home and showed it to you.”

  Jeanie beamed and Chandra knew her friend had practiced it daily. She’d heard the rhythmic sound that seemed to accompany it as she’d walked past her friend’s house many times. Plus, Wesley had told her about it each time they spoke. He was good about keeping her up-to-date on her friends.

  As Jeanie took her hand, Chandra smiled and winked at her grandfather. He winked back and the music changed suddenly. It was laced in chants, drums and some sort of a wind instrument she couldn’t place. “Would you look at that? The darn thing must have known we wanted to dance.”

  Jeanie’s eyes lit and she twisted a bit, never catching on that Grandpa had used his magik to make the music change to a song that didn’t even exist in the jukebox. “Do you think it really works? Do you think it will bring your,” she glanced around the bar nervously, “one true love to you? Your mate?”

  It was hard for Chandra to not be envious of Jeanie in that area. Jeanie had a mate out there somewhere. A man who would love only her. In theory, so did Chandra but it wasn’t very likely she’d ever find him. No. Mr. Wonderful wasn’t beating down her door. “Yes, it’ll work for you.”

  “I’ve been doing it for months and he hasn’t shown up yet, hon. And why did you leave out it working for you, too?” Jeanie pressed her lips together. “Hmm?”

  “Because,” Chandra said, beginning to move her feet to the steps the Shaman had taught her. “Well, you know why. I’m not like you, Jeanie. I don’t think I’m like anyone.” She began to sway her hips just enough to look provocative. Jeanie laughed. Chandra shrugged. “Hey, I know it doesn’t belong there but it feels like it should. Doesn’t it?”

  Grandpa laughed. “What else does it feel as though you should be doing right now, Chan?”


  He nodded and she didn’t hold back. She knew she didn’t have to. “It feels like I should be doing this outside under the light of the full moon, around a fire with sleeping bags laid out.”

  “Why do you need sleeping bags?” Jeanie asked, dancing along with her.

  Chandra laughed. “On the off chance Mr. Right would show it would be nice not to have to lie in the dirt.”

  Jeanie giggled and then stared at Grandpa. “She is so much like you, Gildas, that at times it scares me.”

  “Thank you. She is more like me than even she wishes to acknowledge.” Grandpa focused on her with a twinkle in his eye. He was up to something. That much was clear. That was his look of mischief. “Does it feel like you should be doing anything else, Chan?”

  Chandra glanced towards the back corner of the bar and began to move her hips even more. Her breath caught as her inner thighs tightened. Suddenly, the air around her felt sexually charged and it wasn’t her power causing it. It was someone else’s. Someone in the back of the bar. The urge to seek out the owner of the power was great.

  Fred picked then to interrupt. “Hey, Pops, I asked you a question. Are you challenging me?”

  Jeanie stilled and cast Chandra a wary look. Not wanting her friend exposed to any more violence than she’d already been, Chandra motioned for her to head to the back. “How about those lemons?”

  Nodding, Jeanie ran off, knowing that she’d only be underfoot if something big went down. It took years for Chandra to get her friend to understand it was better to be out of the way than hurt while trying to help. Still, Jeanie often tried to voice her need to lend a hand.

  Movement from the table full of men caught her attention. Taking a deep, calming breath, Chandra hoped that it wouldn’t come to what she knew it would—someone dying. She moved out from behind the bar and headed straight for the table full of rowdy men. “Anyone need a refill?”

  The one called Fred narrowed his blue eyes on her, making her stomach twist and her blood run cold. “Oh, sugar, I want to fill something all right.” He licked his lips. “She’s tall, blonde and staring at me from hazel eyes, wanting me to fill her so full of my come she can’t walk straight.”

  Chandra bit back a laugh. “I’m sorry, but was that a yes on a beer or a no?”

  “Where did your friend go?” Fred asked, glancing towards the back room.

  Far away from you.

  “Beer? Yes? No? Going once, going twice...?” She didn’t give in to him, in hopes he’d lose interest and just go before Bertin got back or any more men she knew showed up. It would be a blood bath. One she didn’t want to see happen.

  Fred snickered. “You’re scared. I can smell it.”

  She shrugged. “I’m a little concerned. I’ll admit it.”

  The men all got equally smarmy smiles on their faces as they stared up at her like she was a piece of meat. If she wasn’t careful, that was exactly what she’d end up being. She knew exactly what these men were—not human. Neither was she. Fred tipped his head and eyed her up. “Are you scared of me?”

  Grandpa laughed and Chandra cringed. The man caused her more grief at times but she loved him dearly and knew that he always had an ulterior motive that was for the best. At the moment, it was a bit hard to understand why he would provoke these men but she trusted him.

  “What’s so funny, old man?”

  “Nothing,” Chandra said quickly, doing her best to head things off but wanting desperately to smash the man’s face for talking to her grandfather that way. “Yes, I’m afraid of you. Happy?”

  Now, shut up and leave.

  “Chan, do not lie to the boy. Tell him the truth that you are afraid for him—for them all.”

