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Shifter Fated Mates: Boxed Set

Page 59

by Mandy M. Roth

  Confused, Alejandro shook his head. As far as he could tell, nothing was there.

  What the hell is going on?

  She arched a well defined brow. “Really? You got all of that from that?” She smiled mischievously. “Remember that time, our freshman year that Professor Bologna was convinced the Avatars could not only shape shift into various animals but also various people?”

  Professor Bologna?

  She laughed. “I’m so happy,” Deryn took a deep breath in, “you remember events that didn’t happen. You should probably take a message back to your boys waiting in the wings.”

  Alejandro tried to make sense of what was going on but couldn’t.

  Deryn dropped down on all fours and kicked out and up. If he wasn’t positive nothing was there with her, he’d have sworn he heard a male grunt. She slammed into the ground face first and then threw her head back. There was a thud and then Deryn rolled onto her back. For a second she appeared to be pinned to the ground. Her chest heaved as she glared at the nothingness above her. “You are not him. Get off me now or I’m done holding back.”


  Alejandro blinked, positive he’d seen Deryn’s pants start to unbuckle themselves. The monkey-like thing she’d been feeding picked then to come charging out of the trees. It leapt, at first at Deryn, he thought. When it landed a good foot above her and appeared to be suspended in thin air, Alejandro gave up trying to make sense of it and went to charge in. Turns out, he wasn’t needed.

  It clawed at something that wasn’t there. Deryn laughed and punched out. The monkey leapt into the air as Deryn rolled to her feet. She crouched into a fighting stance and smiled. “Oh, what? Now you don’t want me naked? Come on, you ancient piece of shit, stop hiding behind the façade of one man and act like one yourself.”

  Her eyes widened.

  “Oh sure, change into a big animal. That’s fair. Chicken shit.”

  She snatched out at something and dropped to the ground, rolling to the side as she did. The monkey ran to her and she nodded. “I’m fine. Sore but good. Sick of that thing but good.” She held up a pair of tags and sighed. “No. It’s gone for now. I think it’s pissed I figured out it wasn’t,” she glanced at the tag, “one, Alejandro Vargas.”


  Reaching up, he dug in his shirt collar to assure himself that his tags were on him. When he found them, his brow furrowed. The woman was insane and it was catchy. She talked to monkeys and fought with herself.

  She put the tags in her pocket and he decided he’d move in for a better look. There was no way they could have his name on them. She’d probably found a set somewhere on base from an absentminded solider and decided to put on a good show for him.

  I’m killing whoever left theirs lying around. They know better than that.

  Deryn put her tee shirt back on slowly, as if she were in pain. Leaning against a tree, she undid a tiny brown leather pack on her waist. She pulled a syringe from it and uncapped it. Unfastening her pants, she lowered them enough that he got a view of her hip and a tiny portion of her right ass cheek. The tattoo she and Ondrea had been discussing was visible as well. Ondrea was right--the symbols on it were almost identical to those on the temple walls. His cock responded instantly, springing to attention, demanding to be free, to be in her.

  Damn, I just got it settled down. She’s going to be the death of me.

  Deryn pulled a section of skin on her hip taut and injected the needle. Letting go of the skin, she pushed the plunger in and began to hiss. The sound of her in pain tore at his gut. It took everything in him not to run to her, wrap his arms around her and swear to always protect her.

  She clawed with her free hand at the oddly colored purplish tree she was facing. The way her entire body tightened told him exactly how much pain she was in. Unable to stop himself, he went to her. “Doctor.”

  Glancing back at him, her eyes widened.

  “It’s me.”

  Why did I clarify that? Nothing else was here with us.

  That being said, he put his hands out to indicate he was harmless. Deryn eyed him cautiously. “How long have you known how to read Avatarian?”

  He shook his head. “I don’t read it. I have a degree in Political Science and....”

  A huge smile broke over her face. “It’s you.”

