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Shifter Fated Mates: Boxed Set

Page 54

by Mandy M. Roth

  A grunt interrupted her as Zoran heaved his body into the cave. He looked around, stopping briefly to study the couple before turning to motion at the others that it was safe. Ulyssa merely nodded at Kirill, unable to finish as the rest of the traveling party joined them.

  “It should be down here,” Kirill stated to the group when everyone was up. He turned, leading the way into a narrow tunnel. Ulyssa made a move to follow him. Falke put a hand on her arm and shook his head. He went in next, turning to the side to fit.

  “Stay here. Guard the entrance,” Zoran said to Pia, handing her a knife. He moved behind Falke. It was a tight fit for the two large commanders and they made slow progress.

  “I’ll be right behind you,” Olek said to his wife. Before Nadja could go in, Ulyssa slipped into the tunnel behind Zoran.

  The tunnel led to a large cavern. Crystal formations protruded from the ceiling. They reflected the outside light, causing spots to dance on the walls like little rainbows. Little inlets and tunnels spiraled off from the side walls. Kirill turned and marked their entrance with a scrape of a rock.

  “Wow, it’s beautiful,” Nadja whispered, looking around.

  “What exactly are we looking for?” Ulyssa asked her.

  Nadja swallowed, almost embarrassed, as she unbuttoned her pants and turned around. Easing them down, she showed them a black swirling tattoo design on her back hip. “It will have this symbol stamped on it. It’s the mark of the Medical Alliance. I’d assume a crate or a metal container.”

  “Spread out. Don’t go too deeply into the tunnels. We don’t want to lose anyone,” Kirill ordered. Ulyssa began to move, but his arm snaked forward to grab her. With a stiff nod of his head, he ordered her to follow him. Not wanting to cause a scene, and slightly discomfited by his nearness, she obeyed.

  Spreading out in all directions, they searched the cave. Kirill hopped up on a ledge, before reaching down to pull her up behind him. Ulyssa’s hand rested on Kirill’s arm, as she found her footing. When she didn’t let go, Kirill gave her a reassuring smile and leaned forward to nudge her face with his own in a silent show of affection. Reaching for her hand, he led her forward. Ulyssa was amazed, looking around to see if he realized they were in view of the others. He didn’t seem to care.

  They’d only been looking for about a half hour before Falke called, “I think I got something.”

  A dusty brown crate was settled in a dark corner with the imprint of the Medical Alliance burned on the top. For a long moment, they all stared. Ulyssa kneeled to touch it. Kirill grabbed her arm and jerked her back. He looked at Nadja.

  “Open it,” Nadja whispered. Falke reached forward to open the lid, prying it with his strong hands. Kirill hugged Ulyssa to his chest. She blinked, looking up to his face. His body was tense, but felt so good pressed against her. If she were to die, there was nowhere else she’d rather be.

  The crate was packed with grass and leaves. Falke frowned and didn’t reach in. He looked back at Nadja.

  “There should be a container inside,” Nadja said, nodding for him to go ahead.

  Falke reached his hand in. No one breathed. Ulyssa gripped tightly to Kirill’s waist. Falke pulled out a glass jar. Frowning as he studied the contents, he turned the jar around.

  “What is this?” Falke asked, just as an eyeball floated by the side.

  Nadja turned pale to see it. She closed her eyes briefly. “It’s human remains.”

  “I don’t get it,” Ulyssa said, lifting her head from Kirill’s chest.

  “It’s how they get it past the bio scanners. Your computers write it off as biological waste or research materials. Besides, when they do ship checks, who in their right mind would open that thing up? The real weapon’s inside.” Nadja frowned. “It doesn’t look as if it’s been compromised, but we should get it out of here just in case.”

  “The Agency will have a safe lab where it can be analyzed.” Ulyssa felt queasy just looking at the jar. “We should keep looking. There could be more.”

  “No, there won’t be,” Nadja said. Almost ashamed, she whispered, “There’ll be enough in that jar to kill five planets.”

  Olek tucked his arm around her.

  “All right, let’s get it out of here.” Kirill nodded at Falke who placed the jar back in the crate.