  Great, Grandpa, why don’t you go ahead and throw the first punch? Save time, get right to the fight.

  Grandpa chuckled. “If one more comment is made that is not acceptable in regards to a woman, I will, young one. I will. And if you are thinking of batting your eyelashes and calling me Papa to get me to stop, it will work but it will not work on the one who watches now. His need to see you safe will outweigh his better judgment. Trust me when I say you do not want him revealed to the others, Chandra.”

  Whatever her grandfather was trying to tell her, it was big and she knew better than to not trust him. His insight was unrivaled. Any suggestions?

  He chuckled again. “Yes. I believe they have no respect for women and should. Perhaps it is time they learned a valuable life lesson.”

  That’s what she was afraid he’d say. She thrust her thoughts out at her grandfather. And the other, the one who is watching me? What should I do about him?

  “I will see to it he is kept in line. Though, you will have to be the one to calm him when all is said and done.”

  I knew you’d say that, too.

  “Because you know me well.”

  The men at the table exchanged confused looks. “The old man is talking to himself. Put the old bastard out his misery, Fred. He’s insane.”

  Fred raked his cold gaz
e over her. “First, I’m gonna teach the blonde a lesson and then I’ll teach the old man one. Women shouldn’t walk around looking that good unless they want to be fucked.”

  Chandra felt her grandfather’s power move past her fast, heading towards the back corner of the bar. She tried to follow it with her gaze, to see who this mysterious man watching her was but Fred picked that moment to appear in front of her. Her slight distraction had cost her valuable time and she’d completely missed his approach.

  He took a deep breath and laughed. “Ahh, nothing smells better than a scared human. Unless she’s soaked with my cum that is.”

  “Chan,” her grandfather warned. “Handle him or I will.”

  “Papa.” She batted her eyes.

  Grandpa sighed, never one who was able to resist her when she pulled out the use of the word papa. “Fine. Handle him or I will set the other free. He wished greatly to use a man’s head for dart practice only a moment ago. I do think that would be a sight to see.”

  Chandra glanced at her grandfather. “Huh?”

  He winked.

  Oh, he’s up to something all right.

  Knowing that he was dangerously close to stepping in and that the pard, or rather, rest of the group of cat shifters, would sense if he did, Chandra nodded. “I’ve got it, Grandpa. Keep the other back.”

  The men all laughed. “Sounds like she’s not scared of you at all, Fred. You gonna let a chick get away with that attitude?”

  Reaching out, Fred stroked her cheek. His hand smelled of blood and it sickened her. As he began to run his finger down her neck, Chandra took a step back, turned and put some distance between her and him. “What have you done? You smell like blood. Who did you hurt?”

  “Aren’t you a fast human?” Fred smiled, flashing a set of very inhuman teeth. She gasped, not expecting him to slip into a partial shift as soon as he did. He laughed, letting his teeth return to normal. “Aww, who is afraid of the big bad wolf?”

  Chandra continued to back up, wanting to draw Fred away from the safety of his friends. It would make it so much easier if she didn’t have to worry about them attacking instantly, too. She was good but even she had her limits. They didn’t know that though and she planned on keeping it that way.

  “That’s it, run. It only makes me want to pin you under me and fuck you even more.”

  Backing up, Chandra bumped into a table. Getting stuck in one place wasn’t high on her list either. Fred reached for her and she twisted to the side, only to find him snatching her around the waist. He lifted her off her feet and licked her ear.

  “Looks like your hero isn’t willing to risk it,” Fred said, pressing his mouth to her.

  “My hero?”

  I have a hero? News to me.

  Fred seized hold of the back of her hair and held it firm, directing her attention forward. “Yeah, the big tough lookin’ human sitting there glaring at me like he wants to slit my throat but not moving a muscle to help you.”

  Chandra knew instantly it was the mysterious man her grandfather had been talking about. When her gaze flickered over him her breath hitched. His olive complexion, dark brown eyes, thick black lashes and head of chin-length, almost-black hair demanded her attention. Looking away wasn’t an option but staring could cost him his life. Still, she found herself letting her gaze trace the hard lines of his face. It would have been too square if it wasn’t for his pronounced chin with the slightest of dimples on it.

  The all black ensemble he wore, consisting of a snug fitting short-sleeved shirt, jeans and boots screamed badass. The fiery look in his eyes made her hike that assumption up to deadly instantly. There had to be a reason her grandfather was holding him in place, blocking his ability to help. Grandpa had also gone as far as to warn her she wouldn’t want the mysterious man revealed to the others. It was clear to see he was straining, fighting her grandfather’s hold and that meant he was strong. Stronger than a human for sure.

  “Is that your boyfriend, sugar?” Fred laughed. “How about we have a little fun with him, see how much pain he can take and then make him watch as we do the same to you?”

  The mysterious man’s muscles all bulged, showing off the fact he was solid, steely perfection. As hard as Chandra tried to fight her body’s natural response to him, she couldn’t. Her inner thighs moistened as her nipples hardened. The very thought of him wrapping those large arms around her made her pussy quiver in delight.