  She went to pull her pants back up but it was easy to see that she was in too much pain to do it. Setting his M-16 down, Alejandro took hold of her pants, gently, savoring the feel of his fingers brushing her bare skin and eased them up. Slipping his hand into her pocket, he slid the tags out and into his own pocket quickly.

  “I take it the serum hurts when it’s injected.” He pressed his mouth to her ear, savoring her sweet scent as his fingers continued to skate over her smooth skin. It was too much. The urge to lay claim to her was too great. His mouth burned with the need to change. His incisors fought to be free, to be permitted to sink into her tender flesh and taste of her blood. “Doctor.”

  Her breathing was ragged as she nodded and turned her body around to face him. The small act saved her from his primal urge to bite her, claim her for his own. “Please ... ah ... don’t make me go back, Colonel.” She reached down to button her pants and her hands shook horribly. He slid his over hers, helping to steady them as she did her pants. “I just need a few minutes. I swear. Please don’t make me leave you.”

  Don’t make me leave you? Had he heard that right? No. She couldn’t have confessed to wanting to stay with the group on account of him. Could she?

  “I won’t make you go back. But you need to tell me how I can make this better for you.”

  Deryn clung to him and he prayed she’d never let go. “You could forget you ever saw this,” she said, with a tiny chuckle.

  The urge to pull her into his arms and hold her tight was great. This time, he was prepared and did it. She felt even better in his arms than he first thought she would. “I’ve got you, amorzão. It’s okay.”

  Hon? Did I really just amorzão her?

  A soft laugh came from her as her body began to relax a bit. “Thanks but what’s amorzão mean?”

  Yep. I did amorzão her.

  Alejandro did his best to appear as if it were not a big deal that he’d just used a Brazilian pet name for a lover, for a woman he hardly knew. “Can I help ease the pain?”

  She slid her arms up and around his neck, fitting him perfectly. “You’re doing that right now.”

  Taking a deep breath in, Alejandro caught the scent of her arousal and was unable to stop himself as he pressed his lips to the top of her head. Caressing her back as he kissed her forehead, he had none of his usual feelings of wanting to get away when he found himself cuddling a woman. No. He didn’t want to run. He didn’t want to go anywhere unless Deryn planned on coming with him.

  What? I’ve lost my damn mind. No more kissing or hugging her. And definitely no more pet names.

  Sensing someone approaching, Alejandro steadied Deryn and pressed his lips to her forehead. Deryn glanced up and he couldn’t help himself. The second he saw the angry bruise that wanted to form on her cheek and realized his hand did indeed fit it, his chest tightened.

  I should have stepped in. It doesn’t matter if she somehow hallucinated it all. I should have held her through it.

  Deryn’s gaze flickered over him slowly. “I didn’t know you saw that.”

  Saw what? He hadn’t said anything out loud. Had he?

  “You’re a good man, Colonel.” She touched his cheek tenderly. “They didn’t count on that.”

  Unable to resist the draw of her lips, he gave into the need running through him. Bending down, he captured her lips with his own. Although the kiss itself was chaste, the feelings that raged through him were anything but. In his thirty-eight years he had never experienced anything like it.

  A moan escaped him as he tipped his head ever-so-slightly. The beast within him stretched, trying to break free, lay claim and mark the woman in his arms as his own.
Stunned by his own reaction, his jaw dropped. “Uhh?”

  She tugged on his vest, bringing him back down to her level. It was Deryn who initiated the next kiss. It was far from chaste. No. She thrust her tongue into his mouth and fire shot through him. As the coppery sweet taste of her blood-tinged saliva filled his mouth, he growled.

  Never had a woman tasted better to him. Grinding against her, Alejandro envisioned how glorious it would be to take her to the jungle floor and sink into her. Her scent consumed him, leaving the man and the beast within teetering on the brink of losing control.

  She drew back quickly, leaving him groaning out in frustration. Deryn righted herself and winked at him, not appearing shocked in the least. Did she often kiss men she’d just met deep within foreign jungles? “Thank you, Colonel. I shouldn’t have wandered off. You were right. I was wrong. Tripping over a raised root taught me a lesson. Thanks for helping me up.”