  Zoran stepped around to the other side and they managed to slowly carry it to the front entrance. Pia was waiting for them at her post. Seeing the crate, she nodded solemnly. It took some doing, but the men managed to rig a pulley to get the crate down from the steep cave. And, as they left the marshes, no one really spoke.

  * * * *

  Ulyssa sighed, looking around Kirill’s living room. Since his palace was the closest to the cave, and since the Agency would be coming for Ulyssa at that location, they carted the crate there. The Draig sent word to their palace that everything was fine. Not surprisingly, the rest of the Draig royal family arrived that same evening. Kirill had guest chambers prepared for them and everyone agreed to meet in the morning.

  Ulyssa’s hair was still wet from the shower she’d taken. To her disappointment, Kirill didn’t join her, allowing her to go first. Turning to the bathroom door, she watched him step out. A towel was wrapped around his waist and his body glistened with remnants of water.

  He looked her over. “Did you contact your people?”

  Ulyssa held up the communicator. “They’re entering the Y quadrant. They should be here tomorrow. I’m supposed to request that you allow our doctors to check everyone who came in contact with that box.”

  “Fine. We welcome the second opinion.” Kirill nodded and turned to walk to the bedroom.

  “Kirill?” Ulyssa stood from the couch and hesitated. Loudly, she stated, “Fire.”

  Kirill was confused as the fireplace lit. Ulyssa pulled a tattered piece of paper off the couch. She held it up. It was the trade agreement. Crossing over to the fire, she tossed the paper into the flames.

  “I’m going to do my best to keep you and your people out of this. Without any evidence, they won’t be able to press intergalactic charges. I know your planet is out of the treaty zone, but you really don’t want that sort of attention. You’ll have every space reporter, pirate, curiosity seeking nutcase knocking on your front door.” Ulyssa sighed. “My record’s impeccable, which will help. I’ll have to tell them about King Attor’s involvement, but I will try to keep it vague. I’ll also tell them of your honor in helping me.”

  Kirill nodded. “Thank you for protecting my people.”

  Ulyssa walked around the couch to meet up with him. “I’m not doing it just for them. I’m doing it because I owe you. I’m sorry I almost started a war between you and the Draig. That wasn’t my intent.”

  “In the cave, you said you knew that I didn’t have anything to do with the weapons. Why then did you leave?” Kirill didn’t touch her. His eyes searched her face, needing to know.

  “It doesn’t matter now.” Ulyssa yawned, tired. “It’s over. Tomorrow the Agency will come and take me away with them. It will all be over.”

  “If there wasn’t an Agency, would you want to stay here?” Kirill took a step closer. Her head was forced back on her shoulders to look up at him.

  “There’s no point in dwelling on such things. There is an Agency and—”

  “What if I asked you to stay?” His tone dipped sending chills over her spine. “Would you at least try?”

  Ulyssa thought of Linzi. No, she wouldn’t stay. She could never share him with other women. Even if she believed that he hadn’t taken any since her, she knew that eventually he would. It was the way of his people and he was King. The very idea tore at her heart and made it hard to breathe. If he was asking for her and not just the baby, she could have considered it.

  “No,” she whispered. “It would never work. You’re ashamed of me and I can’t live like that.”

  “Ashamed? What is this human word?” he asked.

  “Oh, that’s a hard one.” Ulyssa shrugg
ed. “It doesn’t really matter.”

  “Tell me anyway,” he murmured.

  “You act strangely with me in public, as if you are embarrassed to be seen with me,” Ulyssa answered.

  “You think I act strangely?”

  She nodded.

  “I do not mean to. You know I cannot be...” He frowned. “In public, a King cannot—”

  “Shh,” she hushed. “It doesn’t matter. There’s no reason to think about it. I’m leaving tomorrow and no discussion will change that.”

  The light in his eyes faded some at the comment, but he nodded.

  “But we still have tonight,” she continued, soft and light. Her hand lifted to his neck, ready to memorize every inch of him. She’d hold onto the memory in the life to come. Running her fingers down over the rigid muscles of his chest, she felt him shiver beneath her touch. His skin was warm and smooth. Her fingers stopped above the steady beat of his heart. Slowly, his fingers reached up to cover hers.