  Fred took a deep breath. “The idea of me being in you is making you hot, bitch. Will killing your little boyfriend make you even wetter?” He pulled harder on her hair. “Thuc, come handle the bitch’s boyfriend.”

  Chandra’s natural instincts kicked in, waking her from her odd fascination with the man in the corner. “No.”

  “Excuse me?” Fred asked, sounding floored she would dare to challenge him.

  “I said, no. You and your friends will not lay a hand on him.” She took a deep breath, preparing herself to do what needed to be done. “Leave now or I can’t help you when they come and trust me, buster, they will come.”

  He laughed hysterically. “We aren’t scared of a bunch of humans. Dammit, Thuc, I told you to get your sorry ass over here and handle this punk who keeps glaring at me.”

  Chandra called upon her gifts, letting them run over her, igniting the skills she carried deep within but rarely used to defend others. No, that was generally left up to Wesley and the rest of the men of the pard. She glanced down at the mysterious man before her and could almost feel the rage radiating off him. She winked and he jolted, looking as though she’d struck him upside the head. Some of the rage eased from his eyes and Chandra realized that she’d taken him by surprise. He didn’t seem like a man to be caught off guard.

  “Tell me, bitch, is he your boyfriend? Is he the man you run home to, spread your legs and beg for more?” Fred asked.

  She’d completely forgotten he had hold of her and that shocked her. Gathering her wits about her, Chandra accidentally let power out. It went straight for the man her grandfather was pinning to his seat. It eased over him and she could sense his shock. So far, she’d managed to surprise him at least twice in one night. Somehow, she didn’t think that was the norm.

  “If I’m lucky enough, he will be the man I wrap my legs around tonight.” It came out before she could stop it. She wasn’t sure who was more taken aback out of the three of them. From the look on the mysterious man’s face, she was going to have to go with him.

  Fred lifted her higher. “Oh, I’m going to love drilling into you while I make him watch. Though, how you could want a weakling like him when you’ve got me is fucked up. He’ll die a slow death just because he’s not man enough to warrant a fast one.”

  Chandra merely tipped her head and kept her voice even, unimpressed by Fred’s threats. “Walk away now or risk not leaving this mountain.”

  “Bitch, you got a lot of spirit in you.”

  “You have no idea how many spirits I have,” she said, feeling the rising of the spirits that came to her often. They sensed the disturbance and would no doubt come to guide her. “And, Fred, they aren’t too happy about the situation.”


  She didn’t answer. Drawing her legs up to her chest, she changed her weight distribution, catching Fred off guard. He dropped her and she fell to the ground.

  Not wasting any time, Chandra kicked out hard, letting the sole of her boot come into contact with his groin. She rolled to her feet and stood in a fighting stance. Fred clutched himself and growled at her. “You have no idea what you’re messing with, bitch.”

  “A guy with his testicles receding would be my first guess but hey, I’ve been wrong before,” she said, sinking lower in her stance, ready and willing to incapacitate him if need be. Anything would be better than letting Ferran and his men get their hands on him. They’d kill him. She’d just leave him permanently maimed.

  The hate in Fred’s eyes told her he wasn’t about to give up but she had to offer him t
he out. “You need to leave peacefully now because I won’t hold back anymore.”

  “Pfft, humans.” Fred glanced back at his buddies and let out a choked laugh sound. “Come play with your food, boys. We might as well make her run from us. There’s nothing like a good chase.”

  They tried to stand, each straining with the effort. “We’re stuck. Something’s holding us to our seat,” Thuc said, desperately trying to rise.

  Fred took another deep breath. “I smell magik.” He eyed Chandra up carefully. “Is it you? Are you hiding something from me? You’re not like us. What are you?”

  “Leave now.” There was no way she was going into an in-depth discussion about who or what she was with Fred. The moron wouldn’t grasp the concept anyways.

  He snorted. “Or what, witch? You’ll hold my men in their seats while I have my way with you and then gut you in front of your little boyfriend?”

  Chandra couldn’t help but laugh. “I dare you to find something little on him. I’m betting you can’t. Mmm, I hope he gives me the chance to play later. I’m sure I’ll be happy with all I discover.” She winked and then smiled wide.

  “He’ll be dead,” Fred said, glaring at her.

  “No, he won’t.”

  Fred snorted. “What makes you so sure? You gonna use that magik you got holdin’ my men in place to protect him?”

  “That’s not my magik, asshole,” she said, rolling her eyes. “If it was, you’d be dead already. I gave you your chance to leave. You didn’t take it.”

  “Do you have any idea what we are?” Fred asked, licking his lips slowly, baring his wolf teeth once more.

  Chandra rolled her eyes. “Grandpa, this hardly seems fair. He’s all big and scary with huge teeth and I’m just me. I’m so envious. His muscles are bigger than mine, too. This just doesn’t seem right. How can I teach him to respect women like this?”

  Grandpa let out a soft laugh and nodded his head. “I suppose you are right. I am sorry, Chan. I still view you as a little girl, not the woman you have become.”

  Fred looked confused, just the way she liked her opponent to be.


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