  “Huh?” Another thought occurred to him. “How did you get blood in your...?”

  “Hey, Colonel, the mean little doctor you left under my watch is insisting she be allowed to get working again. I’m a little scared of her. She’s sexy and a real-life hellcat. Help me out here. Tell me I can let her,” Fulk said, appearing next to him. “Part of me is hoping she gets mad enough to take me over her knee. Is that wrong?”

  Deryn snickered. “Ondrea would enjoy that too much. Inflicting pain is a hobby of hers.”

  Alejandro stared down at Deryn as the edges of his mouth raised slightly. She’d seen Fulk and covered for his random show of affection to keep him from being teased or questioned about it later. If Deryn didn’t stop being so perfectly irresistible, he’d end up not only fucking her but keeping her as well.

  Keep her? No way. She’s too white. My mother would have a fit. Besides, she’s not mine to take.

  “You sure you’re okay to walk, Doctor?” Even in his state of shock mixed with pleasure, Alejandro hadn’t forgotten how much pain she’d been in. He didn’t think he’d ever forget that. Seeing her in pain wasn’t something he could tolerate. Seeing her battle with something that wasn’t there wouldn’t be fading from his memory anytime soon either.

  Deryn patted his chest, letting her hand skim over him longer than need be but he wasn’t about to point that out. No. He hoped she never stopped touching him. “I’m fine. Thanks again for your help.”

  Deryn followed Fulk’s lead and Alejandro fell in line behind her. The very sight of her ass swaying only served to remind him that his cock had been hard the majority of the day. The worst part of it all was Alejandro knew he’d end up laying in his tent tonight, thinking of her as he stroked himself to culmination, not sinking into the real thing. As much of a ladies man as he prided himself on being, he’d never try to get her to accept him knowing she was in that much pain. Not only that, she belonged to Kane.

  Chapter Two

  Alejandro returned from another sweep of the outer perimeter to find Deryn cleaning up her area, dancing along and humming softly. He was suddenly extra pleased he’d decided to come on the mission. Being the commanding officer in the realm, he rarely had an opportunity to leave base camp. When he’d learned of the doctors coming, something had urged him to rework his schedule so he could tag along. As he watched Deryn, he couldn’t have been more pleased with his decision if he tried.

  Leaning against the edge of the temple, he watched her with a smile on his face. The song she was humming sounded oddly like I’m a Little Teapot. To his surprise, he realized she most likely had a great voice from what he could tell from her humming. Laughing wasn’t an option. No. All Alejandro could do was smile as he crossed his arms over his chest and watched the scene unfold. She even tipped to the side at the right spot, leaving him smiling wider. She’d make a great mother.

  Mother? Why the hell am I picturing her with children? Worse yet, why are they my kids?

  Deryn stilled. He could almost feel her concern. Something had spooked her but he couldn’t sense a thing. Bending down, she set the book aside. “It’s okay, you can come out.”


  Alejandro watched as the monkey-like creature she’d been feeding earlier raced out from behind a tree towards her. She tipped her head, sending long waves of blonde cascading to the ground. Deryn swept it back and tied it in a loose knot at the nape of her neck.

  She stared at the creature and giggled. “No. The colonel didn’t hurt me. He helped make me forget about the pain, Che.”

  Great, she’s crazy. A regular Dr. Doolittle.

  The creature stood on its hind legs and made an odd noise.

  “You know as well as I do that whatever that thing was, it was not the colonel. I seem to recall a certain somebody,” she stared down at it, “coming to my rescue. Thank you for that.”

  The thing made all kinds of bizarre noises.

  Deryn laughed. “Just because the real colonel was close to me when I started to hurt doesn’t mean he caused it. It’s a side effect of taking too much serum. You were there too, watching from the trees, and you didn’t cause it. See. Same thing.” She puckered her lips. “I think you’re looking for reasons not to like him.”

  The creature turned in a circle continuing to make noises.