  “I got something for you,” he said. Ulyssa smiled, her eyes traveling down to the obvious protrusion coming from the towel. Kirill chuckled. “You can have that, too.”


  “Wait here.” Kirill turned, disappearing into the kitchen. When he came back, he held a small box. “When you were on the communicator, Frank told you Happy Birthday. I’m told it is a human custom to give gifts. I thought... well, it probably isn’t really your birthday, but here. I got this for you.”

  He shrugged lightly, handing her the package. Ulyssa’s fingers shook as she took the lid off. Inside was a delicate necklace of gold and pearls. She gasped. “It’s beautiful. I didn’t know you had such oceans here as we do on Earth.”

  “We don’t. The necklace is from Earth. My mother brought it with her when she came here. I thought maybe it should belong to another Earth woman.” Kirill paused, frowning slightly as her fingers trembled. “Is it all right? Falke thought I should give you a sword, but this seemed better suited to a woma—”

  “I love it!” Ulyssa gasped, throwing her arms around his neck and kissing him soundly. Inside she cried, I love you, Kirill. “It’s perfect.”

  “Then why do you look sad?”

  “I’ve never had a birthday present before. Well, except one year Frank gave me a day off.” She sniffed. “Thank you.”

  Kirill grinned, pleased that she liked it. Though, his expression was still overshadowed by deep thought.

  “Now,” she murmured, running her hand down to grab his towel. Pulling it free from his hips, she said, “About this other present.”

  Kirill swept her up into his arms. She clutched the box in her hands as he carried her to the bedroom. Taking the gift from her, he set it on the mantel by his crown. Then, slowly, he undressed her, taking his time as he licked and kissed her entire length. His mouth brought her to a fevered pitch, making her squirm beneath his hold.

  Ulyssa pushed him on his back, wanting to take her time to give him the same treatment. Pinning his arms above his head, she held him down, straddling his waist with her legs. The moisture from her body slid between them, as she rubbed along his strong stomach. Her teeth bit his earlobe, before sucking it gently between her lips. Kirill groaned, arching against her. He tried to reach for her hips and she stopped kissing him.

  Sitting up, she grabbed the side laces from her shirt. Her gaze steadily on his curious dark ones, she tied his wrists together. Then, securing his arms to the top of the bed, she grinned.

  Raking her nails down his arms to his shoulders, she began with the slow torture of her mouth on his chest. Kirill moaned and writhed beneath her. Her hand found his arousal, stroking him lightly in her palm as she rubbed her breasts against his heat. She knew if he wanted to, he could escape, but he didn’t. She’d finally taken complete control of him, but the victory was bittersweet and control no longer seemed to matter.

  “Please, Lyssa,” he begged, thrusting his hips.

  She lifted her body up and guided his hard shaft to her opening. Impaling herself on him, she cried out. He filled her deeply, completely. She sat on him, lifting herself up so he could watch her body above his. Slowly at first, she rode him, building the rhythm until they were both thrusting and straining for release.

  Primal grunts escaped them as they neared their climax. Ulyssa touched her breasts, squeezing them, pinching the nipples. Kirill’s eyes stared at her hands, her body. His groans of approval urged her on. She knew he liked watching her touch herself and, as the tempo of their bodies increased, she ran her fingers down her stomach to her rub the sweet spot of her desire.

  Instantly, her hips jerked as she came hard atop him. The tremors racking through her caused him to find his own release. His yell joined hers as her body milked him of his seed.

  Ulyssa collapsed on top of his chest. Their hard, gasping breaths mingled as she turned her lips to his. Lazily kissing him, she never wanted the moment to end.

  “Promise me,” he whispered. Stiffening, he pulled hard, breaking the laces so he could wrap his arms around her.


  “Promise me you’ll try to save our child’s life.” Kirill swallowed. “Please, Lyssa, say you’ll try. Don’t let them kill our son.”

  “I can’t promise it will work, but I promise to try.”

  Chapter Fourteen

  There was no time to talk the next morning. Siren awoke them with the dawn to inform them that a ship of Agency scientists had landed. They were covered in airtight, white protective suits complete with plastic hoods. Kirill gladly handed over the Medical Mafia crate to Dr. Elliot, the woman in charge of the group. He was very relieved to see the biological weapon leaving his planet.

  Franklin was the first to step off the second Agency ship. He was a lot younger than Krill guessed him to be from his voice. His shortly cropped dark brown hair was trimmed to militant perfection and he walked with rigid purpose, very unlike the liquid grace of the Var.

  Automatically, he stepped up to Ulyssa. She made a quick introduction between the two men. Franklin nodded, bowing politely and saying all the right words. Then, turning to Ulyssa, he bid her into a private conference. Kirill offered the use of the royal office, but Franklin refused, choosing instead to take Ulyssa onto his ship. That had been two hours ago and he was still waiting for her to come back off.

  “The palace is clear, your highness,” the dark haired Dr. Elliot said to Kirill. She stood before him, the airtight suit replaced by a lab coat. With nearly a hundred scientists working, Dr. Elliot’s team had swept through the palace fairly quickly. She held a computerized clipboard and motioned slightly to a group loading equipment. “My scientists have done a final sweep of the grounds and are loading the equipment back onto our ship.”

  “Thank you, doctor,” Kirill answered. He nodded down at her from the main hall table. The hall had been set up as a temporary headquarters for the HIA and Kirill was actually sorry to see them leaving. For, when they left, it meant Ulyssa would be leaving too. Falke approached. The Commander took a seat at the head table where Kirill sat with Quinn and Reid.

  Dr. Elliot looked at the brothers before taking a step forward. She lowered her voice. “Your highness, I request permission to stay on your land. I’d like to explore the caves where the crate was found to run some tests.”

  “Has there been a leak?” Kirill asked alarmed.

  Dr. Elliot shook her head in denial. “No, but it never hurts to be careful.”

  “Dr. Elliot found a piece of mud caked to the crate and analyzed it. She believes there is something strange about our marshes. She wishes to run an analysis,” Quinn put forth.

  The woman’s face tightened and she shot Quinn a hard look. For a moment, she looked as if she wanted to deck the Ambassador Prince. This fact aroused Kirill’s interest far more than her request. When he glanced at Quinn, his brother gave nothing away.

  “All that, naturally, would be in my report, your highness. The HIA will also do a planetary scan. It’s just as a
precaution and only with your permission, of course. I’ll set up camp with a team of three. You won’t be bothered by us. We’re scientists and won’t cause any trouble. We wish to analyze the cave to make sure we’ve gotten all biological weaponry off the planet that might be missed with a scan. Surely you can see the wisdom in that. At the same time, I’d like to do a concise analysis of the land. If anything, my findings might actually benefit you and your people, making for more viable farmland.”

  “What does your Agency say?” Kirill asked.

  “I don’t work for the Agency. I was contracted for this one job. Their people couldn’t make it here in time.” Dr. Elliot paused then shrugged. “However, if you would rather have government hacks traipsing about your kingdom...”

  “Write you proposal, doctor,” Kirill answered, suppressing a grin at her boldness. He was secretly glad someone would be checking out the cave to make sure all the Mafia’s stuff was gone. If she wanted to play in marsh mud while she was at it, what did he care? As an afterthought, he mischievously added, “Give it to my brother, Prince Quinn. He’ll give it his approval and oversee the project.”

  “But, your highness!” the doctor began, swallowing. She glanced nervously around the table. Slowly, she nodded, “Thank you.”

  When they were alone, Kirill said to Quinn, “Approve her plan if you can. We need to have those caves checked out and she’s the only expert I know of on this planet. Besides, she has an honest face. I think we can trust her.”

  Quinn nodded. A strange look crossed his features.

  Kirill sighed, dejected as he watched the scientist continue packing. Ulyssa still hadn’t come back from her meeting.

  As if sensing his pain, Reid asked Kirill, “Have you asked her to stay?”

  Kirill blinked in surprise, turning to study his brother.

  “Ulyssa,” Reid prompted. “Did you ask her to stay?”

  Kirill’s voice was hard, as he said, “I offered. She refused.”


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