  Shaking her head, she sighed. “Che, the colonel is most certainly not my keeper.” She bent down further. “They call it being mated, not keeping, but it’s basically the same thing. And I’m not going to argue with a monkey about this. Don’t you have something you should be doing?”

  Mates? His heart slammed in his chest as her words filled his head. Was she crazy or really talking to that damn thing?

  “Oh, watching me is your job, huh?” She put her hand out and the creature moved closer to her. “Why do the others think I need to be guarded?”

  That’s it. She’s nuts.

  “Che, if they come to steal me away in the middle of the night they’ll alert the entire camp. These men are strong. These things have to know that by now or they would have shown themselves to the soldiers already. They’d have attacked them the moment they sensed them. Besides, they’d be getting more than they bargained for if they plucked me out of thin air. I think they figured that out earlier when their attempt at pretending to be the colonel didn’t work out for them.”

  Steal her away?

  The creature screeched. Deryn cringed. “I know what its intentions were. I was the one it was trying to undress. You don’t need to remind me. I was there.”

  Alejandro remembered when he’d thought his imagination had been playing tricks on him. Now that he heard her talking, maybe he really did see her pants undoing themselves.

  The monkey yanked at its fur and made a hiss-like snarl.

  Deryn shook her head. “No. Even they can’t get past the powerful shape shifters here. The men may not sense them at first but they will if they get close enough to attack them personally. It’s part of their genetic makeup, Che.”

  Alejandro couldn’t help but pay closer attention. For a crazy woman, she was starting to make sense.

  She seemed displeased with what the monkey was telling her. “Then it may be possible for them to be hurt. I didn’t think of that. I’m not sure the men here can heal a wound from something that powerful. Since they’ve not made an attempt to harm any of the soldiers yet, that I know of, can you ask the other Checata to stay within a twenty foot radius of any teams that wander from base camp just to be on the safe side?”


  The creature apparently echoed his concern. Deryn laughed. “Think of a twenty foot radius as two of your purple trees out from them.” The monkey smacked its chest. “Yes, that’s right. I noticed they are spaced out evenly. The men here who are very powerful can sense things that are dangerous four, even five purple trees from them. The others, they can only go up to about two when we’re talking about who we’re talking about. That’s why I need you to help me help them. If the powerful men aren’t with the others to tell them something is coming then I need you to m
ake lots of noise, anything that will get their attention.”

  She laughed.

  “Ohmygods, you throw fruit at them when the enemy is near? That stuff is covered in spikes. You could hurt them!” She snorted. “Well then, which Checata is in the lead with most direct hits?”

  Alejandro wanted to go to her and demand to know what the hell she was going on about but he refrained, opting instead to observe her insanity from a distance.

  She gasped and pointed at the creature. “No, Che. You are not to let the other Checata show their true form to the men here in that situation. They will kill first and ask questions later. It’s their nature. Trust me on this. They don’t tend to take kindly to finding out they aren’t the only badasses on the block. They would feel bad later but that won’t help the Checata you’ll lose because of it. You should have shown yourselves to them when they first arrived. They came expecting to find life here. They would have been willing to listen to you at first. Too much time has passed. They’d assume the worst.”

  Laughing, she shook her head. “You’re wrong. Kane can understand you, too. I’m not the only one.” The creature made another weird noise. Deryn nodded. “Yes, Kane is the one with the beast that breathes fire on his back. It’s called a tattoo and it’s of a dragon. He was born with it, just like I was born with mine. He can breathe fire, too. Just a warning about showing your true self without warning him. He’s fun at bomb fires but not one to surprise.”

  Born with her tattoos?

  Alejandro sniffed the air for any signs that she might be a supernatural and found none. Still, it wasn’t normal for a human to be born with markings such as hers. He made a mental note to talk to Kane about her when he arrived.

  The monkey ran up her arm and sat on her shoulder. Touching her cheek, it made soft little cooing noises. Deryn looked down at the ground and sighed. “I know to be more careful from now on. I didn’t expect anything to show up looking like him. I should have known. I should have sensed it wasn’t him. The real one doesn’t look at me like he wants to ravish me.”


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